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For them being loved by that individual becomes like a divine miracle from heaven, perfect bliss,

nirvana, end of ends, goal of all goals. When they think of them it is as if you gave them the best
drug in the world that represents perfect happinness, perfect glory and perfect success. They see it
from such an idealistic way, giving it a huge importance and energy that they make themselves look
complete trash compared to that desire. That is just self sabotage at its best. Wake up, you don't
even consider breathing so huge yet it makes you alive. The day you put such preassure on your
ability to breathe you will have problems even with such a natural thing. Yet the love is as natural,
but because you put it so much above yourself it feels like a miracle.

Now this is very important: When you want to manifest something, understand that your goal
should not be to make it physical or to make it happen in the world of facts; because thats
not your job, that is the job of the Law, in fact it is your own nature that does it. You don't try to
breathe, nor to make your body alive, or to make your hair grow, those are done by the life itself.
Your job is to deal with your own mind, to have disipline over your mind! ALL THE WORK IS DONE
IN THE MIND. And the Law of life "creates" it for you. It constantly makes physical the content
of your mind: good or bad. It makes no decisions for you. So you have no one to convince,
force, seduce, manipulate. You have nothing to work hard, suffer or beg for. You have no miracles
nor power to seek outside. You just have to generate what you want and persist in your own
mind, without being distracted by old shadows that will soon vanish, unless you cannot distract
yourself from them or unless you don't want to leave them. (this is often due to ignorance)

So feelings reflect your actual beliefs but at the same time if you direct them consciously the will
change the beliefs you have in a desired way.
you don't neet do try to manifest anything outside, just change the belief/feelings and they do

So focus on what you want to feel, make it your own! Make it your natural state of mind.
Feel like a great, admired, accomplished person. And you will attract everything that fits that energy
without any real conscious effort. Again, you cannot do that 1 day and then go back to your old
feelings and ask "wtf Im so depressed I wasted so much effort and it doesn't work". YOU NEED TO

This is the problem: you see your desirable reality as affirmations. Something unreal, vague or hope
matter. You say to yourself "omg I have to affirm this shit to make it happen, why can't it be natural?"
On the other side, you see the negative reality as FACTS, without being aware of the content of your
mind and without being aware that those facts are something you created and keep creating with
your "natural" affirmations you repeat constantly. Those you adopted by default for whatever reason.
When I decide to affirm something. It is not "fact" vs "affirmation". I understand that both are ideas.
Both are thought. So anytime you think that you are affirming something against facts you are
practicing self sabotage. Something you consider as fact will always win.

Because many people affirm 'I am loved like a goddess' and the moment they see no message from
the SP they abandon the whole desirable state and go back to "who I'm I anyway, a piece of shit...
blabla". You see here is a new affirmation, an affirmation that would send you right back to your hell.
Abandoning being a goddess just because they saw no messages. How ironic. No one can expect
results with so little dedication or self control.
You find one specific or general belief ABOUT YOU that you want to be your state, your truth and
your reality. And you keep repeating it in your mind as long as you want. Every day. When I say you
repeat it, I mean that you think from it. You think about it. You see from it, you cultivate it, YOU
MEAN IT, you intensify it, you play with it, you adopt it, you generate it, you build it, you focus on it…

Create a self image, an assumption that you are totally confident in yourself and your
abilities. You can even add the assumption that all fears and doubts are self destructed the
second they enter your mind! And that everything is always going well for you.

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