MathematicalapplicationsinComputerScienceAReview PaperKumaunUniver-May2011

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Mathematical applications in Computer Science: A Review

Conference Paper · May 2011


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Dr.Saurabh Saxena Hemant Yadav

ABES Engineering College Future Institute of Engineering And Technology


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Mathematical applications in Computer Science: A
A.K.Saxena1, Saurabh Saxena2, Hemant Yadav3
Deptt of Mathematics, Bareilly College Bareilly,,2Deptt of Applied Mathematics, 3Deptt of CS & IT FIET, Bareilly

Abstract— Mathematics has been an important intellectual computer science. Computer science is perceived as an inter-
preoccupation of man for a long time. Computer science as a disciplinary field with clear tracks of contributions from
formal discipline is about seven decades young. However, one electrical and electronic engineering way of thinking and a
thing in common between all users and producers of clear track of contributions from the mathematical way of
mathematical thought is the almost involuntary use of
thinking. Further, these two tracks ramify into many
computing. In this article, we bring to fore the many close
connections and parallels between the two sciences of different sub-tracks and rejoin after a few complex
mathematics and computing. We show that, unlike in the other interactions. At a broad level computer science thus
branches of human inquiry where mathematics is merely straddles simultaneously scientific, engineering and
utilized or applied, computer science also returns additional technological principles.
value to mathematics by introducing certain new The term computing science seems to refer to the act of
computational paradigms and methodologies and also by computing whereas the term computer science seems to refer to
posing new foundational questions. We emphasize the strong the principles of architecting and engineering a computer.
interplay and interactions by looking at some exciting Indeed, it is true as seen from the previous sentence; computer
contemporary results from number theory and combinatorial science sometimes refers to all of these and more. We will use
mathematics and algorithms of computer science. somewhat synonymously the terms, computer science and
Keywords — Computer science, computational paradigm, computing science. The other terms computational science,
combinatorial mathematics. science of computing, scientific computing, mathematics of
computation, computational mathematics all have slightly
INTRODUCTION different specialized meanings and occasionally allow some
Mathematics has been an important intellectual pre overlap. We will be conscious that we sometimes broaden our
occupation of man for a long time. It is said that the boundaries. The purpose of this article is not to delineate and
mathematics of the common man or the mathematics of the distinguish clear demarcations. On the other hand the intent is
millions does not possess the esoteric abstractions and to bring out the beautiful connections, similarities and parallels
expressions of the mathematics of the professional between the two disciplines of mathematics and computer
mathematician or the millennium mathematics problems. science.
However, one thing in common between all users and In our work we consider only the facet of theoretical
underpinnings of computer science leaning on the science of
producers of mathematical thought is the almost involuntary
algorithms. We do not consider the meta-physical, cognitive
use of computing. The nature, intensity and extent of the
connections and hence do not make forays into topics of formal
actual computing may differ quite widely among these logics, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, machine
different forms of engagements with mathematics and learning and other related fields. Also we do not discuss the
computing. The basic processes of empirical verification, exciting new possibilities of computing machines based on the
development of abstractions from concrete instances quantum mechanical or biological processes, that may render as
inherent in mathematical thinking has much in common with irrelevant some of the deep theoretical and practical issues we
algorithmic or computational thinking. Mathematics is as old study here. The early formalisms in computer science have
as humanity, while computer science is a young discipline, made clear the connections among the three entities of
about seven decades old. The strong interplay between machines, languages and computation. They also established
mathematics and computer science is at its peak today. these connections by formalisms based on various forms of
Much has been written by philosophers on the nature of automata, the corresponding formal language classes and the
human inquiry. Yet, it is quite difficult to define a term such generative mechanisms of grammars. Machines are
as mathematics in a comprehensive and succinct manner. A synonymous with algorithms in a formal sense. From these
whimsical, circular definition states that mathematics is what theoretical underpinnings arose the formal specifications of
is practiced by mathematicians. It is not possible to attempt algorithms and programs. The evolution of the theoretical
even such an indicative definition of the discipline of foundations of computing science took place along these two
clear tracks – algorithms and programs.

