(REPORT) Hasyirin Fakhriy Haron 2017262362

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2587 (Atas), Taman Adis Indah,

20400 Kuala Terengganu,
13 January 2020 until 8th March 2020



Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for

the Diploma in Computer Science

Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences


Approved by:






In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Alhamdullilah, praise and thanks to Allah for His Almighty and His utmost
blessings, I was able to finish this internship report within deadline. Firstly, I would
like to give my special thinks to my internship supervisor, Encik Mulyady
Ameruddin Bin Mohd Nor@Aziz, and company manager, Encik Yahyal Haq Bin
Muslan, for their commitment and guidance starting from the beginning of the
project until end of internship. They never fail to provide information related to my
project, and make recommendations regarding on the progress of my work. In
addition, they alway support me to do the best for the project. Without their guidance
and knowledge, I may not be able to complete the given project in time.

Special appreciation also goes to my Industrial Training lecturer, Madam Ummu

Fatihah Binti Mohd Bahrin, who always willing to help and keep me motivated
during the industrial training until I have completed this project. Not to forget, my
beloved parents Haron Bin Moh and Zaliha Binti Embong for always understanding
and continuously giving full moral support to me whenever I needed. Thank you for
always praying for the best for me not only in fulfilling this project research but also
in my life.

Finally, I would like to give my gratitude to my dearest friends, and other staffs at
internship for helping me in generating the ideas for this project and kept boosting
my enthusiasm until my project and internship is completed on time. Lots of thanks
to all the individuals who had given me encouragement, either directly or indirectly.

Table of Contents


1 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION...................................................................4

1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................4

1.2 Industrial Training Objectives.......................................................................5

1.3 Objective of Industrial Training Report........................................................6

1.4 Importance of Industrial Training..................................................................6

1.5 Scope of Industrial Training..........................................................................7

1.6 Conclusion.....................................................................................................7

2 CHAPTER TWO: ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND.....................................8

2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................8

2.2 Organization Profile.......................................................................................9

2.3 Organization Vision and Mission................................................................10

2.3.1 Organization Vision.............................................................................10

2.3.2 Organization Mission...........................................................................10

2.4 Organization Logo and Address..................................................................10

2.5 Organizational Structure and Hierarchy......................................................11

2.6 Organization Location.................................................................................11

3 CHAPTER THREE: TASKS REPORT.............................................................12

3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................12

3.2 Urusetia Penerangan Darul Iman.................................................................12

3.3 TRDI API.....................................................................................................13

3.3.1 Laravel Framework..............................................................................14

3.3.2 Memcached Software...........................................................................14

3.4 TRDI Application........................................................................................15

3.4.1 Flutter Framework................................................................................16

3.4.2 OneSignal.............................................................................................16

3.5 Application Dissection.................................................................................17

3.5.1 Article Screen - Homepage..................................................................18

3.5.2 Video Screen........................................................................................21

3.5.3 Event Screen.........................................................................................23

3.5.4 Audio Screen........................................................................................24

3.5.5 Magazine Screen..................................................................................26

3.5.6 “View All” Screen................................................................................28

3.5.7 Album Screen.......................................................................................29

3.6 TRDI Application Conclusion.....................................................................32

3.7 Terengganu Payment Gateway....................................................................32



5.1 Recommendation.........................................................................................35

5.2 Conclusion...................................................................................................36

6 REFERENCES....................................................................................................37


Figure 2.1: Mysoftcare Solution Sdn. Bhd. Logo......................................................10

