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EET ENGINEERING EDUCATION & TRAINING FE-Environmental Workshop Ethics Karandev Singh 372112024 EET FE-EnvironmentalF WORKSHOP PROBLEM 01 In the event of an ethical conflict, rank the following in the order from highest to lowest to whom does a licensed engineer hold an ethical responsibility: (A) Employer (B) Client (C) Consumer (D) Society WORKSHOP PROBLEM 02 An engineering firm has overall design responsibility for a large multifaceted construction project. The state in which the work is being conducted required civil, structural, environmental, electrical, and mechanical engineering plans to be prepared and stamped by a professional engineer. Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply. (A) Responsibility for the coordination of the entire project can be accepted by the firm's senior engineer, who is responsible for signing and sealing all the submitted plans. (B) Responsibility for coordination of the entire project can be accepted by the firm's senior engineer if each technical submittal is signed and sealed by the qualified engineer assigned to that segment. (C) The foremost responsibility of the professional engineer is to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the public when performing services for clients and employers. (D) The technical competence of the professional engineers on the project is not as important as their responsibility to disclose to their employers or clients all known or potential conflicts of interest or other circumstances that could influence or appear to influence their judgment or the quality of their professional service or engagement. (E) Licensing laws and rules governing engineering professional practice may vary in each of the jurisdictions in which a license practices. 312112024 EET FE-Environmental Review Course Workshop WORKSHOP PROBLEM 03 When may professional engineers make political donations? (A) At no time (B) Only if it is not for current, past, or future influence (C) Only if all donations are made as an individual and do not representa firm or entity (D) Only below specified amounts 312112024 EET FE-Environmental Review Course Workshop WORKSHOP PROBLEM 04 Pat Smith, a licensed professional engineer and university professor, was retained by an attorney representing a group of people in a nearby town. The plaintiffs claimed they were repeatedly subjected to low water pressure. In addition, several water collected from the area of distribution contained coliform bacteria Based on available schematics for the water system piping layout and elevated tank elevations, Dr. Smith calculated water could not reliably reach the area of distribution. Dr. Smith also concluded the service pumps were failing, causing pump components to wear out prematurely and increasing the probability of cross connections. Which of the following actions should Dr. Smith take? Select all that apply. (A) Tell the local newspaper. (B) Provide the findings to the plaintiffs’ attorney. (C) Report the design deficiency to the state engineering board. (D) Notify the local health department that there is a risk to public health. (E) Notify the water utility and its engineer of the findings. (F) Publicize the findings in a professional journal article documenting design lessons to be learned. (G) Notify the local engineering society. 312112024 EET FE-Environmental Review Course Workshop WORKSHOP PROBLEM 05 R. Davis, a licensed Civil Engineer, employs five unlicensed subordinate individuals who design buildings. Which of the following statements is true? (A) This is illegal, as only licensed individuals may do design work. (B) This is legal, so long as Davis is in responsible charge of the work. (C) This is legal, only if these individuals’ contract with Davis to perform such work. (D) This is legal, only if the buildings are single-family dwellings. 312112024 EET FE-Environmental Review Course Workshop WORKSHOP PROBLEM 06 Ifa licensed engineer is convicted of a crime that was substantially related to the practice of engineering, which of following additional disciplinary action the Board may take? Select all that apply. (A) Imposing a 3-year suspension of the license (B) Mandating a prison sentence (C) Revoking the license (D) All of the above 312112024 EET FE-Environmental Review Course Workshop WORKSHOP PROBLEM 07 What type of damages are paid when responsibility is proven but the injury is slight or insignificant? (A) nominal damages (B) liquidated damages (C) compensatory damages (D) exemplary damages 312112024 EET FE-Environmental WORKSHOP PROBLEM 08 Match the following regulations with their primary objectives. A Clean Air Act B_ Clean Water Act C Safe Drinking Water Act D_ Resource Conservation and Recovery Act E Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act Toxic Substances Control Act G Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act 1 EET FE-Envi Gone 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 12 handling and disposal of hazardous waste pesticides liability of contaminated site clean-up polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) emissions from coal fire plant fuel blends discharge of industrial waste into a waterbody discharge of treated wastewater into a waterbody drinking water quality standards leakages underground storage tanks groundwater quality in areas where groundwater is main drinking water supply surface water quality standards WORKSHOP PROBLEM 09 In the context of hazardous waste regulations, joint and several liability means: (A) All responsible parties share cleanup costs equally. (B) All responsible parties pay cleanup costs in proportion to their individual waste quantities. (C) All responsible parties pay cleanup costs in proportion to the assessed value of their individual properties. (D) Any individual responsible party may be required to pay the entire cost of cleanup.

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