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Business Meeting Script

Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: The meeting will please come to order; Scout Councilor Jelly Mae
Lucas will lead us to an opening prayer.
Scout Councilor Jelly Mae Lucas: (Opening Prayer)
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Thank you Scout Councilor Jelly Mae. May I request our Scout SB
Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling, for the roll call.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: As I call the roll, please say “Present” if you are around.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Scout Councilor Jelly Mae D. Lucas
Scout Councilor Jelly Mae D. Lucas: Present Sir.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Scout Councilor Janela Fate V. Macido
Scout Councilor Janela Fate V. Macido: Present Sir.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Scout Councilor Krissa May O. Baguling
Scout Councilor Krissa May O. Baguling: Present Sir.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Scout Councilor Lisly Shane B. Quirit
Scout Councilor Lisly Shane B. Quirit: Present Sir.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Scout Councilor Maian D. Tayaban
Scout Councilor Maian D. Tayaban: Present Sir.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Scout Councilor Jasmine Trish G. Benito
Scout Councilor Jasmine Trish G. Benito: Present Sir.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Scout Councilor Alexa Shen B. Wallang
Scout Councilor Alexa Shen B. Wallang: Present Sir.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Scout Councilor Tyler D. Binwag
Scout Councilor Tyler D. Binwag: Present Sir.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Scout ABC President Dolly Trish L. Balay-odao
Scout ABC President Dolly Trish L. Balay-odao: Present Sir.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: And Scout SK Federation President Clarence L. Felix
Scout SK Federation President Clarence L. Felix: Present Sir

Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Mr. Chairman, the Scout Councilors, ABC President, and SK
Federation President are all present. Mr. Chairman, we have also here with us the Scouters from the Department
of Education, Tublay District, to observe the deliberation of some issues and concerns. Thank you very much.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Thank you Mr. Secretary. Since there is a quorum, the meeting will
go on. May I then request our Scout SB Secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting?
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Mr. Chairman, Scout SK Federation President Clarence L. Felix will
distribute the copy of the Previous Minutes of meeting. While I am reading, please see if there are corrections.
-Our last meeting was held at the old session hall on October 18, 2019, from 9 o’clock in the morning to
12 o’clock noon. We had discussed on the provision of loud speaker in the District of Tublay to be use by learners
and teachers whenever they have programs or activities. It was also agree that the loud speaker can be borrowed
by some communities in our Municipality. All scout councilors had agreed that is why we had pass a resolution
on the said matter.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Thank you. Mr. Secretary. Are there any corrections to these minutes
of the meeting?
Scout Councilor Alexa Shen B. Wallang: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout Councilor Alexa Shen.
Scout Councilor Alexa Shen B. Wallang: Mr. Chairman, since there are no corrections on the previous minutes of
meeting, I move for the acceptance and approval of the previous minutes of meeting as corrected.
All: I second the motion:
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: It is moved and seconded that the previous minutes of the meeting be
accepted and approved as corrected. As many as those who are in favor, say “Aye”
All: Aye
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: And those who oppose say “Nay”. (Pause) “Ayes” got it. Motion
carried. May we now proceed to the issues arising from the Minutes of the Previous Meeting?
Scout Councilor Jasmine Trish G. Benito: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout Councilor Jasmine Trish.
Scout Councilor Jasmine Trish G. Benito: Mr. Chairman, may we ask if that resolution was already implemented?
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, as to the record, that resolution was not
implemented due to non-availability of funds to purchase the said item.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Thank you for that information, but did someone follow up that
resolution submitted?
Scout Councilor Maian D. Tayaban: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, according to information it was supposed to be
followed up but due to the pandemic on March 2020, it was no longer prioritized due to so many concerns.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: I see. Thanks you very much, hope it was understood by the 2019
SOFAD officials. So, are there anymore issues arising from the minutes of the previous meeting?
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, if I may?
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, SB Secretary.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Mr. Chairman, as per record, I think those are the only concerns.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Since there are no other concerns, may we now move on to the new
business, the crafting of resolutions that concerns Tublay District Schools. So we encourage everyone to give
suggestions on what to prioritize in this year’s SOFAD resolution. So the table is open for suggestions for our
Scout Councilor Janela Fate V. Macido: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout Councilor Janela.
Scout Councilor Janela Fate V. Macido: Mr. Chairman, may I suggest that we will pass a resolution on the
provision of trash bins for the 19 Elementary and 2 Secondary schools in Tublay District in order to maintain the
cleanliness of the schools.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: The provision of trash bins in the 19 Elementary and 2 secondary
schools in Tublay District is suggested. Any more suggestions?
Scout Councilor Krissa May O. Baguling: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout Councilor Krissa May.
Scout Councilor Krissa May O. Baguling: Mr. Chairman, may I suggest the conduct of tree planning activities
every December in different schools in the District of Tublay for the protection of the environment.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: The conduct of tree planning activities every December in different
schools in the District of Tublay is suggested. Any more suggestions?
Scout Councilor Lizly Shane B. Quirit: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout Councilor Lizly Shane.
Scout Councilor Lizly Shane B. Quirit: Mr. Chairman, may I also suggest for the purchase of 1 parachute tent for
Boy Scout Elementary and 1 parachute tent for Girl Scout Elementary.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: The purchase of 1 parachute tent for the Boy Scout Elementary and 1
parachute tent for Girl Scout Elementary is suggested. Any more suggestions from the group?

