Ste Q2-Sci 10 W1-4

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Grade Level QUARTER 2 WEEK 1-2
Mark Neil M. Arpon
Topic : Electromagnetic Spectrum
Learning Competency/ies :
Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of electromagnetic waves.
for the first week:
1. Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of electromagnetic waves
2. Compare the relative frequencies of different forms of electromagnetic waves;
for the second week:
3. Identify the relationship among wavelength, frequency, and energy of an
electromagnetic wave.
I. Introduction
You learned about waves during your Science 7 class. Let’s recall some important
terms about waves. Below are descriptions of different terms relating to waves and the
jumbled letters which will form the correct term. Your task is to rearrange the jumbled
letters to form the term being described. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.

How many words do you remember well? You may refer back to these pages when you
want to recall the definition of the listed terms.
Brief History of the Electromagnetic Theory
Electricity and magnetism – in Physics, these words often go together like a horse and
a carriage, in electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction.
Let us meet the original players in electromagnetism: Oersted, Ampere, Faraday,
Henry, and Maxwell along with many others who laid the groundwork for the
understanding of the concepts of electromagnetic theory.
In 1820, Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted accidentally discovered that a
magnetic needle deflects when there is a current-carrying wire nearby. This
phenomenon established the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

Figure1. Oersted Discovery:

Inspired by Oersted’s discovery, Andre-Marie Ampere, performed a series of

experiments designed to explain the exact nature of the relationship between the flow
of electric current and magnetism, as well as the relationships that govern the behavior
of electric currents in different types of conductors. These experiments made Ampere
formulate the law of electromagnetism or Ampere’s Law, called in honor of him, which
describes the magnetic force between two electrical currents mathematically.

Figure 2: Ampère found that parallel wires with currents flowing in the same direction attract each other.
Currents in opposite directions repel each other.
Michael Faraday made his first discovery of electromagnetism in 1821. He took the
work of Oersted and Ampere on the magnetic properties of electrical currents as a starting
point and in 1831 achieved an electrical current from a changing magnetic field, a
phenomenon known as electromagnetic induction. He found that when an electrical
current passed through a coil, another very short current was generated in a nearby coil.
This discovery marked a decisive milestone in the progress not only of science but also of
society and is used today to generate electricity at a large-scale power station.
Joseph Henry made important design improvements by insulating the wire instead
of the iron core while working with electromagnets in 1829. He was able to wrap a large
number of turns of wire around the core and thus greatly increase the power of the
magnet. He had made an electromagnet that could support 2,063 pounds, a world record
at the time. He also searched for electromagnetic induction, and in 1831, he started to
build a large electromagnet for that purpose. He was the first to notice the principle of
A brilliant physicist and mathematician, James Clerk Maxwell, proposed Faraday’s
electromagnetic induction to happen even in empty space. The symmetry between the
fields fascinated him so much. He added two basic principles of electromagnetism: (1) a
changing electric field in space produces a magnetic field, and (2) a changing magnetic
field in space produces an electric field.
Maxwell proposed that the alteration of
electric and magnetic fields, generating
and propelling each other in space, can
be thought of as a form of moving energy.
Maxwell further thought of this form of
energy as a wave which he called
an electromagnetic wave. Using
mathematical computations based on his
theoretical assumption and the numerical
results of Faraday’s experiments, Maxwell
concluded that the speed of
electromagnetic waves must be 3 x 10⁸ m/s. Figure 3: Electromagnetic Wave.

