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ve yy @ Ig Geomdnico 2 Representation i Angulbn. Momerttures (Vector. Model.) : aa poblum Se onbiteD. angulon. Monecbine. LL Qim> A (ef [Bnd Lz 1&m> = tim|2 m> 42042)... ( ronnegative. jimtegeas) OS meet Les eabite2 quartinn number. aceon ee Ue ay SoC eae ——. Th position spoce. [ 7 MO P=@P/em> =p igen volve- spectrum of bath Le lz is disco te ! L "Veteran. quantity" =p the magnitice. of E fae 2 (e441) oBa f 29 =p [T]@h Is Lua { oh, 2hh,o,-k,-zh sh} oe . -3KmK+3 S ST unit 26, => fra givn value of 2 there. ave. (261) valuen for um comespardirg. (2-1) differert allowed oventations, f L relatne the Z-oxis | OQ ee “Spore, quantization “ IC] b+) } HES (oie $l ae > L aguhe mromertom , con rot pow peaeaty oly the 2—dinecton. = Angular. mometiim veer Lt is neder oligred. uth a. given oxis | n Consequence. f the. Uncontal nincip ly o Ayfodt ef the vecbo Tene poooltel 3 te 2-oxis then Lrbyeo and. Ls- Fhe onk We would broad the 3-components. af TE m Y ®@ When the aystm isn the shite [Pm>, ne bad Lond. le ath obsobite precision. => [fm> <> datermnate aot ef Pele Th the et [fed> the comporeets Land. are not well defined, At best, one. an only spool. the probability of Siding a erhin vali of Ee on. Ly! te [m> Aineon. combination af the. ne. we drt bro L, & by ithe dkeolite, prdslon , TL,d= 0, CLy>=0 Bat N25. Sigd= B [eri)-nl] ae Ly 7 hdaterminahe., te. oe is u sprooL. wwe A ne obit. te Z-Oxis uth olf opex ogle O, uth cwO= m [Pera ‘ atl oll cniedtetions of L. o est 2g. me oo cnstert orgle. of inclination, beeping. Ly cratart: butt peamitting Ly & by te oscilla. so that KL >20 & =0! " the vec L processes, onaund the z-axis ct * CAF Ainaaly indeandeats nes | =O the conve Lis _(oted) fol dager | le, degeneacey of £= Pri) © Sprirecany / cbmc. physics eee spd ap g Cee ® [a> oy smubtrens cigenshitis of Card Le, h L? ard. the cre. comporents of L fam conp0oTe st fr He sprefitation f aruba ron, totes ! ay =D sine the zon, le, Le 3m be chosen aang an abit dicnecton , 7 the component: of L abst ony oxi is quectine, eat The. cignvales f Lond Ly =m Leotm hint & ne: eigersfoncions will be. differnt | @® Tn 2h Space, the 2-direction ls aobireary | The diredio of on externoQ ey onsthe. o Tragpefic field poferad direcran In Spoce. \ mes mogndie. quad Nuvter_ © @® Eble co quntga" regu quadizdion os "Donde stotes aka o system. In ertrost the. quantization, f angulon. tom. does nat. pequire thot. the. poticle. + be band. =p the. one mem. Gf a free pastel Is quontized, oe Mataix Rep resentation f Agua Momertim Consider the gerenal. aggulon. romerbin. T . « simuttancous eigenstates, 2 i ¢ Tete co le TlLrr=hAGrd ljm> Lljsd =hm bm | with JqCht Dy “| cfor ao giren"4* , -76m &y Ie Ga Reamiton Samed = 8 Sinn As 2. > lL Cojo) x (2}44) wane rratahx liad <> & column metnix ote Qj+D Rows uy OF Ie Fr Z_ALe) Crathirg ned), Df o gran j* , j#0 (F) = Gol Td =t{Grd . (LZ) = (nl lyn = te 8,3 Stam J), sGnlZLS=HGGD-AOD § @). =ym/ x lms 4yrd—m cD) Sin Tats+D & Y=i-d) @ get] m=yer1 3x3 subnataices (FD = SimiThm> =a S (BH) ng = 41 Te [gn =H &,, 8 cass = Sym F.14m=h/2— we & . 