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SOLDIER REWARDS Putizees Sates sates mechan ak erry thing--on the battlefield, they also stand to gain a gyeat deal from each conflict they survive. These rewards range trom combat experience to new weap: ‘ons and armor with which to prosecute their missions in the future. Although the rewards detailed in this section are particularly appropriate for Soldiers, the GM can make them available to PCs of any career ‘who fight bravely (or at all for the Rebellion BATTLE SCARS One can tell much about a Soldier's career from the scars he bears, Each one tells a story, and each repre- sents 2 unique learning experience for a Soldier, After all, what fails to kil a Soldier often makes him stron- er, Battle scars are a way for Soldier PCs to receive ‘amechanical benefit, as well as narrative interest, for ‘their most significant Critical Injuries, Wen mne'GM's permission, upon recovering rom an applicable Critical Injury, a PC can receive an appro: priate talent at an XP cost determined by the severity ‘ofthe Critical injury. In addition to adding a unique ist to a character's development and mechanical benefit for is cominat history, battle scars offer other advantages. A battle scar might allow a character to purchase a talent that is not available through any Of his specialization talent trees, to receive a talent bbelote reaching it through a talent tree, to receive it at a reduced XP cost, or to receive an additional ‘rank beyond what is available through his talent tees ‘A non-ranked talent purchased as a battle scar can Potentially advance a character along one or more Talent trees the character possesses that include that talent, A character may obtain multiole ranks in atal- entthrough battle scars with the GM's permission. ‘The XP cost for a talent acquired as a battle scar Is dependent on the severity of the corresponding Cite) Injury, 25 shown in Table 3-6; Battle Scar Cost. The GM can, at his discretion, modify this cost pending on the exact nature of an injury and the of the corresponding talent TABLE 3- BATTLE SCAR COST BATTLE SCAR DESCRIPTIONS Each baitle scar is as unique as the story behing it caind players ind GM slivuit wurk ager to raf narrative for how a particular injury or scar manifests inthe corresponding talent. Stl, the majority of battle scars hit nto certain categories. Each ofthe folloning types of battle scar includes a list of recommended Critical Injury results and talents, After the GM grants a character a battle scar, that PC's player should find the Critical Injury result his character suffered and select one of the corresponding talents, then work with the GM to devise an explanation forthe mechani Cal benefit, These categories and lists are only rec: ‘ommendations, honever, and players and GMs might decide that particularly unusual or interesting wounds Tend themselves to talents not listed here The GM always has the final say on what talents are available for a given battle scar, regardless ofthe recom ‘mendations given beion. Ae 2 genera rule, an individual PC should not be able to acquire more than three battle scars—though, atthe GMs discretion, ¢ PC might be able 1 replace at Ud battle star with @ ves ne, exci gg ‘one talent for another, more potent selection. IMPRESSIVE ECAR Despite the advanced medical treatments available and the efficacy of bacta and other tools, serious inju ties can stil leave significant scars. In some cases, a lesser injury might leave a scar because a stranded Soldier is unable to receive proper medical care in time. Some Soldiers even deciine treatments that Could prevent or remove a scar, preferring to show their experience through physical marks. Such scars can have an impressive effect on onlookers, earning admiration from peers and evoking fear in enemies Soldiers might gain a sense of confidence or even of invulnerability from their impressive scars. Suggested Critical Injuries. Discoureging Wound, Fearsome Wound, Crippled, Gruesome Injury Suggested Talents: Commancine Presence. Conti dence, Intimidating, Steely Nerves. Street Smarts. Head wounds are often the most grave non-fatal inju- fies Soldiers suffer. While cybemetics can replace limbs with no loss of tuncton, some injures to the brain have permanent effects on a sentient's neurol- ‘ogy, for the functioning of the sentient mind is stil a mystery in many ways. Severe head injuries can also Cause the degradation of one or more senses, such as vision or hearing. Adapting to such an injury can bea trial, but can also cause a sentient being to find unknown strength to persevere, Suggested Critical injuries: Stunned, Head Ringer, Era nen ren ae! Senseless, Gruesome Injury. Reseed ered au ck ead ose ee Te ae Needy cucu them only make them tougher and stronger. In many ear at aera rres a ee 2 Soldier to fight on despite what would otherwise Seem ie eicey ee as Oe ae nied ccc Suggested Critical Injuries: Agonizing Wound, Ham er Mea es Maa aa cers Be RC ee Rea ene Rapid Recovery, Second Wind, Toughened. Crete The Soldier has experienced a brush with death and ET ce etn pPanions might say he is paranoid, but he knows itis rea eo ee eo ace Each time a Soldier narrowly avoids a serious injury eee eee ec insight to help him in similar situations in the future. ‘Suggested Critical Injuries: Bowled Over, Winded, Deeg e tend Suggested Talents: Defensive Stance, Dodge, Jump Up, Rapid Reaction, Spare Clip, Time to Go. SPOILS OF WAR Cees eee ents ment and operation than the Imperial military, some Su ers regulation weapons and even armor taken from Cree We eee on the use of Imoerial eauioment. many believe in eer Dn eee Rous Ca eas ‘Some communities might provide large quantities of ‘goods, enough to benefit all the Soldiers involved, (r simply throw a large celebration. ‘Atthough Alliance High Command generally discour Peta a ee ce ee aes are usually objects of significance carried by enemy troops, but some individuals have been known to eed eats ‘At the GM's discretion, some trophies might have Ce eg ee Pres MCS uted Eee Meno ML ee Be ge ee ee ee eee od ‘An Imperial officer's cap is almost certainly the em gerne Tiree Ne eee ea tee ee ee cs eis es ener Ue Coe) eee ites edd Tg A helmet or comlink taken from a defeated storm See ee cud ‘monitoring communications and enemy plans. Even renee ee ay is a reminder of rebel ingenuity and Imperial adhe Cierra) Seem Cee ee Mi Rec er toe a Te et rd Un ae tangible reminder that even the most feared of the Sete err ic This trophy can be a source of courage to any sodie. The bearer of this trophy adds Il Il to his Fear Ce ee ene those of allies within short range

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