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A young executive An HR head fights Is the Ivy League Desmond Tutu on

learns to negotiate grade inflation in his ready for some building a coalition
in the spotlight new performance disruptive and leading with
reviews innovation? laughter

Experience Managing Your Professional Growth

A Smarter Way to Network school students and the members of her

tennis group and book club.
This is Deb’s social network (the real-
Successful executives connect with select people and world kind, not the virtual kind), and it has
get more out of them. by Rob Cross and Robert Thomas helped her career a lot. But not because
the group is large or full of high-powered
contacts. Her network is effective because
it both supports and challenges her. Deb’s
relationships help her gain influence,
broaden her expertise, learn new skills,
and find purpose and balance. Deb values
and nurtures them. “Make friends so that
you have friends when you need friends”
is her motto.
“My current role is really a product of
a relationship I formed over a decade ago
that came back to me at the right time,”
she explains. “People may chalk it up to
luck, but I think more often than not luck
happens through networks where people
give first and are authentic in all they do.”
Over the past 15 years, we’ve worked
with many executives like Deb, at more
than 300 companies. What began as
organizational research—helping manage-
ment teams understand and capitalize on
the formal and informal social networks

O ne of the happiest, most suc-

cessful executives we know is a
woman named Deb. She works
at a major technology company and runs
a global business unit that has more than
and occasional gripe sessions; and Tom,
a protégé to whom she has delegated
responsibility for a large portion of her
division. Outside the company, Deb’s circle
includes her counterparts in three strategic
of their employees—has since metamor-
phosed into personal programs, which
teach individual executives to increase
their effectiveness by leveraging their

7,000 employees. When you ask her how partnerships, who inspire her with new The old adage “It’s not what you know,
she rose to the top and why she enjoys ideas; Sheila, a former colleague, now in it’s who you know” is true. But it’s more
her job, her answer is simple: people. She a different industry, who gives her candid nuanced than that. In spite of what most
points to her boss, the CEO, a mentor who feedback; and her husband, Bob, an execu- self-help books say, network size doesn’t
“always has her back”; Steve, the head of tive at a philanthropic organization. She usually matter. In fact, we’ve found that
a complementary business, with whom also has close relationships with her fellow individuals who simply know a lot of
she has monthly brainstorming lunches volunteers in a program for at-risk high people are less likely to achieve standout

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Are You Networking Impaired?

In our work, we have identified six common managerial types who get stuck
in three kinds of network traps. Do any of the descriptions below fit you?

The wrong structure The wrong relationships

focuses too heavily MANAGER has so EXPERT sticks with relies on advisers
on his company’s much contact people who keep much like herself
official hierarchy, with colleagues him focused on (same functional
missing out on the and external ties safe, existing com- background, loca-
efficiencies and that she becomes petencies, rather tion, or values),
opportunities that a bottleneck to than those who who reinforce her
come from infor- progress and burns push him to build biases, when she
mal connections. herself out. new skills. should instead
seek outsiders to
prompt more fully
informed decisions.