7 m1 0 ~1 eva eae et 1/2 0 0 10 0]14 T= Foo 20 J at 0 00 fo Bl folnoni 2 0 071 {4 mr 1 -1 Jet r + Xe cr z ° ~iie ° ail 4s z ez yah “qo “We o km 0 oh 6 em=-1 a=-a@ }° a o=-b t)- (:) =h-b~ One Gn verify that <4m)4m> = Sa Also , necoll that j qfra gnen*j* D> lbd » TF due ts dimersjonaL rarcten | 47 a 0%, 3 =oy Re ° —xtaA=0 dt |, ea 4 =O => Avan We -d Kz AG-X)=0 o UE -a =» d=071 =1 aS Sr j uF cigervalness gf c. BOF 6 ico bey hm oath the Veco. ° cornaperdireg i enctaten® en be Ao ae . 2= 2a ce | te Sas Ae bf “Thus; a=c is baGrAn d=1 aac a A="1] ase a bao Vrw bsNaa ao n=O b=0 ( °) c=O iat oe cau « fr J=L roamolizee eigunvectoos 5 a 3 Ist>=2 (=) 0, by>at (3) Hh; |xy-ty=4 (2) Ore an check that these eigenvectonss Ove outhogonoll 4s exchothen. | Ako, rote that, for j= 1 Iapd= ( 2) Ied= (: \ De ( :) Tiss Las 4(Hdnaheds h-d) bxd= + (lap-hd) |x.-hD = 2 (hd-val48> +1) Recall that for £1 hi yf" le> > h>- in condinate basis ¥% =] 4. Assume that, for 2=1, h position space. ZCoP) as eyerfndios f Ly + L, ZlePatnZ6) OU i stem Ale ave Examp &: Tha quatbm mechanlol sy Zz mresaun.eal. ond. they have. been found te be 2h? & © respectively. Trthic tote, what ts the probobitity ee the measuaemate of (ill yidel. tHe volue. yO rc a Lu 424 ctete. vectous, 25 mee Wahd-(5 ) P(L,d=|xol >I peas se) “|e (3 ao Fr instone , P(LA = |G IPD] ala ae 4 =fZ]2 4 2 SOs, « Esta 5 Shed that for 121 ote cigenveetoa. of ly bebra lrg He eigenvalue. “hY 4 ad (=) eS « fired tHe probotoility thot Ly=h in the. stete ( P= [grag : aL Exomp "The. tale ec ee wit £21 is givn os M=c(4 uth e a wel costect, tid C.Tn this stote. fre TLx>, if yr measure Ly, hab is He pmbobility of opting LoS 12 CW PD =p 12 C (1416439) sleaee 7p 4 =. 44-3 t __ teh +, Ga(*).haes- vz 4 (n-o4¢h) for 014 ies 4 1 ho=2( 9) Pl. d= [%501 |? AG) |r1048 I t(a ors 52. Eromp®- The stoke vectae. ft oe aystem. with &=1 is giver as [apS=N (2) vith y NY a peal conctuit. 2. Th this stat, if yu memure Lo what values might yee ge with wha provobitities © Tn te stote Pp), oloulbtr (1, > ard. (Ly>- 4eSplP> => 1=N(14449)214N, Noe aa no pmalizeoL hp», | 4 P>st_(-2 ee (3) expand. [D> in eames f IymSs! |= (hi>—2146>+314-) case j=1) 010 Le X (1 oj.1 2 \o 1 0 ~ LoL =e Esai 0 |G) Gils las O10 Ali =I 74. 142. 2. ait Cae-o)22 fen eh WNT 4aNE ANE ye - ———Jo-i OF /1 (=I P= 2E Ts E iG eal ouo a o . pea (2) MANE. pa -2L -*_(as4i-e) = 0 1402. WEEE we Rigi Rotator. eee cee to opin the potetionak— rigid. potertor, Paliasaaln Spectaum ef © dictmic. moloades BY v 0 diatomic, mo@ewle- <> igh dumb —belL u & = ene \s Vibeaton a potati a oxi, . shin atems/tie nucle. move. in & out ology the infeenudeae. oxis with a vibRaHaol encregy ’ Viboationol degree of: Redon 2 hoo atims can wotale about. thea CM with patationol. enero ‘potetnol degre & feeecem" R= qt « isolated. system, CM const, 5 4G = = moment g bose abet an axls thrash CM; ais myer Ma =f Re = UT peduced = at myt mss * angulay. momentum, LaIW 2 ie a4 ae pe as « polotinoh Line eneagy K-t o= (S- : => pstatlnoL- Ramittenion Toe] 2r abo, hamitonian of a qfiee pawticle exept that is costrointede +5 move on aurfoe. f a spheae as it \e °OM, energy, ctyewalves R ciger functions ® Schr eqn, Hp=Eb _ L p.eb QI € =» Eb- (are) h D Thess ence y eigenfinc,“s + PO) =e) B) ensigy, cipewolvess 27E 200+) a £ #204) — AUC DRE a eneagy Ruel £20,424 grand stot 2-0,E =O 10 volar. 