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.......a glass of wine? Would you like

.......A headache: I’ve got
.......all this splendor, the beginning was extremely frustrating: In spite of
.......ALWAYS sit near the window in class: why do you a very good tennis player I
.......Anne .......Ted like Neither/nor
.......Any orange juice in the fridge: Is there
.......are Mary’s children Those
.......are you from? Where
.......ask you a question? May I
.......Behaviour will get you into trouble with the director such

.......books are hers These

.......borrow your red pen please? Can I is white Our
.......children are singing in the concert: How many
.......color is your shirt? What
.......did you see your friend? When
.......did you visit Rome? When house cleaning tomorrow I’m going to you go to the cinema? How often
.......early in the morning: Does he get up did you watch, Titanic or Avatar? Which
……for a pizza tonight: Shall we go

1 By Mauro
.......FROM England: Do you come
.......FROM your bedroom window: What can you see
.......get up early tomorrow morning I have to
.......GO TO the cinema after the conference: Would you like to
.......good food at the party last night? Did you eat
.......have you lived in London? How long
.......I go to Andrea tonight? Can
.......I SEND a fax directly from your office: Can a smart boy He
.......Martin is a good preacher. He’s very kind! Reverend
.......ME tonight after 8.00 pm: Can you call
.......MY bike. Do you like it: This is
.......MY demonstration last night: Did he watch
.......oranges are delicious These
.......OUR advertisement: Did you watch
.......satisfactory economic growth, the drop in unemployment is Despite
.......SCHOOL do you go to? St. Mary’s or Highlands: Which
.......see mr. Smith Please? Could I
.......skateboard in this? whose
.......SKATEBOARD is this: Whose
.......Tayler is my uncle Mr
.......there any cars on the street? are
.......TO Brazil last year: Did he go
.......TO the airport? If so, could you give me a lift? I am afraid I’ll Are you going?
miss my flight if I don’t hurry up:
.......VERY hungry. Can I have a sandwich, please: I’m
.......VISIT our factory: Would you like to
2 By Mauro
.......WHEN he is not at work: What does Jim do? ....... football tonight? Are/playing are unable to accept the job, we have offered it to someone: SINCE
.......YOU ever visited London: Have help me? Will hurry, you want catch the train unless Are/going to
.......YOUR umbrella, it’s raining: Take

A bad franchisee can damage the public’s goodwill .......inferior goods By providing
and services:
A communication strategy must be: Consistent and stable
A company is behaving ethically: If reduces its impact on the environment
A CUSTOMER is someone buys the product of a company: Who
A LOT OF ha: Un uso più ampio rispetto a many
A Partnership is an association of.......: Two or more persons
A PLANE is a car: Quicker than
A SCEPTIC customer is someone doesn’t believe to all your who
A sole trader is a business that is owned by.......: One person
A.......factory will be open in the north New Japanese car
According to the Bowman Communication model: the meaning of a message is the response it elicits
ALL OUR salesman are.......: at work

An advantage of using written forms of communication is that: Written messages can be saved
AN AIRPLANE is.......a car: faster than
AN EMAIL is.......a posted letter: Quicker than a person who studies, teaches, or writes about economics: Economist
3 By Mauro
Anna needs money. I’ll give.......some: Her
ARE YOU free Tuesday evening: on
Are you.......enough to lift that box?: Strong
As chairperson, she’s the.......person on the committee most powerful
Attraverso quale meccanismo di formazione lessicale (word formation) Affixation
si formano i termini "unfold" e "misadventure"?:
Attraverso quale meccanismo di formazione lessicale (word formation) si affixation
formano itermini ‘unfold’ e ‘misadventure’?:

The business of keeping money for savings, dealing with accounts,
Banking can be defined as:
exchanging money,issuing loans...

Bargaining customs are: Very different around the world

Barriers to intercultural communication are: All of the above
Be friendly is: A negotiating tips
Before these articles left the factory, each one was thoroughly : Inspected
Before you send out the report my manager to see it: would like
Ben Has bought another stamp. He really likes collecting them, : doesn’t be?
Bob was proud of for his new job Himself
Business communication concerns: sharing business information with all its stakeholders

Business Communication Purposes are: all of the above

Business writing should be: Purposeful, persuasive, economical, and audience oriented

Can you be quiet , please. i.......: am doing a test
Can you write.......the blackboard what you are saying: on
Can you.......the window?: open
4 By Mauro to go to university told
Choose the correct form for defining retail strategy: People-oriented business
Choose the correct order of these models in a business pyramid: Salesperson, buyer, department manager, store manager
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? I’m the youngest in the class
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Exercise 2 is the most difficult in the book
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Mary is a nice girl, and I like her
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Does she live in a house or in a flat?
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? How many languages do you speak?
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Yesterday was hotter than today
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? She’s taller than her brother
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? Are there many students in your class?
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? I’m going To The Post Office to buy some stamps
Choosing the correct sentence: One sentence is correct. Which one? She’s going to have a baby
Come on , I really need this favour! You will lend me your car, won’t
COME ON, I really need this favour! You will lend me your car, Won’t
Come tradurresti la frase ‘Kevin è il maggiore di tre figli?’: kevin is the eldestof three sons
COME tradurresti la frase Kevin è il maggiore di tre figli: Kevin is the eldest of three sons
Communication is the act of: exchanging information
Communication is the interchange between the sender and: receiver
Communication is: an active process
Communication management considers: The messages, the media channels and the audiences
Communication strategy plan identifies: Clear and measurable communications objectives with evaluation,
relevant audiences and available channels
Completa in modo corretto la seguente frase: “We’ll go by taxi.......”: …if it rains

