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Task #3 – Process Questions

Answer each question briefly and substantially.

1. You arrive on time for your dream job interview. You know you have the skill set
to do well at this job. You know that you would be an awesome fit for the
company. But just as you walk into the interview room, you suddenly freeze and
can’t think of a single thing to say. What would you do? Explain/discuss.
 The first thing I would do would be to break myself out of the brain freeze
mode. I have read somewhere that asking to hear the question again would
be perfectly alright. This would allow me to buy myself a little more time to
think about how to answer the question.
2. What tends to happen in an interview setting is that the person being interviewed
becomes nervous. When that happens, we begin to panic and start throwing
together in random order the components of the message we are trying to send.
As a result, the receiver misinterprets the message and the communication is
weakened. How do we fix those misinterpretations? How can we strengthen
that communication again?
 I would apologize and try to clarify my answer by rephrasing it better. In order
to strengthen communication again, I would present myself in a confident
manner and try to answer the following questions in the most confident way I
can muster.

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