performance, because they’re spread too

performance ing relationships ineffectively. (See the
thin. Political animals with lots of connec- sidebar “Are You Networking Impaired?”)
Bring people with
tions to corporate and industry leaders These people might remain successful for positive energy into
don’t win the day, either. Yes, it’s impor-
tant to know powerful people, but if they
a time, but often they will hit a plateau
or see their career derailed because their
your inner circle. If
account for too much of your network, networks couldn’t prompt or support a those around you are
your peers and subordinates often per- critical transition. enthusiastic, authentic,
ceive you to be overly self-interested, and Consider Dan, the chief information
you may lose support as a result. officer of one of the world’s largest life-
and generous, you
The data we’ve collected point to a dif- sciences organizations. He was under will be, too.
ferent model for networking. The execu- constant pressure to find new technolo-
tives who consistently rank in the top 20% gies that would spur innovation and speed
of their companies in both performance the drug commercialization process at his Take Tim, the director of a large prac-
and well-being have diverse but select net- company, and he needed a network that tice area at a leading professional services
works like Deb’s—made up of high-quality would help him. Unfortunately, more than firm. On the surface he was doing well,
relationships with people who come from 70% of his trusted advisers were in the unit but job stress had taken its toll. He was 40
several different spheres and from up he had worked in before becoming CIO. pounds overweight, with alarmingly high
and down the corporate hierarchy. These Not only did they reinforce his bias toward cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and
high performers, we have found, tap into certain solutions and vendors, but they prone to extreme mood swings. When
six critical kinds of connections, which lacked the outside knowledge he needed. things went well at work, he was happy;
enhance their careers and lives in a variety “I had started to mistake friendship, trust, when they didn’t, he wasn’t pleasant
of ways. and accessibility for real expertise in new to be around. In fact, Tim’s wife finally
Through our work advising individual domains,” he told us. “This didn’t mean broke down and told him she thought he
managers, we’ve also identified a four- I was going to dump these people, as they had become a career-obsessed jerk and
step process that will help any executive played important roles for me in other needed to get other interests. With her
develop this kind of network. But first, ways. But I needed to be more targeted in encouragement, he joined Habitat for
let’s take a look at some common network- who I let influence my thinking.” Humanity and started rowing with their
ing mistakes. Another overarching mistake we often daughter. As a result, his social network
see in executives’ networks is an imbal- expanded to include people with different
Getting It Wrong ance between connections that promote perspectives and values, who helped him
Many people take a misguided approach career advancement and those that pro- focus on more healthful and fulfilling pur-
to networking. They go astray by build- mote engagement and satisfaction. Nu- suits. “As I spent more time with different
ing imbalanced networks, pursuing the merous studies have shown that happier groups, what I cared about diversified,” he
wrong kind of relationships, or leverag- executives are higher-performing ones. says. “Physically, I’m in much better shape

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The wrong behavior 2. formally powerful people, who pro-

vide mentoring, sense-making, political
The superficial The chameleon support, and resources; and informally
networker en- changes his powerful people, who offer influence, help
gages in surface- interests, values, coordinating projects, and support among
level interaction and personality the rank and file; and
with as many to match those of 3. people who give them developmen-
people as possible, whatever subgroup tal feedback, challenge their decisions,
mistakenly believ- is his audience, and push them to be better. At an early
ing that a bigger and winds up be- career stage, an employee might get this
network is a better ing disconnected from a boss or customers; later, it tends to
one. from every group. come from coaches, trusted colleagues, or
—R.C. and R.T. a spouse.
Meanwhile, the most satisfied execu-
tives have ties to
1. people who provide personal sup-
port, such as colleagues who help them get
and probably staved off a heart attack. But back on track when they’re having a bad
I think I’m a better leader, too, in that I day or friends with whom they can just be
think about problems more broadly, and themselves;
I’m more resilient. Our peer feedback sys- 2. people who add a sense of purpose or
tems are also clearly indicating that people worth, such as bosses and customers who
are more committed to the new me.”

Getting It Right
validate their work, and family members
and other stakeholders who show them
work has a broader meaning; and
To understand more about what makes an
effective network, let’s look again at Deb.
3. people who promote their work/life
balance, holding them accountable for ac-
one in
She has a small set of core contacts—14
people she really relies on. Effective core
networks typically range in size from 12
tivities that improve their physical health
(such as sports), mental engagement (such
as hobbies or educational classes), or
heart care
to 18 people. But what really matters is
structure: Core connections must bridge
spiritual well-being (music, religion, art,
or volunteer work).
for 14, 15,
smaller, more-diverse kinds of groups
and cross hierarchical, organizational,
functional, and geographic lines. Core
How does one create such a varied
network? We recommend a four-point ac-
tion plan: analyze, de-layer, diversify, and
16 years.
U.S.News & World Report, 2010
relationships should result in more learn- capitalize.
ing, less bias in decision making, and Analyze. Start by looking at the indi-
greater personal growth and balance. The viduals in your network. Where are they Call 1.866.404.0174
people in your inner circle should also located—are they within your team, your for an appointment.
model positive behaviors, because if those unit, or your company, or outside your or-
around you are enthusiastic, authentic, ganization? What benefits do your interac-
and generous, you will be, too. tions with them provide? How energizing
More specifically, our data show that are those interactions?
high performers have strong ties to The last question is an important one.
1. people who offer them new informa- Energizers bring out the best in everyone
tion or expertise, including internal or around them, and our data show that
external clients, who increase their market having them in your network is a strong
awareness; peers in other functions, predictor of success over time. These
divisions, or geographies, who share best people aren’t necessarily extroverted or /1heart
practices; and contacts in other industries, charismatic. They’re people who always
who inspire innovation; see opportunities, even in challenging

