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The Problem and Its Scope

Self-esteem is confidence in one’s own worth or abilities. Every student must

have self-esteem to bring out their best and show their capabilities. With their

confidence, they can perform well in school, especially in the subject of physical

education. By engaging physical activities, students can possibly gain motivation

and self-worth. Self-esteem is what we think of ourselves as, and it appears and

shines through us. P.E and Health subject in school can help students engage in

more activities and acknowledge their skills. In addition, engaging in P.E and

Health activities can inspire students, P.E. their abilities, and help them realize

their potential. Step by step, students will be aware of their capabilities in sports.

In a study carried out by Macleod (2012). People who lack self-confidence

are more bothered by failure and have a propensity to emphasize the negative

aspects of situations. She continued by saying that people communicate socially

because they feel uncomfortable, bashful, obvious, and unable to express

well. In addition, people with low self-esteem frequently have gloomy views about

other people and social organizations. In addition, according to the article written

by bounders (2019). A student’s self-esteem significantly affects practically

everything she/he does, including how she engages in activities, overcomes

obstacles, and interacts with others. Self-esteem also has a significant impact on

academic success. Low self-esteem might reduce a student’s motivation to learn

a nd her self-esteem concentration. A cross-cultural study of gl self-esteem of

Bulgarian and Turkish students was conducted. A total number of 217 students in

Bulgaria and Turkey were studied using the Coopersmith, 1967, 1981). The results

showed that self-esteem of the Turkish students (all Muslims) was higher than

self-esteem of Bulgarian students (all-Orthodox Christians). The female students

(all-Orthodox Christians). The female students in Turkey were with the highest

self-esteem, followed by the male students in Turkey, and the lowest students in

Bulgaria. General self-esteem was not related to the academic success of the

students in Turkey and Bulgaria. (Stanislava Stoyanova 2017).

In the Philippines, Low self-esteem, prior experiences, mediocre intelligence,

personality, and family history are the root reasons for anti-intellectualism
(Mindanao State University, 2017). A Filipino proverb like "Edi ikaw na magaling!
", or the sarcastic equivalent of "You're the finest! ", or "Edi, wow! are now
considered to be standard reactions to persons who ostensibly offer more
information than is required. The interruption of a good conversation by such
comments serves more purposes than only making fun of someone. They view
the sharing of ideas as offensive and avoid engaging in genuine dialogue. Article
written by Tomas Santos (2016). Filipino fears have skyrocketed over the
centuries they have been under foreign domination, giving rise to the crab
mentality, machismo, and perhaps even anti-intellectualism. This tendency has
emerged as a new, steadily developing social problem in the Philippines. Although
some may say there is little to worry about, this issue will have a significant long-
term impact, particularly on our economy (Reymundo, 2015). Academic success
and self-esteem have a notable beneficial association, according to research. The
results demonstrated that, regardless of gender, all students' academic
achievement is influenced by their level of positive self-esteem.

In Davao City, there is a need to look into an important problem that the
majority of students face in learning, and particularly in their self-esteem. Students
are aware and generally feel strongly that lack of self-esteem is a major hurdle to
be overcome when learning to speak and performing in front of many people.
According to Barabas (2013), it has been confirmed that the manifestation of
anxiety among Filipino students is a common scenario in any classroom in the
Philippines. He emphasized that some learners, if not many, try to avoid situations
that appear to evoke anxiety. Students are more anxious in highly evaluative
situations, particularly in the learning environment where their performance is
constantly monitored. This calls for teachers to create learning environments
where students can feel successful in boosting their self-esteem through activities
such as performing, and speaking, and avoid setting up activities that increase the
chances of students failing. Thus, there is a need to make the classroom
environment less formal and friendlier by indulging students in cooperative groups
and eventually increasing their chances of success.


Health and physical education provide students with knowledge and skills that
will enable them to achieve an active and healthful life. Students who are
physically active in school mostly have high self-esteem. Thoroughly physical
education, student learn how to develop physical skills, engage in different sports
and achieve healthy mind. One of the greatest opportunities is to influence
yourself to explore more to increase your confidence. Taking a risk to conquer
your fear is hard. Moreover, P.E. and Health standardized and test their
capabilities and physically and mentally growth.

According to a study by Madsen et al. (2011), children who live in low-income

neighborhoods have worse educational outcomes. Less time is available for
youngsters to engage in physical activity as a result of the increasing pressure
placed on kids to perform well on tests. Additionally, a recent study reveals that
physical education classes may potentially have a negative impact on how
adolescents see exercise, according to (Van Daalen, 2005). Teenagers have
expressed that they experience insecurity and embarrassment in physical
education lessons.