Figure 2.2: Organizational Structure of Mysoftcare Solution Sdn. Bhd....................11
Figure 2.3: Location of Mysoftcare Solution Sdn. Bhd.............................................11
Figure 3.1: Laravel’s Logo.........................................................................................14
Figure 3.2: Memcached Software’s Logo..................................................................14
Figure 3.3: Flutter’s Logo..........................................................................................16
Figure 3.4: OneSignal’s Logo....................................................................................16
Figure 3.5: Push notification of the application.........................................................17
Figure 3.6: Article Screen..........................................................................................18
Figure 3.7: Continuation of Article Screen................................................................19
Figure 3.8: Article Details Screen..............................................................................20
Figure 3.9: Video Screen............................................................................................21
Figure 3.10: Live TV..................................................................................................22
Figure 3.11: Event Screen..........................................................................................23
Figure 3.12: Audio Screen..........................................................................................24
Figure 3.13: Audio Screen with full-screen details and an audio playing.................25
Figure 3.14: Magazine Screen....................................................................................26
Figure 3.15: An open magazine post, a PDF reader...................................................27
Figure 3.16: “View All” Screen.................................................................................28
Figure 3.17: Album Screen........................................................................................29
Figure 3.18: A gallery of pictures in an album...........................................................30
Figure 3.19: An image in the gallery of pictures in an album....................................31
Figure 3.20: Wireframe of TPay website main page..................................................33


1.1 Introduction

Industrial Training is a perquisite for students in certain programs at all level of

higher education at the Institute of Higher Learning (IPT) such as UITM. Industrial
training has been decided for students to familiarize with working environment.
Standing in every choosing company, the trainee would practice every studies scope
that has learnt through the semester before. All students that graduates from UiTM
would be trained according to the specific requirements and duration followed by the
university policies and procedures. All the skills and knowledge will be applied
together in achieving the goals and objectives at the end of internship. In addition,
the replacement of students in company are based on the decision that decided by
organization supervisor relating to the specific field that has been stated in resume
during the applying session.

This industrial training was completed up for two months starting from 13 rd January
2020 until 08th March 2020. The day of the student reporting for duty was based on
the given date by the organization supervisor. So, Mysoftcare Solution Sdn Bhd,
Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu has been the location for me to complete my training
in IT Field.

1.2 Industrial Training Objectives

Practical training is compulsory to each undergraduate of Computer Science

and Mathematics Diploma’s student as a precondition to obtain a diploma.
Objectives of practical training are:

 To expose the real world of working environment to the students

 To applying the theories studied from universities and solve the real
problems based on the course taken.
 To give exposure to the students in this industry towards the knowledge and
the development of new technology.
 To dispense student to improve their communication skills

The training industry specific objectives are to give an opportunity for students to:

 Gain experiences from the industry that are suitable with the programme taken.
 Understand and cultivate the sense of responsibility in the real world.
 Appreciate the professional ethics value.
 Sharpen the appropriate soft skills at the workplace environment.
 Evaluate the career ability, knowledge and student’s self-confidence.
 Enhance the students’ abilities to be more competitive.
 Cultivate and develop entrepreneurship skills through exposure to the reality
and career opportunities.
 Establish professional relationships within the industry.
 Train and improve the ability to write a good report.

1.3 Objective of Industrial Training Report

The student who has finished the industrial training in the given period of time will
prepare this report. Student should provide a complete report according to the
standards provided by MARA University of Technology (UiTM). It is to evaluate
the effectiveness of their skills during the given period.

This report also will be evidence for the students who were undergoing industrial
training and as a guideline for the future use. On the other hands, this report also will
train the students to obey and follow the rules and regulations in their daily life.

1.4 Importance of Industrial Training

i. Understand and inculcate a responsible attitude in the real world

ii. Get industry experience in accordance with their respective areas of
iii. Challenge and test the perseverance and thinking abilities when
facing a decision-making situation.
iv. Sharpen the soft skills appropriate to the work environment
v. The students are able to do a job which is entrusted with completes
besides being responsible and dedicated employees.
vi. Evaluate career proficiency, knowledge and self-esteem.
vii. Students will be more disciplined to follow rules and regulations
when conducting industrial training

viii. Students will be participated in team work from the different ages that
need to be mature and open-minded in the discussion of work done.

1.5 Scope of Industrial Training

Agreement between university authorities and organization host (i.e. the organization
that accepts the student for industrial training) are required as for determination of
specific tasks for the student to undergo industrial training accordingly. The scope of
the tasks has to offer chances for the students to apply their knowledge and skills
learnt and able to gain display of working behaviour in their majors respectively.

