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Our topic is Rizal law or R.

A 1425

The intended learning outcomes are, at the end of the lesson we will be able to Discuss the patriotic
objectives of Rizal law.

Next is we will be able to present justification on the importance of the study of Rizal and last be able to
discuss the provision of the Rizal law and why it was established.

What is a hero, we all have our definition of what a hero is, mostly it is related to heroic acts portrayed
by persons who displays extraordinary courage or valor. Some would remember the persons most
important in their lives, our parents, our brother or sister who we look up to and admire. Our parents
who in spite of financial difficulties make sacrifices for us, so we can have better education and a
brighter future.

Some children would term heroes as associated with the marvel super heroes they see on the movies
and television, but even so these fictional characters also displayed virtues like courage, self sacrifices to
save people from harm, which we all greatly admired even ourselves as adults.

A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for their courage, outstanding achievements that serve as
our inspiration that one day we could also be like that. Of noble qualities like humility, loyalty,
selflessness, qualities we admire.

We have many filipino heroes, Dr. jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Melchora Aquino, Juan
Luna, Marcelo H. Del Pilar, all shown exemplary courage and love for our country amidst the threat and
risk to their safety and lives.

Who is the Greatest Hero of the Philippines? Many filipinos would answer Jose Rizal.

Why was Jose Rizal well known among Filipinos, Why were there so many monuments in his honor?
Why were so many streets named after him?

The answer is that because he was a martyr who died for the filipinos.

He was a Filipno who has so many talents, a poet, a doctor, an anthropologist, sculptor, surveyor,
farmer, novelist, essayist, historian, teacher, and a polygot who can speak 22 languages. He was a genius
born among us.

He was a man who inspired a nation, to fight for our freedom against the colonizer and oppresors.

To some sectors he is even referred to as their messiah, their savior.

To all those who admire Emilio Aguinaldo, it can be said that there will be no Emilio Aguinaldo if it
wasn’t for Andres Bonifacio who helped found the Katipunan, the organization that launched the 1986
revolution which recruited Aguinaldo into its ranks.

There will be also be no Bonifacio if it wasn’t for Rizal, it was Rizal achievements that inspired the
foundation of the Katipunan, they even used his name as one of their password in one of their ranks in
the organization.

And their can be no Rizal without the Gomburza Priest, namely father mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and
Jacinto Zamora, whose martyrdom and unjust execution inspired Rizal to embark on the path of his
nationalistic quest. And also the inspiration to his second novel the El filibusterismo.
Heroes are a product of their time, a product of their situation. There was a calling and they responded
to the call of the times and their response to this calling, like of Dr. Jose Rizal, his response had a decisive
effect to the Filipinos.

Heroes are ordinary people like you and me, who faced hard challenges in life but responded
extraordinarily to the situation.

The national Historical Commission of the Philippines , is the country’s agency tasked with being in
charge of historic matters, prescribed that to be confirmed as hero, like Rizal he has to pass the test of
time, that his achievement will still be remembered and acclaimed even after 50 years. And Dr. Rizal
even a hundred years have passed from his death is well remembered and honored up to this day.

In 1956 Claro M Rector, Filed a measure which became the Rizal Bill. It is a time when the country was
experiencing social turmoil that he felt the need to instill heroism and inspiration among the youth.

The influence of the Americans were so great, both politically and economically that many filipino have
forgotten about the virtues their forefathers live and died.

The Rizal Bill aims for us to remember those virtues and ideals of our heroes.

The passing of the Rizal Bill was opposed by the Catholic church, because of the fear that the mandatory
reading of the books of Rizal would corrupt the young minds of Filipinos, risking their catholic faith
because of certain characters in the novels like Padre Damaso portraying a person of religious authority
but instead take advantage of his position for his selfish interest.

but after a month of long standoff a compromise bill was filed by Senator Laurel on June 12, 1956
Republic Act no. 1425, better known as the Rizal law came it to effect. Allowing the students who seek
excemption from reading Rizals work for religious reasons.

Republic Act no. 1425, an Act to include in the curricula of all public and Private schools, colleges and
universities courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli me tangere
and El Filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and Distribution thereof.

Section 1 provides for the mandatory inclusion in all curriculum the life works and writing of Rizal, that
in the collegiate course the original or unexpurgated version or the English translation of the 2 novels be
used as basic text.

It is also stated here the exemption of students by reason of religious beliefs stated in a sworn written
statement, from the mandatory reading of the Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

In Section 2

It is provided that it is obligatory on all schools, colleges and universities to keep in their libraries an
adequate number of copies of the original editions of the Noli me tanger and El Fili busterismo and his
other works.

And in section 3

That the board of national education shall cause the translation of the Noli me tangere and El
filibusterismo as well as other writing of Rizal into English, Tagalog and othe Philippine Principal dialects,
because of the writing of Rizal is written in Spanish.
This act shall take effect upon its approval . approved on June 12, 1956.

The Rizal law aims to accomplish the following.

So that our youth can dedicate their lives to the ideals of Freedom and nationalism, like our heroes.

To pay tribute to our national hero for his sacrifices for the filipino people.

So that the students can have and inspiring source of patriotism, through reading the life, works and
writings of rizal.

So far no students have yet to apply for the exemption of not reading the two books of Rizal up to this

So why study the Jose Rizal Subject.

1. The subject provides insights on how to deal with current problems.

The historical informations we could learn from taking the rizal course can help us base our decisions in
life. Rizal himself teaches us that being educated is a vital ingredient for a person or country to be really
free and successful.

2. It helps us understand better ourselves as Filipinos

The past helps us understand who we are. Our heredity, past behaviors, and old habits as a
nation are all significant clues and determinants to our present situations.

3. It teaches nationalism and patriotism

4. It provides various life lessons
5. It helps develop logical and critical thinking
6. Rizal can serve as a worthwhile model and inspiration to every Filipino
7. And the subject is a rich source of entertaining narratives.

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