Completa in modo corretto la seguente frase: …if you studied harder

“You would pass the esam”:
Completa la seguente frase: ‘The hotel restaurant was.......’: on the second floor
5 By Mauro
Completa la seguente frase: “I was driving to the post office when….”: I saw Giorgio
Completa la seguente frase: “The hotel restaurant was.......”: On the second floor

Consumers want products at reasonable prices and of a good....... : Quality

Corporate communication strategy consists of an analysis of: The organization’s internal and external environment

COULD YOU look.......the blackboard and read what is on it: at

COULD YOU tell me when.......: the train leaves
Could a little sooner? get
Could a hammer from the shed bring
COULD YOU.......the blackboard and read what is on it: Look at
COULD YOU.......this form, please? We need all your details before fill in
we sign the contract:
Culture refers to a shared system of: Symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations and norms

Cultures relying more on language contents and less on contex are: Low-context cultures

CUSTOMERS all our publicity: Don’t believe

Dan.......frightened by the noise was
David.......his homework every day: Has to do
The critical, structured examination of how people & institutions
Definition of “Business Ethics”:
should behave in the world of commerce

Did he say whether.......lend you the money or not?: HE COULD

Differences between Japanese and American Communication Styles Japanese mix social and business communication
Different cultures within business organizations influence: None of the above
Do not forget to buy (a loaf of bread). IT

6 By Mauro
Do you regret.......your company? Maybe, you will stay: Leaving

DOES she.......a lot: Study

DOES she.......the date of the exam: remember
Don’t be so.......- you can call me Pete: Formal

Effective business communication: all of the above
Effective communication in organisations: plays a key role for the management
Effective communications strategy is characterised by the choice of: The right medium, for the right message, for the right audience

English cuisine is (bad) in Europe the worst

ERIC IS flying.......Los Angeles tomorrow: to
Ethical constraints include: All of the above
EXCUSE me, .......a cheap restaurant near here: is there
EXCUSE me, is there a post office near here? Yes, there’s one on Next to
King’s Road.......the supermarket:
Excuse me, where is (near) airport? the nearest
Excuse me, where is (near) bus stop? the nearest
EXCUSE me. Where can I buy some sausages, please: At a butcher’s
Excuse, that pen you just put in your pocket is ....... mine
EXCUSE, that pen you just put in your pocket is.......: Mine
External communication" refers to: Information about the company spread to the public, customers and

Flightb502 has been bad weather due most countries: is playing
Franchising advantages: A loss of control for franchisees
Franchising models don’t include: Manufacturer - Manufacturer

7 By Mauro
Gina.......last week to start her new job: Arrived
GIUSEPPE Garibaldi,.......monument we saw earlier in the square, was Whose
nicknamed “the hero of two worlds”:
Give.......his book! Him
GOOD afternoon mrs. Jones, .......: Is Bob at home

Have we got.......for the party? Enough drinks
Have you left? Any
Have you seen the.......of our new product:: Advertisement
Have you visited Birmingham? not yet
He .......a shower before he goes to work has
He drives....... Badly
HE earned.......last year: a lot of money
He goes to his guitar lessons....... by underground
HE got ready for his speech.......a moment: In
HE has a.......experience in marketing: Wide
He is interested .......learning Romanian in
HE is sitting at his.......: Desk
HE looked tired,because he had been travelling all day
He often brings flowers to....... her
HE passed his English exam very: easily
He saw.......yesterday her
He interesting story: Us
HE used to live in London when.......for that company: She worked
HE was mowing the lawn when I.......him yesterday: saw

8 By Mauro
He will try to get promoted by any means, even if he hurts other Ruthless
people’s feelings. He is very.......:
He.......a contract right now: Is signing
HE.......a shower before he goes to work: has but not meat. ate a bank when he met his wife: Was working and work in Rome: Used to
HE.......speak Chinese very well: Cannot
He.......speak German fluently. He lived in Berlin for many years Can
he’s very .......going and gets on with everyone. easy
HIS company earned.......with that product: A lot of money
HIS office is on the 5.......: floor
Home banking permits accessing bank services.......: By phone
HONEY IS.......than apple jam, don’t you think: sweeter
HOW had this mobile phone: did
HOW many your family: are there
HOW much.......where you live: Do houses cost
HOW.......she see her friend: often does
Hurry up! We haven’t got.......time Any