It was only after the death of Maxwell that a German physicist, Heinrich Hertz,
designed an experimental setup that was electrical in nature and able to generate and
detect electromagnetic waves.
Electric and Magnetic Fields Together
Accelerating electrons produce electromagnetic waves. These waves are a combination
of electric and magnetic fields. A changing magnetic field produces an electric field, and a
changing electric field produces a magnetic field.
As accelerated electrons produce the electric field of a wave, the varying electric field
produces the wave’s magnetic field. Both the electric field and the magnetic field oscillate
perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the propagating wave.
All electromagnetic waves can travel through a medium, but unlike other types of
waves, they can also travel in a vacuum. They travel in a vacuum at a speed of 3 x 10⁸
m/s and are denoted as c, the speed of light.
Match the scientists with their contributions to the development of the electromagnetic
theory. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.
Scientists' Contributions
1. Andre-Marie Ampere a. Contributed to developing equations that
showed the relationship between electricity and
2. Michael Faraday b. Showed experimental evidence of
electromagnetic waves and their link to light
3. Heinrich Hertz c. Demonstrated the magnetic effect based on
the direction of the current.
4. James Clerk Maxwell d. Formulated the principle behind
electromagnetic induction.
5. Hans Christian Oersted e. Showed how a current-carrying wire behaves
like a magnet.
Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is a continuum of electromagnetic waves arranged
according to frequency and wavelength. It is a gradual progression from the waves of the
lowest frequencies to the waves of the highest frequencies.
According to increasing frequency, the EM spectrum includes radio waves,
microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. These waves do
not have an exact dividing region.
The different types of electromagnetic waves are defined by the amount of energy
carried by/possessed by the photons. Photons are bundles of wave energy.
Among the EM waves, gamma rays have photons of high energy, while radio waves
have photons with the lowest energies. On the other hand, the wavelength of radio waves
can be compared to the size of a football field, while the wavelengths of gamma rays are as
small as the nuclei of an atom.
The waves in the various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum share similar
properties but differ in wavelength, frequency, energy, and method of production.

Figure 4: Electromagnetic Spectrum.

The Regions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Radio and TV waves
Radio and TV waves have the longest
wavelengths and the lowest frequencies in
the electromagnetic spectrum. They can be
produced by making electricity oscillate in
an aerial, or antenna, and are used to
transmit sound and picture information
over long distances.
Microwaves are radio waves with very
short wavelengths. They are used in satellite
communications because they can penetrate
the ionosphere – a layer of the earth’s
atmosphere in which there is a high
concentration of charged particles.
Infrared Waves
Infrared waves are waves that lie in the region beyond the red end of the visible
spectrum. The wavelength of infrared waves is too long to be visible to the naked eye.
Infrared radiation is most noticeable when given off by hot objects, especially when objects
are red hot.
Visible Light
At about 7000 °C, the shortest waves present can be detected by the eye. These
visible waves are what we know as "light" waves. Visible light makes up only a small
portion of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
When white light passes through a prism, it is separated into its constituent colors:
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Violet has the shortest wavelength, and
red has the longest. There are no sharp boundaries separating the various colors. Instead,
there is a continuous blending from one color to the next.
Ultraviolet Waves
Ultraviolet waves are invisible radiation that lies beyond the violet end of the visible
spectrum. Ultraviolet light has a shorter wavelength than violet light and carries more
energy. The sun is our main source of ultraviolet light.
X – rays
X-rays have short wavelengths and high frequencies and are very penetrating. They
are produced by the rapid acceleration of electrons in X-ray machines that collide with
atoms. These atoms emit X-rays.
X-rays with long wavelengths that can penetrate through flesh but not bone are
used in X-ray photography to help doctors look inside the body. X-rays with shorter
wavelengths that can penetrate through metal are used in industry to inspect welded
joints or faults.
All X-rays are dangerous because they can damage living cells and cause cancer.
Gamma Rays
Gamma rays are high-energy waves produced from nuclear reactions. They have
shorter wavelengths than X-rays because energy changes within the nucleus are normally
much larger than those that take place outside it. They are more dangerous than X-rays
because radioactive substances emit them.

II. Development
Learning Task 1. Make A Wave
(Performance Task)
rope and a separate sheet of paper
1. Get a rope of any kind and tie one end of it to a fixed sturdy object near you.
Now, straighten the rope and hold the other end of it. Start moving your hands
up and down. Observe what happens to the rope. Draw the wave you made on
a separate sheet of paper.

2. Now, try to make a wave again but move your hands slowly. Observe what
happens. Draw the image of the wave you created.

