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ead Exar + Considen. 0 potice- with noes ym" confined ine a 2-dinensonal quae box of side feng Wr Hs ioral Wove.func. is given as “Pooye) = C xla-y(a-y) with C oral enstack ® fr Cc, b) Consteude Wey), > fa of dy] Pos ar 4a ie x(a 5 fat ee c 2 fate 3) ° Soittedat = 15 ee) C= 2% a y ~iE,t4 b) Vey <2 2 cy Pade ne ee $ Gigi 2 sh (OD) ) Sane He (irr-CD ne=1,2,, 2irer a7 ne Bong |r Se=6P, HA =f (oy PAD Hyd) ae e 22 D [fe aH) ch (FY) xloDyle ) “GR [= f dx (ox) “(85 foots) te age pasiaty L \ oe Pa n=odd = Ser(S\(85) san Gy = 2% hls wor newer are Popre(2) PP te a ea on ty. nt odgl Example “The into. uve func. rt pastiche is given 2 iB VEd=aCe Oe : vith C areal numbea., a) fic C, 4) In this abate, fird. Ja4nd Mi 2) co es Zee 74 D Becoteyspewe OS= - : a D (Srfeina [sec “2 Pao? 2 1 Da ie Sam (22 “ar fot? © dose) wPde =O TT ° ay ° Ww = eee oq 41 oe fist ‘w [Henne farses ao oO ° 1 = {a= reos@> ay an 2 [? e =" Jae (GasO dios®) =O . ; oO JS 16-P 4 odd Func, vy = (=0 : 4 aT 6) pa? fies ser] sed ° 41 4 4 a J amen fae a. 2 sno = oe “Fo fenee es 4 2 —4r PO= Fe (= foy0-8 7 Ne = 8 BD & a —4e max. a: e fap <> pid » dp Ae (48) dr Vir i a 4° de. & (gort a0F+ De de VT 2 de | = ek aa aa > 7 = r=0 rin, pls a d pe =

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and CKD. 2 Bq. te (avec bt + standack thick: teak 2 Br ape ee 2 Pel fama 40 PH, Lo —ipres Oe ] a ee ae dlc) e ray : 1 —ipr ae fad “oh ae Ma ie ak (7 IP (TA, Phy = 4 a(R) 4 | oo ok We Bae tl 1. ln () dr P mE ( ahy* P , re fe* “ype dr-|re ar} [ose prea [ee Gee or e + 5 Fer ict) =i ah = oe 6 a =b G) at ® eT Gap e iG eats ; PD = (e¥ 2 \ 2 eed (me) -4ndp (4 Pap) P=} @l: i “p> =(} Id of if ta 2 ia BS) ole fas may e xt ~2 Je Dt 7 “@) 7 {P= 1(2) an a & (BY fa, a ° O+3)t = 4.(2) an (ny => {pd= us ee (Ky =- [wo LY Examp Se Corsiden. a, 3-dimensilono ischeopic Poumenic. oscillate vith clacsical). argulon. fen, “9. Te intial state veddoo. Is given by 06) = od+ Llaad>+ Clze> uth Caraod castack. Heae In,ry td> reftas the. erecgy, cigenstotis. 9) Find C on ge tts meaning, At tao, alata <2, D Ab ts, obolbte (HD, 2) Wile dan ALES, for tree icshacpic. excillator Fry n= PX n ryt 3) @s= x = POLO DLE) v | Sohy a>, HS p ony fa a 4 1 C. els 5 4 et. [c] "ey the prdabili thet the. Measurement Wow yi the volne Zhe dé to. Ol» UY [» D Da Gteydfew@? rane. tat palm d @-YObNHO> = 2-H ged HED * (ata) (Yoda (arg) (EZ hod>+ 1 lat +E nod) = fe los + [Blam + 2 Elem + 2 Iaody + [2 lond>+ [2 loa 2 Ale reroll. Hat Pal=[2-= A relgts e@> Cores ive (ae) (E edt $2 [Bland “ag [2D + [Bld +f 1223> + +[2l2> (>= a(s +2). Be En a Dd D=VEle! Po>=4 Ole ara T/b(ay> oP : (ag 2 hoy= @r (Es Mon + Ee a>] Ine>) = Phos 2 lary +{2 laoi> (2=0 Thus ; ee & = 2 (ote7 7 Prep tape sp > <*> - [Borg aie}) c ) CH= FF ot LE, + ZB, ee 5 = BEM) + E+ 2(Z) = 22 ho, 10 eth ide, itt D tay. ‘Fe hod+ Le Ia1d>4/% © [2085 ce Exampe; Conatlen. a 2-dimenstonal, tsanopie Powsrente. oscillate. He chssical angulae. Sieg, ww, + He initio, tote vechoo is gen. by Reo = C ( eloo> + Vi8 1d>-6 lo) vite C* 0 real coestack, Hae Inng> reftos the cromy. eigenstate , Yo 8) Fired C. B) at tao, fd CHD anh

