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8/9/2019 Grade 9 Science Reviewer

Roxy Leforge Foundation Colleges

Science 9
Review Material or Quizbee
Part 

! " body syste# #ade u$ o t%e organs in t%e body t%at %el$ us to breat%e!
&! " #ec%anical $rocess o ta'ing in oxygen and ex$elling carbon dioxide!
(! " $rocess w%ere t%e body brea's down t%e oxygen so t%at t%e cells in t%e body can use it

to create energy!
)! *$$er#ost $art o t%e res$iratory syste# w%ere oxygen enters!
+! ,ivides nasal cavities into rig%t and let sides!
-! .%is %el$s #oisten t%e air t%at we breat%e!
/! S#all %air t%at 0lters s#all solid $articles li'e dust in t%e air t%at we breat%e!
1! .%roat! Co##on $assageway or air and ood! +2 long!
9! .%is structure $revents ood or water ro# entering t%e trac%ea!
3!4oice box! .riangular c%a#ber below $%arynx! 2"da#5s "$$le2!
!"lso called 6ind$i$e! )!+7 long! 6alls are alternate bands o #e#brane and c8s%a$ed
rings o %yaline cartilage to 'ee$ it o$en! Lined wit% ciliated #ucous #e#brane! Coug%ing
and ex$ectoration gets rid o dust8laden #ucous!
&!.%is structure allows t%e $assage o air to t%e lungs!

(!ronc%i t%at s$lits

)!.iny gra$e8li'e sacsinto #any
at t%e s#aller
end o t%e $arts t%at s$read
res$iratory t%roug%out
tree w%ere t%e lungs!
gas exc%ange occur!
+!" #uscular structure located between t%e t%oracic and abdo#inal cavity!
-!Larger and s%orter :dis$laced by liver; and %as t%ree lobes!
/!S#aller :dis$laced by %eart; and %as two lobes!
1!.%in< #oist< sli$$ery #e#brane t%at covers lungs! ,ouble8walled sac! S$ace is $leural
cavity8 0lled wit% $leural =uid to $revent riction!
9! ins$iration and  ex$iration>  res$iration! ?or#al adult> )8&3 res$irations $er #inute!
@ncreases wit% exercise< body te#$erature< and certain diseases! "ge :newborn> )38-3
$er #inute;! Slee$> res$irations go down! A#otion can bring res$irations u$ or down!
&3!,ee$ breat% ollowed by orceul ex$ulsion o air to clean lower res$iratory tract!
&!S$as# o dia$%rag# and s$as#otic closure o t%e glottis8 irritation to dia$%rag# or
&&!"ir nerve!
orced t%roug% nose to clear res$iratory tract!
&(!,ee$ $rolonged breat% t%at 0lls t%e lungs< increases oxygen wit%in t%e blood!
&)!Sti#ulates t%e dia$%rag#!
&+!.er# or diBculty o breat%ing!
&-!.er# or abnor#ally ra$id breat%ing!
&/!.er# or abnor#ally slow breat%ing!
&1!?arrows t%e airways by causing an allergy8induced s$as#s o surrounding #uscles or by
clogging t%e airways wit% #ucus!
&9!"n in=a##atory res$onse t%at reduces air=ow and is caused by long8ter# ex$osure to
irritants suc% as cigarette s#o'e< air $ollutants< or allergens!
(3!Lie su$$ort structure t%at nouris%es your cells wit% nutrients ro# t%e ood you eat and
(!Pu#$s ro# t%e air
blood you breat%e!
t%roug%out t%e body!
(&!Carries t%e blood t%roug%out t%e body!
((!Carries t%e #aterials t%roug%out t%e body!
()!Carries oxygenated blood away ro# t%e %eart to t%e cells< tissues and organs o t%e body!
(+!Carries deunoxygenated blood to t%e %eart!
(-!.%e s#allest blood vessels in t%e body< connecting t%e s#allest arteries to t%e s#allest
veinsD t%e actual site w%ere gases and nutrients are exc%anged!
(/!Move#ent o blood ro# t%e %eart< to t%e lungs< and bac' to t%e %eart
(1!Move#ent o t%e blood t%roug% t%e tissues o t%e %eart!
(9!Move#ent o blood ro# t%e %eart to t%e rest o t%e body< excluding t%e lungs!
)3!.%e only artery t%at carries deoxygenated blood!
)!.%e onlyor
)&!lowing vein in t%e body
=uttering soundt%at carries
%eard oxygenated
on %eart blood!
)(!Reduction o blood su$$ly to an organ!
))!6%en blood $ressure is &313 ## Eg 13 indicateG
)+!,eat% o tissue due to a bloc'age o blood su$$ly< as in a %eart attac'!
)-!" t%in layer o serous #e#brane t%at %el$s to lubricate and $rotect t%e outside o t%e
)/!.%e #uscular #iddle layer o t%e %eart wall t%at contains t%e cardiac #uscle tissue!
)1!.%e si#$le sHua#ous endot%eliu# layer t%at lines t%e inside o t%e %eart!
)9!.y$e o serous #e#brane t%at $roduces serous =uid to lubricate t%e %eart and $revent
riction between t%e ever beating %eart and its surrounding organs! 1/2
8/9/2019 Grade 9 Science Reviewer