1.6 Conclusion

In conclusion, industrial training aims to evaluate the students’ knowledge, skills and
experience in a specific profession of their respective fields and at the same time
produce graduates who are credible, creative, and proficient and work well during
their work environment.

The scope and the objectives help the students to learn more about the Industrial
training that would help the students to understand more upon their objectives and
targets on what the experience or environment should have been for the students to
make it easier for the students to realize on what elements and criteria that they
should have been focusing. This is due to the regulation that helps the students to
maintain a good relationship with the company itself that can helps the company to
give better accommodation and practical training for the trainee.

The learning process itself will be compiled in the report to be submitted. The report
will contain the information that supervisor will give their recommendations and
criticisms upon two months periods of the training. The report has to fulfil certain
scopes for the completion.


2.1 Introduction

Mysoftcare Solution is an information technology services company based in Kuala

Terengganu, Terengganu that enables hardware and software technologies for its
clients to gain the highest strategic, financial, operational, and organizational
benefits. It's Mysoftcare's goal to enable organizations to be more responsive,
productive, and resilient through business technologies. Products and services
consist of system development, IT training software, storage, network and servers
and data centre facilities.

2.2 Organization Profile

Mysoftcare products and services ranging from system development, IT

training software, storage, networking, servers to data center facilities. Their core
competencies are in IT Optimization, Enterprise Security, Unified Communications,
Business Continuity, Content Management, Business Integration, Business
Intelligence and Open Source. They emphasize their solutions based on client
business goals and objectives. The company offer full cycle custom software
development and integration services, from product idea, design & development to
outsourcing support and enhancement. Mysoftcare employs a pool of engineers
coming from different backgrounds. They are able to balance product development
efforts and project duration to one’s business needs.

Local Skills & Talent – The company consider the technical expertise of their
engineers and architects their biggest assets. They continue to make investments to
develop their technical skills and require their staff of professinoals to certify in the
cutting-edge technologies. They encourage one’s to leverage their skills and consider
their team as an extension of one’s team.

Partnerships with Innovative and Industry-Leading Hardware & Software

Product Vendors – As a service provider, systems and software integrator,
Mysoftcare team with the right industry leading hardware and software product
vendors to offer the best-in-class technologies to their clients.

2.3 Organization Vision and Mission
2.3.1 Organization Vision

To enable organization to be more responsive, productive and resilient through

business technologies.

2.3.2 Organization Mission

Enables hardware and software technologies for its clients to gain the highest strategic,
financial and organizational advantages.

2.4 Organization Logo and Address

Figure 2.1: Mysoftcare Solution Sdn. Bhd. Logo

Business Address : 2587 (Atas) Taman Adis Indah,

20400, Kuala Terengganu,


Telefon 609 630 9390

Fax 609 630 9391

Email : www.mysoftcare.com

2.5 Organizational Structure and Hierarchy

Mohd Yahyal Haq bin Muslan

System Architect Executive System Executive System

Mulyady Ameruddin Bin Mohd Solihah Binti Mohd Fatin Athirah Binti Nasoha

Internship Student
Figure 2.2: Organizational Structure of Mysoftcare Solution Sdn. Bhd.
Hasyirin Fakhriy Bin

2.6 Organization Location

Figure 2.3: Location of Mysoftcare Solution Sdn. Bhd.


3.1 Introduction

During the internship, I was given a project to develop a mobile application for
Urusetia Penerangan Darul Iman (UPDI). The mobile application is to complement
their news website which is another project handled by one of Mysoftcare Solution
Sdn. Bhd.’s staff. TRDI was given as the name of the mobile application. I was
tasked to fully handle the mobile application and making API to connect the
application to existing database. The requirements were that I use Flutter framework
for making the mobile application and Laravel PHP Framework for the API creation.
At the end of my internship, I was invited to join another project involving a much
bigger organization and product. The client is Terengganu Government Secretary
(SUK Terengganu) and the project is given a title of Terengganu Payment Gateway
or “TPay”.