The older form of the word algorithm is algorism. This term features related to establishing the correctness and
refers to the process of doing arithmetic using Arabic numerals. computational complexity. One measures the computational
Mathematical historians trace the etymology of the word complexity of an algorithm by expressing the number of
algorithm to the word algorism. The term comes from the name basic steps taken by the algorithm to solve a problem, in
of a Persian author, Abu Musa al-Khowarizmi (c. 825 AD)1, terms of the sizes of the input (and the sizes of all the
who wrote a celebrated book, Kitab al jabr w’al-muqabala intermediate results). In general, the maximum number of
(Rules of Restoration and Reduction). The word algebra stems steps taken over all possible inputs over asymptotically
from the title of this book. The ancient town of Khowarizm is large-sized inputs is used as an upper bound and serves to
the modern town of Khiva in Russia. An algorithm is a
characterize the behaviour of the algorithm. This measure,
compact, precise description of the steps to solve a problem. It
expressed as a function of the input size is known as the
is a finite, definite, effective procedure taking an input and
producing an output. A program is a precise set of statements
worst case asymptotic (time) complexity of the algorithm.
expressed using the syntactic, semantic and linguistic constructs The size of an element is usually the number of binary bits
of a programming language that embodies the steps of an needed to encode the element. Let the sizes of the two input
algorithm. The remarkable evolution and applications of integers x, y be n bits. The Euclidean gcd algorithm to
computers is due to the immense range of developments in the obtain the gcd(x, y) requires number of steps (or quivalently
science of algorithms and programs. The two main issues in the time) proportional to O(n3). Thus the computational
study of algorithms and programs are correctness and complexity of the Euclidean gcd algorithm is said to be
computational complexity. Many theoretical and pragmatic cubic in input size. An algorithm whose complexity is
ideas along these directions have led to remarkable advances. polynomial in the input size is considered good. A problem
We discuss the notion of proofs in mathematics and the role of that admits a polynomial time algorithm is said to be
computers and computing in this context. We discuss the issues tractable or easy. On the other hand there are a large number
of correctness and computational complexity in the context of of problems, that do not seem to be easy (i.e. they do not
design and analysis of algorithms. It is here that many seem to be solvable by means of a polynomial time
fascinating connections between mathematics and computing algorithm). Consider the mathematical structure graph. Let
science appear in many surprising ways. These connections G = (V, E) be a graph, where V is a set of n vertices, and E
have led to very exciting developments in both fields of inquiry. is a collection of edges (a subset of the set of n(n – 1)/2 pairs
We do not discuss in this paper, the formal methods for of vertices). The size of the input in the case of a graph is
reasoning about programs and their intrinsic relationship with
proportional to the number of vertices and edges and is
certain abstract structures of mathematical logic and\ algebraic
bounded by O(n2). For example, the problem of determining
structures. We merely cite the excellent works and treatises of
the pioneers Dijkstra2 on the science of programming, of Wirth
whether a graph G has a Hamiltonian cycle (a cyclic
on the notion of data structures\ which together with algorithms traversal of the edges of the graph visiting every vertex
leads to the realization of programs and of Manna4 on the logics exactly once), does not seem to be easy in the above
used to reason about the correctness of programs. technical sense. Clearly, by listing all possible n!
ALGORITHMS AND COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY permutations of the vertices and checking whether the graph
A lot has been said and written on the topic of design and can be traversed along the edges as per the vertex
analysis of algorithms. There are a large number of great permutation, one can solve the problem. It is obvious that
text books, advanced monographs and high quality this algorithm, adopts a brute-force approach of exhaustive
specialized journals and conferences in this area. They cover enumeration of all possible solutions. The computational
a range of issues related to design strategies (such as greedy, complexity is exponential in the number of vertices since the
divide and conquer, branch and bound, binary doubling, function n! grows approximately as O(n n + 1/2exp–n).
etc.), implementation (choice of data structures to store and
process information), and analysis (model of computation, PROOFS IN MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER
asymptotics, lower bounds, structures in complexity, etc.). SCIENCE
We focus only on the larger macro level features and their In the previous section, we discussed how we assess the
relationships with mathematics. computational complexity of an algorithm. There is the other
A beautiful summary of the common features shared by aspect of checking the answer produced. How do we know that
algorithmic thinking and mathematical thinking is made by the answer produced by an algorithm or the realization of the
Knuth[5]. The two forms of thinking are characterized by algorithm is correct? Is there a simple mechanism, a formula, an
expression into which we can plug in the answer and check the
features such as formula manipulation, representation of
answer? For a simple example, consider the problem of
reality, reduction to simpler problems, abstract reasoning.
subtraction of integer b from integer a. We immediately
The notable differences in features are the way of handling recognize that we could add the result of subtraction to b and
the uncountable continuum in mathematics and the way of check for match with a. Now, what is the complexity of
handling the notion of size of proof (computational carrying out this verification? In this case, addition and
complexity) in computer science. The algorithm of Euclid subtraction are both linear in the length\ of the operands a and b
(Elements, Book 7) for calculating the greatest common and hence the verification can be carried out in polynomial time
divisor (gcd) of two integers is a fine example of the modern and hence we say that the verification is easy. Here we verified
notion of algorithm. It displays all the properties and the correctness of an algorithm by using another algorithm. Of