According to Timothy Lynch, Gregory J Soukup (2016)

Physical education” (PE) is the traditional taxonomy used to represent the
education discipline. Health and physical education (HPE) is regarded to be an
all-encompassing health-dimensional title that has been recently embraced by
various education systems around the world. Children are first and foremost
“physically educated”; therefore, a strong, clear and comprehensive grounding in
quality PE is essential for teachers and students.

Duplication of activities from senior high school physical education, anxiety

brought on by the rigorous criteria for the physical fitness test, time-consuming
homework assignments in physical education that limit students’ time for other
activities, and teachers’ absenteeism are all factors. These worries were, in their
eyes, the main elements influencing their experiences and interests in tertiary
physical education. In order to properly execute and contextualize the learning
experiences for tertiary physical education, the findings were vital in helping to
develop recommendations. Ruben L Tagare, Geraldine D Villaluz (2021).

Hannah Joy S Batucan, Noralie B Morales, Rebecca M Alcuizar(2019). In

Mindanao, athletes who are very engaged in their sport are more likely to
perceive success as having more meaning and emotion attached to it. On the
other side, athletes who engage in sports with greater vigor (drive, power, and
energy) are more likely to see achievement as a high priority due to low
perceived thought and low emotion. Additionally, the findings point to the
significance of how athletes’ involvement in sports influences their perception of
success through the varied effects of perceived state control, including thoughts
and emotions, among athletes.

Rationale of the Study

Most students experience a lack of self-regard for their performance due to

the lack of confidence and experience of being appreciated. A possible implication

would be the decreased level of motivation for sports. The level of the performance

wound also decreases due to the ability to undergo an activity. An appointed task

should have a background and specialized morals in an event assigned to him

where the needs and concerns of the students are addressed. Furthermore, sports
coaches must be sensitive enough and specialized in instructing that could

maximize his teachings to his students to learn.

The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of society considering

that self-esteem plays an important role in P.E and Health engagement of students

nowadays. This finding of the study aims to determine the self-esteem

weaknesses of Grade 12 students when doing P.E and Health Engagement in

School. Additionally, it helps students to promote self-awareness and build their


In Dona Carmen Denia National High School, the findings of this study will
be a great contribution to the body of language and its beneficial to the number of
stake holders:

Teachers — This study will benefit them to find solutions to particular

problem arising in school. It will underpin professional learning of knowledge,
skills, and understanding. Also, it will help them facilitates strategic planning
among students.

Students — This study will benefit the students to to be aware of self-esteem

and its relationship in P.E and health engagement. It will also help them to find
their weakness.

Administration — The administration may be encouraged to include in the

long-term development plan, this plan would help the students to be more much
more active in p.e and health engagement.

Parents — This research study will benefit the parents to give a chance to
step back and take a look on how their children are doing.
Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study was to d determine the relationship between the

self-esteem and P.E and Health of the grade 12 students, school year 2020-2021.

It specifically answered the following questions:

1. What is the level of self-esteem in terms of:

1.1 self-confidence,

1.2 self-acceptance

1.3 self-regard, and

1.4 self-assurance?

2. What is the level of P.E and Health engagement in terms of:

1.1 sports,

1.2 Skills, and

1.3 health?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the self-esteem and P.E and

Health engagement?

Null Hypothesis

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between the self-esteem and P.E

and Health of grade 12 students.

Review of Related Literature

This section will review the literature and studies that are significant to the

topic explored. They were reviewed to help clarify, describe, support and evaluate

the study. This section is presented base of the two variables under study: self-

esteem and P.E and Health Engagement of grade-12 students. Self-esteem has

four indicators: self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-regard, and self-assurance.

While the P.E and Health Engagement of grade-12 students has three indicators:

sports, skills, and health.


(Mufid James Hannush, 2021)

Self Confidence. Self-confidence is the way to improve someone potency in

knowledge with motivation from their mind and it will change someone behavior

more positively in their environment. Therefore, having self-confidence helps to

motivate you strongly. Additionally, it might create a pleasant environment

wherever he stands. It takes time and effort to develop self-confidence. However,

a person's confidence grows over time as a result of a specific procedure.

Tripathy & Srivastava (2012) believe that self-confidence is an attitude, and

students with self-confidence believe in their abilities, are goal-directed, and

believe that they will reach their goals and expectations. Self-confidence is not the

same in all areas of a person’s life. It is possible for an individual to be very

confident in one area of life and less.