3. This time, make a wave while moving your hands fast. Draw the image of the

Guide Question:
Is there a difference in the waves you've created based on the activity? Why does
each wave appear unique?

Learning Task 2. How far?
Direction: Compare the wavelength range of different EM waves. Copy and answer
the table; refer to Figure 4 on page 4; then answer the questions that follow. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answer.
Electromagnetic spectrum figure 4 (See page 4)
1. Complete the table below by writing the range of wavelength in meters.

Electromagnetic Wave Wavelength Range (meters)

Visible light
Guide Questions:
Q1. Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength?
Q2. Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength?
Q3. Observe what happens to the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves as they
progress (goes rightward from the figure). Does the wavelength of the EM waves
increase or decrease as we go from radio waves to gamma rays?

III. Engagement ( activity )

Learning Task 3. What’s the frequency?
Direction: Compare the frequencies of different EM waves. Copy and answer the
table, refer to Figure 4 on page 5, then answer the questions that follow. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answer.
Electromagnetic spectrum figure (See page 5)
1. Complete the table below by writing the frequencies of different EM

Electromagnetic Wave Frequency (Hertz)

Visible light
Q1. Which of the EM waves has the highest frequency?
Q2. Which of the EM waves has the lowest frequency?
Q3. The energy of an EM wave also depends on its frequency, which means waves
with higher frequencies come with higher energy too. Which of the EM waves has
the highest energy? _________________________________________________________
Q4. Which of the EM waves has the lowest energy?
Q5. What happens to the frequency of electromagnetic waves as they progress?
Does the frequency of the EM waves increase or decrease as we go from radio
waves to gamma-ray?
Learning Task 4. Let’s Compare!
Direction: Identify what happens to the wavelength, frequency, and energy of the
EM waves following the direction of the arrows. You may answer INCREASING or
DECREASING inside the arrows.

Guide Questions:
1. Which group of electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength?
2. Which group has the highest frequency?
3. What can be concluded about the relationship between the wavelength and
frequency of a particular group of waves?
4. How does the energy vary with the frequency of the wave?

IV. Assimilation ( activity/ evaluation )

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of your choice. Use
a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
1. He theorized that changing the magnetic field would produce an electric field.
a. Faraday c. Maxwell
b. Hertz d. Oersted
2. Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. What is the speed of an
electromagnetic wave in a vacuum?
a. 3 x 10⁸ m/s c. 3 x 10⁹ m/s
b. 3 x 10⁸ m/s² d. 3 x 10⁹ m/s²
3. Which property spells the difference between radio waves and microwave
a. amplitude c. speed in vacuum
b. color d. wavelength
4. Which two waves lie at the beginning and end of the electromagnetic spectrum?
a. Gamma ray and X-ray c. radio wave and gamma-ray
b. microwaves and ultraviolet rays d. radio waves and microwaves
5. What is the frequency range of ultraviolet radiation?
a. 3.5 x 10⁹ – 3 x 10¹¹ Hz c. 7.5 x 10¹⁴ – 3 x 10¹⁶ Hz
b. 3.5 x 10¹¹ – 3 x 10¹⁴ Hz d. 7.5 x 10¹⁶ – 3 x 10¹⁹ Hz
6. Visible light is the only EM wave that can be seen with our naked eye. What is
the color of light if it has a frequency of 4.5 x 1014 Hz?
a. blue c. red
b. green d. yellow
7. Which of the following is correctly arranged from longest to shortest wavelength?
a. gamma ray, radio wave, infrared c. ultraviolet, visible light, radio
b. microwave, x-ray, gamma ray d. x-ray, gamma ray, ultraviolet
8. Which type of EM wave has a wavelength similar to the size of a 1 peso coin?
a. infrared c. ultraviolet
b. microwave d. visible light
9. Which electromagnetic wave can travel the least distance because it has a
wavelength range of less than 1 x 10-¹¹meters but has the highest energy?
a. gamma ray c. radio wave
b. microwave d. x-ray
10. In the electromagnetic spectrum, which has the longest wavelength?
a. gamma ray c. ultraviolet
b. radio wave d. visible light
11. What happens to the frequency of electromagnetic waves if their wavelength
a. decreases c. increases as well
b. doubles d. remains the same
12. In the visible spectrum, which color has the shortest wavelength?
a. blue c. red
b. green d. violet
13. Which of the following statements is correct?
a.As the frequency of a wave increases, the wavelength also increases.
b. As the frequency of a wave decreases, the energy increases.
c. As the wavelength of a wave increases, the energy also increases.
d. As the wavelength of a wave decreases, the frequency increases.
14. Among the given EM waves below, which carries the most energy?
a. microwave c. ultraviolet ray
b. radio wave d. visible light
15. Which of the following is correctly arranged from lowest to highest energy?
a. microwave, visible light, radio wave
b. ultraviolet, radio wave, infrared
c. visible light, ultraviolet, gamma ray
d. x-ray, gamma ray, ultraviolet