I (buy) some fruit and vegetables for our dinner. bought
I (go) to bed late last night. went
I .......a bad headache today Have got
I .......a black cat running down the street Saw
I .......a delicious cake yesterday: Made
I work before eight Won’t be
9 By Mauro
I .......born in New York Was
I tomorrow Am playing
I .......I could go to Rome Wish
I homework every day: Do
I .......smoke when I was 20. used to
I .......the fce last week, but i didn’t do too well SAT FOR
I .......very well today Don’t feel
I ……go. The meeting is at 8.00 and it is 7.45: Must
I ……HIM in Los Angeles last year: met
I ……HIM in my staff Los angeles last year: Hired
I ……HIM not to do that: said
I ……I could eat these biscuits Wish
I ……like a cup of tea Would
I ……MY driving license since 2001: Have had
I ……SLOWLY, but he couldn’t understand me all the same: Was speaking
I ……TEN cigarettes every day: smoke
I ……to this music for hours. It is so beautiful Would listen
I ……you if you marry me Will always love
I ice-cream on a hot day!: enjoy eating
I AM hungry. .......for a pizza: Let’s go
I AM not going to watch this film. It’s.......!: Frightening
I am really hungry. I think.......a pizza. i’ll have
I AM sorry I can’t be of service. I’d gladly help you. If I.......: could
I AM sorry. I haven’t finished my report.......: Yet
I AM.......our chairman’s recorded speech: Listening to
I AM.......the career counselor describing this job opportunity: Listening to
I AM.......the football match on TV tonight: watching

10 By Mauro
I AM.......the marketing manager presenting some new opportunities: listening to
I ASKED her.......: not go away
I bought a new jacket last week yet: I haven’t worn
I CAN’T find my glasses anywhere, .......them? have you seen
I cut.......chopping the vegetables Myself
I didn’t know he was married.......barbara to
I don’t have speak now: Enough time
I DON’T know which of these two handbags I should buy. The red More expensive
one’s nicer, but it’s also.......:
I don’t know which of these two handbags I should buy. The red one’s more expensive
nicer, but it’s also .......
I don’ study English anymore! Want
I felt so I sat outside the dentist’s, thinking it would be really Nervous
I felt so.......when my parents turned up at John’s party EMBARASSED
I go to Andrea s tonight? can
I got up late this morning because I (go) to bed late last night. went
I HAD a discussion with him in London.......: 3 years ago
I have been to Africa....... neither
I homework Almost finished
I hope one day own house: To own
I know I told you I’d do it, but now I realize I’m not it. up
I KNOW I told you I’d do it, but now I realize I’m it: Up
I LIKE going to the swimming pool.......the summer: in
I like Spinach.......I don’t like carrots But
I LIKE to cycle.......the river in the afternoon: along
I LIKE to visit other countries but I find the.......of travel is too high: cost
I locked the door .......we could continue or discussion undisturbed: So that

11 By Mauro
I LOVE it when Becky cooks.......cakes are just delicious: her
I make a suggestion? might
I NEED a workbook has all the answers: Which
I often.......with my friends Go out
I PROMISE hard: will
I really like going to the cinema with my best (friends). them
I remember the day.......we first met When
I SAW him in London.......: 3 years ago
I showed them hold.......the computer To use
I showed them how .......the computer to use
I sostantivi non numerabili: Hanno solo la forma singolare
I sostantivi non numerabili: hanno solo la forma singolare
I think it’s perfectly want to be with friends on holiday: Natural
I think Robert De Niro is.......fascinating actor The most
I THINK that her job is.......then mine: better
I think they.......the match Will win
I think we cannot this business: Any money
I used to be able to speak German, but now i’ve forgotten it
I USED to be able to speak German, but now.......It.: I’ve forgotten it
I USED.......ten cigarettes every day: To smoke
I WANT.......and visit the new shop: To go
I was persuaded .......on the trip at the last minute: To go
I WAS speaking slowly, but he.......understand me: could not
I was talking to (Paul) on the phone when the doorbell rang: him
I WENT to the bookshop.......the best seller “how to persuade people”: to buy
I will not be responsible .......what happens: For
I WON’T go to Naples if it.......tomorrow: rains

12 By Mauro
I WON’T go to the office if it.......tomorrow: rains
I WON’T to work if it.......tomorrow: rains
I would never cheat – I would be .......of being caught: Afraid

I’D LIKE.......a meeting next week: to hold
I’d like.......on holidays next month. to go
I’D LIKE.......on holidays next month: to go
I’D customers next month: to visit
I’d rather.......The children decide for themselves Let
I’ll meet you.......five o’clock At
I’m afraid it.......a long meeting Will be
I’M HUNGRY.......for a pizza: Let’s go
I’M NOT going to watch this film. It’s.......!: Frightening
I’m organizing a party on Sunday. Will you be able to come?
I’m organizing a party on Sunday....... will you be able to come?
I’M SORRY I can’t be of service. I’d gladly help you, if I ....... could
I’m sorry I can’t be of service. I’d gladly help you, if I ....... could
I’M SORRY I haven’t finished my report.......: yet
I’M SORRY, but I’m not sure I quite understand what you want, Could be more specific?:
I’m sorry, but I’m not sure I quite understand what you want, be could
more specific?
I’m sorry, I have no chalk for you ti write on your blackboard. You
might find
.......some in that drawer, though.

