Feedback PART 1 Speaking For IELTS Periode 25 November 2022

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(1) Dear: Fafa (Topic- Giving gifts)

Q1: When do people give gifts or present in your country?

A: Well, it depens (spelling: typo harusnya depends) on the situation, of course (Jangan
ditaruh belakang kalimat; menjadi informal). Every now and then (bagus; expression)
several people will (variasi pengunaan modal; saran gunakan IF bukan WHEN) give
something (kurang jelas; harus lebih spesifik) or gifts when they (hati-hati menggunakan
personal pronun) celebrate some events like wedding party or school graduation (contoh
dengan 2 saja).
Scale up: Of course, it depends on the circumstances. Occasionally, several people will give
something or give gifts to celebrate events such as a wedding or a school graduation.
Q2: Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home?
A: Sure(bagus; filler phrases), I really love (bisa dibuat formal dan expression dengan I’d
really love to ) giving (bagus menggunakan gerund) people some gifts especially when
(ganti dengan conditional sentence “IF) I call on my friend’s or family’s house (ganti
bentuk: house of my friend or my family). It is because I trully (seplling: salah “truly”)
appreciate and thankful for their presence in every single day (bagus:diction/phrases) in my
Scale up: Sure, I enjoy giving people gifts, especially when I visit a friend or family
member's home. It's because I truly value and appreciate their presence in my life on a daily
Q3: When did you last receive a gift?
A: Let me remember it (awal yang bagus menggunakan expression), the last time I receive a
present was about last March in this year when (terlalu banyak penggunaan When setiap
pertanyaan) I was graduated (Passive voice) from my collage. Its (spelling “It”) was a
beautiful dress that I have. So that (conjunction informal) I felt on cloud nine (idiom) at that
Scale up: Let me remember that the last time I received a gift was in March of this year,
when I graduated from college. It was a lovely gown that I wore. So, I was on cloud nine at
the time.
Q1: Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?
A: Of course, looking for something is my cup of tea (idiom). Eventhough (bagus
conjunction: spelling salah dipisah “Even though”) it will be (modal passive) quite
(expression) challenging to find the perfect gift for other people. But it can deal with (diction
bagus) by listening closely to their needs and guess what they would like based on their
interests (noun clause).
Scale up: Of course, looking for something is my cup of tea. Even though it will be difficult
to find the ideal gift for others. However, it can deal with by carefully listening to their needs
and guessing what they would like based on their interests.
(2) Dear Ilham Medi; Topic – Names
Q1: Did you parents choose your name?
A: Surely yes (awal yang bagus filler phrases), My full name which (adjective clause) is
given (passive voice) by my parents has deep meaning. And I (spelling kapital letter “I”)
love my name
Scale up: Yes, my full name, as given to me by my parents, has significant meaning. And I
really like my given name.
Q2: How did your parents choose your name?
A: Actually (Awal filler phrases), My parents have habit to read articles (noun jangan
biarkan sendirian), (kurang and) Journals that have. The topics about islamic kingdom. I
thought from that. (tiba-tiba past tenses)
Scale up: Actually, my parents have a habit of reading articles and journals about the Islamic
Kingdom. That led me to think.
Q3: Does your name have any special meaning?
A: as i said before (Awal filler phrases; jangan monoton terus), my parents given (salah
tenses S+V3 tidak ada) the name for their kids with meaning of name including me. Ilham
have meaning as giving (gerund setelah preposition) benefits for other people.
Scale up: As I previously stated, my parents chose names with meaning for their children,
including me. Ilham has the meaning of providing benefits to others.
Q4: Is your name common or unusual in your country?
A: i don’t really sure about that (Awal filler phrases; monoton), but as long as i (spelling
capital letter) live i (spelling capital letter) have been often (hilangkan often, milik simple
present) meeting same name with me. But not for the middle of name. I never see, (belum
sempurna kalimatnya)
Scale up: I'm not sure about that, but I've met a lot of people with the same name as me in
my life. However, not for the middle name. I've never seen,
Q5: If you could change your name, would you?
A: obviously no (awal filler: monoton), because I proud of my name. And I think it’s really
cool. (Informal)
Scale up: No, obviously, because I am proud of my name. And I think it's fantastic.
(3) Dear HILDA - Topic - Friends
Q1: Do you have many friends? A: Not really (awal bagus Filler phrases), I just
(expression) have several close friends. I find it difficult to start new friendship. So
(conjunction), it's totally (diction adverb) fine to have a few friends but get along so well
Scale up: Not really, I only have a few close friends. It is difficult for me to form new
friendships. So having a few friends but getting along so well is perfectly fine.
Q2: How often do you go out with your friend? A: I used to (grammar past) hang out every
weekend with my friends. But (conjunction), since we got (hati-hati pertanyaan present
tenses) our own busyness, seldom have we seen (salah grammar) each other. However
(Conjunction), we still try (indonesian style; keep trying) to keep in touch via social media.
Scale up: Every weekend, I used to spend time with my friends. But, because we've both
been so busy, we haven't seen each other in a long time. We do, however, try to stay in touch
through social media.
Q3: Tell me about your best friend at school! A: My best friend was Iqval. She always
encouraged (tenses past) me to be more confident back then (expression), especially when
(tanpa subject) giving presentations. Also, we used to (tenses past) do some silly things after
school. It felt like my school life was colorful because of her. (Konteks menjadi past
dikarenakan sudah tidak disekolah lagi)
Scale up: Iqval was my best friend. Back then, she always encouraged me to be more
confident, especially when giving presentations. We also used to do some ridiculous things
after school. My school life felt more colorful as a result of her.
Q4: How friendly are you with your neighbors? A: To be honest (Expression part 2 atau 3),
I'm really (Diction;expression) grateful to have good neighbors. I consider them as family. If
one of us has a hard time, we will not (saran pakai modal lain terus disingkat) hesitate to
help each other. Every now and then (Expression), we celebrate special moment together, like
the birth of a baby.
Scale up: To be honest, I'm grateful for good neighbors. They are like family to me. If one of
us is having difficulty, we will not hesitate to assist one another. Every now and then, we
gather to celebrate a special occasion, such as the birth of a child.
Q5: Which is more important to you, friends or family? A: Of course family (Informal;
bukan kalimat). They (hati-hati personal pronoun) are the ones who always stay with me no
matter what (Belum lengkap). I can face this challenging life bravely owing to them (Bentuk
tidak lazim). They (Hati-hati personal pronoun) are my biggest supporters.
Scale up: Of course, family comes first. They are the ones who are always there for me no
matter what. Because of them, I can face this difficult life with courage. They are my biggest
supporter of life.

