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21/11/2022, 08:34 se22/essay.

md at main · txt/se22

YOur answer must cover, at the very least:

who is hurt by the current design;
how we might fix that?
Important: ensure that your text justifies why the new design addresses the problems you document.
and how will your fix empower traditionally disempowered social groups?
ie. don't just fix this particular problem; rather, address deeper issues that might cause problems in the future).
Word limit
No less that three pages (in the format shown below, excluding references);
no more than four
we will not grade after four pages.
we will not read if less than three.
we will not read if it is the wrong format (see below)
How to write
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21/11/2022, 08:34 se22/ at main · txt/se22

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Write at a three to four page paper.

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Grading Rubric
Grade What Notes
2 PROBLEM +1 if it states the problem and +1 more if does it well; e.g. situates current problem in broader
2 RELEVANT +1 if it gather assess relevant facts and +1 more if does it well; e.g. extensive literature review
2 IDENTIFY +1 if it identifies the stakeholders and +1 more if does it well; e.g. shows how skackholder
STAKEHOLDERS requirements can be contradictory
5 LIST OF 5 +5 if it develops a list of iat least five options
21/11/2022, 08:34 se22/ at main · txt/se22

Grade What Notes

SOFTWARE +2 of some of those options need to includes a redesign for a better version of the software
3 DESIGN where the better software mitigates some of the issues discussed by the original software.
And +1 more if it does it well; e.g. clever design
2 if it tests options using criteria like harm, publicity, defensibility, reversibility, virtue,
4 TESTING colleague, professional, organizational test ( see guidance on that at And 2 more if it does it well; e.g.
writes extensively insightful notes on three or more of the tests
2 CHOICE +1 if tentative choice and +1 if final Choice
-2 if the essay is mostly “I think X, I think Y” without any citations or comment on the amazing
things other people have thunk in this matter. +1 more if it beyond the specifics of your
-2,+1 OTHER answer, the real test will be ""does the student understand general principles that can be
applied in other contexts”; i.e. if the essay defined clear steps to making ethical decisions
(beyond the 12 steps of for
future applications.
20 TOTAL plus, maybe, +1 bonus 5/5

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