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1. Religions Promotes Social Harmony

Religion believes in supernatural beings and powers. It practices a set
of rituals and ceremonious rites of passage and rites of
intensification. These characteristics help advance social harmony by
assimilating and stabilizing cultures and nations. Religion provides
divine authority to ethical and moral principles which also help
promote unity among people.
2. Religion Gives People’s Lives Purpose and Meaning
Religion can give people purpose in life. It diminishes the sense of
hopelessness that can arise when life has no point. It provides an
absolute truth in a world where currently, most truth is relative.
Religion is important in today’s world because we all want to feel like
we are of worth, and that there is a greater purpose for our lives than
to live, die, and be forgotten. It gives people a goal to reach towards,
and a lifestyle to abide by; it instigates brotherly love, and offers hope,
peace, and overwhelming joy to the lowliest broken soul, and the
jolliest aristocrat. There are conditions to these gifts though, so
religion is a blessing and can be used to better the world if it is
practiced in humility, not hypocrisy.
3. Religions Gives People a Sense of Belonging
Religion provides people with personal identity as part of a group
with similar worldviews, beliefs, values, practices, and lifestyles.
Belonging to a particular religion – whose members share the same
beliefs, practice the same rituals, and worship the same God – gives
individuals a sense of being in the right place with the right people.

1. Religions Triggers Conflicts and Fights

Religion also has some aspects which make it susceptible to be a
source of conflict and war. Wars have been fought in the name of
religion, and this phenomenon continues up to the present time. It is
Muslims opposite Christians and animists; in Sri Lanka, it is the
Sinhalese Buddhists against Hindus. These are only some of so many
wars being fought in the name of religion, which means millions of
lives are being lost.
2. Religions Causes Discrimination
Religious fanaticism can lead to feelings of hatred, which could lead
to racism, and eventually violence. Religion can also source of
discrimination, or the prejudicial treatment of different categories of
people or things, especially on the basis of race, religion, age, or sex.
There are religions that discriminate against people from the lower
class whom they consider to be sinful and dirty, just like the outcast
or pariahs in India.
3. Religions Affirms Social Hierarchy
Some religions affirm social hierarchy often favoring men and as a
result, perpetuate the notions of class or gender discrimination and
oppression. The traditional caste system of India would reflect how
religions reflects political and social structures since it propagated the
idea that people had to subdivided into certain classes with particular
social roles and that attainment of moksha would depend on how
they performed their duties based on their designated class.
Poster Explanation
This poster illustrates the unity of world religions. As we can see it portrays
a concinnity of every religion. The puzzle pieces represent the different
kinds of religion in the world, while the hands represent the people who
believe in that particular religion. Looking at the poster you will notice that
the puzzle pieces that represent the different religions have been united by
the hands that represent the people who believe in that religion. This
explains that whatever religion, it can be united as long as the people have
unity, a dignity that respects the different religions, and more importantly
the presence of the Goddesses that people believe in. Conclusively the
puzzle that has been created or seems fitted in shows or represents the
unity of every religion in the world.

What is religion? According to the definition, religion is a set of

beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially
when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies,
usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a
moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. However, religion from
my personal standpoint can mean or be anything, but the center of it is
certainly based on faith. Faith is a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of
a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. I believe that
faith is the strongest characteristic of someone, and religion, as its basis,
makes us who we are today. If I were to ask, what does religion really mean
to me?
I was born Catholic because my parents are Catholic. As a child, I was
taught by my parents, grandparents, uncle, and aunts about religion. I was
taught to attend church every Sunday for mass. I was taught at home, in
church, and in school the importance of believing in God, and
understanding religion. I was taught by my religion the sins I should not
commit, the things I should do as a human, the things I should do to repent
my sins, and how to survive. Basically, religion taught me how to survive. It
provides a code of life to people, a limitation, and a purpose. For instance,
Catholics have ten commandments that we should obey to live good lives
that are peaceful, happy, and productive. These ten commandments made a
way to unite people. God made us, and He wants the best for us.
In my own perspective religion instills us with the teachings, beliefs,
and practices that human beings should remember. Religion is something
that keeps you motivated and gives you a reason to live. Early in my life, it
was a big part of me. Religion is what guides our decision-making. It’s our
moral compass. Religion, it’s something that I can always count on. You
can’t count on anything else but yourself. That’s just something that I can
always count on myself to always have. It’s not a physical thing, it’s more of
something in your mind.
Just like them, I've been also confused before, until I found the truth.
Religion is the relationship between God, our Creator towards His creation,
and we, his people. It is the most simple but clear definition that captivated
my heart. Saying it's a relationship with God, it is a very wide process.
Religion is not just the church name, such beliefs on cultural practices and
the organizations that proposed the said beliefs. But, it will require a lot of
things for every human being to have religion, to have a relationship with
I agree that it is hard to solidify our faith to 100%. I will always ask
the whys and what ifs in my life until I feel I’m losing Him. I sometimes
think that I should give up or lose my faith because of the things that are
happening to me. But then, the things instilled inside me, the love of God,
made me try and try. It became my safest place. I still don’t understand its
definite meaning. I may believe in Him but I still have a lot to learn in life.
But If you ask me about religion, this would be my answer: It is the purpose
and it is the path to happiness and the path that leads me to God.
Introduction to
World Religion
and Belief

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