Iaed251 Seminar Report

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Submitted by:
Gonca Nur Altun
Zeynep Didem Köse


Submitted to:
Necmiye Şule Aybar
1. Introduction
2. Thermal Insulation
3. Sound Insulation
3.1 Sound Absorption
4. Fire Security
5. Insulation Materials Used in Different
Areas of the Building
5.1 Roof
5.2 Walls
6. Questions Asked During Seminar
7. Conclusion


In the material seminar presented by Mehmet Tahir Erdem, we learned a lot

about energy, thermal insulation, sound insulation, and insulation materials,
starting from the information about the company İZOCAM. İZOCAM is one of
the first and best companies producing heat and fire-resistant materials. It
has facilities in many places, such as Eskişehir, Gebze, and Tarsus.

2.Thermal Insulation

In general terms, energy is the capacity to do work, and people use

insulating materials to be protected or protect some types of energy.
So, what is insulation, then? As interior architecture students, we will use
insulation materials in buildings, which helps us reduce the energy flow from
the environment to the outside or from the opposite. There are different
types of insulation materials, like:
In the seminar, they talked about three main aims of insulation; creating a
comfort zone and providing security and economic benefits. For instance,
water isolation and thermal insulation provide security. Also, materials used
for building are separated into two: thermal insulation materials and building
materials. Thermal insulation materials are known for their low thermal
conductivity, which is important to keep the heat inside or out. This is where
resistance, which resists heat transfer, comes into play.
The greater the resistance that prevents heat from passing through, the
better the thermal resistance. Also, as the material gets thicker, its
resistance will increase. However, the resistance level of the material
changes by its type. For instance, 0,05 m mineral wool or EPS has equal
resistivity with 2,29 m concrete. It means that mineral wool or EPS is a good

Insulation materials are divided into two: plastics and minerals. First,
mineral material we will explain is glass wool. Glass wool provides thermal
insulation and sound insulation. It is a class A1-A2 insulator because it can
withstand temperatures up to 250 degrees. Especially for sound insulation, it
is used more than rock wool. Rock wall also provides thermal insulation and
sound insulation. Moreover, it can withstand temperatures up to 650
degrees. However, glass wool is preferred more for thermal insulation. First,
plastic material we will explain is XPS and EPS. They both have the same
usage temperature, which is 75°C. However, what makes them different is
water vapor diffusion resistance values. Since XPS's value is higher, it is used
more. Elastomeric Rubber and polyethylene are also other plastic insulation
materials. Besides all these materials, some other factors give us better
insulation. For instance, the thermal bridge is the movement of heat across
an object that is more conductive than the materials around it. So, the
architect must be careful about the thermal bridge to maintain heat
properly. Another example is; using internal insulation in infrequently used
areas gives better results in keeping the heat.

3.Sound Insulation

Sound/voice is caused by many reasons, such as systems in the building,

people living in the building, or traffic outside the building. Airborne noises
cause us to hear even the tiniest noises in the building. Therefore, we may
use empty spaces filled with metal bows between the building walls to
isolate these sounds. We may use flexible materials for the voices caused by
outside impacts like shoe sounds.

3.1.Sound Absorption
While the sound is better reflected from the hard floor, we observe better
sound absorption on the soft floor. Therefore, glass wool can be used in
areas where it is not desired to encounter a problem, such as echoes. Also,
by reflecting the sound, sound waves can be refracted and less heard at
some points. This shows that different methods can be used for different
purposes. For example, while acoustics are expected to be heard in a
concert hall, this is not likely in the living room. At the same time, if there is a
good acoustic system in a room, the ringing time will be less.

4.Fire Security

Fire poses many threats to people's lives. To protect ourselves from these
threats, we must have some basic knowledge. For example, we must know
how to prevent fire from growing and reaching exit points. However, the
people responsible for constructing the building must also be careful to use
fire-resistant material. Therefore, the correct use of thermal insulation is
vital. As mentioned before, using materials like rock wool and glass wool
which have high temperature resistant, is important.

5. Insulation Materials Used in Different Areas of the Building

It is always more logical to insulate roofs from the outside. The insulation
properties used vary according to the types of roofs.

The insulation properties used in walls also vary, like roofs, according to
their types. For example, if we are creating an area, which will not be used
often, we need to isolate its walls from the inside to keep the place warmer.
Another wall insulation example is using half brick and adding isolation
material between the bricks. However, it is not used according to safety

6.Questions Asked During Seminar

-Why using half brick method for insulation creating risk for earthquake?
-Why glass wool is a better thermal insulator, although stone wool has a
higher temperature of use?
-Why it is better to insulate from the inside in areas that are not used


In this seminar, presented by Mehmet Tahir Erdem, we learnt many things

about insulation types, insulation materials and why it has vital importance
to use appropriate insulation material in a space. We also learned which
materials to use while building an area in our professional life will help us use
energy types such as heat and sound correctly in that area.

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