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1. Teacher Bong likes to concretize the abstract concept of an atom.

He came up with a concrete presentation of the

atom by using wires and plastic balls. How would you classify Teacher Bong’s visual aid? CA. A
a. Model
b. Realia
c. Replica
d. Chart
2. Teacher Rodel likes to show how the launching of spaceships takes place. Of the following materials available, which is
most fit? CA. A
a. Mock-up
b. Model
c. Replica
d. Realia
3. To nurture creativity of learners, the teacher should be _________. CA. D
a. an all-powerful authority
b. a repository of knowledge with the “right answer”
c. single-minded
d. flexible in terms of time, pace materials, techniques
4. You want to teach facts and rules. Which one will you make use of? CA. A
a. Direct instruction
b. Self-directed learning
c. Indirect instruction
d. Collaborative model
5. Teacher Ben, an experienced teacher, does daily review of the past lesson. Why CA. A
a. To provide his pupils with a sense of wholeness and continuity
b. To determine who among his pupils are studying
c. To reflect on how he presented the previous lesson
d. To introduce a new lesson
6. You want to teach concept, patterns, and abstraction
Which method is most appropriate?
a. Deductive method
b. Problem solving
c. Direct instruction
d. Indirect instruction

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