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4IT0-02 Information and Communication Technology


Part 1 (Using Word Processing Software)

1. Open a new document using word processing software. Enter the followings:
• Your name left aligned in the header
• Today’s date right aligned in the footer.

2. Insert the heading Triathlon Event Pack.

Make the heading:
• TimesNewRoman font
• Size 34 pt
• Centre aligned
• Bold and Italic
• Spacing 0 pt before and 0 pt after the heading, single line spacing
Save the document with the name Part1 followed by your name. For example, Part1_Kim.
3. A customer requested you to make a newsletter abouth the event of Triathlon.
All required materials are in Part1_Source.docx and Images folder.
Your newsletter must be:
• Applied the layout and style as instructed
• Correct way and appropriate locations to insert the information
• Suitable position for image
• Adding features found in a newsletter
• Fit on a single page

4. Use the saved document that you saved as Part1_YourName to create your newsletter.

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All inserted text must be Serif 11pt, if not instructed otherwise. [25]

General Information (No title)
Font style (Arial, 11pt) Justify, Bullet List must be included. No border.

Registration Race Briefing

Arial 11pt, Centre

Arial 11pt, Centre
aligned, Bold and
aligned, Bold and
Race Briefing Text
Registration Text
Race Details

Second paragraph of Race Details

3pt black border

Last paragraph
of the source
Resize if
needed, No
Table look like this:
Text Wrap

Race Details Last

paragraph only

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Part 2 (Using Presentation Software)

1. Create a blank presentation and save it with your name.

For example, Kim.pptx.
2. The teacher wants a presentation to show about an update on future holiday.
Here are the recommended designs for the slides.

The links on the title slide are to the other slides. The link on the other slides goes back to the
title slide.
3. Edit the title slide, it must: [3]
• Have a darker background colour for the title area
• Have white text for the title.
• Text as shown in Slide Design.
4. Inset Logo from the IMAGES folder. Resize if needed, but maintain aspect ratio. [3]
5. Insert footer with your name in the slide master to display your name in all slides. The
footer must be right bottom corner, 14pt serif font. And the footer must not be displayed
at the title slide. [3]
6. Create the three slides with the followings: [9]
• Match the Design
• Information from the document PRESENTATION TEXT.txt.
• Relevant images from IMAGES folder.
7. Link the slides as instructed. [2]

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8. Add the following presenter notes to the title slide. [2]

• Welcome the group and thank them for booking holidays with Lang Getaways
• Introduce yourself and what your role in the company is
• Explain that the presentation will be covering new accommodation available and is for
the first part of the morning session
• Explain that once the presentation is complete, there will be a break for refreshments
and the remainder of the morning will be discussing their own experiences on their
• Tell them they can ask questions at any time but may want to wait until the end in case
their questions are answered
9. Apply Transition to all slides. [1]

********* END *********

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