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As an individual there is very little you can do to reduce the amount of waste you generate?


The 3 R's of waste management stand for "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle"? (T/F)

Where do things like vegetables, copper, and water come from?

the air, the sun, space, the environment

Things we take from the environment and use are called:

rocks, pollutants, natural resources, energy

Which natural resources are essential for living?

soda and chips, cars and trains, basketball and tv, air and water.

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Always use disposable plates, cups and cutlery.
Using rechargeable batteries is a good way to reduce waste?
A clean environment is essential for healthy living
Which is a way we can protect our environment?
litter, recycle, pollute, contaminate
As an individual there is very little you can do to reduce the amount of waste you generate? (T/F)
The 3 R's of waste management stand for "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle"? (T/F)
Using rechargeable batteries is a good way to reduce waste? (T/F)
A clean environment is essential for healthy living
Which is a way we can protect our environment?
litter, recycle, pollute, contaminate
Where do things like vegetables, copper, and water come from?
the air, the sun, space, the environment
Things we take from the environment and use are called:
rocks, pollutants, natural resources, energy
Which natural resources are essential for living?
soda and chips, cars and trains, basketball and tv, air and water.

There are many ways you can show that you care about our environment. Some of the most common
ways are the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. No matter how small or insignificant your actions may
seem, they matter. It only takes one person to start a movement that could possibly lead to a major
environmental breakthrough.

Are you going to be that person?

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