Scout ABC President Dolly Trish L. Balay-odao: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout ABC President Dolly Trish.
Scout ABC President Dolly Trish L. Balay-odao: Mr. Chairman, may I also suggest the provision of emergency
kits in the 19 Elementary and 2 Secondary schools in the District of Tublay.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: The provision of emergency kits in the 19 Elementary and 2
Secondary schools in the District of Tublay is suggested. Are there any more suggestions?
Scout Councilor Maian D. Tayaban: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout Councilor Maian.
Scout Councilor Maian D. Tayaban: Mr. Chairman, I moved that the suggestion be closed.
All: I second the motion.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: It is moved and seconded that suggestions be closed. Before we go to
the division of the house, may we give the floor to the ones who give the suggestions? Kindly give justifications
on your suggestions so we can further analyze the most priority project needed by the schools since we are only
going to submit one resolution for the year.
Scout Councilor Janela Fate V. Macido: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout Councilor Janela Fate.
Scout Councilor Janela Fate V. Macido: Mr. Chairman, I suggested the provision of trash bins for the 19
Elementary and 2 Secondary schools in Tublay District since it was observed that there are limited trash bins near
the schools that is why there are scattered trash around the school vicinity.
Scout Councilor Jasmin Trish G. Benito: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, I think the suggestion of Scout Councilor
Janela Fate can still be remedied by schools through the use of other materials as additional trash bins such as
sacks, and garbage bags so that we can give priorities to what is really needed. And maybe the problem on the
scattered trash lays on the discipline of the learners and implementation of the school program on the proper
waste disposal.
Scout Councilor Alexa Shen B. Wallang: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, I agree with Scout Councilor Benito, most
of the schools in the District of Tublay had already their trash bins though its inadequate but at least they already
have. Some schools had already procured trash bins and some schools had received donations from non-
government organizations. And yes, we have to strengthen the discipline of the learners in the implementation of
proper waste disposal.

Scout Councilor Tyler D. Binwag: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, in addition to what were said, the schools had
allotted fund from their Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses or MOOE, an amount in the procurement of
their trash bins to comply with the requirements for the safety seal in every school.
Scout SKF President Clarence L. Felix: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, based on the different school activities,
schools are implementing recycling programs to minimize bulk of waste in school.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: That’s good. Any more reactions from the suggestion of Scout
Councilor Janela Fate in the provision of trash bins for the 19 Elementary and 2 secondary schools in Tublay
Scout Councilor Jelly Mae D. Lucas: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout Councilor Jelly Mae.
Scout Councilor Jelly Mae D. Lucas: Mr. Chairman, if there are no more clarifications, may I suggest that may we
now proceed to the next suggestions for deliberation Mr. Chairman?
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: If there are no further discussions on the suggestion of Scout
Councilor Janela Fate, may we then proceed to the next suggestion.
Scout Councilor Krissa May O. Baguling: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman!
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Scout Councilor Krissa Mae.
Scout Councilor Krissa May O. Baguling: Mr. Chairman, I suggested the conduct of tree planting activities every
December in different schools in the District of Tublay because today we are experiencing weather changes
compared to the previous years. This is one of the effects of climate change and tree planting activities would help
to recover the benefit of God-given nature.
Scout Councilor Tyler D. Binwag: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, the suggestion of Scout Councilor Krissa May is
very much appreciated. However, if we are going to analyze the situation today, I think tree planting activities
would not be possible during December due to the upcoming dry season, and for sure the percentage of survival
among the tree seedlings might be very low.
Scout SKF President Clarence L. Felix: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, based on information from the different SK
Chairmen, different schools conduct tree planting activities yearly, Mr. Chairman.
Scout ABC President Dolly Trish L. Balay-odao: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, in addition to what was said by
Scout SK Chairman Clarence, tree planting activity is included in the clean and program of every school in
Tublay District, Mr. Chairman.

Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Thank you very much for all those pieces of information. It is indeed
noted that tree planting is being conducted in all schools. Anymore reactions in the conduct of tree planting
activities as suggested by Scout Councilor Krissa May?
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: If there are no more comments, may we move to the next suggestion.
The suggestion on the purchase of 1 parachute tent for Boy Scout Elementary and 1 parachute tent for Girl Scout
Elementary. Scout Councilor Lizly Shane B. Quirit, say something about your suggestion.
Scout Councilor Lizly Shane B. Quirit: Mr. Chairman, we are informed that there is no available tent owned by
the Boy and Girl Scouts. Accordingly, during scouting activity, they borrow tents from BLGU or other
organizations that often times they spend much time looking at/ borrowing tents. Since Scouting Camporee/
encampment is done yearly, the purchase of a tent is much needed. Aside from the mentioned activity, we could
also use the tents in different learners’ outdoor activities, especially District-wide activities that need wider shelter
to protect participants from the heat of the sun or during rainy days.
Scout Councilor Alexa Shen B. Wallang: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, the suggestion is really good. However, it
might cost much, we are not sure if there will be available budget for it. But, I strongly support the suggestion of
Scout Councilor Lizly Shane, that the provision of parachute tents for Boy and Girl Scouts is very much needed.
Its purpose is not only for scouting activities but also for other school outdoor activities.
Scout Councilor Jelly Mae D. Lucas: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, I will also support the provision of parachute to
Boy and Girl Scouts because according to some scouts when they joined the encampment last 2018, there were no
available shade especially in the venue where different activities on scout skills were conducted.
Scout Councilor Jasmine Trish G. Benito: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, it was also noted that during the last
scouting encampment, some scouters sacrificed to buy personally some materials for tent purposes just to
participate on the said activity. One thing more, these parachute tent can also be used in the billeting area during
District and Provincial Athletic Meet.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Any more comments with regard to the suggestion of Scout Councilor
Lizly Shane? If there’s none, may I request Scout ABC President Dolly Trish to say something about her
Scout ABC President Dolly Trish L. Balay-odao: Mr. Chairman, we all know that learners stay in school for 5 to
6 hours from Mondays to Fridays, and often times minor accidents usually happen when learners are at play.
Hence, there is a need to provide emergency kits for them so to provide easy first aid when accidents happen. And
as per guidelines, it is a mandate that every school must have emergency kits so it’s easy for them to access them
in case natural calamities will come.
Scout ABC President Tyler D. Binwag: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, based reports, all schools in Tublay District
had received first aid kits containing bandages, alcohol, and beta dine.
Scout Councilor Maian D. Tayaban: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, schools can also use an amount from their
MOOE fund to purchase emergency kits.
Scout SKF President Clarence L. Felix: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, as to the information, the Health Section of
the Department of Education is also distributing some over the counter medicines for school use.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Thank you very much for that information. Any more comments on
the purchase of emergency kits as suggested? So, if there are no more comments, let’s proceed to votation via
viva voce.
May I ask the Scout SB Secretary to do the counting.
Those who are in favor of suggestion number 1 that we will pass a resolution on the provision of trash bins in the
19 Elementary and 2 Secondary schools in Tublay District. Please raise your right hand.
The Scout SB Secretary will record the number of votes:
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Those who are in favor of suggestion number 2 that we will pass a
resolution in the conduct of tree planning activities every December in different schools in the District of Tublay.
Please raise your right hand.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Mr. Secretary please count.
The Scout SB Secretary will record the number of votes:
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Those who are in favor of suggestion number 3 that we will pass a
resolution for the purchase of 1 parachute tent for Boy Scout Elementary and 1 parachute tent for Girl Scout
Elementary. Please raise your right hand.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Mr. Secretary please count.
The Scout SB Secretary will record the number of votes:
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Will now have the last suggestion, those who are in favor that we will
pass a resolution on the provision of emergency kits in the 19 Elementary and 2 Secondary schools in the District
of Tublay. Please raise your right hand.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Mr. Secretary please count.
The Scout SB Secretary will record the number of votes:

Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: May I ask the Scout SB Secretary to please read the results of the
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: This is the result of the votation:
Suggestion No. 1. provision of trash bins for the 19 Elementary and 2 Secondary schools – 1 vote
Suggestion No. 2. conduct of tree planning activities – 1 vote
Suggestion No. 3. purchase of 1 parachute tent for the Boy Scout Elementary and 1 parachute tent
for Girl Scout Elementary – 8 votes
Suggestion No. 4. provision of emergency kits in the 19 Elementary and 2 Secondary schools – 1
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: As we can see, the purchase of 1 parachute tent for Boy Scout and 1
parachute tent for Girl Scout garnered the highest votes. Are there any objections?
If none, as many as those who are in favor say “Aye” and those who oppose say “Nay”. “Ayes” got it. So this
suggestion is carried.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: It has been finalized that the SOFAD resolution for this year will be
the purchase of 1 parachute tent for Boy Scout and 1 parachute tent for Girl Scout.
May we then ask for any information on the amount of each tent? Any information?
Scout Councilor Tyler D. Binwag: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, if I may?
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, scout councilor Tyler.
Scout Councilor Tyler D. Binwag: Mr. Chairman, according to the scouters who purchased sometime in 2018, it
is about P12, 000.00 during that time.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Thank you for that information. So maybe we can just suggest an
amount for the purchase of 2 parachute tents. Any suggestions?
Scout Councilor Jelly Mae D. Lucas: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, since the amount presented was in 2018,
maybe it already increased because that was 4 years ago. So, may I suggest to allocate an amount of P30, 000.00
for the 2 parachute tents.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Thank you. So, an amount of P30, 000.00 for the purchase of 2
parachute tents was suggested. Anymore suggestions?
Scout Councilor Maian D. Tayaban: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, I move to close the suggestion.
All : I second the motion.

Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: It is moved and seconded that the suggestion be closed. As many as
those who are in favor say “Aye” and those who oppose say “Nay”. “Ayes” got it. So this suggestion that we
allocate an amount of P30, 000.00 for the 2 parachute tents is carried.
May we then ask the Scout SB Secretary to immediately prepare the SOFAD Resolution for signing. Thank you
very much.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: Noted, Mr. Chairman.
Scout Councilor Lizly Shane B. Quirit: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, if I may. May I suggest that if this resolution
will materialize or will be implemented, those materials will be kept at the District Office for safekeeping?
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Is everyone amenable with that?
All : Yes sir.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Then put that in motion.
Scout Councilor Lizly Shane B. Quirit: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, I move that if this resolution will materialize
or will be implemented, those materials will be kept at the District Office for safekeeping?
All : I second the motion.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: It is moved and seconded that if this resolution will materialize or will
be implemented, those materials will be kept at the District Office for safekeeping. As many as those who are in
favor say “Aye” and those who oppose say “Nay”. “Ayes” got it. Motion is carried.
Mr. Secretary, are there other business to be discussed?
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: There are none, Mr. Chairman.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: If there are no other business, we will then move on with some
announcements. Does anyone have any announcement?
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Yes, Mr. Secretary.
Scout SB Secretary Chris Allen C. Baguling: May I just remind everybody that before we leave this afternoon, we
have to sign the resolution ready for submission to the office of the Mayor, Mr. Chairman.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: Thank you for the reminder. Are there anymore announcements?
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: If there are no more announcements, anybody who will move for the
adjournment of the meeting?
Scout Councilor Alexa Shen B. Wallang: (Raise hand) Mr. Chairman, if there are no other matters to be
discussed, I move for the adjournment of the meeting.
All: I second the motion.
Scout Vice Mayor Fulgencio Jr. A. Bay-an: It has been moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned until
the next SOFAD meeting. May we ask Scout SKF President Clarence to lead the closing prayer.
Scout SKF President Clarence L. Felix: (Closing Prayer)

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