course we assumed that the other algorithm produced correct important result was the postulate of an equivalence class of
answers and that the result of that can be verified easily. The hard problems within NP called the NP-complete class. An
answers to problems that have polynomial time algorithms for intriguing situation in the realm of computational complexity is
producing the answers seem to be verifiable in polynomial time that there does not seem to be easily verifiable succinct
(see the subtraction problem) by running another certificates to the No answers to decision versions of many
complementary algorithm. Another pair of simple, problems. For example, it is not at all known how one can
complementary algorithms are the multiplication and division provide a short polynomial time verifiable proof to the answer
algorithms with quadratic running time. This situation prevails that a given graph does not have a Hamiltonian cycle.
in a non-obvious way in many situations. The nonobvious Computer scientists have built many interesting sub-structures
nature comes from the role of the mathematical theorems that within NP. The fundamental meta-scientific question is whether
characterize the situation. For example, in the case of the P is equal to NP. This question has engaged computer scientists
greatest common divisor of integers, there is a theorem due to for the last three decades, in developing formalisms and a lot of
Bezout, that states that if gcd(x, y) = g, then there exist two technical hair-splitting. We will not go into further details of
integers u, v such that ux + vy = g. The Euclidean algorithm can this fascinating question from the foundations of theoretical
be extended to determine the constants u, v besides g, given x, computer science. We refer the reader to the classic book on
y. While the Bezout relation can be used to check if the gcd g is this subject by Garey and Johnson7. We just make a few
correct, assuming the quantities u, v are correct. The catch is comments on the current perspectives on this subject which
that u, v are also obtained by the same algorithm. However, borders on meta mathematics. I would borrow the quaint little
there is another way. From the fundamental theorem of phrase Meta-magical Themas used by Douglas Hofstadter as
arithmetic and the consequent unique factorization theorem the the title for his column in the journal Scientific American, to
gcd(x, y) is immediate from the prime factorizations of x and y. describe these questions. Interestingly, this phrase was coined
Now we have a different catch. Factorization of an integer is by Hofstadter, a computer scientist, as an anagram of the title
not known to be polynomial time solvable. Much of our current Mathematical Games used by Martin Gardner for many years as
research is centered around this problem. In the next section, we the title of his column in Scientific American. The Clay
discuss the formal structures that cope with these kinds of Mathematics Institute of Massachusetts, USA, named seven
situations. The main message here is that independent Prize problems, each carrying a cash award of one million
characterizations enable the determination and verification of dollars, in May 2000. These include the celebrated Riemann
an answer. It is not at all clear whether two or more hypothesis, and a few other outstanding conjectures of
independent characterizations would be available for a problem. twentieth century mathematics. These problems are toasted to
It is not true that the different characterizations will lead to the be on the same class of problems stated by D. Hilbert in the
development of polynomial time algorithms to produce the year 1900. The eminent French mathematician, J. P. Serre,
answer. Such situations are dealt with in problems of commenting on these problems, said that the choice by the Clay
optimization, by means of a variety of duality, reciprocity and Institute was very apt. He hoped that the P = NP question
min-max theorems. We discuss these in a subsequent section. would not turn out to be undecidable. This question perhaps, is
Although the initial formal notions of algorithm and a meta question and is on the same footing as certain axiomatic
computational complexity figured most prominently in the questions in the foundations of set theory upon which the entire
computer science literature during the1970s, the notion made its edifice of modern mathematics rests.
first appearance in a classic paper by Edmonds6 on maximum Thus the notion of quickly verifiable succinct proof or a short
matchings in graphs. certificate to the correctness of the solution determined by an
On the other hand, many problems have the peculiar algorithm, is a cornerstone contribution of computer science to
characteristic that the answers could be verified in polynomial mathematical thought. In the following sections we look at the
time; but they do not seem to admit polynomial time algorithms notion proofs in mathematics and some close connections with
to find the answer (see the Hamiltonian cycle problem). It is computational thought.
clear that the Yes answer to the question of Hamiltonicity of a
graph can be verified in linear time once a Hamiltonian cycle is MANY PROOFS AND MANY ALGORITHMS
given. This situation prevails in the case of many problems of In mathematics the notion of proof is a central ingredient of all
different nature (decision, search, optimization, etc.), arising in results. No mathematical statement is made without a conscious
different domains (sets, integers, graphs, etc.) and from many attempt to establish or prove the statement. Mathematicians are
different application areas (scheduling, information retrieval, taught and trained in the course of their development from a
operations research, etc.). Computer scientists realized quite student to a professional practitioner, the science of proving
early, that there is a philosophic difference between the statements. Mathematical statements consist of a set of axioms,
computational complexity of an algorithm used to solve a hypotheses, antecedents and consequents. The statements are
problem and the computational complexity of verification of the established by a sequence of logical consequences from the
answer. They also put on a firm formal footing these notions of hypotheses and antecedents to the consequents by a chain of
algorithmic production of a solution and that of verification. logical deductions. Of course, mathematics is not to be
They also set up, in the spirit of mathematical abstraction, construed as a mere set of dry, mechanical deductions. If that
equivalence classes of problems categorized according to their were so, such a human endeavour would not have survived.
computational complexity. The equivalence class of problems There is a certain innate beauty in many mathematical
whose answers could be verified in polynomial time was called statements and theorems and very often in the many twists and
NP and the former class P. Clearly P is contained in NP. An turns of the proofs. One wonders at times if this innate quality

