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our business cards should arrive soon

what time do you get up in the morning
When she got to the classroom everyone else was already there
i must have the wrong number
what would you have done in that situation
enter through the door on your right
he usually takes his children to the park on Wednesday
how many people do you expect to attend the meeting
this report seems to be out of date updates
my job is exciting but it demands a lot of time
he'll never give up no matter how difficult it gets
it took a while for the news to reach us
it's common to feel a bit nervous before speaking to a group
are you willing to relocate or are you tied to the area
i just wanted to check in and see if there's been any progress
the electrician said he would call back with an estimate

Sentence Build
we living are
for sale this item is not
a lot of problems there were to discuss
the weather nice should be
a meal i often read during i
painting the ceiling appreciate some help i would
creating the building additional help we may need during the holidays
another week should wait maybe they


can i get you something to drink

a cup of coffee would be wonderful
okay i'll be right back

Question what does the man want to drink

Answer-the man wants to drink a cup of coffee

do you do any volunteer work

i do i help out at the library once a week that
sounds great

Questions -where does the man volunteer

Answer-the man volunteer at the library

do you want to come to the cafe with me

i can't i have to clean the house
you can always do that later

Question-why can't the woman go to the cafe

Answer-Because She needs to clean the house

i need to sign this form

do you want to borrow my pen
yes that would be great

Question-what does the woman need to borrow

Answer-The women needs to borrow the pen

how can you listen to music when you're studying

it helps me work better
i need complete silence

Question-what helps the man work

Answer-Music helps the men to work better

are you from london

no but my family lives there
it's so much bigger than Sydney

Question-where does the woman's family live

Answer-The women’s family live in London

what should i bring to your house

could you bring some tomatoes for the salad
sure how many do you need

Question-what will the woman bring

Answer-the woman will bring tomatoes
i'm sorry but i can't check this book out to you
but i have a library card and i come here all the time
yes but you have several items that have not been returned

Question-why can't the man check out the book

Answer-Because he hasn’t returned several items to the library

Just got a great review in the paper

i read it they're the only restaurant in town that grows their own vegetables
we really should have dinner there sometime

Question-what is special about the new restaurant

Answer-Because they grew their vegetables their own

how was your flight

it was great
i even arrived ahead of schedule time
that doesn't happen very often

Question-why was the flight so great

Answer-because it arrived ahead of scheduled time

is the bus the fastest way to get home

actually i think walking might be faster
the bus is very slow
you're probably right

Question-how will the woman get home

Answer-the woman will get home by walking

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