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1/15/22, 3:52 PM IVAO - International Virtual Aviation Organisation

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EXAM 374493

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1 Q:According to the following METAR:

KJFK 031410Z 23006KT 4SM HZ SCT005 SCT160 BKN270 26/23 A3002

The visibility can be approximated to:

R: 1. 2500m
2. 4000m
3. 6400m
4. 7400m

Selected: 2
2 Q:According to the flight-strip below, what is the requested flight level and the anticipated airspeed?

R: 1. FL050 – 250 TAS

2. FL050 – 250 IAS
3. FL050 – 204 IAS
4. FL050 – 204 TAS

Selected: 2
3 Q:I should use the Show callsign on squawk STANDBY ...
R: 1. if I want to know the callsign of a selected aircraft that squawks STANDBY
2. because it is an easier way to work with; I never understood why they aren't shown
3. to simulate newer radar systems where the callsign is shown even when sq standby
4. never, it is totally unrealistic

Selected: 1
4 Q:How often must you connect to the IVAO servers in order to remain as an active member?
R: 1. At least once every week
2. At least once every month
3. At least once every 6 months
4. At least once every 3 months

Selected: 4
5 Q:What kind of distance unit of measurement is used by IvAc for the RCL?
R: 1. Km
2. Inches
3. NM
4. KT

Selected: 3
6 Q:Can you transfer an aircraft with a U next to the callsign?

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R: 1. Yes, but only to a center

2. No, he is already with the upper center control
3. Yes, but only with a 3 minute prior contact with the other ATC
4. No, you have to assume the aircraft first

Selected: 2
7 Q:What is the handoff command used for ?
R: 1. Close ATC position without closing IvAc
2. Request another controller to transfer a traffic
3. It's a short command to tell a pilot he can assume own navigation
4. Transfer traffic to another controller

Selected: 4
8 Q:An aircraft enters my controlled airspace and contacts me. I should:(regarding IvAc, not communications)
R: 1. assume the aircraft, so other controllers know I took control of it
2. do nothing
3. assume the aircraft to make sure I can perform actions and to inform other controllers I have control of it
4. assume the aircraft to make sure I can perform actions

Selected: 1
9 Q:What is a FRA on the IVAO network? 
R: 1. Frequency Request Alert; an alert informing the controller than an aircraft requested to join his/her frequency
2. Free Radar Area; an area in which no radar control is possible
3. Facility Rating Assignment; a system to restrict some ATC positions to rated control members
4. Fast Ramp Assignment; a system allowing to allocate a stand or a parking to an inbound aircraft

Selected: 3
10 Q:On IVAO, and according to IVAO regulations, do you have to file a flight plan when flying IFR? VFR?
R: 1. IFR -> yes, VFR -> yes
2. Only when flying through controlled airspace
3. IFR -> yes, VFR -> no
4. IFR -> no, VFR -> yes

Selected: 1
11 Q:What is the main function of the controller profile?
R: 1. Easily transfers your favorite profile to another computer
2. To store the settings of that Profile
3. Easily makes IvAc save your VID and PWD
4. Easily makes IvAc remember your Callsign

Selected: 2
12 Q:What is the emergency frequency on VHF band?
R: 1. 121.500
2. 123.000
3. 123.450
4. 122.800

Selected: 1

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13 Q:What was IBE0965 origin airport?

R: 1. PAZA

Selected: 2
14 Q:According to the flight-strip below, what is EBCI representing?

R: 1. Nearest airport
2. Destination airport
3. Alternate airport
4. Departure airport

Selected: 4
15 Q:How many minutes will it take to descent from 16,000 feet to 6000 feet with a descent rate of 500 feet per minute
R: 1. 10 minutes
2. 24 minutes
3. 40 minutes
4. 20 minutes

Selected: 4
16 Q:// [freq] command entered in the Commbox input will...

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R: 1. add the secondary frequency to the ATIS broadcast

2. change the frequency of the current frequency tab
3. remove the frequency of the secondary frequency tab(s)
4. add a frequency tab

Selected: 2
17 Q:Can you reject a pilot using the text mode if all the others are using the voice mode?
R: 1. I can only reject him/her when handling a lot of traffic
2. Always
3. Never
4. I can only reject him/her during events

Selected: 3
18 Q:What is IBE0965 current groundspeed?

R: 1. 356 knots
2. 920 knots
3. 476 knots
4. 320 knots

Selected: 3
19 Q:Whenever an ATIS is provided, the broadcast information shall be updated:
R: 1. at least every half an hour independently of any significant change
2. as prescribed by the state
3. immediately when a significant change occurs
4. as prescribed by the meteorological office

Selected: 1

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20 Q:For what flights does the pilot need to file a flightplan?

R: 1. VFR flights only
2. IFR flights only
3. Filing a flightplan is optional
4. All flights: IFR, VFR, or composite

Selected: 4

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