of mathematics is akin to the surrealistic patterns of human connecting solutions of higher power congruences modulo
inquiry in field such as the fine arts, literature, music, painting prime integers, occupied the legendary mathematicians
and sculpture. Indeed, the famous mathematician Littlewood Gauss, Kummer, Jacobi, Dirichlet. Finally, Eisenstein
once described eloquently certain results of Srinivasa obtained a proof of the law in 1865. What fascinates me
Ramanujan as evoking the sense of wonder produced by besides these interesting many proofs by many
looking at a certain ecclesiastical architectural masterpiece. mathematicians is the many connections to many other
Many mathematicians and philosophers have pondered over problems that have led to surprising new developments.
this innate quality of mathematical thought. This innate quality Indeed, Gauss, Eisenstein, Kummer, Dirichlet and others
transcends the physical world. Scientists in many disciplines
were all seeking proofs of higher power reciprocity laws
have come across a similar phenomenon in explaining their
(see Edwards9 and Lemmermeyer8) while attempting to
science. Mathematical statements and proofs have an existence
of their own, as pure figments of imagination. However, there is
prove Fermat’s last theorem. In the course of this quest,
evident in many of these forms of expressions of thought Kummer had a big success in proving the Fermat’s last
beautiful insight into the structure of the world of mathematical theorem for the class of irregular prime exponents and paved
objects. In general, these objects are used to model the physical the way for the development of modern class field theory.
world and the statements are about the way these objects Mathematicians devise ingenious different proofs by
interact to produce more complex structures with real world applying their intuition together with techniques and
consequences. In modern times, mathematicians and computer principles from diverse branches of mathematics in
scientists have contributed many significant ideas that have all surprising ways.
the features discussed above. In the last few decades computer For example, the different proofs of the law quadratic
science has emerged as a mature foundational science, with its reciprocity cited above draw upon principles from
own corpus of axioms, statements and body of results. It is here elementary enumerative combinatorial arguments to
that the science of algorithms, or sometimes referred to as sophisticated use of algebraic structures and complex
algorithmics (particularly by the French research community), analytic tools. To a specialist mathematician, the hundreds
stands out like a beacon proclaiming its status on par with of proofs mentioned above would all fall into a few
mathematics. The fraternity of mathematicians and computer categories. Nevertheless, these few categories encompass
scientists have come to recognize and acknowledge with mutual surprisingly different principles. That speaks for what is
respect certain exquisite results from their respective known as scientific serendipity without which much of the
disciplines. Of course, mathematics being a much older science
science of mathematics would lose its charm. The famous
has many more theorems and results of great beauty and
prime number theorem states that the number of primes less
significance than the algorithms of computer science.
Increasingly, computer science is enriching mathematics in
than an integer x is about x/log(x). This simple statement
many ways. This phenomenon is most visible in the area of about the lore of integers has fascinated number theorists for
discrete mathematics. We look at this phenomenon more a long time. The proof of this theorem by Hadamard and de
closely in the next section. la Vallee Poussin is a classic example in the world of
We discussed above the conceptual parallels between the nature mathematics of a less well-known mathematician’s name
of proofs in mathematics and the nature of algorithms in being associated with a great result. Surprisingly, this and
computer science. We take this further to identify certain other many other similar, related results in the fascinating branch
similarities in our paper. We identify two typical characteristics. of mathematics called number theory10,11, invoke
(i) many alternative proofs (ii) short, succinct or elegant proofs. simultaneously techniques for dealing with the discrete and
Both characteristics are present in abundance in the sciences of the continuous. At a deeper level, this is not too surprising.
discrete mathematics and algorithms. In fact, these are precisely As Kronecker, put it God made natural numbers, rest is the
the reasons that make these two subjects so fascinating. It is work of man. A natural mathematical approach is to begin
tempting to cite and annotate the several examples to illustrate modelling and analysing a finite, discrete world and then
these two features from the two disciplines. I shall restrict to entering the continuum by adopting an asymptotic limiting
just a couple of illustrations to make the point. process. I shall not go into further explanations of this
MANY PROOFS metaphor. I end with the comment about the alternative
The law of quadratic reciprocity of Gauss is lauded as the proof of the prime number theorem by Erdos and Selberg.
gem of arithmetic by the mathematical historian, E. T. Bell. This proof used combinatorial arguments entirely, and did
This law expresses the quadratic residuosity of a prime not use any complex analysis techniques. The authors called
integer p modulo another prime q, in terms of the quadratic their proof an elementary proof. This proof is an illustration
residuosity of q modulo p in the form of a surprisingly of what we term, elementary but not easy. It is elementary in
simple expression in terms of the parities of p and q. As a the sense that it does not use advanced techniques available
mathematical statement this is indeed a gem. It is beautiful, only to the professionally trained mathematician. It is not
simple and so natural to think up. What is more, this law easy in the sense that the arguments are involved and
occupied the centre stage of number theoretic research intricate. However, this proof is longer than the analytic
during a large part of the 19th century. It is not surprising proof. We use the adjective longer here, to indicate the
that Gauss himself discovered eight proofs, and a 152nd degree of difficulty in wading through the verification of
proof of the law was published8 in 1976. The hunt for a several minute details. Mathematicians, like artists,
generalization of this law, meaning higher order reciprocity

