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Abbreviations for Text, Drawings, and Mathematical Symbols .............................................................. 36.4
Computer Programs ............................................................ 36.1 Subscripts ................................................................................. 36.5
Letter Symbols ......................................................................... 36.1 Graphical Symbols for Drawings ............................................. 36.5
Dimensionless Numbers............................................................ 36.4 Piping System Identification ................................................. 36.10

T HIS CHAPTER contains information about abbreviations and

symbols for heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refriger-
ating (HVAC&R) engineers.
it is sometimes necessary to shorten the symbol to further identify
the variable. For instance, the area of a wall cannot be defined as
WALLAREA because some computer languages restrict the num-
Abbreviations are shortened forms of names and expressions ber of letters in a variable name. Therefore, a shorter variable
used in text, drawings, and computer programs. This chapter dis- symbol is applied, and WALLAREA becomes WALLA or
cusses conventional English language abbreviations that may be WAREA.
different in other languages. A letter symbol represents a quantity Many advanced computer programming languages such as
or a unit, not its name, and is independent of language. Because of Basic, C, and C++ do not have the limitations of older computer lan-
this, use of a letter symbol is preferred over abbreviations for unit or guage compilers. It is good programming practice to include the
quantity terms. Letter symbols necessary for individual chapters are complete name of each variable and to define any abbreviations in
defined in the chapters where they occur. the comments section at the beginning of each module of code.
Abbreviations are never used for mathematical signs, such as the Abbreviations should be used to help clarify the variables in an
equality sign (=) or division sign (/), except in computer program- equation and not to obscure the readability of the code.
ming, where the abbreviation functions as a letter symbol. Mathe- In Table 1, the same symbol is sometimes used for different
matical operations are performed only with symbols. Abbreviations terms. This liberty is taken because it is unlikely that the two terms
should be used only where necessary to save time and space; avoid would be used in the same program. If such were the case, one of the
their usage in documents circulated in foreign countries. terms would require a suffix or prefix to differentiate it from the
Graphical symbols in this chapter of piping, ductwork, fit- other.
tings, and in-line accessories can be used on scale drawings and
Identifying piping by legend and color promotes greater safety
and lessens the chance of error in emergencies. Piping identification Letter symbols include symbols for physical quantities (quantity
is now required throughout the United States by the Occupational symbols) and symbols for the units in which these quantities are
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for some industries and measured (unit symbols). Quantity symbols, such as I for electric
by many federal, state, and local codes. current, are listed in this chapter and are printed in italic type. A unit
symbol is a letter or group of letters such as mm for millimetre or a
ABBREVIATIONS FOR TEXT, DRAWINGS, special sign such as ° for degrees and is printed in Roman type. Sub-
AND COMPUTER PROGRAMS scripts and superscripts are governed by the same principles. Letter
symbols are restricted mainly to the English and Greek alphabets.
Table 1 gives some abbreviations, as well as others commonly Quantity symbols may be used in mathematical expressions in
found on mechanical drawings and abbreviations (symbols) used in any way consistent with good mathematical usage. The product of
computer programming. Abbreviations specific to a single subject two quantities, a and b, is indicated by ab. The quotient is a/b, or
are defined in the chapters in which they appear. Additional abbre- ab−1. To avoid misinterpretation, parentheses must be used if more
viations used on drawings can be found in the section on Graphical than one slash (/) is employed in an algebraic term; for example,
Symbols for Drawings. (a/b)/c or a/(b/c) is correct, but not a/b/c.
The abbreviations (symbols) used for computer programming Subscripts and superscripts, or several of them separated by
for the HVAC&R industries have been developed by ASHRAE commas, may be attached to a single basic letter (kernel), but not to
Technical Committee 1.5, Computer Applications. These symbols other subscripts or superscripts. A symbol that has been modified by
identify computer variables, subprograms, subroutines, and func- a superscript should be enclosed in parentheses before an exponent
tions commonly applied in the industry. Using these symbols is added (Xa)3. Symbols can also have alphanumeric marks such as
enhances comprehension of the program listings and provides a ′ (prime), + (plus), and * (asterisk).
clearly defined nomenclature in applicable computer programs. More detailed information on the general principles of letter
Certain programming languages differentiate between real num- symbol standardization are in standards listed at the end of this
bers (numbers with decimals) and integers (numbers without deci- chapter. The letter symbols, in general, follow these standards,
mals) by reserving certain initial letters of a variable for integer which are out of print:
numbers. Many of the symbols listed in this chapter begin with
these letters and, in order to make them real numbers, must be pre- Y10.3M Letter Symbols for Mechanics and Time-Related
fixed with a noninteger letter. Phenomena
Some symbols have two or more options listed. The longest Y10.4-82 Letter Symbols for Heat and Thermodynamics
abbreviation is preferred and should be used if possible. However,
Other symbols chosen by an author for a physical magnitude not
appearing in any standard list should be ones that do not already
The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 1.6, Terminology. have different meanings in the field of the text.

