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Dr. Fardina Rahman Omi

What is Research?

❖Research is "creative and systematic work undertaken to

increase the stock of knowledge“.
❖It involves the collection, organization and analysis of evidence
to increase understanding of a topic, characterized by a
particular attentiveness to controlling sources of bias and error.
❖Research is a systematic search for answers to questions
about facts and relationship between facts.
❖The systematic method has an order and follows an acceptable
procedure for conducting research.
What is Research Process?

Series of actions or steps that are effectively

performed in a specific order necessary to carry
out research
Selection of Topic

Following factors to be considered:

➢Whether the problem is already researched before
➢Scope; required data must be available
➢Contribution to knowledge in specific field
➢Required cooperation from the research guide
➢Practical Utility of the topic selected
Defining the research problem

❑Problem properly defined is half solved

❑Problem may be of the following nature




❑Gives proper direction to the researcher to go ahead

Objectives Of Research

✓What does the researcher aim to achieve through


✓In which extent the research work is related to the

specific field
Review of Literature

oReviewing the existing books

oConference proceedings
oPhD theses
Development of Hypothesis

❑A proposition- a tentative assumption which a researcher wants

to test for its logical or empirical consequences
❑Must be stated in precise and clearly defined terms
❑A tentative statement that can either be accepted or rejected
after the process
❑May be more than one
Preparing Research Design

▪ A logical and systematic plan prepared for directing a

research study

▪ Program that guides the investigator in the process of

collecting, analyzing and interpreting observations
Sample Design
❖All items in any field of inquiry constitute a 'Universe' or population’
❖Complete enumeration of all items in the population is known as
the 'census' inquiry
❖In census no chance, highest accuracy
❖Not possible when population is very high
❖Involves great deal of time , money and energy
❖Leads to selection of few respondents
❖Selected respondents constitute 'sample’
❖Selection process is 'sampling technique’
❖Survey conducted on the sample is called 'sample survey’ \
❖Methods of sampling — probability and non probability sampling
Data Collection

➢Primary data
❑Originally collected
❑By observation
❑Personal interviews
❑Telephonic interviews
❑Through Internet
➢Secondary data
❑Already available and compiled
Execution of project

✓If data collected through structured questionnaires, can be

machine processed, coded

✓For interviews proper arrangements must be made

✓Proper selection and training of interviewers

✓With the help of instruction manuals or direct instructions

✓With lack of alertness, results may be wrong

Analysis of data

▪ Critical examination of assembled and grouped data

▪ Task requiring maximum skill

▪ Selection of tools of analysis

▪ Irrelevant analysis should be avoided

▪ Computer aided research analysis of great help

Testing of Hypothesis

➢After analysis researcher tests for acceptance or rejection of


➢Various tests available

➢Chi square , t-test, F-test

Generalizations and Interpretations

• Hypothesis is tested and upheld several times

• Leads to generalization
• Theory
• Real value of research is to arrive at generalizations a
• If research started with no hypothesis, findings may be related
to some existing theory-Interpretation
Finally Preparation and writing of
Research report maintain the criteria
for a good research…..
❖Logical Control
❖Free from bias
Thank You All!!

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