, 2) write. don |e). a tus clulatt 2) ako, What is

ok Hoe 2 — dimension isattopic oscillaten.., fn hel ryt) > peli bo9 erg) Ins p “d 3 $= % 5) (Wd= he, PY =6x>b+ YH xg are sage FG. |r \?7> LE op 2) —igt _ ~idugt Med=2 (welod>e +Vise (rnd) at to a 1 ap 0! Qo £ [Pas Sie. Loyd) ‘zp 7s _, , et ait Colegiales v2 Goer) =p aaa B= CHO > Ly ¥e> es cexfon,e) + Mae ee Fag) a Caen) P= 7 oe Gob BD oe ED Y ~ __ Example: A padide: wile mass ym is subject te the potential one given by Veym=2 k(x} Bry + Sy Dee pke* Whew | k” is oF positive eo cnstoct. 2) Usirg the. trenesformationss Xe At, Yo xy make the Farittertan Pe ne Dy Whte dams the. cneagy elgenveluers, Give the guia Numbeas, of the first. four foes. Tepetho vith We crrespording ckgenen.a des, D Xx wea HY x - = VE Yo _XLY v= ee et = =p Bx} Bxy 4 BRB XUV Hy 4 ve acs ¥). 5%) es =2X4Y> =p poentiod crergy Ve 2k (OXGY) 4 tke G separable. poendak \p Lh (Sx Baye BD + hbo He BeBe By 4 cB +h (esaeieeaadeg tide eony ee bo e Udy See Oasis iN ex x WX Ox BY NE EY Poe Wy My ay Ee Eo 2 BR Rh) Bow = fens BeBe at Eke aoe [feeb ae) des rai on of thon. Is a A-dimensionoL homitenior- Aapronic coallato AL (OXYF28) 2 pe D EAE DAE yD Elard) Fyre 7 hie COnrytter Z) Rony Na = O72, ... Bate N= antnyen, & als, f NC ny My na ce | | ny "a> lee | 0 foo 0 [gt [lod |, cn Goa + 7 oo 1 ZhO loot 2 6 10 a lo1e> 2 so 4 3 lot a o 2 0 Bho lona> 3 2 jo" | |e loat> n 4 lota> = loo3> )o3a> 0:90 Os CPosxp OP Ce PAO “ Examp® + Tn S-dimensins, a pace wie mass wm" Is subject + paestio£. energy, Gren as VipPz) =“ [ eCresn yy + 2] b with Me ond yD positive. nea cnstests. By using the nesutts of 1-dimenslonol prblme write dodr energy, the. elgenvolues.. Give the quectiinn, nunbeas of Hoe first: foe fvds vite then degencaades,, YF pain p Z=2 Gybirdaico® o2.. Xa Peo? Ae ay eee ae Vo CAtyt 2) b oe Hea Pet Ppt Pe + MUA Ayr 2D om b re : = [2 Thryhe ho (ner2njenar 2) with Ws — N= Wr ont nS Qe Oo OY | E=2kD (00,0) E=%h2 (1,29), (00,7) E=46® (40,1), (040) (2,90), @e2) 14" E=5he (2; ON 2), ©4449) %G, 9,2), (0,0, Exteo i At £20, the tate vedor of Ths pacticle is gen es Pay = C (2hoa8> + 3/1039 rileot>) vith Coa wall cnstent, : ca8 Arr’ tno, f yaw mencure the ener uhat values might yor uit. what prebobilites Ab £=2, {HD =% CH= 3 oe a @® a, (das on Ged ) Bel ~ [22 wl Cong olga wd =$[E unite dam [Re, IMed=2-(22° a ~iBwt io e (a> rb) + oblan the eqn. of ration of Note that. 2 _icThyD (rafts Lmd Gigjes) =| He Sater, Amd aye) [Hy] = [B,y) =H =p dy>_ Sao de m lo Exomp&e: The interaction potentiol eneoay behwewe td. patios uit mass ym! in clin, & giver as Vax) at k(x: xR) + & (x=) Whee ke onde yo” one. positive. wad, cnsterts, By traking the. Rawittonion of Pris 2-particle syshe =eporable-, obtain tre erengy. eigermoluess, U @ Leing renmol. coondinates ; hu 3 ys VE state XX! He a Pe, 4 Uap) +0¢(x4-%6) Mm Qn roth & & pos 2 Tus, 3 O49 | XX 2 _) = dees By Om OX, my OLE Ge Ss) ? 1 _ Na MA 2 2a Oe ee OK — H2-& E ak So Ir i A= sine oo a. 2-B J> fee ok, Ve Netethet [s,B).[4,B]-# Pat. eneaay Vat k( XX 4 20XS a 2 2 THe BB ae (KX) 4 200 am Fi au H -(Ziaee).(2, 4(usaaxe) Eo fe (med) +4 ak (rE) UY @ Alfrenatialy,ore on vor CH A Sroleve’ comets , x, aX x => XM CMs XO pt Me oy 2m 2 relative. Gor, Xey—Xo, Vax 2k 2 2) 0x axe of CM p> the tive ae man. + [XP)efypl at => Linetie energy I ite as oa the system. 2m 2M oye tl mass; M = 2vE 2 Reduced raas: PE e4 =p P ia x AL a terry ee a ee \e he CS 20x ) (f+ 4(Eead?) 5 Fin = AB Ord)» [BP Cod) ) (ee RIK (me 3) 4% [EP (me B)

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