I’M SORRY, I have no chalk for you to write on your blackboard. might find
You.......some in that drawer, though:
I’m sorry, I have no chalk for you to write on your blackboard. You might find
.......some in that drawer,though.
13 By Mauro
If I have to finish in one month, have an extra designer: Will need
If I....... a lottery, I.......the poor Won/would help
If I.......more money, I.......a new car Had/would buy
IF I.......time, I’ll go to the hairdresser’s: have
If it is bad weather, I.......out Will not go
If it’s sunny we’ll go for a walk, but if .......I guess we’ll have to stay it rains
IF IT’S sunny we’ll go for a walk, but if.......I guess we’ll have to stay It rains
inside: It rains
If Mary.......more, she.......better marks Studied/would get
If we.......younger, I.......around the world Were/ would travel
If you are writing to very busy people you should: Adopt a brief and succinct written style
If you call me, I.......happy will be
IF YOU don’t know a world in English, you can a look it up
IF YOU own a lot of stock in company, you are considered one of its shareholders
If you try hard you.......succeed Will

Il futuro con “to be going to” si usa per: indicare l’intenzione di compiere un’azione futura

Il paradigma di un verbo irregolare: È sempre composto da tre elementi

IL PASSATO dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendo la desinenza: - ED alla forma base del VERBO
Il passato dei verbi regolari: Si forma aggiungendo la desinenza “-ed” alla forma base del verbo
Il Past Continuous indica: Un’azione continuata nel passato
Il present perfect si forma in base alla seguente struttura: Soggetto + ausiliare + participio passato
Il present perfect si usa quando: manca un preciso riferimentotemporale
14 By Mauro
Il present perfect si usa: Quando manca un preciso riferimento temporale
Il Present progressive viene normalmente usato in inglese per Azioni di natura temporanea

Il simple past può tradursi in italiano: Con il passato remoto, il passato prossimo o l’imperfetto

Il Simple present viene normalmente usato in inglese per descrivere: Azioni compiute con una determinata frequenza
Il superlativo dell’aggettivo “bad” (cattivo) è: Worst
Il termine "environment-friendly" è composto da: Sostantivo + aggettivo
Il verbo "can" è usato: Per esprimere un’abilità, una capacità, per fare una richiesta o
chiedere un permesso
Il verbo ‘have got’: si comporta come verbo ausiliare

In a Private Limited Company (Ltd): Shareholders can sell their shares only if they offer them first to the
other shareholders
In communication in work-teams: Open meetings are the norm
In department stores, .......very useful when introducing new products to Displays
In global economy the economies of the world have become Interconnected
IN INGLESE il passato remoto del verbo “parlare” è: Spoke
IN INGLESE la preposizione di tempo ‘in’ è usata per indicare: Le stagioni
IN INGLESE La preposizione di tempo usata in riferimento ai giorni On
della settimana è:
In inglese, la formazione del superlativo: Comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e
In inglese, la formazione del superlativo: comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e
In lingua inglese, la formazione del comparativo di maggioranza: bisillabici
Comporta variazioni morfologiche per gli aggettivi monosillabici e
In my opinion Ferrari Europe The best

15 By Mauro
IN QUALE delle seguenti frasi la “Question tag”è usata correttamente: It was a terrible experience, wasn’t it

In the e-commerce, there are business transactions between: Between companies or between companies and their customers

In the process of franchising: There is no business relation between franchisor and franchisee

In the summer Athens in Europe. the hottest

In una frase al passato, l’espressione ‘used to’ (es: I used to smoke a lot un’abitudine del passato che non corrisponde più al presente
10 yearsfrase
In una ago) al
serve l’espressione “used to” (es: “I used to smoke a
ad esprimere:
passato, Un’abitudine del passato che non corrisponde più al presente
lot 10 years ago”) serve ad esprimere:
In which sentences can you write “is”? this ….. my mother
Indica come tradurresti la frase “Kevin è il maggiore di tre figli”: Kevin is the eldest of three sons
Indica tra le quattro qual è la frase corretta: Last month, I went to Rome with them
Indicare attraverso quale meccanismo di formazione lessicale (word Affixation
formation) si formano i termini “unfold” e “misadventure”:
Indicare in quale delle seguenti frasi la “Question Tag” è usata It was a terrible experience, wasn’t it?
Indicare in quale frase utilizzeresti per offrire ad un ospite una tazza di Would you like a cup of coffee?
Indicare per quale delle seguenti funzioni è usata in inglese la Indicare le stagioni
preposizione di tempo ‘in’:
Indicare qual è in inglese la preposizione di tempo usata in riferimento On
ai giorni della settimana:
Indicare qual è la frase corretta: Last month, I went to Rome with them

Indicare quale delle seguenti affermazioni relative agli aggettivi Sono preceduti da un articolo
possessivi in lingua inglese é falsa:
Indicare quale delle seguenti espressioni avverbiali indica una Twice an hour
maggiore frequenza rispetto alle altre:
Intercultural Business Communication is: All of the above
Internal communication has the objective of: Informing employees
IS JOHN in bedroom: his

16 By Mauro
Is not one of the 7 C’s of communication: character
Is that purse.......? your
Is there.......milk in the fridge? Any
IS YOUR English improving.......: I hope so
Isabel has all the night To became a succeful manager qualification
IT IS time.......the meeting: to start
It is used to give orders or instructions: Make an offer
IT RAIN while I .......for the bus: Was waiting
It s late. I really.......go. must
IT STARTED to rain while I.......for the bus: Was waiting
it was .......good result but you coul’ve done better a fairly
It wasn’t the first time they had it worked. Taught
It.......all night long. rained
It’s cheaper to travel by air in ....... economy class
It’s not fair! You’re always picking! on
IT’S Not fair!! You’re always!: On
IT’S really hot today, .......a cold drink: would you like
It’s really hot today, .......a cold drink? would you like
IT’S very hot this room.......the windows: could I open
Italian food is.......than junk food Better

