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Fire Fighter Code of Ethics

As the Fire service has been apart of our culture and history; so, has the respect of the

communities in which we work. While working to become a fireman I will hold myself to the

highest of standards ethical, professionally and personally. I accept the challenges that I may

now face even while fully knowing that I may never be truly ready for what may happen

throughout my career. I hope to be true to myself above all else and will make every attempt to

leave a valued and honorable legacy behind when I either retire or have to make the ultimate

sacrifice the people I serve.

I have always been fascinated by Greek history both fiction and non-fiction, and ethics is

a big part of my interest. Ethics comes from the Greek word ethos, which means character.

Knowing myself better than anyone, I would say that I have a strong character and will hold true

to who I am and what I believe in. Even in the face of extreme pain, pressure, and or difficult



 I will always conduct myself on and off duty, in a manner that reflects positively

on myself, my department, and the fire service in general.

 I will accept the responsibility of my actions whether they be in times of honor

and award, or in consequence for failure.

 As an Eagle Scout I will always do my duty to God and too my Country.

 I will follow the Scout oath and law each day.

 I will be respectful of the people I meet and their life choices.

 I will give my entire effort to my job and task at hand regardless of its seeming



Firefighter Code of Ethics - U.S. Fire Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved February

4, 2020, from

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