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Mindanao is filled with different ethnic group that is played an important role in

the development of the Philippine history. Also, integration would count as an integral

parts of the national cultural heritage of the Philippines.

In addition, discrimination towards other ethnic is something that we must give

action. As an Msuan’s I’d like to eradicate or at least obliterate that kind of mind-set that

all Moro and Ip’s aren’t bad individuals because they also have the right to fight for

themselves but, through respect and understanding all goes well. Also, as an Ip I would

like to share my ethnic, culture and beliefs for having the understanding to break the

stigma and stereotype that the individual had through showing the camaraderie towards

other and help to contribute to improve the nation future by helping to eliminate the past

mistakes of the Filipinos.

Therefore, as a student I should be one of the member of changes and I will be

one to participate in such programs that were supposed to help the economic, social,

political, moral and educational integration to make something successful to happen.

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