In addition to that, Tripathy & Srivastava (2012) studied the effects of

academic achievements on the level of self-confidence and found no difference in

students’ self-confidence in terms of their performance, but the researchers found

that there was a relationship between students’ academic achievements and self-

confidence. The study further revealed that students with higher academic

student's Ent had a higher level of self-confidence, and students with lower

academic achievements had a lower level of self-confidence.

Dan Brennan (2020) states that low self-esteem is when someone lacks

confidence about who they are and what they can do. They often feel incompetent,

unloved, or inadequate. People who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently

afraid of making mistakes or letting other people down. So, having self-esteem

issues can be detrimental to your health and negatively affect your personal and

professional relationships.

According to AL-Hebaish (2012) “General self-confidence develops during

childhood and emerges from the accumulation of intrapersonal and interpersonal

experiences". The literature on the sources of building general self-confidence

points to self-confidence being derived from several factors, the most important of

which are: (1) personal experiences; successful experiences increase the

development of high self-confidence, while the failure of the experience has the

opposite effect, (2) social messages received from others. Community, home,

school, and peers are important for self-confidence growth. Sending positive

messages to others is thought to be detrimental to the development of states-

confidence, whereas exposure to negative messages decreases the level of self-

acceptance. According to Srini Pillay (2016), self-acceptance is defined as the

“individual’s acceptance of all his/her attributes, positive or negative”. It includes

body acceptance, self-protection from negative criticism, and believing in one’s

capacities. Many people have low self-acceptance. There can be many reasons

for this, but one widely accepted theory because we develop our self-esteem, in

part, from others appreciating us, people with low self-acceptance may have had

parents who lacked empathy during their childhood. Consequently, in their adult

lives, they may need much stronger affirmation from others than most people do.

In other words, ordinary levels of approval do not “move the needle” On their self-


Williams & Lynn (2012) explored that self-acceptance has been positively

associated with different positive aspects of mental health, such as high self-

esteem, personal satisfaction, and affect regulation. Given its features, self-

acceptance allows the individual to experience a healthy relationship with the self,

contributing to the development of a positive image.

In addition, Garcia et al., (2014) state that self-acceptance (and

environmental mastery) specifically and significantly predicted harmony in life

across all effective profiles.

In contrast, Jimenez et al., (2013) studied that self-acceptance has been

negatively associated with different psychopathologies, such as depression &


PE and Health engagement

Children are encouraged to develop their talents through physical education

since learning the principles of one activity makes learning the rules of another

sport easier. Since students spend a lot of time at school, it is the perfect place to

prrovide them the tools they need to take charge of their health. Children's

increased awareness of what they are putting in their bodies is frequently an

unintended side effect of physical education. They understand the value of eating

a healthy, balanced diet and that consuming sugary snacks is not the greatest

approach to refuel for exercise. They frequently have a desire to learn more about

their body, which again teaches them to take care of both themselves and other

people. Barbara Healy released on 11 August 2020.

Today's children's behaviors and traits, along with their genetic make-up,

define how they will grow and develop, as well as how well they will do in terms of

their physical, cognitive, and intellectual capacities. The technological

improvements of contemporary civilization have contributed to a sedentary

lifestyle that has changed the phenotypic of children from 20 years ago. Children

today are bigger and have greater body mass indices (BMI) than their peers from

generations past (Ogden et al., 2012). When it comes to behavior, the majority of

children do not engage in the recommended 60 minutes or more of vigorous or

moderate-intensity physical activity each day, with up to one-third stating that they

haven't moved around in the previous five days (CDC, 2012). Every student's

overall education must include physical education and health engagement from

kindergarten through grade 12. High-quality physical education programs are

necessary to encourage all children to stay physically active for the rest of their

lives by fostering physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility,

and pleasure of physical activity. Children can benefit much from physical

education and health because these subjects give them opportunities to engage

with others successfully and hone their people skills. Participation in sports,

games, and dances is an essential component of peer culture, especially in late

childhood and adolescence.

Children who participate in physical education and health engagement

develop a better sense of self-worth based on their ability to grasp the concepts

and abilities involved in physical activity. They can develop greater self-assurance,

assertiveness, independence, and self-control. To promote physical competence,

health-related fitness, self-responsibility, and enjoyment of physical activity for all

kids so that they can be physically active for a lifetime, physical education and

health programs are also required. Additionally, it helps pupils become healthier

and happier physically. The activities that students can take part in include team

sports, individual sports, dancing, and fitness activities. furthermore, it has been
shown that physical education is a crucial component of a student's education. It

promotes pupils' well-being, fosters teamwork, and promotes enjoyment.

