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Joven Jaravata


How do you appreciate the Greek conception of Truth in relation to the different kinds of
"Truths" being presented in our time (social media, "fake news", trolls, etc).

People think what they want to, despite the truth.

Truth is powerful and pure, but broken nowadays, lies are everywhere.
Spreading of misinformation, disinformation and malinformation of lies are rampant.
Truth’s opposite is always a lie or deception, an evil and destructive one. People turn on
each other and as they say false narrative words it causes distraction and chaos where
truth is completely vanished. Words sometimes feel dumb, for it to be true, one must
speak truth and support facts not opinions.

The speed with which technology and young peoples’ online activity is one thing
to watch out for, social media is very powerful and very relevant nowadays as fake
news too is widely shared through the platform.The technological ease of copying,
pasting, clicking and sharing content online has helped misinformation and
disinformation to proliferate In this case, we should stop spreading fake news starting
from ourselves to be knowledgeable to what we post and what shouldn’t be shared
online. Fake news offense the truth,  its have the potential to polarize public opinion, to
promote violent extremism and hate speech, to shorten, it folds it and erase the truth.
Gossip, is a type of fake news, it is attractive to many people and are the kind of claims
that seem to not need verification. Trolls are the enabler of fake news, these are people
who click-bait and spread false information to gain clout that result to misleading and
different perception for a person who didn’t know how to differ facts from fake news.

In order to fight fake news, We should take measures to promote media and
digital literacy to raise awareness in issues we are facing. Social media should be a
platform that encourages an open and honest global conversation content not a an evil
one. People who have the ability to critic one argument news should raise awareness
within its digital circle to take down false information if ever he encountered one. In this
way, we are able to amplify voices that only truth we should speak.

Truth is an accurate mere of facts, not a fabricated one. It is vital to speak truth
most of the times. The common run of people are not in search of truth because they
are content with what they think they know and looking for the truth is inconvenient. Our
world, however, needs people who speak the truth and help in making necessary
reforms so we ca all have a better future.

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