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Maala, Rica Mel Garcia

Direction: Differentiate the Four Branches of Ethics and site an example.
1. Descriptive Ethics

It is a branch of ethics that deals with the personal moral values and even the
beliefs of people. This also involves the decision making process of an individual.
Example, a student forgot that he has a quiz and he was tempted to cheat but he chose to
be honest despite of failing the in the quiz.

2. Normative Ethics

It is a branch of ethics that deals with what is morally right and wrong. The ethics
of people were based on what is socially accepted. Example, it is wrong to let someone
steal just because he is doing it for his family.

3. Meta Ethics

It is a branch of ethics that deals with the nature of moral reason. This analyses
the moral claims of a person. People believe that aborting unborn children is a crime
because it is still killing a person with life.

4. Applied Ethics 

This branch of ethics deals with the moral value existing within the certain profession.
Example, in teaching field it is unethical to have an illegitimate child, however it is okay in other
field of profession.

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