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Passive Voice (am/is/are, was/were, been, be + past participle)


Subject (object) + am/is/are + Verb 3+
Subject + verb 1 + object
Object (subject)
Present The teacher punishes me.
I am punished by the teacher.
Simple The teacher punishes the boy.
The boy is punished by the teacher.
The teacher punishes the boys.
The boys are punished by the teacher.
S + am/is/are + Verb(ing) + object S + am/is/are + being + Verb 3 + object
The teacher is punishing me. I am being punished by the teacher.
Continuous /
The teacher is punishing the boy. The boy is being punished by the teacher.
The teacher is punishing the boys. The boys are being punished by the teacher.
S + V 2 + obj S + was/were + V 3 + obj
Past Simple The teacher punished me. I was punished by the teacher.
The teacher punished the boys. The boys were punished by the teacher.
Past S + was/were + V(ing) + obj S + was/were + being + V 3 + obj
Continuous / The teacher was punishing me. I was being punished by the teacher.
Progressive The teacher was punishing the boys. The boys were being punished by the teacher.
S + have/has + V 3 + obj S + have/has + been + V 3 + obj
The teacher has punished me. I have been punished by the teacher.
The teacher has punished the boy. The boy has been punished by the teacher.
S + had + V 3 + obj S + had + been + V 3 + obj
Past Perfect The teacher had punished me. I had been punished by the teacher.
The teacher had punished the boys. The boys had been punished by the teacher.
S + will + V (base form) + obj S + will + be + V 3 + obj
The teacher will punish me. I will be punished by the teacher.
The teacher will punish the boys. The boys will be punished by the teacher.
Future be S + am/is/are + going to + V (base S + am/is/are + going to + be + V 3 + obj
going to form) + obj I am going to be punished by the teacher.
The teacher is going to punish me. The boys are going to be punished by the
The teacher is going to punish the boys. teacher.
Passive: Present Simple (am/is/are + participle/Verb 3)
I. Choose the correct answers (A, B, C) of Passive Voice.
Examples: - He sells computers. / Computers are sold (sell). [Positive]
A. sell B. are sold C. is sold
- He doesn’t sell computers. / Computers aren’t sold (sell / not). [Negative]
A. don’t sell B. isn’t sold C. aren’t sold
- Does he sell computer? / Are computers sold (sell)? [Interrogative]
A. Are / sold B. Is / sold C. Do / sell
1. People speak English almost everywhere. / English (speak) almost everywhere.
A. speaks B. are spoken C. is spoken
2. Do they design these shoes in Cambodia? / these shoes (design) in Cambodia?
A. Are / design B. Is / designed C. Are / designed
3. Do they teach Spanish in my school too? / Spanish (teach) in my school too?
A. Are / teach B. Is / taught C. Is / teach
4. Her mother doesn’t take her to school. / She (take / not) to school by her mother.
A. is taken B. isn’t taken C. isn’t take
5. They don’t open the book at this time. / The book (open / not) at this time.
A. isn’t opened B. aren’t opened C. is open
6. Does he pay the money? the money (pay) by him?
A. Is / paid B. Is / pays C. Are / paid
7. Does your mother pick you up? / you (pick up) by your mom?
A. Is / picked up B. Are / picked up C. Are / pick up
8. That man doesn’t help them. / They (help / not) by that man.
A. are helped B. isn’t helped C. aren’t helped

II. Rewrite the sentences in the passive – use “by” only when necessary.
Examples: - The teachers teach English. [Positive]
English is taught by the teachers.
- The teacher doesn’t teach English and Spanish. [Negative]
English and Spanish aren’t taught by the teacher.
- Why don’t you do it again? [Interrogative]
Why isn’t it done again (by you)?
1. They don’t close the shops on Saturday.
The shops are not closed by them on Saturday.
2. Does fashion influence young teenagers?
Are young teenagers influenced by fashion?
3. People invent new things all the time.
New things are invented by people all the time.
4. We don’t wear school uniforms in this school.
School uniforms are not worn by us in this school.
5. When does Mike feed the dogs?
When are the dogs fed by Mike?

Passive: Present Continuous (am/is/are + being + participle/Verb 3)

1. Multiple-choice
Q. I'll have to come by bus as my car __________________ . -> PASSIVE
is repairing
is being repaired

2. Multiple-choice
Q. Two men ___________________ following a robbery in Mong Kok this afternoon. ->PASSIVE
are being questioned
 are questioning

3. Multiple-choice
Q. Police ___________________ two men following a robbery in Mong Kok this afternoon. ->ACTIVE
are questioning
are being questioned

4. Multiple-choice
What is the passive voice: They are buying the car. ->PASSIVE
The car is being bought by them.
The car was being bought by them.
The car was bought by them.

