Materi BIB Sri Nur

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Things that cause Negetiation:

1. Differentiation

2. Conflict exists Conflict management

That is because every object has the potential to produce positive or negative things.

=> In this case the conflict can cause a party that is less power and powerful.

# Ways that can be done in handling Conflict:

1. Accommodation (Support, adjustment) is a way that can be done if we are on the LESS POWER side,
or in other words we need other people to support us.

2. Collaboration

Is the way to do it when both parties want to win (no one wants to give in).

3. Domination

Is a way of conflict resolution if the opponent is a powerful person which can be done through
acquisitions can be acquisitions of companies, businesses etc.

#Negotiation can be done through:

a. Distribution, namely by dividing the points/values to the opponents

b. Integrative, namely by pressing the interests of both parties through an approach.

#Negotiation Strategy:

1. Inactive (do nothing)

2. Compounding (insisting / chuckling doesn't want to give in)

3. Yielding (Manut/Follow)

#Tactics in negotiations:

1. Bad Cop, is conflict resolution with threats/violence.

2. Soft Cop, the opposite of bad Cop, soft Cop places more emphasis on the emotional bond of the
opposing party.

3. Low ball, make deals with opponents

4. High Ball, flattering opponent after it is dropped

5. Bogey (money game scheme) is changing things that are not valuable to be valuable.

# In negotiations we must know our position and that of the opponent, so that we can know what
tactics/strategies should be used.

# In Negotiations, if you don't agree with the opinion of the other party, make an offer accompanied by

We'll Explore these and other preparation issue thought nine steps:

1. Understanding your own and the other side interests and BATNA

2. Identifying potential opportunities for value creation

3. Determining the authority levels both sides in negotation

4. Understanding the people and the culture of other side

5. Preparing and flexibility

6. Showing the fairness of one position

7. Altering the process in your favour.

#Tactic how to play the game

1. Getting the other side to the table

2. Getting off to a good start

3. Harnessing the power of anchoring

4. Using concessionary moves

5. Tactic distirbutive (win win) negotation: active listening, exploiting complementary interests, and
packaging option for more favorable deals

6. General Tactic : Framing and continual evaluation.

#Motivation Letter :

 Intorduce semenarik mungkin

 Purpose (tujuan melamar) Why? Hilangkan kata opportunity
 Impact (bisa membawa perubahan)
 How implemtation ( Hal yang bisa di implementasikan)
 Clossing final statment (Kesimpulan Diri)

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