36.2 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI)

Table 1 Abbreviations for Text, Drawings, and Term Text Drawings Program
Computer Programs electromotive force emf EMF —
Term Text Drawings Program elevation elev. EL ELEV
entering entr ENT ENT
above finished floor — AFF —
entering water temperature EWT EWT EWT
absolute abs ABS ABS
entering air temperature EAT EAT EAT
accumulat(e, -or) acc ACCUM ACCUM
enthalpy — — H
air condition(-ing, -ed) — AIR COND —
entropy — — S
air-conditioning unit(s) — ACU ACU
equivalent direct radiation edr EDR —
air-handling unit — AHU AHU
evaporat(-e, -ing, -ed, -or) evap EVAP EVAP
alteration altrn ALTRN —
expansion exp EXP XPAN
alternating current ac AC AC
altitude alt ALT ALT face area fa FA FA
ambient amb AMB AMB face to face f to f F to F —
American National face velocity fvel FVEL FV
Standards Institute1 ANSI ANSI — factor, correction — — CFAC, CFACT
American wire gage AWG AWG — factor, friction — — FFACT, FF
ampere amp AMP AMP, AMPS fan — — FAN
angle — — ANG film coefficient,3 inside — — FI, HI
angle of incidence — — ANGI film coefficient,3 outside — — FO, HO
apparatus dew point adp ADP ADP flow rate, air — — QAR, QAIR
approximate approx. APPROX — flow rate, fluid — — QFL
area — — A flow rate, gas — — QGA, QGAS
atmosphere atm ATM — freezing point fp FP FP
average avg AVG AVG frequency Hz HZ —
azimuth az AZ AZ
azimuth, solar — — SAZ gage or gauge ga GA GA, GAGE
azimuth, wall — — WAZ gram g g G
gravitational constant g G G
barometer(-tric) baro BARO — greatest temp difference GTD GTD GTD
bill of material b/m BOM —
boiling point bp BP BP heat — — HT
Brown & Sharpe wire gage B&S B&S — heater — — HTR
heat gain HG HG HG, HEATG
Celsius °C °C °C heat gain, latent LHG LHG HGL
center to center c to c C TO C — heat gain, sensible SHG SHG HGS
circuit ckt CKT CKT heat loss — — HL, HEATL
clockwise cw CW — heat transfer — — Q
coefficient coeff. COEF COEF heat transfer coefficient U U U
coefficient, valve flow Cv Cv CV height hgt HGT HGT, HT
coil — — COIL high-pressure steam hps HPS HPS
compressor cprsr CMPR CMPR high-temperature hot water hthw HTHW HTHW
condens(-er, -ing, -ation) cond COND COND horsepower hp HP HP
conductance — — C hour(s) h h HR
conductivity cndct CNDCT K humidity, relative rh RH RH
conductors, number of (3) 3/c 3/c — humidity ratio W W W
contact factor — — CF
cooling load clg load CLG LOAD CLOAD incident angle — — INANG
counterclockwise ccw CCW — indicated kilowatt IkW IkW —
cubic centimeter cm3 CC CC International Pipe Std IPS IPS —
cubic metre m3 CU M CU M iron pipe size ips IPS —