JACK often.......his kite on the beach: Flies
Jacob.......rather have spaghetti for lunch Would
James and Michael had already made plans, so they .......come with us: Couldn’t
James home to working in an office: Working

17 By Mauro
January is.......month of the year The coldest
John bought a pair of.......gloves Black leather
John bought Maria a pair of .......gloves: Black leather
John has been to New York recently. He to say hello: Have called
John has good marks at school, but mine are ....... better
JOHN has good marks at school, but mine are.......: better his homework yesterday. had to
John.......his colleague immediately Should call him on the phone: spoke
JUST tell him I his client on the phone: speak

L’affermazione "I live in Rome" risponde alla domanda: Where do you live?
L’affermazione "It’s mine" risponde alla domanda: Whose umbrella is it?
L’affermazione ‘I live in Rome’ risponde alla domanda: where do you live?
La forma affermativa contratta del verbo essere è solitamente usata: Ad un livello più informale di comunicazione
La forma interrogativa della frase “Fiona was asleep” è: Was Fiona asleep?
La frase ‘Jason has got a few friends in Boston’ significa: jason ha qualche amico a boston
La frase ‘Less and less people have a permanent job’ significa: sono sempremeno le persone con un posto fisso
La frase “Jason has got a few friends in Boston” significa: Jason ha qualche amico a Boston
La frase “Less and less people have a permanent job” significa: Sono sempre meno le persone con un posto fisso
La frase ipotetica di secondo tipo (second conditional) viene Una condizione poco probabile
La modalità
usata deontica esprime:
per indicare: un obbligo nei confronti deldestinatario del messaggio
LA MODALITA’ deontica esprime: Un obbligo nei confronti del destinatario del messaggio
La preposizione “from” esprime: Moto da luogo
Last summer holiday Didn’t like
LAST Tuesday the passport office: had to go

18 By Mauro
Last weekend they.......a party Had
Le variazioni ortografiche relative al Present progressive riguardano: Il verbo principale
Let s give it to....... him
LISTEN! The boy next door.......the guitar: Is playing
LOOK! The bus.......: is coming
Look! Those cars....... Are going to crash
LUCKY Tom! He’ Mexico in the morning: Flying

Managers need to give positive and negative feedback to their to let them know their strengths and weaknesses.
Manuals and policy statements are referred to as: Downward communication
Manuela is a good singer, .......? Isn’t she
Many businesswomen find it difficult to.......with the pressure of Deal
working with male superiors and quit their jobs:
Many é generalmente usato: solo nelle frasi interro-negative
Many retail jobs involve: Selling or buying from sellers
Market economy is: The economy that relies on MARKET FORCES which determine
levels of production, consumption, investment, savings without
Marketing can be defined as: Finding out intervention
government what customers want, setting out to meet their needs,
provided it can be done at a profit. It includes market research,
Mary .......but I’m not sure: advertising,
Might come distributing and selling.
Mary is.......Susan As intelligent as
Mary.......Susan are sisters And
Mary.......the house at the moment Is cleaning the cinema with her friends Went

Mathematics is.......subject to study in high school the hardest
Maybe Trump.......the elections! Will not win
Mom, can you give I need to buy a new shirt Some
19 By Mauro
Monday …… tennis I’m playng
MR. me on the phone: Spoke
Much” é generalmente usato: Con gli uncountable nouns
My book is.......interesting than yours More
MY brother is an absolute beginner when it comes to learning English, Have been studying it for
but I.......five years:
My brother is an absolute beginner when it comes to learning English, have been studying it for
My Ibrother
.......five years. me
is.......than Taller
MY company’s.......are in Milan: headquarters
MY dad goes to work.......7 o’clock: At
MY father used to live in paris when.......for the bank: he worked
My mother is.......Smith Mrs
My mum (phone) me yesterday to remind me about the doctor s visit. phoned
My secretary.......Making coffee for me Hates
MY secretary.......making coffee for me: Hates o doesn’t like doesn’t like
MY secretary.......taking notes for me: doesn’t like
MY use Skype: Doesn’t like
MY secretary’ from 12.30 to 1.30: free time
MY manage her own business: Is learning
My story is.......than his story more complicated
My teacher admitted.......the answer to the question: That he didn’t know from 12.30 to 1.30: Lunch time

Naples is.......crowded than New York Less
Nel genitivo sassone il possessore: Puó essere rappresentato da persone, animali o soggetti inanimati

20 By Mauro
Nell’ambito della ‘word formation’ (formazione lessicale), il fenomeno un cambiamento ortografico, fonologico, eil passaggio da una
della conversione può implicare: categoria grammatica all’altra
NELLA frase ipotetica di primo tipo (first conditional) in lingua Futuro
inglese la frase principale è al:
Nella frase ipotetica di primo tipo (first conditional) in lingua inglese, Al futuro
la frase principale è:
Nelle frasi affermative del verbo essere, gli avverbi di frequenza come dopo il verbo essere
ofter e rarely si collocano
Nelle risposte brevi, gli avverbi di frequenza come ‘often’ e ‘rarely’ si Prima dell’ ausiliare ‘do’/’does’
Next i’m playing
NEXT summer my wife and I are going to Greece. You’ve been there, haven’t What’s it like?:
Next summer my wife and I are going to Greece. You’ve been there, haven’t
Noise is: What’s it like? an interruption of the communication
Now that I have found a better job, I.......a new car. am going to buy

OH DEAR! There aren’t.......chairs for fifteen people!: Enough
on the phone) Hello. Juliet ....... speaking
On the telephone) I can t talk right now, ring me later please? can
One of the limitations of written communication is that: It does not provide an opportunity for immediate feedback.