(4) Dear AYU- Topic Friends

Q1: Do you have many friends? A: I assume that (opinion phrase; part 3) I don't have so
many friends who (adjective clause) I really (Expression) consider to be close since I'm pretty
(Expression) picky in this aspect. In reality, I only have 3 besties (informal) who are my
childhood friends, and I think that's enough for me. (Informal)
Scale up: I assume I don't have many friends who I consider close because I'm very picky in
this regard. In reality, I only have three best friends who are childhood friends, and I believe
that is sufficient for me.
Q2: How often do you go out with friends? A: On average (Awal filler phrase), I hang out
with friends twice a month as (informal) we don't have much free time. When time allows, I
love to spend my weekend with them visiting various places, watching movies or simply
discussing (equality V-ing) different topics.
Scale up: Because we don't have much free time, I usually hang out with friends twice a
month. When time permits, I enjoy spending my weekends with them, visiting various
locations, watching movies, or simply discussing various topics.
Q3: Tell me about your best friend at scholl? A: Nana was my (Gunakan The untuk
superlative degree) closest friends when we were in highschool (Dipisah). In my eyes
(informal), she was such a great person that we did loads of things together. She was a kind
person and (not equality past=present) she always help (Kurang “s”)me when I have
problem in school. Although she was married now, we are still in touch and catch up with
(pemaknaan hamper sama) each other via WhatsApp.
Scale up: Nana was one of my closest friends in high school. She was such a wonderful
person in my opinion that we did a lot of things together. She was a nice person who always
helped me when I had problems at school. Despite the fact that she is now married, we
remain in and keep in touch via WhatsApp.
Q4: How friendly are you with you Neighbours? A: I must say that my nearby residents have
good terms. I am bleassed (Passive voice;salah spelling) to have had (Perfect) such good
Neighbours who are well-behaved (Phrase) and helpful for many years. In
fact( Conjunction), our relationship are so amiable (diction ganti) that we consider each
other as relatives.
Scale up: I must say that my neighbors and I get along well. For many years, I have been
blessed with good neighbors who are well-behaved and helpful. In fact, we are so close that
we consider each other to be relatives.
Q5: Which is more important to you, friends or family? A: To be honest (Expression part 2
atau 3), family comes first (Expression)as the bond (good diction)between family members is
often stranger. In addition (Conjunction), we can be who (Noun clause) really are with family
while friends make our life worth living.
Scale up: To be honest, the bond between family members is often stranger, so family comes
first. Furthermore, we can be ourselves with family, while friends make our lives worthwhile.