decibel dB DB DB joule J J J
degree deg. or ° DEG or ° DEG
density dens DENS RHO kelvin K K K
depth or deep dp DP DPTH kilograms kg kg KG
dew-point temperature dpt DPT DPT kilojoules kJ kJ KJ
diameter dia. DIA DIA kilometres per hour km/h km/h KPH
diameter, inside ID ID ID kilopascals kPa kPa KPA
diameter, outside OD OD OD kilowatt kW kW KW
difference or delta diff., ∆ DIFF D, DELTA kilowatt hour kWh kWh KWH
diffuse radiation — DFRAD
direct current dc DC DC latent heat LH LH LH, LHEAT
direct radiation dir radn DIR RADN DIRAD least mean temp. difference4 LMTD LMTD LMTD
dry — DRY least temp. difference4 LTD LTD LTD
dry-bulb temperature dbt DBT DB, DBT leaving air temperature lat LAT LAT
leaving water temperature lwt LWT LWT
effectiveness — EFT length lg LG LG, L
effective temperature2 ET* ET* ET liquid liq LIQ LIQ
efficiency eff EFF EFF litre L L L
efficiency, fin — FEFF litres per second L/s L/s LPS
efficiency, surface — SEFF logarithm (natural) ln LN LN
Abbreviations and Symbols 36.3

Term Text Drawings Program Term Text Drawings Program

logarithm to base 10 log LOG LOG specification spec SPEC —
low-pressure steam lps LPS LPS specific gravity SG SG —
low-temp. hot water lthw LTHW LTHW specific heat sp ht SP HT C
sp ht at constant pressure cp cp CP
Mach number Mach MACH — sp ht at constant volume cv cv CV
mass flow rate mfr MFR MFR specific volume sp vol SP VOL V, CVOL
maximum max. MAX MAX square sq. SQ SQ
mean effective temp. MET MET MET standard std STD STD
mean temp. difference MTD MTD MTD standard time meridian — — STM
medium-pressure steam mps MPS MPS static pressure SP SP SP
medium-temp. hot water mthw MTHW MTHW suction suct. SUCT SUCT, SUC
mercury Hg HG HG summ(-er, -ary, -ation) — — SUM
metre m m M supply sply SPLY SUP, SPLY
metres per second m/s m/s M/S supply air sa SA SA
millilitres per second mL/s mL/s MLPS surface — — SUR, S
mL/s standard mL/sS mL/sS MLPSS surface, dry — — SURD
minimum min. MIN MIN surface, wet — — SURW
system — — SYS
noise criteria NC NC —
normally open no NO — tabulat(-e, -ion) tab TAB TAB
normally closed nc NC — tee — — TEE
not applicable na N/A — temperature temp. TEMP T, TEMP
not in contract nic NIC — temperature difference TD, ∆t TD TD, TDIF
not to scale — NTS — temperature entering TE TE TE, TENT
number no. NO N, NO temperature leaving TL TL TL, TLEA
number of circuits — — NC thermal conductivity k K K
number of tubes — — NT thermal expansion coeff. — — TXPC
thermal resistance R R RES, R
outside air oa OA OA thermocouple tc TC TC, TCPL
thermostat T STAT T STAT T STAT
parts per million ppm PPM PPM thick(-ness) thkns THKNS THK
Pascal Pa Pa PA total — — TOT
Pa (absolute) Pa (abs) Pa A PAA total heat tot ht TOT HT —
Pa (gage) Pa (gage) Pa G PAG transmissivity — — TAU
percent % % PCT
phase (electrical) ph PH — U-factor — — U
pipe — — PIPE unit — — UNIT
pressure — PRESS PRES, P
pressure, barometric baro pr BARO PR BP vacuum vac VAC VAC
critical pressure — — CRIP valve v V VLV
pressure, dynamic (velocity) vp VP VP vapor proof vap prf VAP PRF —
pressure drop or difference PD PD PD, DELTP variable var VAR VAR
pressure, static sp SP SP variable air volume VAV VAV VAV
pressure, vapor vap pr VAP PR VAP velocity vel. VEL VEL, V
primary pri PRI PRIM velocity, wind w vel. W VEL W VEL
ventilation, vent vent VENT VENT
radian — — RAD vertical vert. VERT VERT
radiat(-e, -or) — RAD — viscosity visc VISC MU, VISC
radiation — RADN RAD volt V V E, VOLTS
radius — — R volt ampere VA VA VA
receiver rcvr RCVR REC volume vol. VOL VOL
recirculate recirc. RECIRC RCIR, RECIR volumetric flow rate — — VFR
refrigerant (12, 22, etc.) R-12, R-22 R12, R22 R12, R22
relative humidity rh RH RH wall — — W, WAL
resist(-ance, -ivity, -or) res RES RES, OHMS water — — WTR
return air ra RA RA watt W W WAT, W
revolutions rev REV REV wet bulb wb WB WB
revolutions per minute rpm RPM RPM wet-bulb temperature wbt WBT WBT
revolutions per second rps RPS RPS width — — WI
roughness rgh RGH RGH, E wind — — WD
wind direction wdir WDIR WDIR
safety factor sf SF SF wind pressure wpr WPR WP, WPRES
saturation sat. SAT SAT
Saybolt seconds Furol ssf SSF SSF year yr YR YR
Saybolt seconds Universal ssu SSU SSU
sea level sl SL SE
zone z Z Z, ZN
second s s SEC 1 Abbreviations
sensible heat SH SH SH of most proper names use capital letters in both text and drawings.
2 The asterisk (*) is used with ET*, effective temperature, as in Chapter 8 of this
sensible heat gain SHG SHG SHG volume.
sensible heat ratio SHR SHR SHR 3 These are surface heat transfer coefficients.
shading coefficient — — SC 4 Letter L also used for Logarithm of these temperature differences in computer