OUR colleague are.......a customer in Dubai: visiting

OUR company is relatively young: it was founded : 2 years ago
Our company will be.......a product over the next few weeks: Promoting
OUR run her own business: learning
OUR director.......them in New York last year: Me
OUR employees’ from 12.30 to 1.30: lunch time

21 By Mauro
OUR export new York: had never been
OUR marketing manager.......your customers last month: met
Our marketing staff.......your client last week met
OUR new employee has a.......experience in marketing: Great
OUR Mr. brown on the phone: spoke
Our are slowly rising, so we don’t need any changes in marketing Purchasing power
campaign at the moment:

People in high-context cultures make business decisions on the basis Interpersonal relations
People think that Ferragosto is (hot) day of the year. the hottest
Per esprimere un’azione pianificata nel futuro useremo: Il Present continuous con valore di futuro
Phone.......tomorrow them
Please buy those apples! I would like....... Some
PLEASE, ask the new employee.......: Not to go away
Please, close (the window). It’ s cold outside. IT
PLEASE, sit at your and turn the computer on: Desk
Poni al futuro la seguente frase: “I can’t come to the meeting today”: I won’t be able to come to the meeting tomorrow
Primary audience: Is the decision-maker and/or decision-making body
Probably 5 o clock will finish
Public relations is: Different from advertising

Punctuality is a necessity in: Germany

Qual è la frase corretta? last month i went to rome with them

22 By Mauro
Quale dei seguenti verbi viene usato per esprimere il passato del verbo Had to
dovere ("must"):
Quale delle seguenti affermazioni relative agli aggettivi possessivi in sono preceduti da un articolo
lingua inglese è falsa?
QUIET, please – I.......: Am doing a test!

Ralph.......his friend at the supermarket Saw
Recent studies.......that over 81 % of teachers are dissatisfied with their Have showed
salaries and want more money:
Retailer employees work: Long hours and for relatively low reward
Rispetto all’italiano, la coniugazione verbale in lingua inglese risulta nella forma
Rispetto all’italiano, la coniugazione verbale in lingua inglese risulta nella forma
Ronald took.......Julia from the first moment they met to

Sally invited me out to dinner, but i told he i’d already eaten
Sam, have got pen, please? a
SAM, have you pen, please: A
Several serious.......have been made against him by the police. accusations
She .......rather moody at the moment: Seems
She run her own business is learning
She convinced the court .......innocent: That she was
She couldn’t tell us what.......The money on. she had spent
She dances....... Beautifully
SHE got dressed.......a moment: In
SHE got ready for her presentation.......a moment: in
SHE is in his office, sitting at her.......: Desk
23 By Mauro
She is not very interested in this film, .......? is she
She speaks English....... Fluently
SHE used to live in London when.......for that company: She worked
She was grateful.......the help he had given her for
She was wearing a .......dress lovely red
She was wearing a.......dress Lovely red
She....... (wait) for me when I arrived: Was waiting
SHE.......a house in the town centre: has got run her own business: is learning
She’s .......too thin for her part in the party a bit
She’s so.......mindedand often forgets her keys absent
She’s so.......that she finds it hard to say no: Weak
SHE’S the in the post office: Who
She’s.......sensitive to other people’s problems quite
She’s.......too thin for her party in the play A bit
SHEILA.......go to the university: Doesn’t want to
Show your new cd! Me
SI USA il simple past anziché il present perfect quando: L’evento descritto nella frase non produce più effetti sul presente

Small group communication refers to interactions among: three or more people

SMITH.......abroad: Has never been
SMITH.......In Germany: Has never been
Smokers.......use the smoking areas. must
SOME customers.......this year’s shoe models: don’t like
Some si usa: sia per i contable nouns che per gli uncountable nouns
Some typical metaphors to describe organizations are: Machine, organism, brains, cultures, political system
Sometimes there’s a lot of competition between children for their attention
mother’s …...

24 By Mauro
SORRY I’m late mum. I’ll get home I can: Soon
SORRY, I.......any cake to give you: haven’t got
stop launching!” “we can’t ....... help it
Strategic Communication includes: Public relations, marketing, advertising, and management

Suggestions for improvements from an employee is an example of: None of the above
Susan goes to work.......bus By
Susan the class The most intelligent
Susan seems....... Drunk

Tell came home so late Why
THANK You, .......: You’re welcome
That company is developing a new .......technique: Marketing
THAT email is for......., not for Paula: me
That little boy is my....... son
THAT tennis club is really expensive now. I’m going to.......playing Give up
there: tim coming home now. go and open the door for him will WILL
The 90% of business transactions involve: written communication
The acronym used for e-commerce is: EC
The advantage of working for this company is that all employees Perceive
.......themselves as a member of a team.
THE Americans eat more hamburgers.......the British: than
The bath is full.......water of
The best option in life in not always....... the easiest
The bill was much.......expensive for me to pay on my own. too
The boy.......Is going to Milan is Jack Who