+3!"ct as receiving c%a#bers or blood< so t%ey are connected to t%e veins t%at carry blood to
t%e %eart!
+! .%e larger< stronger $u#$ing c%a#bers t%at send blood out o t%e %eartD connected to
t%e arteries t%at carry blood away ro# t%e %eart!
+&! Located in t%e #iddle o t%e %eart between t%e atria and ventricles and only allow blood
to =ow ro# t%e atria into t%e ventricles!
+(!"4 valves are attac%ed on t%e ventricular side to toug% strings called IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
+)!?a#ed or t%e crescent #oon s%a$e o t%eir cus$s< are located between t%e ventricles and
t%e arteries t%at carry blood away ro# t%e %eart!
++!Prevents t%e bac'=ow o blood ro# t%e $ul#onary trun' into t%e rig%t ventricle!
+-!Prevents t%e aorta ro# regurgitating blood bac' into t%e let ventricle!
+/!.%e conduction syste# starts wit% t%e $ace#a'er o t%e %eartJa s#all bundle o cells
+1!.%e signal ro# t%e S" node is $ic'ed u$ by anot%er #ass o conductive tissue 'nown as
+9!Carries t%e signal to t%e walls o t%e ventricles< sti#ulating t%e cardiac #uscle cells to
contract in a coordinated #anner to eBciently $u#$ blood out o t%e %eart!
-3! ?on8invasive device t%at #easures and #onitors t%e electrical activity o t%e %eart
t%roug% t%e s'in!
-!.%e liHuid co#$onent o t%e blood!
-&!"lso 'nown as eryt%rocytes< are =attened< doubly concave cells t%at carry oxygen
associated in t%e cell5s %e#oglobin!
-(!"lso 'nown as leu'ocytes< are larger t%an eryt%rocytes< %ave a nucleus< and lac'
%e#oglobin! .%ey unction in t%e cellular i##une res$onse!.%ey are #ade ro# ste# cells
in bone #arrow! .%ere are 0ve ty$es o leu'ocytes< i#$ortant co#$onents o t%e i##une

• ?eutro$%ils enter t%e tissue =uid by sHueezing t%roug% ca$illary walls and engul0ng
oreign substances!

• Macro$%ages release w%ite blood cell growt% actors< causing a $o$ulation increase or
w%ite blood cells!

• Ly#$%ocytes 0g%t inection!

•  .8cells attac' cells containing viruses!

• 8cells $roduce antibodies! "ntigen8antibody co#$lexes are $%agocytized by a

#acro$%age! 6%ite blood cells can sHueeze t%roug% $ores in t%e ca$illaries and 0g%t
inectious diseases in interstitial areas

-)!Result ro# cell rag#entation and are involved wit% clotting! .%ese are cell rag#ents
t%at bud of #ega'aryocytes in bone #arrow! .%ey carry c%e#icals essential to blood
clotting! @t can survive or 3 days beore being re#oved by t%e liver and s$leen! .%ere are
+3<333 to (33<333 $latelets in eac% #illiliter o blood! @t stic' and ad%ere to tears in blood
vesselsD t%ey also release clotting actors! " %e#o$%iliac5s blood cannot clot! Providing
correct $roteins :clotting actors; %as been a co##on #et%od o treating %e#o$%iliacs! @t
%as also led to E@4 trans#ission due to t%e use o transusions and use o conta#inated
blood $roducts!
-+!"lso 'nown as brea'bone ever< is a #osHuito8borne tro$ical disease! Sy#$to#s
include ever< %eadac%e< #uscle and Koint $ains< and a c%aracteristic s'in ras% t%at
is si#ilar to #easles! @n a s#all $ro$ortion o cases t%e disease develo$s into a lie
t%reatening condition< resulting in bleeding< low levels o blood $latelets and blood $las#a
lea'age t%at can result in a severe low blood $ressure! 2/2

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