(5) Dear ELLA- Topic - giving gifts

Q1: when do people give gifts or present in your country? A: During the Eid fitri, people
always prepare variety food Especially ketupat and beef coconut milk with tahu tempe.
Afterwards (Conjuction) they shared to neighbours. All of these are form thank from allah
because they (hati-hati personal pronoun) have had (Perfect) a long live. –(Ganti ide jawab:
Scale up: People always prepare a variety of food for Eid Fitri, especially ketupat and beef
coconut milk with tahu tempe. They then shared with their neighbors. All of these are forms
of thanks from Allah for their long lives.
Q2: Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home? A: Definitely no (Awal
bagus expression), my mom always told me. Not to take a present without permission from
the owner. Due to (diction bagus) its (spelling It’s) like stealing and (tidak equality) it will
become a bad habit. (Salah jawab; tidak nyambung)
Scale up: No way, my mother always said. It is forbidden to accept a gift without the owner's
permission. Because it is similar to stealing and will become a bad habit.
Q3: When did you last receive a gift? A: Let me see... Ohh I remember that I get (harusnya
bentuk Past Tense) a present at birthday party. My husband gave me new handphone. Since
my mobile breaks (harusnya bentuk Past Tense) furthermore (pilihan conjunction tidak
tepat) it can not (lebih baik disingkat; contraction) use to communication. So, I feel on cloud
nine because of it.
Scale up: Let me take a look... Oh, I remember getting a present at my birthday party. My
husband surprised me with a new phone. Since my phone has broken, I am unable to
communicate. As a result, I'm on cloud nine.
Q4: Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people? A: Yes of course (bagus;filler phrases) ,
when I have much money I enthusiastic (adverb harusnya) buy a gift to people particularly
my family. They (hati-hati personal pronoun) are necessary people in my life. So, I really
happy (salah grammar) searching present to them.
Scale up: Of course, when I have a lot of money, I enthusiastically buy gifts for people,
especially my family. They are important people in my life. So, I was overjoyed to find a
present for
(6) dear GANANG- Topic – Names
Q1: Did you parents choose your name? A: Absolutely yes (Awal bagus; Filler phrases), due
to (diction bagus) in my religion, the name is very essential things used to (past tense;
kebiasaan) define (diction bagus) someone. So, (conjunction) I am glad having this name
with numerous kindness (jumlahnya banyak “kindnesses”) from it
Scale up: Yes, because in my religion, a person's name is very important in defining them.
So I am grateful to have this name because it has brought me a lot of good.
Q2: How did your parents choose your name? A: I think (express opinion; part 3) they (hati-
hati personal pronoun) have discussed (perfect form) this before since (gunakan satu saja
before atau since) pregnancy period, and literally, my parents have many alternative names
but with (gunakan satu conjunction saja; bentuk indo )high confidence in the future, Ganang
is their best option name, yeahh I little bit know from them.
Scale up: I believe they discussed this before during the pregnancy period, and literally, my
parents have many alternative names, but with high confidence in the future, Ganang is their
best option name, yeahh I know a little bit about them.
Q3: Does your name have any special meaning? A: Yes I do, Ganang is once in the blue
moon (expression) name in my country, and it has meaning like (tidak perlu) the peak of
mountain, so(conjunction) they (hati-hati personal pronoun) hope I will be a successful
person like a high mountain in the unpredictable future.
Scale up: Yes, Ganang is a once-in-a-lifetime name in my country, and it means "mountain
peak," so they hope I will be a successful person like a high mountain in the unpredictable
Q4: Is your name common or unusual in your country? A: As I have said before
(Expression), people who (Adjective clause) have name same as me is absolutely rare, it can
be counted (passive) as long as (degree of comparison) I grow from infant to (wrong diction)
adult I only meet 1 person having (Gerund) the same name.
Scale up: As I previously stated, people with the same name as me are extremely rare; in
fact, as I grew from infant to adult, I only met one person with the same name.
Q5: If you could change your name, would you? A: Hehehe, it is tough for me (Expression),
but if (Conditional sentences) I have occasion to change my name, I would (Salah type of
conditional) change it to Muhammad, because it has very religious meaning and to be honest
it is a fabulous (Diction) name that I ever know
Scale up: Hehehe, it's difficult for me, but if I had the opportunity to change my name, I
would choose Muhammad because it has a very religious meaning and, to be honest, it's the
best name I've ever heard.