25 By Mauro
The car swerved to avoid .......the pedestrian: Hitting
The children much fun, i hated to call them inside. having
The Clintons.......a bigger house Would like
The comedy .......was in TV last night was very(?) which
THE comedy.......was on TV last night was very funny: Which
The company insists that all their products respect of their Uniform
quality, specification and look:
The doctor gave me a .......for some medicine last week prescription
The executive director often.......interviews: Conducts
THE executive held.......a last month: meeting
THE flight was cancelled, so the Expo: Couldn’t go
The functions of Horizontal Communication are: To help employees and departments coordinate their activities with
one another
The game was exciting, wasn’t
The girl in the painting.......a blue dress: Is wearing
The girl with the my sister: Hair
The Grapevine is: A very formal system of communication
The imperative: It is never used to give strong advice
The Intercity train is.......than the Regional train: More comfortable
The intercity 4 p.m. Arrives
The Japanese: Prefer not to use the word no
The jeans in the the other shop: Aren’t as cheap as
The judge asked the witness .......give her more information: If he could
The man was walking.......the river Along
The medium is the message” means that: the medium is meaningful, not the content of the message

The negative form of “will” is: Will not

The new pub is.......the bank and the supermarket Between

26 By Mauro
The number of complaints the last two months: increased
The 9:00 a.m. Opens
The offices until 9 a.m.: Do not open
The people who own each individual business are called.......: workers
The personnel manager asked him.......: Not to go away
The phone rang while I....... Was cooking
The pilots suddenly went on strike ......., our flight was cancelled: As result
The pizzas are finally here! You.......have the margherita or the can
marinara. The choice is yours.
The at 4:30 a.m. Takes
The problem was.......solved: Easily
The process of acquiring new approaches, beliefs, and values by Enculturation
coming into contact with another culture:
The product development team.......a meeting last week: Had
The products that people buy are called.......: Goods
The restaurant at 19.30 tonight: Opens
The region has considerable energy resources, also has major Even though
The Robinson always go.......The mountains .......Holiday to/on
The say the world’s oil out in about half a century. I Are going to
wonder how we will manage then:
The use the new apps: is learning
The sender is also said: encoder
The Service in this restaurant is awful. Can you believe it? .......three I’ve been waiting
quarters of an hour for my main Course, and there’s still no sign of
The it:
shop owner was.......a jacket: wearing
The soup tasted....... Good
The steps make up the communication process are: eight

27 By Mauro
The Structure of Organizations: shifts from hierarchical (tall) to decentralized (flat)

The students.......a power point for their French lesson Were preparing
The style of your writing refers to: How you express yourself rather than what you say

The supervisor was speaking slowly, but I.......understand him: Could not
The suspect .......that he had been to the bank that day: Denied
The third phase of the 3-x-3 writing process include: Revising and proofreading
The three primary forms of communication are: verbal, written and body language
The train 7 oclock. Leaves
The way of doing business in each country depends on: Local mentality
The weather in London is usually horrible.......January In
The word communication is derived from communis (Latin) which community
The.......have a great respect for privacy: French
The.......Toys are all broken Children’s
Their accountant lives in east London.......: he goes there by train
Their company earned.......with that merchandise: A lot of money
Their shareholders made.......with the new product: a lot of money
There is.......bread on the table Some
There isn’t.......cheese in the fridge Much
There isn’t.......water in the bottle, we’ll have to buy another one: much
There were .......people at the party there was no room to move: So many
There’s no need to rush back- just.......your time take
There’s nothing tastier than .......tomato: A nice red
There’s someone at the door, .......I get it: Shall
There’s.......sugar in my tea Too much

28 By Mauro
They are going through hard economic times, .......things have Although
improved a little recently:
They asked if.......always wanted to be a doctor she had
They asked me.......: Not to go away
They do not.......cheques in that restaurant: accept
They have.......expanded the seating area and they want to expand the Already
restaurant itself:
They say the world’s oil reserves out in about half a century. I are going to
wonder how we willmanage then.
They spoke a strain language, so we.......understand them: could not
They with their family Eat
They won’t come to work if it.......tomorrow: rains
They won’t go to the airport if it.......tomorrow: Rains
They.......a beautiful house: Have got
They.......any money Haven’t got
They.......French tourists: are not
They.......her to go to the theatre persuaded
They.......introduce the new marketing strategy in the near future: Will at yesterday’s meeting: Didn’t recognise
They.......Portuguese for a year before they travelled to Brazil: Had studied
They.......the director’s words very carefully: heard to
They’re very proud .......their daughter’s success of
This car has seen better days. I’d buy a new one if I.......the money: Had

This is (interesting) film I have seen this year. the most interesting
This is (noisy) room in the apartment. the noisiest
This is (old) pub in town the oldest
This My

29 By Mauro
This John’s
This is.......doll of my collection The least beautiful
This package is really heavy! Give me a hand with it, Will
This particular.......of cell phones has very few apps: Name

This test can 90 minutes: done

Those shoes are produced in South Korea and are not very , Expensive
because the labour costs are lower:
Tim always.......a big English breakfast: has
Tom drives.......than Joe: faster
Totò was.......comedian of this century the funniest
TRA le seguenti l’espressione avverbiale che indica una maggiore Twice an hour
frequenza rispetto alle altre è:

United were knocked out of the first round competition

Vertical Communication can be: Only downward

We are going out.......our friends With
We are.......from the trip Completely exhausted
We came back home and then we (have) something to drink had
We can.......go to the cinema.......the theater Eitheror
We don’t.......any chips in our farm in USA. We make them in China: Produce
We had.......nice meal last night rather a
We hadn’t expected the trip to be so
We hasn’t expected the trip to be.......exhausting so

30 By Mauro
We made her an excellent offer, but she Rejected
We made.......with our new product: a lot of money
We made.......with that invention: A lot of money
We products unless we test them first: buy
We watched a very.......programme on television last night which made amusing
us laugh a lot
We were told to put it where it was usually.......: Stored
We.......a letter now Are reading
We.......for our holidays tomorrow morning Are leaving
We.......lunch when you telephoned: had
We.......the flight tickets yet: haven’t booked
We’ve chosen them, because their service the market: the cheapest
We’ve got a big gym.......our school: Behind
Well, I.......not.......sell the company: Am/going
Wendy.......sing but she’s a fantastic dancer: Can’t
What are job-spinning projects: Projects that are climate friendly in energy, manufacturing, waste-
management, ecotourism, agriculture and mining
What are you.......? I’m.......a delicious cake: Doing/making
What did the newspaper…about the accident? say
What do people use the Internet for: Dancing
What do you do? I work.......: in advertising
What time do you.. In the morning? get up
What the meeting last night: Did you arrive
What time.......In your office for the meeting? did she arrive
What bed during the week: do you usually go
What were you doing at 7:30 on Sunday evening? I.......TV: was watching
What.......? I’m student: Do you do London last weekend: did you do
31 By Mauro that organization: Does Smith do do at the weekends: do you like
What.......when he is not at work: does Jim do Are/going
What’s the E-Commerce: The opportunity to buy and sell just on the an individual market

What’s the meaning of “dotcom frenzy”: Going mad for the world of Internet
What’s the meaning of “transaction”: Business deal
When doing a multiple choice exercise, you should always red all the carefully
When he comes, I.......there. will not be
When he was a child he (not/like) school very much. did not like
When I have a cold, I always.......a lot: sneeze
When I......., they were eating Arrived
When Simon .......back tonight, he’ll do the washing up. comes
When writing business messages, you should emphasize: Second-person pronouns instead of first-person
Where.......from: Are your parents
Where.......when she is not in the office: does your secretary go find at 6 pm yesterday: were
Which definition does not explain the concept of “retailing”: Retailers are at the beginning of the supply chain
Which functions are performed by franchisor: To distribute the franchisor’s goods or service
Which is the correct answer to this question? Does your sister work no she doesn’t
Which of the following adjectives cannot be used with the prefixe il: Similar

Which of the following are NOT examples of external communication: With workforce

Which of the following are part of non verbal communication: Kinesics, proxemics, haptics, oculesics, and olfactics
Which of the following compound nouns is not correct: Purchasing free
Which of the following is not a green economy’s action: To improve company’s impact on the environment

32 By Mauro
Which of the following is not a strategic force that affects Media channel
Which of the following is not one of the five dimensions of business Management vs. employees communication
Which of the following is true about effective cross-cultural It minimizes problems stemming from misinterpretations
Which of the following sentences is correct: please sit down Mr Black
Which of the following sentences uses bias-free language: Everyone must show their identification to receive the student
Which of the following statements is true: In U.S. and Canada people expect eye contact to be maintained

Which of the following words can form a noun with the suffix “ness”: Effective
Which of the following words is used with DO: Your best
Which of the following words is used with MAKE: Decision
Which of these words is not an adverb of time: There
Which options is not a ways of expressing contrast in English: Often
Which sentences is correct? maria’s not in the kitchen
Which suffixe can you add to the word “develop”? Ment
Which the correct form: Last but not least
Which word completes the sentences? My parents house is very big, but their is small.
While Britain he met many colleagues: Was
While London he saw an accident: was
While he.......the window, he saw an accident: was opening
While his store, he saw an accident: was driving
While I.......down the street, friend Was walkingmet
Who is responsible for the management and operation of an individual Store Manager
Whose bag is ………...? It is ……….. This/hers
Why are you hungry? oh I.......breakfast this morning: didn’t have

33 By Mauro
Why are you wearing my new pink jeans? .......!: take them off
Why don’t you.......this interesting presentation: hear
Why.......they going to the party: Aren’t
Will a franchise necessarily be successful? No
Winning the nobel prize has made her .......know troughout the world. well
Would you like .......another pieces of cake TO HAVE
Would you drink, Sir? anything
Would you mind.......the door: to open / opening
Written formats are: All of the above

Yesterday evening the phone rang three times while we.......dinner: Were having
Yesterday you went to the cinema? Didn’t you
You .......feel guilty for what happened: Mustn’t
You don’t have any plans for today? Great! .......go to the cinema with How about
You like pizza, .......? Don’t you
You not smoke in the office: Must aspirin if you have a headache: Should take this if You don’t feel ready: Don’t have to the door before the train gets into the station. It’s very Mustn’t
dangerous: your passport at the frontier if you want to get across: Have to use your mobile phone in this building: aren’t allowed
You’re .......sighted and need glasses, I’m afraid: Short
Your work is.......better: getting

34 By Mauro

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