Four Steps to Building a Better Network

Analyze De-layer Diversify Capitalize
Identify the people in your Make some hard decisions Build your network out with Make sure you’re using
network and what you get to back away from redun- the right kind of people: your contacts as effectively
out of interacting with them dant and energy-sapping energizers who will help as you can
relationships you achieve your goals

situations, and create room for others to could help him deliver broader financial tend to focus too much on information
meaningfully contribute. Good energizers solutions to customers; coworkers in dif- and not enough on personal develop-
are trustworthy and committed to prin- ferent geographies—particularly London ment and might want to shed some of
ciples larger than their self-interest, and and Asia—who could enhance his ability the contacts who give them the former to
they enjoy other people. “De-energizers,” to sell to global clients; and board-level make more time for those who give them
by contrast, are quick to point out ob- relationships at key accounts, who could the latter.
stacles, critique people rather than ideas, make client introductions and influence Beyond this, consider which individu-
are inflexible in their thinking, fail to cre- purchasing decisions. His insularity als—and types of people as determined by
ate opportunities, miss commitments, and was limiting his options and hurting his function, hierarchy, or geography—have
don’t show concern for others. Unfortu- chances of promotion to managing direc- too much of you, and why. Is the cause
nately, energy-sapping interactions have tor. He realized he would need to focus on structural, in that work procedures require
more impact than energizing ones—up cultivating a network rather than allowing you to be involved? Or is your own behav-
to seven times as much, according to one it to organically arise from the day-to-day ior causing the imbalance? What can you
study. And our own research suggests that demands of his work.
roughly 90% of anxiety at work is created De-layer. Once you’ve analyzed your Write down three
by 5% of one’s network—the people who network, you need to make some hard
sap energy. decisions about which relationships to
business results you
Next, classify your relationships by the back away from. First, look at eliminating hope to achieve in the
benefits they provide. Generally, benefits
fall into one of six basic categories: infor-
or minimizing contact with people who
sap you of energy or promote unhealthful
next year, and then list
mation, political support and influence, behaviors. You can do this by reshaping people who could help
personal development, personal support your role to avoid them, devoting less time you with them.
and energy, a sense of purpose or worth, to them, working to change their behavior,
and work/life balance. It’s important to or reframing your reactions so that you
have people who provide each kind of don’t dwell on the interactions. change to rectify the situation? Too often
benefit in your network. Categorizing your John, an academic, realized that two we see leaders fail because they accept or
relationships will give you a clearer idea university administrators in his network create too many collaborative demands.
of whether your network is extending were causing him a great deal of anxiety. Paul, the head of research in a con-
your abilities or keeping you stuck. You’ll This had so soured his view of his school sumer products company, had a network
see where you have holes and redundan- that he was considering leaving. He there- of almost 70 people just at work. But he
cies and which people you depend on too fore decided to devote less time to projects got many complaints from people who
much—or not enough. and committees that would involve the said they needed greater access to him.
Let’s use Joe, a rising star in an invest- negative contacts and to avoid dwelling on His productivity, and his unit’s, was suf-
ment bank, as a case study. He had 24 any sniping comments they subjected him fering. When he analyzed his network,
close advisers—on the surface, a more to. Within a year he was much more pro- he realized that he was missing “people
than healthy number. But many of the ductive and happy. “By shifting my role and initiatives one or two levels out.” To
people he relied on were from his own and how I reacted to the idiots, I turned a address this, he decided to delegate—step-
department and frequently relied on one negative situation around,” John says. “In ping away from interactions that didn’t
another. If he eliminated those redundan- hindsight it was an obvious move—rather require his presence and cultivating “go
cies, his network shrank to five people. than leave a place I loved—but emo- to” stand-ins in certain areas of expertise.
After giving it some thought and observing tions can spiral on you in ways you don’t He also changed his leadership style from
his peers’ networks, he realized he was recognize.” extraordinarily accessible to helpful but
missing links with several important types The next step is to ask yourself which more removed, which encouraged sub-
of people: colleagues focused on financial of the six categories have too many people ordinates to solve their own problems by
offerings outside his own products, who in them. Early-stage leaders, for example, connecting with people around him. “As a

