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1. Where, according to Russel, is the value of philosophy to be found?

- According to Russel, the value of philosophy can be found indirectly through its
effects upon the lives of those who study it. These effects make them realize that
how you value philosophy can lead you in seeing the real value of it. When you study
a certain subject or a topic you lack knowledge about, you’ll find interesting things in
it. It will also give you knowledge and of course give you the ability to see what’s the
value of studying it. This scenario is similar when we think about where the value of
philosophy can be found.

2. Why does Russel maintain that the “uncertainty of philosophy is more apparent than

- Russel claims that "uncertainty of philosophy is more apparent than real”, however
that particular statement makes you realize that all questions were previously
philosophical, but they were later moved to Science. There are no definitive solutions
to the questions that were posed. They researched it scientifically, but they came up
with their own answers without considering whether or not they were correct. The
majority of the answers were simply provided by scientists who had conducted
experiments and discovered those facts. They've simply provided the answers that
we now see as real or true.

3. What does Russel mean when he asserts that the value of philosophy is to be sought
in its “very uncertainty”?

- He claimed that a person without a philosophical education lives his life imprisoned
by prejudices derived from common sense, habitual beliefs of his age or nation, and
attitudes formed in his mind without the collaboration or approval of his conscious
reason. He argues that definitive knowledge will suffocate speculative curiosity in the
universe. He also claimed that philosophy's ambiguity can free our thoughts from the
shackles of tradition and dogmatism.

4. According to Russel, what may be the chief value of Philosophy?

- According to Russel, the chief value of Philosophy may be through the greatness of
the objects which it contemplates, and the freedom from narrow and personal aims
resulting from this contemplation. In such a life there is something feverish and
confined, in comparison with which the philosophic life is calm and free. In such a life
there is no peace, but a constant strife between the insistence of desire and the
powerlessness of will. In one way or another, if our life is to be great and free, we
must escape this prison and this strife.

5. What do you think Russel means when he characterizes “true philosophic

contemplation” as if finding satisfaction in the “enlargement of the not-Self”?

- When Russel characterizes “true philosophic contemplation” as if finding satisfaction

in the “enlargement of the not-Self”, he means that philosophical viewing or
contemplation were to be a premise that leads to conclusions. A question that
bewilders many, concluding that knowledge is a form of unity with ourselves whilst
not in unity on not-self there will be more to comprehend beneath and beyond. The
ambiguity of philosophy can liberate our minds from the tyranny of tradition and

6. How does Russel sum up the value of philosophical study? Do you agree with
Russel? Why, or why not?

- He stated that knowledge is a means of connecting oneself to one's surroundings,

and that there is always more to learn. "Logical justification" is the fact that the
premises lead to the conclusion. He stated that philosophy should be studied not for
the sake of any definite answers to its questions, because no definite answers can be
known to be true on average, but for the sake of the questions themselves; because
these questions broaden our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual
imagination, and diminish the dogmatic assurance that closes the mind to
speculation; but most importantly, because, through these questions, we can
broaden our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual imagination, and
diminish the dogmatic assurance that closes the mind against speculation.

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