Experiencing self-esteem is one of the most important of psychological

needs. It is associated with good mental health, how well we cope with the

stresses and strains we face, and has an important influence on our choice and

persistence in behaviors. Our level of self-esteem is determined by the way we

see ourselves, or our self-perceptions in the many aspects of life in which are

involved. Those aspects closest to is are the most salient, such as family and

friendships, and how we look and how we perform at school or work. This complex

of experiences is used to form an overall impression of worth or esteem that

carries powerful emotions such as pride and shame. Because we enjoy feeling

good about ourselves, we tend to make the most of those aspects of life which

provide success and achievement and avoid negative experiences. Sport and

exercise involvement are very public and can have strong positive or negative

expects on self-perceptions and self-esteem. (Kenneth R. Fox, Magnus Lindwall


The present study was aimed to relate physical activity in the formation of

self-concept, self-esteem and school performance in children of basic education.

We had a sample of 531 students of the municipalities of Santarem Torres Novas,

Entroncamento and Tomar (Portugal), of which 295 students (55.6%) for males

and 236 students (44.4%) than females, with a mean age of the sample of 9.13

years, ranging from a minimum of 8 years and maximum of 10 years. From this

sample, 394 students (74%) have the practice of physical activity at least one

formal character extracurricular and 137 students (26%) of the total sample
reported no physical activity. As an instrument of data collection used the


Population (Martin, Peixoto, Mata & Monteiro, 1995), where we analyzed

descriptive and inferential data in order to confront levels average self-concept in

the areas of scholastic competence, social acceptance, athletic competence,

physical appearance, behaviors, and global self-esteem. (Samuel Honorio, Julio

Martins 2016).

The current study was conducted to assess the self-esteem and academic

performance among university students after arising of several behavioral and

educational problems. A total number of 80 students, 40 male students and 40

female students were selected through purposive sampling from GC university

Faisalabad. The participants were administered Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale to

measure their self-esteem Scale and Academic performance. The score of male

and female students was compared. Pearson’s product moment and the t-test

were used for statistical significance of data. It was found that there was a

significant relationship (r=0.978, p<.01) between self-esteem and academic

performance. Moreover, a significant difference was found between male and

female students on self-esteem and academic performance score, which indicate

that female students have high score on academic performance as compared to

male students and male students have a high score on self-esteem as compared

to female students. (Khalid Mahmood 2015)

The purpose of self-esteem is to feel and imagine that people nurtured in

their mind over time about their self. In simple words, self-esteem is self-

assessment; this perception and evaluation can be positive or negative and

pleasant or unpleasant. Children with high self-esteem, usually feel good about

themselves and better able to solve their conflicts with other children, and are

resistant to dealing with problems. One of the most important human traits to

achieve objectives is self-esteem. The term self-esteem means “reverence for

self” The “self” pertains to the values, beliefs, and attitudes that we hold about

ourselves. Having a strong will and self-confidence, decision-making power, and

originality. Creativity, sanity, and mental health are directly related to self-esteem

and a sense of self-worth. It also refers to an individual’s sense of self-worth. It

also refers to an individual’s sense of his or her values or worth, or the extent to

which a person values, approves of appreciates, prizes, or likes him or herself.

During childhood. If an individual’s feelings are respected, thoughts valued, and

abilities recognized then self-esteem strengthens. (Nelson Pinto 2018).

Sports. Sports like the media, are extremely complex systems with

numerous variations all over the world. Although sports reporting in the print media

in all countries focuses on international high-performance sports, the contents of

newspaper national contexts vary. This is due to differences in cultural

circumstances and social traditions, but it is also shaped by media market

configured very differently around the world; provide a distinction in the case of

sports reporting. A weighting of data based on countries, continents or

demarcations is not possible in analysis like this one, making an analysis based
on the International Sports Press Survey’s global dataset difficult and, in some

cases, impossible. Zimmerman (2013).

According to MAJLIS and RAHBORD (2017) sports, recreation, and play are

improving children’s health and well-being all around the world. Sport for

development harnesses the power of sport to help children improve their health

and develop social, educational, and leadership skills while playing and having

fun. This is a qualitative study in which some superior documents related to the

development of sports, research papers, and review articles, as well as song of

the various proceedings, have been analyzed. Based on the results, there are both

top-down and bottom-up development approaches. The basis of these, are

hierarchical models of sport participation.