V. Reflection
The learner, in their notebook, will write their insights about the lesson using the
prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
VI. References
Hewitt, L., P. Hewitt, J. Suchocki. Conceptual Physical Science, Third Edition.
Jurong, Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia PTE LTD, 2004
Electronic Sources:
Department of Education. “K to 12 Curriculum Guide Science (Grade 3 to 10)”
Accessed October 2019 “
LRMDS Portal. Science Modules. December 29, 2014. Accessed October 13, 2019.

Writer: Validator:
Teacher III Master Teacher I
Quality Assurance Team:
Principal IV – CNHS Asst. Principal 2 – SHS Asst. Principal 2 – SHS



Grade Level QUARTER 2 WEEK 3-4
Mark Neil M. Arpon
Topic : Practical Applications of the Different Regions of EM Waves
Learning Competency/ies :
Cite examples of practical applications of the different regions of EM waves, such as the
use of radio waves in telecommunications.
1. Determine some examples of practical applications of the different regions of EM waves.
2. Demonstrate the process of transmitting a signal through radio waves
I. Introduction
Can you recall the different types of electromagnetic waves you learned in the
previous module? While all these EM waves move through space at the same speed of
about three hundred (300) million meters per second, their wavelengths, frequencies, and
energies differ. This is why they are arranged accordingly in a scheme called the
Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Remember that wavelength has an inverse relationship with frequency and
energy. So, if the wavelength increases, what will happen to the frequency of the wave? If
the wavelength of an EM wave decreases, what will be the effect on its energy?
Let’s compare the relative wavelengths, frequencies, and energies of the different
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Look at the picture below, and write the name of the correct electromagnetic wave
corresponding to the letters on the picture. You may use your answer from the box for
numbers 1-7.

1. A ______________________
2. B ______________________
3. C ______________________
4. D ______________________
5. E ______________________
6. F ______________________
7. G ______________________
8. What letter shows the lowest frequency? ______________________
9. What letter shows the shortest wavelength? ______________________
10. What letter shows the EM wave with the highest energy?__________________

Look for the name of the device hidden in the puzzle below. The words may be
arranged vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or even backward. Write down ten (10) terms
from the word box below.

What do you think these devices are for? What forms of EM waves make them work?
Study the tables below. Electromagnetic waves have practical applications which
depend greatly on their wavelength, frequency, and energy. Continue reading and you will
learn more about them.

Electromagnetic Practical Applications


Radio waves ● Radio/Television signals

Radio and television signals are radio waves that are
produced by making electrons vibrate. It has a long
wavelength capable of transmitting sound and picture
information over long distances.

● Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based

navigation system that provides geographical position and
time information anywhere on or near the earth. It
communicates with stations on the ground using radio

● Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
It is a medical imaging technique that uses powerful
magnets, computers, and radio waves to make detailed
pictures inside your body.

