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To this wave were owed in all probability the Nilotic scenes

The earliest alphabetic document which can be dated with

action. The debarkation of the troops at Aboukir, in

Gold Coast and hinterland . . . . . 82,000

disintegration. Buckling of the plates generally follows

A representation of the battle of Arbela (1529), included in

radiation exerts mechanical force on a material system, on

furnish the city with an ample supply of water of unusual

contact- substance in a ``decomposer'' (fig. 5), to a larger

infrequently happens in the transference of a symbol from one

the plant of two colour factors which may be designated by

fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums; his Diwan

be wiped off with a soft handkerchief. As this treatment

a number of them before the last vestiges had disappeared,

Cantuar., Ebor., Oxon., Londin. (sometimes London.), &c.

is in the curious position of directly paying a certain

vigorous and epigrammatic; his arguments are characterized by

Hotel; the office of the Nnrthern Assurance Company, and the

Physical Features.--The character of the Algerian coast

Ba-Chuana, Ma-Gwangwara

events of the decade which will probably live longest in the

and one quarter of the Army of the Potomac remained on the

was succeeded by a revival of the historical novel in local

and the sources for the Fourth Crusade (see CRUSADES). (J. B. B.)

although he believed the distance traversed, owing to different

ether to midwifery practice; this he did in 1847, and

``Beloved'' or ``The Lamb''--the names by which the Agapemonites

He visited London in 1833, after which he settled in Paris as

the houses of the better class are all outside the walls.

of the injurious properties which are popularly but falsely

in 1869 to describe the philosophical and religious attitude

of people, and of these the vast majority are agriculturists.

Beneventum had become a Roman colony. Sulla captured it

to defend themselves. The natives gained some successes,

AGRICOLA, CHRISTOPH LUDWIG (1667-1719), German landscape

chiefly borrowed from lines in Ariosto and Metastasio,

copper and bronze), or modelled in clay, faience, paste,

bases of the political and administrative organization of the

Arabs to the heterogeneous inhabitants of the Abyssinian plateau.

Laboratory and Testing Room, vol. i. p. 341 (1901),

months. Refusing to pay a ransom he was barbarously murdered

21st) of October 1492, when Christopher Columbus (q.v.),

offered, but casting from metal melted in open fires is

discovered that the shah, acting by the advice of the British

of the oasis of Zaatcha, where the inhabitants, displeased

Mannhardt). It is suggested (Frazer) that Adonis is not a

reserve the advowson from an usurper at any time within three

perceived that his troops were not sufficient for a serious

literature on Abelard is extensive, but consists principally

the east of it stretches in the same direction a strip of

then vanishes in the XVIIIth. The worship here of Osiris

the scope and co-ordination which it has in some continental

life, and occurs on the chest and back as well as on the

it if boiled for any length of time in a chemically clean

versatility and a high ambition failed to obtain permanent

occurs in the Hukawng valley, in the Nangotaimaw hills, where

treaty of Uccialli, and eventually, in a great battle, fought at

species. Many species are also common to East Africa and to

a republic, as well as the state to which they belong. It

curiosity which was destined presently to spread far outside

a circle of Christian friends, and his reputation led to

till 1836, things went fairly well. At once firm and

parentage and residence, was born in Germantown, now part of

definitely excluded by Paul's narrative of events before the

century. Under the earlier dynasties Arabian or Moorish culture

first consulship of Julius Caesar (59 B.C.), minutes of

was adjunct professor of ancient languages and literature

Alexander was almost forgotten. The romance of Alexander

banks (south of Botzen) are Trent and Rovereto, in Tirol,

universelle, vol. x. chap. v. (Paris, 1885). For latest

Medvescak, contains the palace of the ban and the natural

Afghans, have been strong in their belief of it; and though

AMIOT, JEAN JOSEPH MARIE (1718-1793), French Jesuit missionary,

at Wolverhamiton, this town being chosen on account of its

negative flint. These chromatic errors of systems, which

1885 61,498,864 15,832,843 77,331,707

but was taken from them by Hyder Ali. In 1789 it was ceded

the segmentation cavity. The embryo now consists of two

Although Adams's researches on Neptune were those which attracted

native of Britain, and is of therapeutic and toxicological

in regard to the rebellion, in a paper called the Freeholder,

Laplace proposed to the members of the French Academy of

image, e.g. a focussing screen, intersects the ray passing

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