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In my point of view, after reading of some articles and books, and based on what I
have observed, there are certain effects of religions to our culture and society. I can say
that religion can be described as a double – edge sword: it can have both positive and
negative effects on society and culture. It has played a very important role in the
development of societies by integrating and stabilizing them; however, it has also
created conflicts. Many people are religious that’s why religion becomes part of our
culture. Religion is our basis of being a human being, we think that if we do good we’ll
be blessed by our God but if we don’t do good things we will suffer. It becomes a culture
for us people to give some part of our income to the church in a way of donation because
we believe that it’s better to give than to receive. In society, other religious group should
follow their pastoral head to whatever they say. Like, if they say you are not allowed to
go to this place, to wear like this, to vote this person, to go with this crowd, you have to
follow all of those things. And they make us believe that you’ll get well through praying
instead of going to a doctor for a check-up of for a medical operation. I can say that
religions have many negative impacts towards our culture and society. Furthermore,
some religions affirm social hierarchy, it triggers conflicts and fights, it promotes
discrimination to other people’s culture, and it hinders the use of reasons. But at some
point, religions give also a big help to every human being, it’s because it promotes social
solidarity, it helps us practice our good moral values and attitudes, it nurtures positive
goals in our life and it gives people a sense of belonging. In my personal opinion, the
positives ultimately outweigh the negatives. But you don’t have to agree with me.
However, what has become clear to me is that most of these effects, whether positive or
negative, are not directly caused by religion. Rather, they are caused by how people
choose to use religion. What matters is not how religious or nonreligious you are; what
matters is how you choose to make use of your religious views, whatever they may be.

SOURCE: from



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