sometimes refer to the quality of a proof by the term a collection. A certain amount of mathematical chauvinism
elegance. We will consider this notion of mathematical is inevitable and so there are possibilities of omission in the
elegance in the next sections. selection. However, it is irrefutable that what figures in such
a selection is indeed elegant.
MANY ALGORITHMS I cite a few from this collection.
Mathematicians are coming around to the viewpoint that For any positive integer n there is a prime between n
algorithms as studied in computer science could be and 2n.
considered very close to the object they study, called A natural number n is a sum of two squares if and only
theorems. The basis for this acceptance has been discussed if every prime factor p of the form 4m + 3 appears to an
above. We further add here that in the last two decades, even power in n.
many prestigious fora and awards that recognize significant p, p2, expr for rational r, are all irrational.
contemporary mathematical results have welcomed the fresh If G is a connected, planar graph, then n – e + f = 2.
breath of exciting mathematical results from computer Here n, e, f are the number of vertices, edges and faces in
science. G.
Computer scientists have devised many interesting No more than 12 spheres can simultaneously touch a
algorithms for the same problem. In doing this, they have sphere of the same size.
often blended great insights from the structures in the There are n n-2 different labeled trees on n vertices.
problem domain, the structures inherent in the input data and A partial Latin square of order n with at most n – 1
certain insightful generic algorithmic strategies. I give some filled cells can be completed to a Latin square of the
sophisticated examples later. Here we mention a few basic same order.
problems for which computer scientists have come up with Every planar map can be five coloured.
surprisingly different ways of solving them. These are: (i) For any museum with n walls n/3 guards suffice.
sorting a set of elements12, (ii) multiplication of A triangle-free graph on n vertices has at most n2/4
polynomials, integers and matrices10, (iii) finding shortest edges (generalizations exist for p-clique-free graphs for
paths in graphs13, (iv) rapid exponentiation in groups10. all p).
Some of the brilliant, and far reaching ideas from the world
of algorithmics, that have enriched the mathematical world The main intent in giving the list above is to display the
come from topics such as polynomial time interior simplicity of the statements. Other interesting aspects are
pointbased algorithms for the linear optimization problem, that none of the proofs run for more than a few pages; and
equivalence of combinatorial optimization problems in terms are accessible to anyone with a good high school level of
of computational complexity; the applicability of lattice mathematical training. That is the nature of succinctness or
basis reduction for designing algorithms for optimization elegance of mathematical thought. It would be extremely
problems; the notions of approximation, randomized fascinating to think up The Book of algorithms. Computer
algorithms; algorithmic combinatorial geometry; polynomial science is perhaps, nearly ready to offer candidates. I could
time primality testing algorithm for integers; modular make the following random selection, without much
exponentiation- based public key cryptographic algorithms, trepidation.
syndrome decoding algorithm in error correcting codes. The Euclidean algorithm for greatest common divisor.
What I set out to illustrate in this section is the situation of The quick-sort algorithm.
many algorithms for solving a problem, like the situation of Algorithm to test the planarity of a graph.
many proofs for the same theorem in mathematics. These Finding the maximum matching in a graph.
different algorithms for the same problem provide a vast The randomized algorithm for the roots of a polynomial
repertoire of illustrative pedagogic, research principles and over a finite field.
techniques that enliven the science of algorithms. They The Fast Fourier transform algorithm.
provide the continual challenges to the scientists to come up The deterministic polynomial time primality testing
with better, elegant, efficient and practical algorithms. algorithm.
Determination of the convex hull of a set of points in 3
The legendary twentieth century mathematician Paul Erdos Run length compression of binary strings.
liked to talk about The Book in which God maintains the Set union, search algorithm.
most elegant or perfect proofs. The Hungarian
mathematician was known as the most prolific CONCLUSIONS
mathematician of all time, comparable to the other prolific In the above sections we discussed the principal features of
mathematician, Euler of an earlier era. Erdos maintained that theorems of mathematics and algorithms of computer
even if one did not believe in the existence of God, one science to bring out the close parallels, connections and also
should believe in the existence of The Book. Aigner and some differences. The intent was to display the nature of
Ziegler14, made a selection of 30 items in a collection thinking: mathematical and algorithmic. Fundamentally we
published in 1998. It is an unenviable task to assemble such see how these two disciplines have enriched each other.

