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Door Physical Environment To have a good entrance and
exit of the students.
Floor mat Physical Environment To maintain cleanliness
before entering and exit in the
Body Temperature & They are used to prevent
Sanitizer illness of the students and
avoid germs.
Window Physical Environment It give enough sunlight and
refreshing wind inside the
Curtain Physical Environment It is used to avoid sunlight
and help students to be not
distracted outside then
Students will no longer have
Student’s table and chairs problems with their tables
Physical Environment whether they are right-handed
Psychosocial or left-handed because they
have comfortable tables and
chairs that’s why students can
focus on their learning.
Blackboard, Chalk & Eraser Physical Environment To easily deliver and
Psychosocial understand the lesson by
writing using chalk. The
eraser used to remove what is
written in the board
Teacher’s Table Physical Environment To put the papers or output of
Psychosocial the students.
Calendar To remind students of of key
dates throughout the
academic semester and year,
deadlines of activities, and
special events.
It will help to put out small
fires. Also, It has the ability
Fire Extinguisher Physical Environment to control fires, and limit the
amount of pollution that is
caused by smoke and burning
It can help a school keeps its
Physical Environment students safe and secure. A
Fire alarm Psychosocial fire alarm system must be
able to alert the students and
the entire school quickly.
It help students handle the
medical emergencies as
First Aid kit Physical Environment quickly as possible. It helps
Psychosocial lessen or prevent accidents in
the classroom as it allows you
to assist students during an
It is used to create the best
Learning Environment. It will
Bookshelf Physical Environment inspire students to have a
Psychosocial liking for books and reading.
It has a positive impact on
their learning process and
helps them to develop new
Physical Environment It gives the students
Wall Fan Psychosocial refreshing air so that they can
focus on their teacher’s
lesson and will not get hot in
the classroom.
Teachers can use this to their
Physical Environment students to watch a video and
Television Psychosocial PowerPoint presentation.
Also, students can also use
this for their reporting.
It is indoor recycling trash bin
where in students can
maintain the cleanliness of
the classroom. It also help
Trash bin Physical Environment students to be more organized
Psychosocial and responsible because the
indoor recycling trash bins
are categorized into three.
Yellow for recyclable, blue
for non-biodegradable, and
green for biodegradable.
It will help students become
more aware such as pinned
Bulletin board Physical Environment announcements, set of
Policy and Administrative officers in the class and then
Psychosocial showed the news in the
It enhance good looking
Plant Physical Environment classroom. It also creates
Psychosocial positive impact to entire
classroom and students.
To keep classroom organized
Cleaning materials’ Cabinet Physical Environment and maintain the cleanliness
Psychosocial of the classroom.

It will help student to manage

Wall Clock Physical Environment their time and schedule hours
Psychosocial for their day-to-day activities.

Comfort room- To maintain

the cleanliness of the comfort
Sink- It is used for washing
your hands to avoid germs.
Comfort room {Sink, Hand Hand soap- To remove
soap, Mirror,Toilet, Tissue Physical Environment germs and dirt from hands.
roll, and Trash can) Mirror- To see themselves if
they are still good looking.
Toiler- To release urine and
Tissue roll- Use to wash their
hands after urination and
Trash can- Throw the used-
tissue roll and sanitary
Help a school community
Physical Environment reflect on its core educational
Mission and Vision Policy and Administrative values, operational
Psychosocial objectives, purpose as a
learning institution, and
hoped-for results for students
To share their ideas or
Educational Quotes Physical Environment thoughts to their classmates
Psychosocial and to motivate and inspire
each other in the classroom.
It taught students that they
TULUNGAN HINDI Physical Environment should help each others in
PATAASAN Psychosocial their activities so that
students should not left
Cross Physical Environment It helps students to strive hard
Psychosocial and respect each other.
 Entrance-Exit
 Earthquake Drill To promote, identify, provide
 Please wear a face mask Physical Environment information, give directions
 Keep the Distance Social Policy and Administrative or to raise safety awareness to
Distancing Psychosocial students inside and out the
 Note: Please knock the classroom.
door before entering
 Quite please: Class in
Class Schedule Policy and Administrative To inform time and subject of
Psychosocial the students.
Recess Schedule Policy and Administrative To avoid crowds in the

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