4st exciteoL state, a1, E> # ae Pay sie and oxcted. date tao, . oh” zt OR yt 5 fold eae a i deg, enengy shila = indeperdent f tee . eh quantum numbea. ym each. E Louxl <> (204) fold degenen ole. ue it (otyd) fol dueto il degprean cy [PH 2]-0, [HT]=0 Sy invariant under. poletios | => all divectine of Space ane. physically equivalent ! Thus, Ron He Rec bord pe Rovethe =D ly measuvino, the fircquenoy of the. emittedL phot , posite +5 dateanine. \ R". stypaollys Re1-2 A’=0.1-021m jew 1-90 am (1 amu= 921.5 Mey 2) teke £=1 ener c nee oe Ese aA: eR? M dyn 4mm -Teme pea Roteti ona spectaun Lies in the Peajon. fom IR Q microwave. Regia ! bd (™ oven <> freq, & patton =) Oa wotew. Reccible degrees 3 a- distemic. moaule ; D tronsbatino® motion 1D) Polen Insti =F» 0,005 eV , 50K im Viboatino DL motor <> 0.3 ev, Q500 K iy) elecomic transitins @ 1-5 oY s Ae Re LF typicok excitation eneroies uo = Hemel a &=8, eps a Capoten cneegy Ldel>, Baha (nrd) selection nul; An==1 principal fie. (exp) Th mony rroleoles, only Vibrationc® & patetionoL trensitins ave. observed. Exomp®: The wove fone. of ao nigid. rotatoe ts given os Ab P\= Asin © ce 2P wi A, ° real costa, 2 Th this tote, if yor measure oe rromentn- what volves might pe GF wit E what prabobilitice” eInthic stot, alodete. CL,> ard FLED. AL,=! First wre dbuon We) in teams of re! m , ay WP) =Adn Ocm 20 = Aa o( pnt aA) =A(ar Oe ga ee becalll that ie ni en = a ae -i2p YEO =| ee 2 2 We. A/S Oxie+ Xe) ronmolizcition , 1-4( SEY C144) => ea lind PoumolizcoL Pe p) = Hen= tl 468) +e) >= (1a>+l2;25) f=2 = PL Gh”, °/> 100 » pde thee, Inthe. ate PS ls ah | & (>= 6k” -2h |%e (La>= 4. 2h)+ (2k) = 0 rebica teat Lyx 2 (Lr lL) {Lo= CPL, >= 2 CHILLI () =0 bm] n> = Si. Sd 60 (>= SV] LE [PD = ve] ile L “hy rerlLp> erogh 4s colculate Lb LP onty | + Lpp= LP OIY ies wan a (Lr) (Ia +l2-95) <7 “Cgh lay sh f2->) ia es ( laaS +12> 5) 12522 eral hat Lee fea eG bo-k (xayl+ rll) (tad+ Is) Pe ede et (ja tt thvl IL v= POD This date, 4b 5 ee aah ° Hreusatively 5 Use Us ae a(brLy(urh) eyiernenie ie aegis KE» =2 | Us LL+ LbrEeRPS tet us olcubotc (G+ bbb LI W> = = ast lod + og b> ak] Ia D> +0Bh 5 [20> =4Bhl2> +2012. +2\rh"|2-2> recall that cap} -— (xga}+ (ye (ovehy avek® = SER 4 aa 4vr (same ness) ExampQ: At a spectft. instock of time, te wove findion af - Bich odator. is gen oy ° al -2 o U Ween (44 4ad4 +2%4¥) with. "N, o veal anstart. 2) fick N, E) Inths dete, olculate. ‘le (PS

. \)hbWs sé, alls AE. with Dias. noterttor. IP>= NClod+Gadl4D+ 2152+ hd) 2) roamolizatio. 720 |W> 1a (irtr9;r44d) = TEN ’ New Ss M+2u)*, normalized. eet Vector py =4-(lod+ bra I3-D+ ale-d+I2) )) Ppa, Prof Cay” ee aL Cople G-adK1al+ 283-114 +128>) ie 21-1074 49 = - ea (Ld=CHIL, PD saat A (Koelt (3 4ptl+2 + ore = 1 (ahd) + 41h) + ct) 16 — BD Hr_ 287 =A (st oh)= 2 b= 28h OU abteanotively , ae. [m> <> elynstertio f V&La = (L,>= 0+ & (CH) + 4-H) +0 a-qehe ge é cyanate gee ta Be od Abs AwA/CHD-CHS nigid. notetoa. “H= = 5 crety elgenvolveg E- welts) Cpa SHRI =2 ( + 212-4129) = saat) =a (04108, +4675.) = 4. (108, +55) 6+ Seas ae Eisi)\-2 2 0156 caeyecpliy S/n = (Koe+ G-2t) 4-11 + 2x2ril++2 [2+ b>) ee 108 4 FEL = 1 (0B) +5E;) “1 (gh) oe 85 (say SHez ae - 9.99 4 we 0 ottep rerhiv. for rigid Rokato, CH= ae ee 4 ole}. RP. o> Well