Many applications draw heavily upon existing body of [13] Aho, V., Hopcroft, R. E. and Ullman, J. D., Design and
mathematical results and occasionally demand new Analysis of Algorithms, Addison Wesley, New York, 1982.
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new form of engendering new mathematical results. It Springer, New York, 1998.
[15] Abhijit Das and Veni Madhavan, C. E., Public Key
provides new ways of looking at classical results. I just Cryptography: Theory and Practice, Manuscript of a
mention a few exciting contemporary developments in both forthcoming book, 2005.
mathematics and computer science that have many [16] van Lint, J. H. and Wilson, R. M., A Course in
connections based on deep mathematical and algorithmic Combinatorics, Cambridge University Press, London, 1992.
thinking – Ramanujan’s modular functions and expander [17] Gessel, I. and Gian-Carlo Rota (eds), Classic Papers in
graphs, computation of trillions of digits of constants like p; Combinatorics, Birkhauser, 1987.
Ramanujan’s asymptotic methods in combinatory analysis22 [18] Jukna, S., Extremal Combinatorics with Applications to
and their implications in analysis of algorithms; the theory Computer Science, Springer, New York, 2001.
of elliptic curves (one of the three ingredients in the proof of [19] Konig, D., Math. Ann., 1916, 77, 453–465.
[20] Hall, P., On representatives of subsets. J. London Math. Soc.,
Fermat’s Last theorem by A. Wiles) and its role in modern 1935, 10, 26–30.
public key cryptography15,23; new algebraic and number [21] Dilworth, R. P., A decomposition theorem for partially
theoretic questions arising out of cryptography and coding ordered sets. Ann. Math., 1950, 51, 161–166.
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factoring, divisors of algebraic curves in cryptosystems and combinatory analysis. Proc. London Math. Soc., 1918, 17,
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Correcting Codes, North Holland, New York, 1977.
algorithms for applications in the computer world of
networks, circuit design; many new algorithmic questions in
linear algebra with new applications. Thus we live in an era
when the two disciplines of mathematics and computer
science have set up many strong interactions. These
interactions and their interplay are leading to the enrichment
of both disciplines. Together they may provide the right
force multiplier effect to study and answer some of the
deepest questions bothering mankind – of cognition, self,
and thought.

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