(7) Dear Sinta- Topic -food and cooking

Q1: What sorts of food do you like eating most? (Why)
A: I love my mother’s recipes and prefer (Variation “like and prefer”) home-cooked meals. I
feel over the moon (Expression) whenever (Adverbial clause) i eat my mom's cooking. It is
delectable and nutrient-rich. (Diction: C2 vocab)
Scale up: I prefer home-cooked meals and enjoy my mother's recipes. When I eat my
mother's cooking, I am overjoyed. It's delicious and nutrient-dense.
Q2: Who normally does the cooking in your home?
A: In my home, everyday (placement: belakang common position) my mother prepares the
meals and she is a fantastic (diction) cook. My mother is the only person who (Adjective
clause) stays with me at home and she loves cooking.
Scale up: Every day, my mother prepares the meals in my home, and she is an excellent
cook. My mother is the only person who lives at home with me, and she enjoys cooking.
Q3: Do you watch cookery programmes on Tv? (Why/why not?)
A: Not much (Expression). I rarely (adverb) watch TV and prefer (Repeatation) to use my
mobile phone. However (Conjunction), if (Conditional sentences) i want to watch cookery
programmes i usually (Type1:S.future) open youtube on my cell phone.
Scale up: Not a lot. I rarely watch television and prefer to use my phone. When I want to
watch cooking shows, I usually open YouTube on my phone.
Q4: In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? (Why?)
A: I enjoy eating (gerund) at home. The food has a higher nutritional value (Diction:C2) and
provides more options. It is inexpensive and more hygienic. Nevertheless (conjunction), i
prefer (Repeatation) to eat at a restaurant if (Conditional) i have special event to celebrate
with my family and some of my friends.
Scale up: I prefer to eat at home. The food is more nutritious and provides more options. It is
less expensive and more hygiene. Nonetheless, if I have a special occasion to celebrate with
my family and some of my friends, I prefer to eat at a restaurant.
(8) Dear Apta - Topic - Education
Q1: Do you work or are you a student? A: For now (awal bagus;filler phrases), I am still
(efesiensi sudah ada Now didepan; currently) a student at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University
majoring in biology education. However (conjunction), I working (salah grammar) part time
in agriculture as an assignment given by my lecturer
Scale up: For the time being, I am a student at Nusantara PGRI Kediri University studying
biology education. However, as part of my lecturer's assignment, I work part-time in
Q2: Why did you choose that subject? A: Biology has its own uniqueness for me. There are
subjects that (Adjective clause) require patience and thoroughness in biology such as
biotinformatics (salah spelling) and genetics. it makes me feel confident if (conditional
sentences) I can master some of these lessons to be implemented (Passive) in the future.
Scale up: For me, biology is distinctive. Biology subjects that require patience and
thoroughness include bioinformatics and genetics. It gives me confidence that I will be able
to master some of these lessons in the future.
Q3: Can you describe yourself as a good student? A: Yes, you could say that (ganti
expression). I am good at doing research on the spot and (tidak equality “and”) applying a
program related (participle) to biology for me to create into a journal.
Scale up: You could make that argument. I am skilled at conducting on-the-spot research and
utilizing a biology-related program to create a journal.
Q4: Do you study English now? A: Yes, of course (filler phrases). Besides studying on
campus, I now also (double adverb:informal) take speaking for IELTS courses at Mr. Pepsi
every day except Saturday and Sunday to prepare myself for continuing my further education.
Scale up: Of course, yes. In addition to studying on campus, I now take speaking for IELTS
courses at Mr. Pepsi every day except Saturday and Sunday to prepare for furthering my
Q5: Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school? A: it depends on the situation at school.
I prefer studying (gerund) relaxed and not so tense (expression). However (Conjunction),
there are some ways my teacher teaches (ganti dengan lecturing) with such tension. On the
good side (conjunction), I got a lot of friends that (adjective clause) I could invite to study
Scale up: It is determined by the circumstances at school. I prefer studying in a relaxed, non-
tense manner. However, there are some ways in which my teacher teaches that are quite
tense. On the bright side, I have a large number of friends whom I could invite to study with

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