Equality For Every Sexuality

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Equality for Every Sexuality

Written by: John Raiver Ubaldo, Column Writer


Discrimination are every LGBTQIA+ member's nemesis,

Why?aren't we supposed to spread love?isn't that the most salient
gift that is bestowed upon us by the one and only creator?

Law 32 is a proposed solution for the never-ending war that is

faced by every LGBTQIA+ people, Discrimination. Discrimination can
be felt by every gay person around the world, that's the main reason
this law is created, its main mission is to cease that same exact
Discrimination that can lead to violence such as abuse, rape and
abduction, but this so called solution is not as effective as its
supposed to be because of people's inability to accept.

As a LGBTQIA+ member myself, i've also experienced to be

slandered specially by the people that are supposed to have my
back, and i'm telling u it's not easy, that's why i think this law is
necessary, this simple kind of law can sharpen the voice of the
oppressed, not only that it would also promote professionalism and
acceptance to the youth. I believe that some of the people that
would disagree to this law are either the one that are not that
informed about how much problems gay people are forced to carry
throughout their journey or people that are blinded by their
Christianity, never forget that God is the good father of everyone, i
would never dare to think that he will like the way we treat his own

No matter what happens, our world is destined to grow into a safe

haven for everyone, we have a God-given gift called time, why are
we wasting it by hating the people that doesn't deserve to be
hated?The world is already starting to grow, why aren't we?

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