5. Multiple-choice
There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ................... . -> PASSIVE
A. we are following
B. we are being followed
C. we are followed
D. we are being following

6. Multiple-choice
Today people are building many roads in our country. ->PASSIVE
A. Today many road are being built in our country.
B. Today many roads is being built in our country.
C. Today many roads are being built in our country.
D. Today many roads are being build in our country

7. Multiple-choice
A film ________ as we speak. ->PASSIVE
is being recorded
will be recorded

8. Multiple-choice
I am sending a lot of emails. ->PASSIVE
A lot of emails are sent by me.
A lot of emails are being sent by me.
A lot of emails is being send by me.

9. Multiple-choice
Mariam is learning the lessons. ->ACTIVE
The lessons was being learnt by Mariam.
The lessons are learnt by Mariam.
The lessons is being learnt by Mariam.
The lessons are being learnt by Mariam.

10. Multiple-choice
My brother ... the TV set right now -> ACTIVE
has repaired
is repairing
was repaired by

Passive: Past Simple (was/were + participle/Verb 3)

III. Choose the correct answers (A, B, C) of Passive Voice.
Examples:- They taught English and Chinese. / English and Chinese were taught (teach).
A. taught B. were taught Ch. was taught
- They didn’t teach English and Chinese. / English and Chinese weren’t taught (teach/not).
A. didn’t teach B. wasn’t taught C. weren’t taught
- Why didn’t they teach English and Chinese? / Why weren’t English and Chinese taught (teach)?
A. weren’t / taught B. wasn’t / taught C. didn’t / teach
1. She sang a song. / A song (sing) by her.
A. was sung B. were sung C. sang
2. Somebody hit me. / I (hit) by somebody.
A. was hit B. were C. hit
3. Did he send the letter? / the letter (send) by him?
A. Was / send B. Was / sent C. Were / send
4. They didn’t tell the truth. The truth (tell / not) by them.
A. weren’t told B. wasn’t told C. told
5. Did you tell them? / they (tell) by you?
A. Did / tell B. Did / told C. Were / told
6. They didn’t make their beds. / Their beds (make / not) by them.
A. didn’t make B. wasn’t made C. weren’t made
7. Didn’t they stop the bus? / the bus (stop / not) by them?
A. Didn’t / stop B. Wasn’t / stopped C. Weren’t / stopped
8. No one opened the book. / The book (open / not) by anyone.
A. was not opened B. were opened C. opened
IV. Rewrite the sentences in the passive – use “by” only when necessary.
Examples: - The teachers taught English.
English was taught by the teachers.
- The teacher didn’t teach English and Spanish.
English and Spanish weren’t taught by the teacher.
- What time did the teacher teach English?

What time was English taught by the teacher?
1. They didn’t close the shops on Saturday.
The shops were not closed by them on Saturday.
2. Did designers make clothes with different materials?
Were clothes with different materials made by designers?
3. We didn’t wear school uniforms in this school.
School uniforms were not worn by us in this school.
4. Did your mother buy all your clothes.
Were all your clothes bought by your mother?

Passive: Past Continuous (was/were + being + participle/Verb 3)

1. We were talking about Francis.
Francis was being talked about by us
Francis was been talked about by us
Francis were being talked about by us

2. He was playing the guitar.

The guitar is being played by him
The guitar was being played by him
The guitar were being played by him

3. She was watching a film.

A film were being watched by her
A film wasn't being watched by her
A film was being watched by her

4. I was repairing their bikes.

Their bikes were be repaired by me.
Their bikes were being repaired by me.
Their bikes were bing repaired by me.

5. They weren't eating dinner.

Dinner wasn't being eaten by them
Dinner was no being eaten by them
Dinner weren't being eaten by them

6. We weren't painting the gate

The gate was not beng painted by us
The gate wasnt being painted by us
The gate wasn't being painted by us

7. You weren't driving him home.

He wasn't being driven home by you.
He weren't being driven home by you.
He was being driven home by you.
8. He wasn't feeding the dogs.
The dogs were fed by him
The dogs weren't being fed by him
The dogs were not being by him

9. Was she reading these lines?

Was these lines being read?
Were these line being read?
Were these lines being read?