solar — — SOL programming.

36.4 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI)

LETTER SYMBOLS Symbol Description of Item Typical Units

Symbol Description of Item Typical Units V linear velocity m/s
a acoustic velocity m/s w mass rate of flow g/s
A area m2 W weight N
b breadth or width m W humidity ratio of moist air (dry air basis) g/kg
B barometric pressure kPa W work J
c concentration kg/m3 Ws humidity ratio of moist air at saturation g/kg
c specific heat kJ/(kg·K) (dry air basis)
cp specific heat at constant pressure kJ/(kg·K) x mole fraction —
cv specific heat at constant volume kJ/(kg·K) x quality, mass fraction of vapor —
C coefficient — x,y,z lengths along principal coordinate axes m
C fluid capacity rate W/K Z figure of merit —
C thermal conductance W/(m2 ·K) α absolute Seebeck coefficient V/K
CL loss coefficient — α absorptivity, absorptance radiation —
CP coefficient of performance — α linear coefficient of thermal expansion 1/K
d prefix meaning differential — α thermal diffusivity m2/s
d or D diameter m β volume coefficient of thermal 1/K
De or Dh equivalent or hydraulic diameter m expansion
Dv mass diffusivity mm2/s γ (or k) ratio of specific heats, cp/cv —
e base of natural logarithms — γ specific weight N/m3
E energy kJ ∆ difference between values —
E electrical potential V ε emissivity, emittance (radiation) —
f film conductance (alternate for h) W/(m2 ·K) θ time s, h
f frequency Hz η efficiency or effectiveness —
fD friction factor, Darcy-Weisbach — λ wavelength nm
formulation µ degree of saturation —
fF friction factor, Fanning formulation — µ dynamic viscosity mPa·s
F force N ν kinematic viscosity m2/s
Fij angle factor (radiation) — ρ density kg/m3
g gravitational acceleration m/s2 ρ reflectivity, reflectance (radiation) —
G mass velocity kg/(s·m2) ρ volume resistivity Ω·m
h heat transfer coefficient W/(m2 ·K) σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant W/(m2 ·K4)
h hydraulic head m σ surface tension N/m
h specific enthalpy kJ/kg τ stress N/m2
ha enthalpy of dry air kJ/kg τ time s
hD mass transfer coefficient m/s τ transmissivity, transmittance (radiation) —
hs enthalpy of moist air at saturation kJ/kg φ relative humidity —
H total enthalpy kJ
k thermal conductivity W/(m·K)
Fo Fourier number ατ/L2
k (or γ) ratio of specific heats, cp/cv —
Gr Grashof number L3ρ2βg(∆t)/µ2
K proportionality constant —
Gz Graetz number wcp/kL
KD mass transfer coefficient kg/(h·m2)
l or L length m jD Colburn mass transfer Sh/ReSc1/3
Lp sound pressure dB jH Colburn heat transfer Nu/RePr1/3
Lw sound power dB Le Lewis number α/Dv
m or M mass kg M Mach number V/a
M relative molecular mass kg/kg mol Nu Nusselt number hD/k
n or N number in general — Pe Peclet number GDcp/k
N rate of rotation rad/s Pr Prandtl number cpµ/k
p or P pressure kPa Re Reynolds number ρVD/µ
pa partial pressure of dry air kPa Sc Schmidt number µ/ρDv
ps partial pressure of water vapor in kPa Sh Sherwood number hDL/Dv
moist air St Stanton number h/Gcp
pw vapor pressure of water in saturated kPa Str Strouhal number fd/V
moist air
P power kW
q time rate of heat transfer W MATHEMATICAL SYMBOLS
Q total heat transfer kJ
Q volumetric flow rate L/s equal to =
r radius m not equal to ≠
r or R thermal resistance m2 ·K/W approximately equal to ≈
R gas constant J/(kg·K) greater than >
s specific entropy kJ/(kg·K) less than <
S total entropy kJ/K greater than or equal to ≥
t temperature °C less than or equal to ≤
∆tm or ∆Tm mean temperature difference K plus +
T absolute temperature K minus −
u specific internal energy kJ/kg plus or minus ±
U total internal energy kJ a multiplied by b ab, a·b, a × b
U overall heat transfer coefficient W/(m2 ·K) a divided by b a