Microwaves • Satellite communication

Microwaves are used in satellite communications because
they can penetrate the earth’s atmosphere. Microwave
signals are transmitted by an antenna to a satellite which
amplifies and retransmits the signal to an antenna in
other parts of the world. This is how we communicate even
from afar.
• Terrestrial communication
A cell phone is a radio transmitter and receiver that uses
microwaves. Cellular phones depend on an overlapping
network of cells. Each cell has its tower that receives and
sends microwave signals.
• Cooking
The microwaves in a microwave oven penetrate and agitate
the water molecules within the food. Thus, they create
molecular friction which produces heat that will cook the

• RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging) is a detection

system that is used to determine the range, angle, or velocity
of objects. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, and the

Infrared (IR) ● Remote control (IR remote) uses LED lights to transmit
signals to control devices. It emits pulses of invisible infrared
● Thermal imaging through infrared scanners
In thermal imaging, a thermal scanner is used to show the
temperature variation of the body. Our body radiates
infrared, and under infrared cameras, our images appear in
a variety of colors. The differences in color determine the
differences in temperature. For example, shades of blue and
green indicate regions of colder temperatures; and red and
yellow indicate warmer temperatures.

● Night vision goggles use thermal imaging technology to
capture the infrared light being emitted as heat by objects
in the field of view.

Visible light • Enables us to see things around us. It also gives light to
the screen of most electronic devices.
• Artificial Lights like flashlights, lamps, etc. are any
light source that produces light instead of natural light
produced by the sun.
• Optical fibers
One use of optical fibers in medicine is an endoscope, a
flexible tube with a tiny camera that is used to observe the
internal parts of the body.

Ultraviolet (UV) • Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation in sunlight interacts with a

protein (7-DHC) in the skin, converting it into vitamin D3,
the active form of vitamin D, which is essential for
maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

• Security markings
Sensitive documents such as credit cards, banknotes, and
passports include a UV watermark that is only seen under
UV emitting light.

• Sterilization of water in drinking fountains

Ultraviolet light disinfection is one water treatment system
that can be used to remove most forms of microbiological
contamination from water.

• Fluorescence
Some washing powders contain fluorescent chemicals that
glow in the sunlight. This makes your shirt look whiter
than it is in daylight.

X-ray • Diagnosing bone fractures
X-rays are produced using an X-ray tube. They are emitted
when fast-moving electrons hit a metal target.
Long-wavelength X-rays can penetrate the flesh but not the
bones. That’s why they are used in diagnosing bone

• Airport security scanner

The short wavelength X-rays can penetrate through metals,
which can be used in airport security scanners.

Gamma Ray •Radiotherapy is a treatment method for tumors and

The high-energy rays of gamma rays destroy cancer cells in
the area where they are given. Gamma rays sterilize
surgical instruments because they easily penetrate
materials, and the energy they release kills bacteria and
other microorganisms.

Effects of Electromagnetic (EM) radiation on living things and the environment

Based on the practical applications discussed above, we can conclude that EM
waves are important to us. However, even essential forms of radiation can be harmful in
excessive amounts.
The effect of EM radiation on organisms and the environment depends on how
much energy it carries. Radiation can be non-ionizing or ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation
does not have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms and molecules.
Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet are non-ionizing
radiation. We are exposed to low levels of non-ionizing radiation every day. When the
exposure is intense and direct, it may result in tissue damage due to the heat. The right
amount of non-ionizing radiation, such as UV rays, keeps the ecosystem functioning
High-energy EM waves like x-rays and gamma rays are considered ionizing
radiation. We are also exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation that comes from the
atmosphere. This means that the typical amount of ionizing radiation absorbed by our
bodies from natural sources is small.
Our main source of ionizing radiation exposure is from man-made sources such as
diagnostic medical exams. Excessive exposure to this radiation can alter molecules within
the cells and cause eventual harm such as skin or tissue damage, cancer, and death.
When handled improperly, radioactive pollution may occur, causing the air, soil,
and water to be contaminated. This pollution may eventually make its way up the food
chain, where all life forms may be affected.

