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Revolutionary road – Part 1 of 3

1) How did Frank and April meet? Were they introduced to each other by a friend?
2) What was April’s line of work at that point in her life?
3) Why do you think did April chuckle at Frank when he said he was a longshoreman?
4) What was April curious about, as opposed to Frank’s job?
5) What did Jack tell April he was interested in?
6) Flash-forward 5 years later, did April’s aspiration fulfil?
7) Was the play well-received?
8) Who did Frank hear positive reviews of the play from?
9) Where did Frank find April after the show was over?
10) Was he trying to be supportive? Did his body language and his words align?
11) What favor does April ask from Frank before she leaves the dressing room?
12) Why doesn’t April want to go out and have fun with friends after the show?
13) What do the couple bicker about a bit?
14) When on the way back home Frank tries to encourage April. Why does his
encouragement seem to only make it worse, annoying April even more?
15) What does April want Frank to do during the ride?
16) Why did Fran pull up on the roadside?
17) What does April do in order to stop the fight?
18) What’s her reaction to Frank’s saying ‘I’m trying to be nice’?
19) What’s April’s main grievance with Frank?
20) What kind of ‘trap’ is April talking about?
21) What was the last straw which made Frank aim a blow at April? Did he hit her?

22) What can you conclude about their marriage and relationship from the first scene
when they were dating, and the next one – flash-forward 5 years into married life?
23) What is Frank’s workday morning like?
24) Who seems to like the job more - work
25) What is April’s morning like?
26) What sudden reminiscence does April have when she looks over the
neighborhood and its maim road by her house?
27) What was April’s first impression of her and Frank’s future house when she was
first shown it by Mrs Givings?
28) What confuses Frank about his job?
29) How does Frank chat up and try to impress Maureen?
30) Why does Mrs Givings drop by the Wheelers’ house?
31) What is the real reason?
32) How does April feel when Mrs Givings comes over?
33) What do we learn about Mrs Givings’s son?
34) Why does she want the Wheelers to meet her son who had a mental problem?
35) Why did Mrs Givings’ words about how special she thought the Wheelers were
make April so sad?
36) Apart from the fact that the opening events happen on Monday, what else of a
day is it?
37) What story does Frank tell Maureen? How do Frank Wheeler's feelings about
Knox Business Machines mirror his feelings about his own father?
38) What was April doing while Frank was spending time with Maureen?
39) IS the Frank that she recalls the same Frank he is now?
40) Did Frank stay for any longer with Maureen and have a cigarette with her as
their affair was over? How did that make her feel? What did Frank feel behind his wide
smile as he was saying goodbye to her?
41) Why did Frank linger getting out of his car when he’s arrived at his home?
42) How did April greet Frank that evening?
43) What do we also learn on his birthday when Frank comes home?
44) Feeling guilty, what does Frank expect from April at any moment?
45) How much money have they saved, according to April?
46) What is Frank’s reaction to April breaking the news about her idea to go to Paris?
Which things is he concerned about?
47) Why is Frank about to cry all along April’s talking about how they could change
the future and what a wonderful person he it?
48) Why is April so convinced that ‘going to Paris is their one and only chance’?
49) Why does April think they are not special?
50) What is April Wheeler's real motive for promoting the idea of moving to France?
Is she more idealistic (and less realistic) than her husband, Frank’s?
51) What did everyone at work notice the next day when he came to the office?
52) Did Frank tell them or did he prefer to keep silent about his news? What was
their reaction?
53) Did April take immediate action about moving? What sis she do the next day?
54) What was the first reason for moving that Frank told his co-workers about?
55) Did Frank manage to persuade the guys they were not doing the job that wasn’t
tight for them?
56) What did the parents explain to the children about moving to Paris? What was
their little daughter worried about?
57) What did Frank say to the children about Paris in order to get them more
58) How many children do the Campbells have? How does Shep address them? Do
they react?
59) What can you say about Milly and Shep’s family from the scene in their house
where they are waiting for the Wheelers to come over? Do they see to be a happy
60) Do the neighbors notice something about Frank and April?
61) Are they surprised to hear the news? Is theirs a positive reaction?
62) Why does Shep’s question about whether Frank has got a job there sound like
criticism? What is he trying to give him a clue about? How do you think, why is Shep so
involved in these matters?
63) It was obvious that the Campbells were burning with envy. Who made an
attempt to show that they are happy for their friends and broke the awkward silence?

Who said that? In what scene?

What are you interested in? - Honey if I had an answer to that, I’d bore us both to death in
half an hour.

You have a very talented wife! – I’ll pass it along

I guess it wasn’t a triumph or anything, was it?

I’ll be ready in a minute. – Take your time.

Okay, take it easy

I mean it, baby, you were the only person in that play – Thank you. – We shouldn’t have let
you get mixed up in that thing.

I don’t want you to worry about it, it’s not worth it.

Will you just leave me alone?

There’s just a few things I’d like to clear up. Number one: It is not my fault that the play was

It sure as hell is not my fault that you didn’t turn out to be an actress and the sooner you get
over that piece of soap opera – the better off we’re both going to be!

Haven’t I made it clear that I don’t particularly want to talk about it?

That’s one time you’re not going to get away with twisting everything I say

You’re a pathetic self-deluded little boy

Just because you bullied me in this trap do you think you can make me feel whatever you
want me to feel?

He says these folks from province, they look up to us

You’re lucky you met me. I think I can show you the ropes.

It needs a small dollop of water and it absolutely thrives

Just for the time being he’s in a psychiatric hospital He just got a little run-down. It’s a
marvelous facility. And the treatments seem to be doing marvels for him. Well, I must be off.
I must scoot. Toodle-oo!

It’s my birthday today. Can you beat that!

I’m going back to Paris the 1st chance I get

When you met me I was just a guy with a big mouth that’s all

God knows it’s appealing and everything you say makes sense

It’s what you are that’s being stifled and denied in this kind of life.

Assuming there is this true vocation waiting there for you, wouldn’t you be just as likely to
discover it here as there?

You’ll never guess what they eat in Paris: slimy snails and icky frogs’ legs

April, I can’t get over it, you look like the cat that ate the canary

I suppose I’m gonna finally figure out what I wanna do with my life

The cost of living there is dirt cheap

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