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Torculas, Alvir

Evening Session
Task #2
1. Write down the names of those with whom you interact both personally and
professional most often. Include those from whom you regularly seek
advice. Identify the general characteristics of each person, such as
background, profession and education. Examine whether you have areas of
interest or knowledge that are lacking. How can you fill the gap?
- There are a lot of people that I interact with both personally and
professionally. I have my friends, family, and professors that I interact with on
a daily basis. All of them have various personalities. There are areas where
we do not share the same interests and knowledge and I try to fill these gaps
by trying to show interest and ask questions about their interests.
2. Draft a 30–60 second introduction on yourself and your organization or
interests. Practice delivering this introduction to others. Imagine a few
scenarios and modify your introduction accordingly. Think about the
questions you would ask in return to a potential contact.
- My name is Alvir Torculas and I am a BS in Tourism Management student. I
study in Samal Island City College. I took this course because I love travelling
and learning about how tourism affects the other aspects of society both in a
good and bad way.

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