Vector Addition

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Vector addition and motion in one dimension

A. Vector Addition
Vector addition is the joining of two or more vectors. In vector addition, we use the addition
operation to combine two or more vectors to produce a new vector equal to the sum of the
vectors. C


A u B

Resultant =√ A + 2 ABcosθ+B
2 2

After the simulation, when there are two vectors of different magnitude, they can be added by
using the following formula,

Resultant =√ A + B
2 2

In the given image,

X =10 m

Y =4 m

Angle between vectors=θ=90 °

Resultant =√10 + 4
2 2

Resultant =10.77 m
When we change the magnitudes of vectors and the angle between them, there is also a change in
the resultant.

Here, X = 6.1m and Y = 8.8m

Resultant =√ 6.1 +8.8

2 2

Resultant =10.71m
Vector addition follows the summation of two vectors such as A+B. Vector resultant depends
upon the magnitude of both vectors. The resultant vector is always greater than both vectors.
When the magnitude of vectors changes, there is also a change in the resultant vector. When the
angle between vectors is 90 ° , then we use the parallelogram method.

B. Motion Diagrams
The Motion Diagrams relate to the plotting of an object's motion versus the time. Plotting
position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time, in particular.


Constant acceleration


In the simulation, there are two cars, red and blue. We know some equations of motions

v f =v i +at

1 2
S=v i t+ a t

2 2
2 aS=v f + v i

Velocity is the change of a car’s position with respect to time.

position S
v= =
time t

Acceleration is a change in a car’s velocity with respect to time.

velocity v
a= =
time t

In the above image, at time t = 4.15s,

Position (m) Velocity (m/s) Acceleration(m/s/s)

Car 1 11 5 0.4

Car 2 7 3 -2
Initially, car 1 is at 11m with a positive acceleration of 0.4m/s/s, so there will be an increase in
velocity of 0.4m per second in car 1. We can calculate the final velocity also by

v f =v i +at

v f =5+ 0.4 × 4.15=6.67

Car 1 will be moving at 6.67m/s at t = 4.15s.

For car 2, it is at 7m with a negative acceleration of -0.2m/s/s, so there will be a decrease in

velocity of 0.2m per second in car 2. We can calculate the final velocity also by

v f =3+(−0.2 × 4.15)=2.17

We can see here; Car 1 is moving with increasing velocity whereas Car 2 is moving with
decreasing velocity because car 2 has negative acceleration.

When both cars have positive acceleration, they will move with increasing velocity.

In the motion diagrams, I learned about the behavior of an object’s motion at different times,
velocity, and acceleration. When there is no acceleration, there will be no change in the velocity
of an object with respect to time. The object will move with constant velocity. When there is
positive acceleration, there will be a change in velocity in a positive direction but when there is
negative acceleration, there will be a change in velocity in a negative direction. The acceleration
depends on the object’s initial and final velocities.

C. Constant Velocity and Constant Acceleration

Constant velocity is when there is no change in velocity with respect to time. There is zero

Constant acceleration is when there is a constant change of velocity with respect to time.
In the above image,

Position (m) Velocity (m/s) Acceleration(m/s/s)

Car 1 15 7

Car 2 0.5

Car 1 travels with the constant velocity at a velocity of 7m/s.

Distance traveled by car 1=vt=7 × 11.70=81.9 m

Initially, it was at 15m, total distance = 81.9 + 15 = 96.9m

Car 2, moves with a constant acceleration of 0.5m/s/s. It means that it changes its velocity to
0.5m/s after every second.

In this simulation, I learned about the behavior of objects with constant velocity and constant
acceleration. Acceleration depends on initial and final velocities, when initial and final velocities
are the same, there is no acceleration. When an object has constant velocity, it has zero
acceleration. An object with constant acceleration moves with increasing velocity after every
second. When something has constant acceleration, it implies that its velocity change is constant
over time. It means that it experiences the same amount of force throughout the motion.

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