v specific volume m3/kg --- , a/b, ab−1
V total volume m3 ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter π
Abbreviations and Symbols 36.5
a raised to the power n an High-pressure condensate HPC
square root of a 0.5 Medium-pressure condensate MPC
Low-pressure condensate LPC
infinity ∞
percent % Boiler blowdown BBD
summation of Σ Pumped condensate PC
natural log ln Vacuum pump discharge VPD
logarithm to base 10 log Makeup water MU
Atmospheric vent ATV
SUBSCRIPTS Fuel oil discharge FOD
These are to be affixed to the appropriate symbols. Several sub- Fuel oil gage FOG
scripts may be used together to denote combinations of various Fuel oil suction FOS
states, points, or paths. Often the subscript indicates that a particular Fuel oil return FOR
property is to be kept constant in a process. Fuel oil tank vent FOV
Low-temperature hot water supply HWS
a,b,... referring to different phases, states or physical conditions of a Medium-temperature hot water supply MTWS
substance, or to different substances
High-temperature hot water supply HTWS
a air
a ambient Low-temperature hot water return HWR
b barometric (pressure) Medium-temperature hot water return MTWR
c referring to critical state or critical value High-temperature hot water return HTWR
c convection Compressed air A
db dry bulb Vacuum (air) VAC
dp dew point Existing piping (NAME)E
e base of natural logarithms
Pipe to be removed XX (NAME) XX
f referring to saturated liquid
f film
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
fg referring to evaporation or condensation
F friction Refrigerant discharge RD
g referring to saturated vapor Refrigerant suction RS
h referring to change of phase in evaporation Brine supply B
H water vapor
i referring to saturated solid Brine return BR
i internal Condenser water supply C
if referring to change of phase in melting Condenser water return CR
ig referring to change of phase in sublimation Chilled water supply CWS
k kinetic
L latent Chilled water return CWR
m mean value Fill line FILL
M molar basis Humidification line H
o referring to initial or standard states or conditions Drain D
p referring to constant pressure conditions or processes
p potential Hot/chilled water supply HCS
r refrigerant Hot/chilled water return HCR
r radiant or radiation Refrigerant liquid RL
s referring to moist air at saturation Heat pump water supply HPWS
s sensible
s referring to isentropic conditions or processes Heat pump water return HPWR
s static (pressure)
s surface Plumbing
t total (pressure) Sanitary drain above floor or grade SAN
T referring to isothermal conditions or processes
Sanitary drain below floor or grade SAN
v referring to constant volume conditions or processes
v vapor Storm drain above floor or grade ST
v velocity (pressure) Storm drain below floor or grade ST
w wall
w water Condensate drain above floor or grade CD
wb wet bulb Condensate drain below floor or grade CD
1,2,... different points in a process, or different instants of time Vent –––––––––––
Cold water
Graphical symbols have been extracted from ASME Standard Hot water return
Y32.2.3 and ASME Standard Y32.2.4. Some of these symbols have Gas G G
been modified, and others have been added to reflect current prac- Acid waste ACID
tice. Symbols and quotations are used with permission of the pub- Drinking water supply DWS
lisher, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Drinking water return DWR
Vacuum (air) VAC
Compressed air A
Heating Chemical supply pipesa (NAME)
High-pressure steam HPS Floor drain
Medium-pressure steam MPS
Funnel drain, open
Low-pressure steam LPS
36.6 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI)