3.2 Urusetia Penerangan Darul Iman

Formerly known as Unit Komunikasi Negeri Terengganu (UKOM) which later

renamed as Urusetia Penerangan Darul Iman (UPDI) on 1st July 2018, UPDI is the
official news network and media for government of Terengganu. Its purpose is to
spread official news regarding current state of government and its leadership. UPDI
manges multiple mediums to share news, such as their video channel, TV Darul
Iman, on their Facebook page, and on their upcoming website TRDI which is to be
its main portal of sharing news.


For the Application Programming Interface (API), I developed a system solely

to handle mobile communications through the database using Laravel PHP
Framework. The system is separated from the main website as the website and its
front-end uses another framework which is “Yii”. This system acts as a middle-man
for mobile application to communite with the database. For example, when mobile
application requests for articles, it does not directly request it from the database,
instead, it requests it from the Laravel system and the system provides it to the

I also created an algorithm to give a universally unique identifier (UUID) to

every device that downloads the mobile application. The UUID is then stored in
database along with user details such as IP, phone brand and model, application
version, and also OS version. The system is also set to disable older application
version, enforcing users to download updates if exists. On application starts, the
application will send a GET request to the API to retrive the latest version and then
uses the information to compare with the downloaded version. If downloaded
version is outdated, application will show a message preventing usage of the app
until it is updated.

The API is also set up with a caching system called Memcached to reduce the
number of disks reads as Memcached caches data in the memory for future api calls.
It is very crucial as to prevent server from being under too much work and pressure
which could lead to crash or unresponsiveness. The memcached is also set up to re-
cache as news are published on the website, so users will always get up-to-date data.

3.3.1 Laravel Framework

Figure 3.1: Laravel’s Logo

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and
intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–
controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony. Some of the features
of Laravel are a modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager,
different ways for accessing relational databases, utilities that aid in application
deployment and maintenance, and its orientation toward syntactic sugar.

3.3.2 Memcached Software

Figure 3.2: Memcached Software’s Logo

Memcached is a general-purpose distributed memory-caching system. It is often

used to speed up dynamic database-driven websites by caching data and objects in
RAM to reduce the number of times an external data source (such as a database or
API) must be read. Memcached is free and open-source software, licensed under the
Revised BSD license. Memcached runs on Unix-like operating systems (at least
Linux and OS X) and on Microsoft Windows.
3.4 TRDI Application

I was assigned to develop a complement application for their website which is

feature rich. The news website contains articles, picture albums, videos, pdf and
audios. Thus, I have to develop an application that enables user to read articles, play
videos and audios, open and read pdf. I have to use Flutter for the development of
the application. Thankfully, I have a fair share of knowledge in developing Flutter
applications. The application development took me the whole internship and two
meetings with clients, which they kept wanting to change the design and the features
of the application. TRDI application itself does not look quite complex but due to
client’s demands on audio player, video player, and pdf reader, push notifications, it
became quite complex.

Considering that Flutter is a considerably new hybrid mobile framework, it

lacks quite some features that are provided natively in Android and iOS. For
example, the ability to play youtube video and music controller on the notifications
and lock screen. Those missing features are compensated with public third-party
packages which are made by flutter developers worldwide.

Other requirement was that the application requires to have a push

notification to notify users of new posts being published. In order to deliver the
requirement, I used OneSignal, a third-party company that specializes in push
notifications to the web, application, in-application, and also email. The reason why
OneSignal is chosen is because the website version of TRDI also implements
OneSignal for web push notification, so by using the same service on the application,
it reduces time to implement it and allows synchronization between web and app.

3.4.1 Flutter Framework

Figure 3.3: Flutter’s Logo

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used

to develop applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia
and the web. Flutter apps are written in the Dart language and make use of many of
the language's more advanced features. It is one of the easiest frameworks and quite
a powerful framework to create hybrid mobile applications as it provides high
productivity gains for developers.

3.4.2 OneSignal

Figure 3.4: OneSignal’s Logo

Founded in 2011 and based in San Mateo, California, USA, OneSignal is a company
that provides push notification services for both web and mobile developers. Push
notifications are a communication channel between users and apps. It allows the
apps to reach out to users with short messages in order to trigger some actions or
interests from them. For this reason, push notifications are used by nearly every
major apps for transaction and re-engagement. OneSignal claims to be the market
leader in providing push notification services.
Figure 3.5: Push notification of the application

When the user clicks on the notification, it will open up the details of the post. For
example, if it is an article, it will open up the Articles Detail Screen which is
mentioned later in the report.