10. Were they carrying bags?

was bags being carried by them?
Were bags being carried by them?
Were bags carried by them?

Passive: Present Perfect & Past Perfect (have/has/had + been + participle)

V. Choose the correct answers (A, B, C) of passive voice.

Example: Have they accepted the invitation? / Has the invitation been accepted by them?
A. Has / accepted
B. Has / been accepted
C. Have / been accepted
1. I have finished the job. / The job .............................. by me.
A. has finished B. has been finished C. had been finished
2. Had the cat drunk the milk? / ............................ by the cat?
A. Has the milk drunk B. Had the milk been drunk C. Has the milk been drunk
3. I have watched that movie. / That movie .......................... by me.
A. have been watched B. has been watched C. had watched

4. I have written six letters. / Six letters ....................... by me.
A. have written B. have been written C. has been written
5. Have you received the parcel? / ..................... the parcel .................. by you?
A. Has / been received B. Have / been received C. Have / received
6. I have known her for a long time. / She ........................ to me for a long time.
A. has known B. has been known C. is known
7. I have cooked dinner. / Dinner ....................... by me.
A. has cooked B. has been cooked C. had been cooked

VI. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice.

Examples: - They have paid the bill.
The bill has been paid by them.
- They haven’t paid the bill.
The bill hasn’t been paid by them.
- Why haven’t they paid the bill?
Why hasn’t the bill been paid by them?
1. How many times have you done it?
How many times it has been done by you?
2. Haven’t you completed it yet?
Has it been completed by you, yet?
3. She has phoned you for many times.
You have been phoned by her for so many times.
4. Why haven’t they agreed to this issue?
Why this issue hasn’t been agreed to?
5. Has she noticed you?
Have you been noticed by her?

Passive: Future: (will / be going to + be + participle)
VII. Choose the correct answers (A, B, C) of Passive Voice.
Examples: - Will Jenny lock the door? / Will the door be locked by Jenny?
A. Will / locked B. Will / be locked C. Will / been locked
- Is Jenny going to lock the doors? / Are the doors going to be locked by Jenny?
A. Is / going to be locked B. Is / going to lock C. Are / going to be locked
1. I don’t think her friend is going to persuade her. / I don’t think she ........................................ by her friend.
A. is going to be persuaded B. is going to persuade C. is going to be persuade
2. Won’t he open the window? / ................... the window ........................ by him?
A. Won’t / be opened B. Won’t / open C. Won’t / opened
3. Will you wash the car? / the car ........................................ by you?
A. Will / wash B. Will / be washed C. Will / to wash
4. Are you going to visit the exhibition? / the exhibition ?
A. Are / going to be visited B. Is / going to visit C. Is / going to be visited
5. He is going to clean the windows. / The windows .
A. are going to be cleaned B. is going to be cleaned C. are going to clean
6. Won’t they accept credit cards? / credit cards ?
A. Won’t / accept B. Will / accept C. Won’t / be accepted
7. They will not find the ring. / The ring .
A. will not find B. will not be found C. will not found
VIII. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice  use “by” only when necessary.
1. They aren’t going to cancel the game.
The game isn’t going to be cancelled by them.
2. He won’t change his mind.
His mind wouldn’t be changed by him.
3. Will she save that animal’s life?
That animal’s life will be saved by her.
4. Aren’t you going to see it?
Isn’t it going to be seen by you?

5. When are you going to complete the task?
When the task is going to be completed by you?

Mixed-form Practice
IX. Decide whether the sentences below are Active or Passive.
1. Barbara James very well. -> active/simple present
A. knows B. is known
2. The jewels   in the cellar. -> passive/present perfect
A. have not hidden B. have not been hidden
3. We   all day on the beach. -> active/simple past
A. did not spend B. were not spent
4. Jane  to school by a motorbike. -> passive/simple present
A. takes  B. is taken
5.   she in Phnom Penh in Cambodia? Active/be going to
A. Is / going to study B. Is / going to be studied
6. We to study abroad. -> passive/simple past
A. sent B. were sent
7. They  their granny. -> active/simple future
A. will visit B. will be visited
8. We  by our teacher. -> passive//be going to
A. are going to visit B. are going to be visited
9. Milk  in the refrigerator. -> passive/simple present
A. keeps B. is kept 
10. She  for a bank -> active/present perfect
A. hasn’t worked B. hasn’t been worked


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