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Statement of the Problem

The study aims to learn Impact of Using Tiktok on Senior High School Academic Performance at
International School of the Asia and the Pacific for the school year 2022. 2023 Specially, the study will
seek to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the students in terms of?
1.1 Age
1.2 Grade Level
1.3 General Point Average
2. On average how much time do students spend on this website or application
collectively per day?
3. What are the special motives that drive students to use Tiktok?
4. To what extent student are habituated to Tiktok usage?
5. What’s the main focus of the students FYP or For You Page on Tiktok?

Scope and delimitation

The respondents will be chosen from the Senior High School students of International School of the Asia
and the pacific. It would be more official and accurate to use the respondents who have been chosen as
participants because they are now from a more advanced educational background compared to the
Junior High School students. In addition, 41% of Tiktok's users are between the ages of 16 and 19, which
is the typical age of students in the senior high school.The estimated time frame in conducting this
research is at least 3 months. While the instruments that will be used are Printed forms that will be
forwarded to every student, since we are learning through blended learning because of the current
health crisis that we are facing right now. The Printed forms will be secured and all the given
information will not be put into public in order to give respect and privacy to the respondents.Only
students who log into their . The statistical tools that were to treat the data are frequency counts and
percentage distribution for the profile of the respondents, weighted mean and descriptive value will be
used in knowing the effects of using Tiktok application the academic performance of the senior high
school students.

Conceptual framework
Significance of the study

This will provide brief description on the various significances of the study which

is Impact of Using Tiktok on Senior High School Students’ Academic Performance at

International School of the asia and the pacific.

Parents- The findings of the study will assist parents in boosting their awareness

and establishing a more in-depth understanding of how their children's academic

performance or study habits as learners are affected by their use of the Tiktok application.

This would encourage them to support and guide their child in the use of tiktok app.

School Administrators- The findings of the study will be used by school officials to raise public awareness
of the subject under discussion and to provide further information on the matter under consideration.
The strategy will be used to instill a greater comprehension and consideration of their own points of
view in the students when they are studying in blended learning. This would also serve as a guidance for
them in terms of promoting or minimizing the use of a certain application that the students are
accustomed to using.

Teachers - The information presented in this study will enable the teachers to add up the facts that they
have learned so that they can assess their student’s way of improving their study habits and academic
standing. This would also allow them in their search for a better way or method for communicating
information to students, which would be extremely useful during a pandemic. This research would
enable them in thinking about techniques that they might use to provide students with a high-quality
educational experience, as well as guiding them in the use of applications that may or may not be
beneficial to them in their academic endeavors.

Researchers- This research project may provide researchers with additional information about the
effects of using the Tiktok application on students' academic performance, which will be useful in the
future research. Researchers would be able to obtain a more in-depth understanding of the subject
matter and produce new ideas in relation to it as a result of this.

The Future Researchers- They will be able to use the findings of this study as a framework for parallel
studies, in which case they will be able to use the findings of this study as a guide in doing additional
research that is connected to the subject matter of this study.
Students- It is more likely that their learning styles will improve as a result of increased awareness of the
negative and good consequences of using the Tiktok application on their academic performance. They
will be better prepared to create solutions to the problem and establish better study habits as a result of
this experience, rather than relying entirely on resources from the internet or the application to attain
their objectives. Furthermore, this can also serve as a guide for them in terms of how to use the
program in order to use it for the benefit of their development rather than the other way around.

Grade Point Average (GPA)- On a 7-point grading scale, your grade point average is the average of all of
your grades, calculated as the sum of all of your grades. 7 represents the maximum resolution (HD), and
0 represents the lowest resolution (fail)

Internet Services- Internet access, Internet transit, domain name registration, web hosting, Usenet
service, and colocation are just a few of the Internet services that ISPs commonly provide to their

Digital Gap- Modern types of social inequality have arisen as a result of unequal access to new
information and communication technology, which is based on factors such as gender, geography,
socioeconomic class, and so on.

Wi-Fi- Computers, tablets, cellphones, and other devices are connected to the internet through the
usage of Wi-Fi, which is a wireless technology.

Academic Performance- It is the measuring of student achievement over a wide range of academic
topics that is known as academic performance. In most cases, classroom performance, graduation rates,
and results from standardized examinations are used to assess student progress.

Nano-Learning- Nano Learning is also known as bite-sized learning. This is a continuous learning process
where the learner acquires knowledge without investing long hours; nano learning offers shorter
condensed learning capsules.

Micro-Learning- Microlearning deals with relatively small learning units and short-term learning
activities. The term is used in e-learning and related fields in the sense of learning processes in mediated

E-Learning- E-learning is a structured course or learning experience delivered electronically; it can also
include performance support content. E-learning courses are typically managed and administered via a
learning management system (LMS).

Applications- Applications or apps are software programs developed for end-users to accomplish specific
computing tasks they are also mostly refer to programs developed for mobile devices. They depend on
the platform and operating system they were designed for.

Dopamine- Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter. Your body makes it, and your nervous system uses
it to send messages between nerve cells. That's why it's sometimes called a chemical messenger.
Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure. It's a big part of our unique human ability to think and

Research Hypothesis

The following hypothesis will be tested in the following:

a. In this study, there is a statistically significant relationship between the
learners' usage of Tiktok application and the following variable:
a. Profile
b. Study Habits
c. Academic Performance


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