3.5 Application Dissection

The application consists of six (6) major screens which five of them are inside the
main screen’s tab list. The screens inside tab bars are Article Screen, Video Screen,
Event Screen, Audio Screen and also Magazine Screen. The only screen that is not
listed in the tab list is Album Screen. There are also screens to view the details of a
post, be it an article or a video, and a screen to view pdf.

3.5.1 Article Screen - Homepage

Figure 3.6: Article Screen

When the application is launched, user will be shown the main screen with tabs
which the first tab being Article Screen. As shown in Figure 3.5, the article screen
consists of multiple sections. The first section is an image with a green gradient on
top which is one of the pinned posts. The second section is a list of pinned posts
except for the first one, given if there are any. The third section is a dynamic section
where its contents can be manipulated via API. To further explain, the contents are a
list of categories of which the client wishes to display on the screen. Here it shows
Latest category and others below it.

Figure 3.7: Continuation of Article Screen

Considering the client is quite undecided on the layout, color, and positioning of the
image, title, and date, I’ve also made the layout a bit flexible so client can modify the
looks without touching or updating the application. The available settings I’ve made
available are the theme color, where it can be either black or white and how it is
being displayed. I’ve made four presets to choose from, whether to display a list of
articles in a vertical list, horizontal list where images can be either on the left side or
the right side, and also in a grid view. As shown in Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6, latest
articles are shown is a vertical list where images are on the right, sports articles are
shown in a horizontal list and tourism articles are shown in a vertical list with images
on the left side.

19 Article Details Screen

Figure 3.8: Article Details Screen

When an article is clicked, user will be navigated to another screen which displays
the information of the articles. A common article will usually have a header image,
an author’s name below it, a title afterwards along with the date of publish and
finally the content of the article. The content of an article may consist not only text
but also images, videos and links. Article content is actually purely HTML data that
are individually parsed on the screen using a third-party package and therefore may
not always look good on the application. This is because client’s database only store
HTML contents and not plain-text.

3.5.2 Video Screen

Figure 3.9: Video Screen

The video screen consists of two components. Firstly, at the top of the screen, there
is a Live TV which streams the latest or live video directly from TV Darul Iman’s
Facebook Page. As noted previously, TV Darul Iman is part of UPDI’s news
medium. This enables users to livestream videos from the application itself without
going to Facebook page. Below the Live TV is a list of video categories. Each
category will show at most 8 (configurable in API) videos in a paginated view. Upon
clicking on a video, a new screen will pop up which resembles Article Screen (see
Figure 3.7) except instead of the header image, the video will be placed there. The
rest looks alike. Users will be able to stream videos in the application; however, the
video is hosted and sourced by YouTube.
Figure 3.10: Live TV

Figure 3.9 shows the screen shown when user clicks on Live TV which streams video
from Facebook.

3.5.3 Event Screen

Figure 3.11: Event Screen

The Event Screen has two components, a calendar and a list of events that happens
on a selected date. The calendar shows selected date with a large green circle on it,
and also it notes the dates with events by showing dots under the date. A dot
resembles an event, there can be maximum of 3 dots per date even if the date may
have more than 3 events that occurs. Upon clicking on an event, the article details
screen (see figure 3.7) will appear with details of the event, because the business
logic is that an event is simply an article with a date.

3.5.4 Audio Screen

Figure 3.12: Audio Screen

The Audio screen has three components. The first component is a horizontal list of
audio articles that are playable. In figure 3.11, there seems to be only three audio
articles as of date. However, if there were more, it will display up to 8 audio articles
at a time, and once user reaches at the end, more will be loaded gradually. This
reduce network usage for both user and server as it might not be necessary to load all
at once. This feature is however implemented on every screen.