Fire Safety Devicesb Quick closing, fusible link

Signal Initiating Detectors

Relief (R) or safety (S)
Heat (thermal) Gas

Smoke Flame Solenoid

Valves Square head cock

Unclassified (number and specify)
Valves for Selective Actuators
Air line The following fittings are shown with screwed connections. The sym-
bol for the body of a fitting is the same for all types of connections,
unless otherwise specified. The types of connections are often specified
Ball for a range of pipe sizes, but are shown with the fitting symbol where
required. For example, an elbow would be:


Flanged Threaded Belt & Spigot


Weldeda Soldered Solvent Cement
Gate, angle Fitting Symbol
Globe, angle Connection, bottom
Connection, top
Plug valve
Coupling (joint)
Three way Cross

Valves Actuators Elbow, 90°

Non-rising sun Elbow, 45°
Outside stem & yoke Elbow, turned up
Lever Elbow, turned down
Elbow, reducing (show sizes)
Elbow, base
Pneumatic Elbow, long radius
Diaphragm Elbow, double branch

Valves, Special Duty Elbow, side outlet, outlet up

Check, swing gate Elbow, side outlet, outlet Down
Check, spring
Control, electric-pneumatic
Reducer, concentric
Control, pneumatic-electric Reducer, eccentric straight invert

Hose end drain Reducer, eccentric straight crown

Lock shield
Needle Tee, outlet up
Tee, outlet down
Pressure reducing
(number and specify) Tee, reducing (show sizes)

Quick opening
Tee, side outlet, outlet up

a See section on Piping Identification in this chapter.

b Refer to Standard for Fire Safety Symbols, 1999 Edition (NFPA Standard 170). a Includes fusion, specify type.
Abbreviations and Symbols 36.7

Tee, side outlet, outlet down Unit heater (indicate type)

Tee, single sweep Air Moving Devices and Components

Union, screwed Fans (indicate use)a
Union, flanged
Axial flow
Piping Specialties
Air vent, automatic

Air vent, manual Roof ventilator, intake

Roof ventilator, exhaust

Air separator
Roof ventilator, louvered
Alignment guide

Anchor, intermediate Ductworkb

Anchor, main Direction of flow

Ball joint Duct size, first figure is side down

Expansion joint
Duct section, positive pressure,
first figure is top
Expansion loop
Duct section, negative pressure
Flexible connector Change of elevation
Flowmeter, orifice rise (R) drop (D)
Access doors, vertical or
Flowmeter, venturi
Flow switch
Acoustical lining (insulation)
Hanger rod

Hanger spring Cowl, (gooseneck) and flashing

Heat exchanger, liquid

Flexible connection
Heat transfer surface
(indicate type)
Pitch of pipe, rise (R) drop (D) Flexible duct

Pressure gage and cock Sound attenuator

Pressure switch
Terminal unit, mixing
Pump (indicate use)
Terminal unit, reheat
Pump suction diffuser Terminal unit, variable volume

Spool piece, flanged Transitiona

Turning vanes
Strainer, blow off
Detectors, fire and/or smoke
Strainer, duplex
Tank (indicate use)
Backdraft damper

Thermometer well, only Pneumatic operated damper

Thermostat, electric
Thermostat, pneumatic a Units of measurement are not shown herein, but should be shown on drawings. The
first of the two dimensions on ducts indicates the side of the duct showing; on duct
Thermostat, self-contained sections, the top; on grilles and registers, the horizontal edge.
b Adapted from SMACNA, Symbols for Ventilation and Air Conditioning Figure 4.2.
Traps, steam (indicate type) HVAC Duct System Design.
36.8 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI)

Electric operated damper Reciprocating

Fire Damper and sleeve (provide access door)
Rotary screw
Vertical position

Horizontal position Air cooled

Manual volume

Manual Splitter Water cooled, (specify type)

Smoke damper (provide access Condensing Units

Air cooleda
Standard branch, supply or return,
no splitter
Water cooleda
Duct, electric heater

Grilles, Register and Diffusersb

Exhaust grille or register (Cascade System)

Supply grille or register

Grille or register, ceiling Cooling Towers

Heat stop for fire rated ceiling Cooling tower

Spray pond
Louver and screen
Louver, door, or wall
Finned coil
Door grille
Forced convection
Undercut door

Immersion cooling unit

Ceiling diffuser, rectangular
Plate coil
Ceiling diffuser, round
Pipe coila

Liquid Chillers (Chillers only)