ie aes Bret LE, 10E,+5E2 25 hb” te Sata ieee a We Ret a ey 1 B= BEES | es (He a 16 qe oS Examp&: Considea He case. daz The. system. is in the stale whidr wonesprds the ci cigenstake of J y Poy to is highest: eigenvalue, «unite. dian. the State vecton. (PD. s inthis state, fincl CQ) the merinixe rwpreserttation f hide te gi 2t WwW Is given as Q=b ii a > cigenvalues of J le ** DONS) = HO a ( ty — ae roe) rovmolized— [sorb Hlory>-2 32 8(F 7) 2(1 Exomp®: In a ctate Ibm, colculate ria + “i heemrton ee a Llp = 20 2D Im es =£{ HG OD lymet> oh [GD MOD limp } Recall that. Gnlhn df NiGeD-wlord Sime] RAG) mine = @,> = E Glgxd-m 49 4JGrd-m@od) -# ¢ 2jG+) — 20) = 2 QG+d-)) eZ Exomp& Groiden. a. state with. Ny a peak crstace PP>=N (219354420154) - d fied. N. B) fir. (Ty anc uch Has obtain Seley {E> >\U>- ) fd VJ2> and <>. B) fired the menboinics AT. AT, ord AT. Ce ae ee N= Keg, p= 4 AC als>+ (oad I8f>) Da ae re> ; *U>= 27(sl9>+ Gad 19) “at (ae l23>+ (42) veg) Be CH= 2 (se ale-2d= ITI>= > ChrD) & YaiG-3,) => Cad= 25; CG>= Se | a 14 9 [G>fa (2+ mda) 1 2 Reali that FItryj+he » (P= (ISG HTk (7>=E (vote 6vref + 208) Js 4) in He date [PS giver. above ZiP=2G Diy Real that. TIV>= (avelay+ Grad Fzhs>) ~2f 316 132>+ (1421) Wo l3.2 +3 V6 13,0> ae + (ral) Via |36> } (Z>>=SP T= (TP Tb =f (DO+ U4 NGO + (NO) ae + (1412) i 264 = BF YD 4(14) 28 IS in this stale ; AT =

- = 0.4 ey Exomplei Using ophenical cooaclinstes, unite doon the sphere, hanrravics ym in kama of yy, ard 2. , 7 ap ° vee oe oman reece oe %=[Z sO am | er ae x=ren Owe? ANCES yp ce yarinOenP fF = Co Pr icin? eee Y= chOenP “iw f ii e aw f-ish P Z =0 i. ; +i? Ey aseney = snO(as¥ + isin?) = anOe 5 Tus , Taree) fe D ize Example: The etote gf a quadtinm tedhanicol, ays is iver. oS aa 3 We) =A Vxty-32) xs Za. whene Oo and. AY ane peal costets, In this state fF yeu measure [whet vallies might yor 92 with. what: probobilitics ? ColnBti Ale. y Yereac™fn AEF sf) + [8 CH 4) ~3r aly } a {la>= 04 BH) + 2 (-#) <0 Bde 04+ 2 (D+ SD) =e tre Sh 2 + ZY 4+ 8) = fe 24 ¢ ys 22 23 > =/2 hoch Aly =/E5_SLa> fz e \s Example: The fonittnion ofa. system is giver as He Sey) + & L With ye a peothiie mal cnstevt. D Oblain te ercegy cigenvalues of He system, Note thee J Gehrke oo ue = Gaines ys ae Eee HIP =EI® > E = < (ig+9-"6) c dgerstates [j,m> B) Wher-the aystem: is In the ates with “Ay o wok onto [PY=Lhd-ALD e coludite (HS , AL sant CFL. }w> <> roumalizea . - rut @ eo, Af P=£ b> (E la> (H>=45t 25, 2(£9)+2(%8 {H>= te (p= 4 H+ 2@= 4h alto (T= Lh )+ 2(4) = ak a SE: > ire [2h ee {TID = cee cLEITP =< IYITP -LIP>=LT (baa by) np 22 Vio aay — VANE [29>) “7 Cebd-elp) ‘L4l=E (vecoal a Gl) 2a 3 6Gt>= (10419 = WwW + obtearativelsy 5 Real thet 2 a TafL+E-tGE ° = AED ABD i (TF >= 2 (ok) + & (et) = 8h” “Thus, (FL>= 84% 2h 44% = hy ae 3 = 2247 o. oS Gome. rot) sy "at t=O, & Examp%ai At a specific instant gf timeythe wove. fine of & rigid. natatoa is given. a> WEP) = Cay +4 e+¥) with co oa Real enstet, d fd ¢. b) if yor measure. >, what volues mighoe you. ge o with what probebilities? 2 Repeat (Q fr Lo, A) wei doon Wes), fe Do fied (HD. a emaliz otio Cat a) hol Zotion Ez rm _izaht/ ep 1 ~iht/ I ) Pepa (942 ayeye ) > (r= HOH wy= 422(8)

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