Figure 3.13: Audio Screen with full-screen details and an audio playing

The second component is the details of currently selected audio article. The details
contain the title of the audio, date of publish, publisher’s name, list of playable
audios along with its duration and the description of that audio. This component can
be resized to full screen and scrollable if there are more audios or longer description
needs to be shown. User can only play an audio at a time. Only when an audio is
playing the third component of the screen will be shown.

Lastly, as seen in figure 3.12, the last component is the audio controller. It has
functionality to play and pause an audio, and seek the current durtaion of the media.
Even if the user goes to another screen or switches app, the audio will still play in
background until the app is closed or audio is paused.

3.5.5 Magazine Screen

Figure 3.14: Magazine Screen

Magazine Screen simply shows a list of magazines and its title. It would show the
magazines in a grid-style consisting two magazines per row. Upon opening this
screen, it will automatically try to load 15 magazines at once. Once user scrolls at the
bottom of the list, it will load another 15 magazines until there are none. A magazine
is just a post that contains a PDF file. Upon opening a magazine, the pdf will be
loaded and shown to the user. Some PDF are extremely large in size, for example, in
figure 3.13 most of the magazines are about 25 megabytes each in size, which would
take quite some time to download. So, I implemented it to download and store it in
the application’s data folder, if user is opening a magazine, it will first check if the
file exists in the folder, if exists, it will just open that file instead of fetching the file
from server.

Figure 3.15: An open magazine post, a PDF reader

The PDF reader renders each page in a very high density or precisely 300 dots per
inch. This provides user with a high definition image. However, the cost is that the
reader would take time to render especially if user’s phone hardware is not up to
date. Instead of rendering all pages at once, I’ve made it to render only the page user
is on to reduce battery usage and time taken to render. The PDF reader provides
functionality such as being able to zoom in and out of the image for a better visual,
navigating through previous and next pages, first and last pages, and also the center
button would open up a dialog that allows user to select which page user wishes to
go to.

3.5.6 “View All” Screen

Figure 3.16: “View All” Screen

As seen in articles screen (figure 3.5) and videos screen (figure 3.8), on the right side
of the category’s name, there is a View All button. Once pressed, the user will be
navigated to a screen that display a list of articles or videos in a grid. This screen will
show all the articles or videos that are listed in the category of user selection.

3.5.7 Album Screen

Figure 3.17: Album Screen

Album screen shows a list of albums in a list. It can be accessed in the main screen
with tabs, where it is located on top right of the screen. In figure 3.16, it is shown
that there is only one album. When an album is opened, it will show details of the
album along with pictures in the album.

Figure 3.18: A gallery of pictures in an album

As seen in figure 3.17, details of an album will be shown on the screen once an
album is opened. It contains the title, publisher, date of publish and the list of
pictures available in the album. Those pictures are tappable and user will be in
fullscreen view of the image.

Figure 3.19: An image in the gallery of pictures in an album

User can tap on any pictures and it will be fullscreen view. Here, when user taps on
the screen, the caption of the image will be shown, otherwise it will be invisible.
User can zoom in and out of the image for a better visual. Other than that, user can
also swipe left and right to see the next and previous images.

3.6 TRDI Application Conclusion

TRDI mobile application is a news application which has quite some features.
It is developed with Flutter framework and other open-source third-party packages.
The application is to complement client’s news website, it’s basically a simplied
version of the website made to be used for mobile devices. TRDI is supposed to
launch in the end of April, however global pandemic occurred which halts almost all
events and businesses in Malaysia. The application will be made available to
download on Google’s Playstore and Apple’s Appstore. Even after the end of my
internship, I am still asked to continue to work on the application as I have
developed it from the beginning. I am absolutely thankful for the oppoturnity given
by Mysoftcare’s manager, encik Yahyal Haq. This oppoturnity allows me to further
develop my skills in programming and software engineering.

3.7 Terengganu Payment Gateway

Terengganu Payment Gateway is another project that I was asked to join by

encik Yahyal Haq. The project is quite abstract as for the moment as it is still in very
early phase. The idea is that SUK Terengganu wants to develop a system that unifies
billing. It’s a one stop centre to pay all the bills in Terengganu. Involving all utility
companies, MBKT, and charity company in Terengganu, it is a place where users
can pay any and every bill a user have in this one unified system. I followed encik
Yahyal and encik Amer to the very first meeting with clients that consists of SUK
Terengganu staffs, Majlis Bandaraya Kuala Terengganu, staffs of Pejabat
Perbendaharaan Terengganu, and staffs of Pejabat Tanah dan Galian. We were all
briefed of the project and the duration of the project.