II. Development
Learning Task 1. “Behind the White Light”
Adapted from
What you need:
▪ water
▪ sunlight or flashlight
▪ shallow pan
▪ small mirror
▪ piece of paper or white surface

What to do:
1. Before doing this activity, read the guide questions below.
2. Fill the shallow pan with water until it is about half full.
3. Put the mirror into the water inside the pan at an angle.
4. Position the pan so that sunlight/flashlight shines directly where the mirror
is underwater. You may have to shift the mirror to find the right angle.
5. Hold the white paper above the mirror. It would be easier to see if the room is
6. Adjust the angle of the mirror until you see a rainbow. Observe.
Guide Questions: Answer the following activity questions on a separate sheet.
A. Prism is a triangular piece of glass that is used to separate white light.
In the activity above, which materials serve as prisms?
B. Explain why white light splits into different colors when it goes through a
C. Write down the color spectrum you observed in proper order from top to
D. What color bends the least?

Learning Task 2. “Block it!”
Adapted from
What you need:
▪ bright-colored construction
▪ sunblock lotion
▪ sunglass
What to Do:
1. Before doing this activity, read the guide questions below.
2. Divide the construction paper by folding it into three.
3. Apply sunblock lotion on one side of the paper, and place the sunglass on the
other. Leave the center of the construction paper uncovered.
4. Place the paper in a sunny spot and leave it there for three hours.
5. Observe the paper.
Guide Questions:
Answer the following activity questions on a separate sheet.
A. Did the paper’s color change or stay the same?
B. How is the side of the construction paper with sunblock lotion different from
the side without sunblock lotion?
C. How is the side of the construction paper with sunglass different from the
side without sunglass?
D. Describe how sunscreen and sunglasses protect us from UV radiation.

III. Engagement ( activity )

Learning Task 3. Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields
What you need:
Radio Waves and Electromagnetic Fields
PhET simulation
What to do:
1. Open the Radio Waves and
Electromagnetic Fields PhET simulation.
2. Before playing with the sim, predict what
you think will happen when you move the
transmitter electron:
3. Now test it! Wiggle the KPHET
transmitter’s electron and note the results.
4. Change the Frequency and Amplitude sliders and describe what happens to the
5. Set the Field Display Type to Curve with vectors, and Field Displayed to
Radiated field. Describe what is happening in the transmitter and the receiver.
6. Click on Electron Positions to activate the wave graphs. Describe what is
happening in the transmitter and the receiver.
7. After playing around with the frequency and amplitude settings, evaluate the
following statements:
● If the amplitude is increased, the wavelength decreases increases
stays the same.
● If the oscillation frequency of the transmitting electron decreases, the
oscillation frequency of the electron in the receiver is instantaneously
affected. True False
● The electron in the receiving antenna oscillates at a lower frequency than
the electron in the transmitting antenna because of the distance between
the antennas. True False
● If the frequency of oscillation increases but the amplitude of the electron
oscillation remains the same, then the electron in the transmitting
antenna is experiencing larger accelerations (recall what you know about
acceleration and motion). True False
● If the amplitude increases but the frequency remains the same, the
electron at the receiving antenna experiences larger peak forces but
oscillates at the same frequency as before. True False
● If the frequency of the transmitting electron decreases by a factor of two,
it will take longer for the electromagnetic signal to reach the receiving
antenna. True False
● If the frequency decreases, the wavelength decreases. True False
● The electromagnetic waves generated by the transmitting antenna
produce currents in the receiving antenna. True False
● When the electron in the transmitting antenna is at its peak height, the
electron in the receiving antenna is always also at its peak height.
True False
Guide Questions:
1. How is the radiating electric field (or electromagnetic signal) produced when
radio stations broadcast? Include a description of what is producing the signal
and the reasoning behind how this could produce a signal.
2. How does your antenna work to detect this electromagnetic signal produced
when radio stations broadcast? Include the physics principles that support
your description of how this signal is detected.
3. Explain why you lose your FM radio signal as you travel farther away from the
radio station’s transmitter.
4. Explain why your radio produces longitudinal waves yet receives transverse

Learning Task 4. Radio Communication and Broadcasting
What you need:
Radio Communication and Broadcasting diagram

Source: PIVOT 4A Science 10 Learners Material pp. 11

What to do:
Complete the flow chart showing the processes of radio broadcasting and
communication using the words below. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.