Diffuser, linear
Direct expansionb

Diffuser and light fixture

combination Floodedb

Transfer grille assembly Tank, closed

Tank, open
Compressors Chilling Units

Centrifugal Absorption

a Indicate flat on bottom or top (FOB or FOT), if applicable. aL = Liquid being cooled, RL = Refrigerant liquid, RS = Refrigerant suction.
b Show volumetric flow rate at each device. b Specify manifolding.
Abbreviations and Symbols 36.9

Pressure or Pressure-Actuated Electrical or Flow Controls

Pressure switch

Reciprocating Pressure switch, dual (high-low)

Pressure switch, differential oil

Rotary screw
Valve, automatic reducing

Valve, automatic bypass
Refrigerant Controls
Capillary tube
Valve, pressure-reducing
Expansion valve, hand

Expansion valve, automatic Valve, condenser water

Expansion valve, thermostatic
Auxiliary Equipment

Float valve, high side Refrigerant

Float valve, low side
Thermal bulb
Filter and drier
Solenoid valve
Scale trap

Constant pressure valve, suction Drier

Vibration absorber
Evaporator pressure regulating
valve, thermostatic, throttling
Heat exchanger
Evaporator pressure regulating
valve, thermostatic, snap-action Oil separator
Evaporator pressure regulating
valve, throttling-type, Sight glass
evaporator side
Compressor suction valve,
pressure-limiting, throttling- Fusible plug
type, compressor side

Thermosuction valve Rupture disk

Receiver, high pressure,

Snap-action valve horizontal

Receiver, high-pressure, vertical

Refrigerant reversing valve

Receiver, low-pressure
Temperature or Temperature-Actuated Electrical or Flow Controls

Thermostat, self-contained

Thermostat, Remote Bulb

a Frequently used diagrammatically as evaporator and/or condenser with label indicat-

ing name and type.
b L = Liquid being cooled, RL = Refrigerant liquid, RS = Refrigerant suction.
36.10 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook (SI)


The material in piping systems is identified to promote greater
Condenser, double bundle
safety and lessen the chances of error, confusion, or inaction in
times of emergency. Primary identification should be by means of a
lettered legend naming the material conveyed by the piping. In addi-
Air to Air Energy Recovery tion to, but not instead of lettered identification, color can be used to
identify the hazards or use of the material.
The data in this section have been extracted from ASME Stan-
Rotary heat wheel
dard A13.1.

Coil loop Piping Systems. Piping systems include pipes of any kind, fit-
tings, valves, and pipe coverings. Supports, brackets, and other
accessories are not included. Pipes are defined as conduits for the
transport of gases, liquids, semiliquids, or fine particulate dust.
Heat pipe
Materials Inherently Hazardous to Life and Property. There
are four categories of hazardous materials:
Fixed plate • Flammable or explosive materials that are easily ignited,
including materials known as fire producers or explosives
• Chemically active or toxic materials that are corrosive or are in
Plate fin, crossflow themselves toxic or productive of poisonous gases
• Materials at extreme temperatures or pressures that, when
released from the piping, cause a sudden outburst with the
potential for inflicting injury or property damage by burns,
Power Sources impingement, or flashing to vapor state
Motor, electric (number for • Radioactive materials that emit ionizing radiation
identification of description
in specifications) Materials of Inherently Low Hazard. All materials that are not
hazardous by nature, and are near enough to ambient pressure and
temperature that people working on systems carrying these materi-
Engine (indicate fuel) als run little risk through their release.
Fire Quenching Materials. This classification includes sprin-
kler systems and other piped fire fighting or fire protection equip-
Gas turbine ment. This includes water (for fire fighting), chemical foam, CO2,
Halon, and so forth.