I was tasked to do the wireframe designs of the website for the early stage of
the development and also to handle the development of website and application. As
my internship reaching its final days, I completed wireframe designs for the website
version and was working on a prototype version of the website and application. The
website is also being developed using Laravel and mobile application in Flutter. We
were supposed to have another meeting to showcase our prototypes a week prior to
Restriction of Movement Order.

Figure 3.20: Wireframe of TPay website main page

The development of TPay is currently halted due to Coronavirus Pandemic that

is happening. Therefore, there are no progress being made on the project and
development lifecycle of this project is outside of my internship durations.


TRDI application in the aspects of features are complete, as required by the

client, UPDI. However, the application has not been tested thoroughly on many
devices. As we develop a mobile application, it is a must to test it on many devices
as each device works differently and some feature may not even work on a certain
device. Other than that, Im very thank for the oppoturnity given for me to develop an
actual application that will be used by many people. I’ve gained a lot of new
knowledge in the field of software development. For instance, I had a negative
perspective towards web development prior to developing TRDI API’s. As I was
forced to use Laravel, I learnt it via online courses on Udemy and its
documentations. I actually loved PHP and Laravel afterwards. As for TRDI, if there
are any future issues with it, it seems like I will be mainting the application as
Mysoftcare wishes.

5.1 Recommendation

In my experience when working at Mysoftcare Solution Sdn. Bhd, I find that

other interns that lack in programming skills do not work on a proper project and is
most of the time neglected by the staffs. They would simply do whatever task they
feel up to do without any of the staffs helping. Only if Encik Yahyal, the manager of
the company notices that an intern stands out would he then give an actual project
for the intern to work on and will get updates from the intern atleast once a week.

Other than that, I greatly encourage and recommend other students that is
interested in website development using PHP to apply for internship here. This is
because they always have some projects to work on and students will be asked and
tested if they are fit for the task. This would allow students to learn and gain more
knowledge in the field they are in.

Next, I would recommend that the workspace to be enlarged or numbers of

interns taken at a time be reduced. This is because Mysoftcare have only four staffs
but eight interns at a time, and every one of them are working in a small space.
Although having a lot of people in a room, I was socially deprived as the room was
completely quiet. The interns did not speak with eachother or with the staffs and the
staffs only sometimes speak with themselves.

5.2 Conclusion

To conclude, Industrial Training is an important course that gives students a

chance to experience first-hand or real-life experience in terms of working
experience and environment. Most companies would ask for interns that would have
internship for over the duration of more than three months. That being said, having
short-term Industrial Training duration, we students would face another challenge of
getting a place in a company as a trainee.

I am thankful that I have managed to undergo the industrial training for two
months from 13rd January 2020 until 8th March 2020. During the internship, I had
gained many knowledge and experience especially in programming and I have
successfully made an application that will be used by a client. The knowledge I’ve
earned is not covered in my programme’s syllabus as they are far advanced.

In addition, industrial training is very helpful for students, it improves

students’ disipline, communication skills, and ability to adapt to environment.
Furthermore, it gives students the experience of work-life situation although for
short period of time.

Practical training teaches me about responsibility as I have to always get up

early for work and motivate myself to do work. I also encouraged myself to do
things that I’ve never done before such as taking responsibilities to do my project
and going into meetings.

Finally, I would like to thank to all the staffs at Mysoftcare Solution Sdn. Bhd.
for giving me the oppoturnity to do my internship at this company and allowing me
to further enhances my skills. The working experience that I gain when I was doing
my internship there is extremely valuable and I may not get the same experience
anywhere else.


1. Mysoftcare Solution Sdn. Bhd. Website. Retrieved April 29, 2020, from
2. Wikipedia contributors. (2020, April 29). Laravel. In Wikipedia, The Free
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