IV. Assimilation ( activity/ evaluation )
A. Let’s sum up what you have learned. Choose the correct term from the
enclosed choices that should go into the blank spaces.
Radio/television signals, GPS, and MRI are practical applications of
(1)__________________ (radio wave/microwave). Satellite communication, cooking,
terrestrial communication, and RADAR make use of (2) ________________
(infrared/microwave). Remote controls, thermal imaging, and night vision goggles
are practical applications of (3) ________________ (infrared/ultraviolet). You can see
things around you because of (4) __________________ (gamma rays/visible light)
which is also used in optical fibers, artificial lights, and screens of electronic
Vitamin D is produced from (5) ______________ (ultraviolet /microwave), which is
also used for security markings and sterilization of water in drinking fountains. In
diagnosing bone fractures, we use (6) ______________________ (gamma rays/X-rays).
(7) __________________ (long wavelength X-ray)/short wavelength X-ray)) is a type of
x-ray that can penetrate the flesh while (8) __________________ (long wavelength
X-ray)/short wavelength X-ray)) can penetrate through metals. Treating tumors and
cancer through the process called radiotherapy and sterilizing medical equipment
are practical applications of (9) _______________ (gamma rays/ultraviolet). The effect
of Electromagnetic waves on organisms and the environment depends on how much
(10)______________ (wavelength, energy) it carries.
B. Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which pair of EM waves is commonly used for communication?
A. X-rays and infrared C. radio waves and gamma rays
B. radio waves and microwaves D. infrared and microwaves
2. The radio wave is useful in which of the following applications?
A. watching television C. sterilizing medical equipment
B. treating cancers D. sunbathing
3. All of the following made use of gamma rays except one. Which is it?
A. treating tumors
B.treating cancer through the process called radiotherapy
C. sterilization of water in drinking fountains
D. sterilization of medical equipment
4. Infrared waves are useful in which of the following applications?
A. remote control C. screen of electronic devices
B. television signal D. night vision goggles
5. Microwave is useful in which of the following applications?
A. remote control C. artificial lighting
B. cellphone communication D. sterilization
6. In visible light, which color has the longest wavelength?
A. red C. yellow
B. violet D. green
7. What form of the wave makes your skin tan when exposed for a long period of
A. infrared rays C. radio waves
B. microwaves D. ultraviolet rays
8. Which of the following is not an application of visible light?
A. bulb C. cell phone screen
B. security markings D. flashlight
9. Which of the following is the correct meaning of the acronym GPS?
A. Guided Position Symbol C. Guided Positioning System
B. Global Positioning System D. Global Perimeter Scale
10. Colors in the infrared image depend on ________________.
A. wavelength C. amplitude
B. frequency D. temperature
11. Which of the devices below can be used to detect aircraft and ships?
B. MRI D. communication tower
12. What device uses thermal imaging technology to capture the light being emitted
as heat by objects in the field of view?
A. infrared camera C. fluorescent
B. remote control D. night vision goggles
13. Which of the EM waves below is used to remove most forms of microbiological
contamination from water?
A. infrared rays C. radio waves
B. microwaves D. ultraviolet rays
14. All of the following are dangerous waves when taken by the body in large
amounts except one. Which is it?
A. radio waves C. ultraviolet
B. gamma rays D. x-rays
15. How does the energy level change from gamma-ray to radio wave?
A. increases C. cannot be determined
B. decreases D. energy level does not change

V. Reflection
The learner, in their notebook, will write their insights about the lesson using the
prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
VI. References
Acosta, H., L. Alvarez, D. Angeles, R. Arre, MP. Carmona, A. Gatpo, et al. Science –Grade
10 Learner’s Material. Pasig City, Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc. and Department of
Education, 2015
B.Electronic Sources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed December 5, 2019. Accessed November 21,
International Atomic Energy Agency. Accessed November 20, 2019.


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