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CONNECT WITH THE AUTHORS Do you have questions
or comments about this article? The authors will
respond to reader feedback at

leader you can find yourself in this bubble sphere, such as political support, that you deep within the firm’s hierarchy. “When I
of activity where you feel like a lot is hap- could also use to fill a need in another, met with one lady, I was stunned at a great
pening moving from meeting to meeting,” such as personal development? Could you new product idea she had been pushing
Paul says. “You can actually start to thrive get more out of some relationships if you for months,” Alan says. “But she hadn’t
on this in some ways. I had to move past put more energy into them? Our research been able to get the right people to listen.
this for us to be effective as a unit and so shows, for instance, that high performers I was able to step in and help make things
that I could be more forward-thinking.” at all levels tend to use their information happen. To me the right way to be tapping
Diversify. Now that you’ve created contacts to gain other benefits, such as into people is in this exploratory way—
room in your network, you need to fill it new ideas. Reciprocal relationships also whether it is about strategic insights or just
with the right people. Simple tools like tend to be more fruitful; the most success- how they think I’m doing on some aspect
work sheets can help you get started. For ful leaders always look for ways to give of my job. That’s how I get to new ways
example, you might make a list of the more to their contacts. of thinking and doing things, and I know
six categories of relationships and think Alan, a top executive at a global insur- it makes me much more effective than
about colleagues who could fill the holes ance company, realized that although he people who are smarter than me.”
you have in each. Remember to focus on had a good network, he was still making A network constructed using this four-
positive, energetic, selfless people, and be decisions in relative isolation. He failed point model will build on itself over time.
sure to ask people inside and outside your to elicit insights from others and, as a In due course, it will ensure that the best
network for recommendations. result, wasn’t making enough progress opportunities, ideas, and talent come your
You should also think about how you toward his goals. So he started inviting his way. HBR Reprint R1107P
could connect your network to your more-junior contacts, who were informal
professional and personal goals. Here’s opinion leaders in his company, to lunch Rob Cross ( is an
another simple exercise: Write down and asking them open-ended questions. associate professor at the University of
Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce. Robert
three specific business results you hope These conversations led him to streamline Thomas is the executive director of the Accenture
to achieve over the next year (such as decision making and uncover innovation Institute for High Performance.
doubling sales or winning an Asia-based
client) and then list the people (by name
or general role) who could help you with
them, thanks to their expertise, control
over resources, or ability to provide politi-
cal support. Joe, the investment banker,
identified counterparts in the Asian and
European operations of his company who
had relationships with the clients he was
focused on and then scheduled regular
calls with them to coordinate efforts. “In
a couple of cases this helped me identify
opportunities I could pitch proactively. In
others it just helped us appear more coor-
dinated when we were competing against
other banks,” he says. One of the big chal-
lenges for Paul, the consumer products
executive, was managing a new facility
and line of innovation in China. Because
none of his trusted advisers had ever even
been to that country, he reached out to
the head of R&D at a major life-sciences
organization that had undertaken a simi-

lar effort.
Capitalize. Last, make sure you’re
using your contacts as effectively as you “Can you press all of them for me? I’m just so indecisive today.”
can. Are there people you rely on in one

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