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Strings and Characters

A variable of type char stores one character of the Unicode character set. Each character is
represented as an integer. For example, 'A' is represented as 65; '3' is represented as 50. An
int cast will convert a char to an int; a char cast will convert an int to its equivalent
character. Note that character literals are written in single quotes.

A String object is a sequence of zero or more characters. A String literal includes the
characters within double quotes, e.g., "foo", "2 +  2 = 3", etc. Each String literal is a String
object in Java and can be assigned to a String variable. This web page covers many of the
most useful String methods.

In addition to simply writing a String literal, there are many other ways new String objects
get created. demonstrates a few of them. The following project file
contains this program and the programs described below.

length, charAt and getChars methods demonstrates the length, charAt and getChars methods of the String
class. Recall that Strings are objects, so that calling a method on a String s follows the

The length method returns the number of characters in a String. The charAt method returns
the character at a specific index in the String (Strings use zero-based indexing). A common
pattern to process each char in a String is:
String foo = "foo is footastic";
for (int i = 0; i < foo.length(); i++) {
char c = foo.charAt(i);
// process c

Comparing Strings

StringCompare.javademonstrates the equals, equalsIgnoreCase, compareTo and regionMatches

methods of the String class. It also demonstrates the behavior of the == operator on Strings.

Use the equals method to test two Strings for equality; do not use the == operator. The ==
operator will sometimes be true for the same String, but it is likely that two Strings that look
the same are actually two different String objects, in which case == will evaluate to false. If
you want a case-insensitive test, use the equalsIgnoreCase method.

Use the compareTo method to test whether one String is "less than" or "greater than" another
String. The expression foo.compareTo(bar) will return a negative number if foo is less than
bar, zero if they are equal, or a positive number if foo is greater. This method is based on
comparing the numbers representing the characters. As a result. "Z" is less than "a" because
'Z' maps to 90 and 'a' to 97. The compareToIgnoresCase method is more appropriate if you
want "a" to be less than "Z". demonstrates the startsWith and endsWith methods.

Finding Characters and Strings in String demonstrates the indexOf and lastIndexOf methods of the String


The indexOf method searches for a character or String and returns the first index where the
character/String can be found. This method returns -1 if the character or String is not
found. An additional parameter can be used to tell the indexOf method where to start
searching. This can be used to find all the indexes where the character/String can be found,
for example:
String s = "razzle-dazzle";
char c = 'z';
int index = s.indexOf(c);
while (index != -1) {
System.out.printf("%c can be found at index %d\n", c, index);
index = s.indexOf(c, index + 1);

The lastIndexOf method is similar, but returns the last index where a character/String can
be found. Finding all the indexes in reverse order where a character/String can be found
would follow this pattern:

String s = "fuzzy-wuzzy";
char c = 'z';
int index = s.lastIndexOf(c);
while (index != -1) {
System.out.printf("%c can be found at index %d\n", c, index);
index = s.lastIndexOf(c, index - 1);

Extracting Substrings from Strings demonstrates the substring method of the String class. This method can take
one or two integer parameters. The first parameter is the starting index for the substring to
be extracted. The second parameter is the ending index for the substring to be extracted; if
not specified, the ending index is the length of the String. The substring that is returned
includes the starting index and excludes the ending index.

Concatenating Strings and Other String Methods

Strings can be concatenated by using the + operator or by using the concat method, as
demonstrated by The same result would be obtained by
substituting s1.concat(s2) with s1 + s2. demonstrates the replace, toLowerCase, toUpperCase, trim and

toCharArray methods. An important feature of Java String methods is that methods like
replace and trim do not change the original String; instead, they return the new String that
results from the operation.

Conversion to Strings
Every Java class should have a toString method that converts instances of that class to a
String representation. For primitive types, the String class has static valueOf methods for
converting ints, doubles, and so on to Strings. This is demonstrated by
Note that static methods follow the pattern:


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