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Learning Tasks No.

Name: Merk Joshua A. Angoluan Score: Date:
Course/Section: BSHM 1A3
▪ Demonstrate understanding of key ideas in
▪ Analyze the principles and processes of effective communication by developing your own model of
▪ Characterize effective communication from ineffective communication.


A. Fill in each blank with the correct word from the list. Write your answers on the blank spaces.

message communicati feedback receiver’s symb

on ols
encoded sender sender’s receiver mode
channel understandin transmitt reaction thoug
g ed ht

The communication process is initiated by a 1) SENDER_, who in response to a stimulus or

according to a need, purpose or desire, formulates a 2) THOUGHT or an idea from his/her vast
reservoir of accumulated information. This 3) MESSAGE which may be influenced
by his/her expectation or approximation of the 4) SENDER’S field of experience is
5) TRANSMITTED into a series of 6) COMMUNICATION_ that can be understood by the receiver.
The information is then 7) ENCODED_ through a chosen appropriate 8) _CHANNEL or medium
linking both participants. The 9) FEEDBACK may be formal or informal, verbal or non-verbal, or
mediated. The 10) RECEIVE for his part, also with his own field of experience as well as expectation
or approximation of the 11)_RECIEVER’S_ field of experience, has to be ready to receive a
message so that it can be converted into thought and interpreted. To facilitate 12) MODE,
he/she gives off a 13) SYMBOLS indicating his reaction to the message. The kind of 14) REACTION
generated depends on how the message is interpreted by the receiver. Completing the
communication process is the 15)_UNDERSTANDING that must be in mind of both the sender and
the receiver.

B. Read and analyze the paragraph below. Answer the questions below to be able to analyze the
elements of communication.
Jennifer loves Randy as a friend. She thinks of how to tell him using their native language. She tells
him, “Randy, mahal kita bilang kaibigan.” Rico hears what Jennifer says. He tries to analyze what
she means, and he is heartbroken. He frowns and does not say anything because he is in pain.

Who is the sender (source of the message)? Jennifer

What is the purpose of the sender? To confess what Jennifer really feels
towards Randy

What is the message? “Randy, mahal kita bilang kaibigan.”
What is the channel/medium used to send the message? Verbal

Who is the receiver? Randy

What is the receiver’s feedback? None but he felt sad

Do the sender and receiver have a mutual No
C. Create your own communication model to illustrate the variables/factors/elements that interplay in
digital/electronic communication. Your model should be a visual representation of the
communication process that takes place in the said type of communication.


for Digital/ Electronic Communication

Write a paragraph to explain your own communication model. Be able to discuss the communication
process you illustrated in the diagram. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of
the type of communication (e.g. public communication or electronic communication) you have
As you can see there’s a two persons talking the sender and the receiver of the message, on the
conversation decoding is very important because it means you understand each other you decode
his/her message and there’s noise that hinders in the conversation of the two. For me my model that I
draw is very easy to understand. _ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
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_ _
D. How do people communicate in the world today? Identify common practices in communication
nowadays. Analyze which communication practices are effective and those that are ineffective.


Effective communication Ineffective communication

1. A good listener. 1. Interrupting when someone’s talking.

2. Control your emotion. 2. Using jargon.

3. Watch the word you’re using. 3. Whining and complaining.

4. Express yourself, say what you really feel. 4. Close-minded.

5. Be open-minded. 5. Not listening.

Summarize your key insights in a paragraph.

This are the effective communication that we should practice (1) A good listener, (2) control your
emotions,(3) watch the word you’re using, (4) Express yourself, say what you really feel, (5) Be open-
minded. And this are the ineffective communication that we must not practice (1) Interrupting when
someone’s talking, (2). Using jargon, (3) Whining and complaining, (4) Close-minded (5) Not listening. _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _ _

E. List down the strengths/advantages and limitations/disadvantages of face-to-face communication

and digital communication.

Face-to-face communication Digital communication

Clear, you can really see his/her reaction on Anywhere you are, both of you can
Strength your message. communicate through the use of
social media apps or phone call and
Noise surrounds you. He/she might lie because you don’t
see his/her actual reaction.

Noise that interrupts at the middle of the No internet connection.

When does conversation.
on happen?
Which do you prefer to use when communicating, face-to-face or digital communication? Why?
I prefer to use face to face communication because you can really see his/her reaction on your
conversation and you respond immediately. _ _

_ _
_ _
_ _

F. You are in the era that communication has radically evolved from face-to-face interaction to a virtual
world. Try to classify yourself as a social media user.


(constantly appreciates posts (one who sows discord by (short term for mema-post
and comments, is always provoking arguments and or mema-sabi lang, posting
updated) upsetting people through off- anything even meaningless
topic messages) just to gain attention)


(one who has all the social (one who uses social media at (draws attention and
media apps and latest news) certain period of time like comments, both positive and
Tiktok is viral, he/she will go negative all the time)
with the flow)

1) Who are you? Why?

I’m the mema, I like memes, and for me we shouldn’t take this social medias seriously because
sometime its cat fishing but we should take serious about new with credible evidences _ __
_ _
__ _

2) Identify social media apps that you use or install in your mobile phones. Why do you use them?

(1) Facebook, to see the latest post of my crush lol. (2) Messenger updating my friend’s what’s new,
and what the latest chikas (3) IG posting some pics (4) twitter to see some update to mu idols. _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _

3) Enumerate/Make your own principles of communication when using social networking sites like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Using social media site we should sometimes lie on our info because they might use it to blackmail the
person and use it but in moderation, don’t use it to spread fake news, don’t use this to mocked
someone or to make fun with someone. _ _
_ _
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_ _
_ _

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