Steam turbine Method of Identification

Legend. The legend is the primary and explicit identification of
Steam turbine, condensing
content. Positive identification of the content of the piping system is
by lettered legend giving the name of the contents, in full or abbre-
viated form, as shown in Table 2. Arrows should be used to indicate
the direction of flow. Use the legend to identify contents exactly and
Electrical Equipmenta to provide temperature, pressure, and other details necessary to
Symbols for electrical equipment shown on mechanical drawings are usu- identify the hazard.
ally geometric figures with an appropriate name or abbreviation, with details The legend shall be brief, informative, pointed, and simple.
described in the specifications. The following are some common examples.b
Legends should be applied close to valves and adjacent to changes
Motor control in direction, branches, and where pipes pass through walls or
floors, and as frequently as needed along straight runs to provide
Disconnect switch, unfused clear and positive identification. Identification may be applied by
stenciling, tape, or markers (see Figure 1). The number and loca-
Disconnect switch, fused tion of identification markers on a particular piping system is
based on judgment.
Time clock Color. Colors listed in Table 3 are used to identify the charac-
teristic properties of the contents. Color can be shown on or con-
Automatic filter panel tiguous to the piping by any physical means, but it should be used
in combination with a legend. Color can be used in continuous
Lighting panel total length coverage or in intermittent displays.
Table 2 Examples of Legends
Power panel
AIR 700 kPa
a See ARI Standard 130 for preferred symbols of common electrical parts.
b Number each symbol if more than one; see ASME Standard Y32.4. STEAM 700 kPa (gage)
Abbreviations and Symbols 36.11

Table 3 Classification of Hazardous Materials and

Designation of Colorsa
Colors of Letters
Classification Color Field for Legend
Materials Inherently Hazardous
Flammable or explosive Yellow Black
Chemically active or toxic Yellow Black
Extreme temperatures or pressures Yellow Black
Radioactiveb Purple Yellow
Materials of Inherently Low Hazard
Liquid or liquid admixturec Green Black
Gas or gaseous admixture Blue White
Fire Quenching Materials
Fig. 1 Visibility of Pipe Markings Water, foam, CO2, Halon, etc. Red White
a When the color scheme above is used, the colors should be as recommended in the
latest revision of NEMA Standard Z535.1.
Visibility. Pipe markings should be highly visible. If pipe lines b Previously specified radioactive markers using yellow or purple are acceptable if
are above the normal line of vision, the lettering is placed below the already installed and/or until existing supplies are depleted, subject to applicable
horizontal centerline of the pipe (Figure 1). federal regulations.
c Markers with black letters on a green color field are acceptable if already installed
Type and Size of Letters. Provide the maximum contrast
and/or until existing supplies are depleted.
between color field and legend (Table 3). Table 4 shows the size of
letters recommended. Use of standard size letters of 1/2 in. or larger
is recommended. For identifying materials in pipes of less than 3/4 Table 4 Size of Legend Letters
in. in diameter and for valve and fitting identification, use a perma- Outside Diameter Length of Size of
nently legible tag. of Pipe or Covering, mm Color Field A, mm Letters B, mm.
Unusual or Extreme Situations. When the piping layout occurs
20 to 32 200 13
in or creates an area of limited accessibility or is extremely com- 40 to 50 200 20
plex, other identification techniques may be required. While a cer- 65 to 150 300 32
tain amount of imagination may be needed, the designer should 200 to 250 600 65
always clearly identify the hazard and use the recommended color over 250 800 90
and legend guidelines.


ARI. 1982. Graphic electrical symbols for air-conditioning and refrigeration ASME. 1998. Graphical symbols for heating, ventilating, and air condition-
equipment. Standard 130. ing. Standard Y32.2.4.
ASME. 1996. Scheme for the identification of piping systems. Standard ASME. 1999. Graphic symbols for plumbing fixtures for diagrams used in
A13.1. architecture and building construction. Standard Y32.4.
ASME. 1988. Glossary of terms concerning letter symbols. Standard Y10.1. IEEE. 1998. American national standard letter symbols for units of measure-
ASME. 1984. Letter symbols and abbreviations for quantities used in acous- ment. IEEE Standard 260.1-1993.
tics. Standard Y10.11. IEEE. 1993. Mathematical signs and symbols for use in physical science and
ASME. 1987. Letter symbols for illuminating engineering. Y10.18. technology. Standard 260.3-1993.
ASME. 1999. Abbreviations and acronyms. Standard Y14.38-1999 (Revi- IEEE. 1996. Letter symbols and abbreviations used in acoustics. Standard
sion and redesignation of ASME Y1.1-1989). 260.4-1996.
ASME. 1999. Graphical symbols for pipe fittings, valves, and piping. Stan- NEMA. 1998. Safety color code. Standard Z535.1.
dard Y32.2.3. NFPA. 1999. Standard for fire safety symbols, 1999 Edition. Standard 170.

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