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Team Meeting

Jan 7th / 10:00 AM / CONFERENCE ROOM

 Financial Analyst
 Fulfillment Director 
 Human Resources Specialist 
 Quality Assurance Tester 
 Customer Service Manager 
 IT Specialist
 Inventory Manager
 Training Manager

Purpose and Expectations

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the results of the customer satisfaction survey
conducted by the Plant Pals team. The survey was conducted in order to gather feedback on
product quality, delivery timelines, and customer support in advance of the formal service
launch. The survey revealed three major issues, and the team has already made improvements
based on this feedback. During the meeting, we will review the most important data points,
including the increase in on-time deliveries and customer preference for early morning
deliveries. We will also discuss areas for improvement, such as customer support and the
possibility of adding a live chat option. The ultimate goal of this meeting is to use the survey
results to make any necessary changes in order to provide the best possible service to our

1. Review of customer survey results.
2. Discussion of delivery timeline improvements.
3. Customer support improvements, including live chat option.
4. Review of customer survey results.


Action Items

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