(PS) is frequently used to assess upright balance control, and physical

activity (PA) may improve balance control. The relationship between PS and PA,

on the other hand, has never been thoroughly examined. Sports practitioners

sway less than controls, and high-level athletes sway less than low-level

athletes. We also discovered specific effects based on the use of vision, sport-

specific postures, and the frequency and duration of the activity. PS appears to

have limited sensitivity to detect subtle differences between groups of healthy

people in an unperturbed bipedal stance. (Henri Kiers et al 2013).

Children have opportunity to be active in physical education classes. It

indicates that environmental elements including class size, location, and lesson
context may have an impact on children’s activity. This have significant policy

ramifications for health P.E classes are structured and requirement for MVPA-

maximizing tactics for kids. To determine of this parameter are casually related

to student's, more study is required. (Skala, Katherine et,al. 2012).

Skills. (Sami Pekka Kalaja, 2012) Physical exercise and fundamental

movement abilities appear to be connected, according to the available research.

Children are more likely to engage in various physical activities throughout their

lives if they can accomplish the variety of basic movement abilities. There

haven’t been any reported fundamental movement skills interventions for junior

high school kids.

Self-efficacy predicts school achievement. Participation is important for

life outcomes. Functioning affects to what degree you can participate in

everyday life situations. Participation-related constructs such as self-

efficacy and functioning work both as a means of participation and as an

end outcome. Learning takes place in this interrelationship. How

relationships between participation and these constructs vary, depending

on whether impacted by disability or not, how they develop over time and

outcomes of these processes need to be explored. Observed teaching

skills as measured by level of alignment with syllabus, and affective tone

when giving instructions showed differences in complexity and efficiency.

Students in the study sample were more engaged in high-level teaching

and were more frequently in communicative proximity to their teacher. In

conditions of high-level teaching, teachers gave more instructions and

used more materials for teaching purposes. Lessons were more often

structured into whole group activities and lessons were more focused.

Social skills coaching and sports coaching for the students are two

significant factors that need to be considered by the universities around

the globe to improve the organizational climate, which ultimately lead to

better student’s career and academic development. The relationship of

sports coaching with organizational climate and career development is

also discussed in this study. Furthermore, the organizational climate acts

as a partial mediator between sports coaching and career development.

However, this study revealed that organizational climate had an

insignificant relationship with academic growth and organizational climate

did not mediate between social skills coaching and educational

development among students. (Zhenglou Jiang and Jiesang Yin, 2022)

Theoretical and Conceptual framework

Self-determination theory (SDT) is an empirically derived theory of human

motivation and personality in social circumstances that divides motivation in

terms of being autonomous and controlled. Experiments examining the

impact of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation were the starting point for
the theory’s development. Since then, we have used SDT and its mini-

theories to direct and interpret research on a variety of fresh issues, such as

motivation and wellness across cultural boundaries, close relationships, the

enhancement and depletion of energy and vitality, and the functions of both

mindful awareness and nonconscious processes in behavioral regulation.

SDT is supported by a vast deal of applied research that uses both field

studies and clinical trials to solve important societal concerns, even if much of

it was established through lab experimentation. (American Psychological

Association, 2022)

Deck and Ryan (2012) formally identified the needs for autonomy,

competence, and relatedness as basic psychological needs, arguing that

support for and satisfaction of these needs' accounts for a broad variety of

phenomena across developmental periods, cultures, and personality

differences. Basic psychological needs were broadly defined as critical

resources underlying individuals’ natural inclination to move towards

increasing self-organization, adjustment, and flourishing.

Since then, we have used SDT and its mini-theories to direct and interpret

research on a variety of new topics, such as motivation and wellness across

cultures, close relationships, the enhancement and depletion of energy and

vitality, and the roles of both mindful awareness and nonconscious processes

in behavioral regulation. Despite the fact that laboratory experiments played a

vital role in the development of SDT, it is also strongly backed by a large

body of applied research that addresses important societal concerns through

both field investigations and clinical trials. We briefly discuss some of that

work, particularly as it relates to changing health behavior, education,

psychotherapy, work motivation, sport and exercise, and prosocial behaviors.

Self-determination theory (SDT) is an empirically derived theory of human

motivation and personality in social contexts that distinguishes between

motivation in terms of being autonomous and controlled. (Gabriela Lopez-

Garrido, 2021)

Independent Variable Dependent Variable




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