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Effective Communication: Partnership in Italy

Bashar Ahmed

MGT 500
Effective Communication: Partnership in Italy


Effective communication is the critical topic of the given case. Organizational goal

success requires effective communication. To gain better results from operations, managers

must communicate effectively with their employees (Kuria, 2008). Effective communication

expresses how well a manager communicates and how influences successfully he

accomplishes corporate goals and what will be accomplished (Herich, 2008).

Melissa Chang, who is in charge of all sourcing efforts at the firm, is invited to fly to

Venice, Italy, to meet with her partnering company. She has been instructed to go to resolve

concerns that have caused a negative perception of her organization among the collaborating

companies. Melissa's colleagues, as before, canceled their trip to Moscow at the last minute,

jeopardizing their ties with other partners. Her ability to communicate was so good that her

Italian partners' conduct transformed, and they were a lot friendlier and more eager to sit

down and talk business matters. As a result, her reaction to the Italian partners' emotions

aided her inappropriately analyzing the scenario. Melissa developed a rapport with her

companions, which she skillfully communicated to make them feel at ease.

Communication style and performance of Italian partners

Melissa's communication style had a significant impact on the Italian partners'

performance. Melissa Chang wowed the Italian partners because she possessed the following


a) Good listening skills: During the discussions with the partners, she may have

exhibited an interest in their discussions with a flexible approach. This is critical for

the partners because they want to ensure that everyone understands their arguments.

According to them, this would be one of the key factors in their partnership's success.
b) Ability to respond to their business demands, particularly informational needs:

Melissa gave the business partners sufficient and reliable information. The documents

she brought to the conference may have been academically and adequately prepared

so that any statements she made were all backed up by proof. It is also conceivable

that the reports were well-organized and provided so that communication obstacles

were reduced.

c) Decisiveness: Melissa's ability to quickly settle or handle difficulties may have been

visible in how she spoke with her partners. As a result, potential partners may have

noticed her problem-solving abilities and assertiveness in making judgments

throughout the communication process or during the meeting.

Primary Sources of Information – Prior to Visit

She may have taken meticulous note of the company's partners' information demands

before Melissa's arrival. She also performed her research by looking at company documents

and other available secondary sources, particularly those related to firm goods and basic

business procedures, to anticipate probable queries or inquiries.

She may have done interviews with corporate executives and management to obtain

the most accurate and valid data feasible in addition to existing records. She may have

double-checked or confirmed all of the material she obtained before the trip to avoid making

mistakes that might annoy potential partners.

As a result, she was aware of the requirements and went out of her way to meet them.

Primary Sources of Information – Post Visit

Melissa's primary source of information following her visit was the frustration of her

company's Italian employees with their employment. The key sources of information after

Melissa's visit, if the business trip was successful and the planned business alliance was

fulfilled, would be as follows:

1. Documents reflecting the formalization and legality of a commercial partnership, as

well as the terms and circumstances that go with it

2. Documents demonstrating adherence to both firms' terms and conditions

3. Documents demonstrating genuine company activities and outcomes

Post-Visit Changed Attitude with Italian Partners

Melissa's attitude shifted due to her learning and listening to the Italian partners'

varied grievances and difficulties with the firm through communication. She was able to

establish a "partnership or connection" with them because she could communicate and

respond to their queries. This was necessary if the Italians grasped their duties and worked

together to satisfy the company's needs. They were also able to accept and work together to

achieve their new American partners' aims. Melissa was optimistic, if not sure, that the

Italians would continue to succeed because of their new attitude and devotion to the new

product. After the first day of meetings, Melissa's attitude altered as well. Melissa was

greeted more warmly by her Italian peers, who saw her as a skilled entrepreneur. With this in

mind, the Italians hosted a dinner party in Melissa's honor before she left, where she was

presented to the employees and their families.


Effective communication improves the stakeholder relationships inside the

organization. Despite some challenges with the US partner's business practices, Melissa

Chang made the collaboration work because of her practical communication abilities. It

entails good listening, giving appropriate files and responses, and taking swift action.

Herich, L. B. (2008). "Effective Communication." New Delhi: Purkus Publishing Company.

Kuria, K. L. (2008). "Effective Communication on Organizational Performance: A Case

Study of National Health Insurance Fund Nairobi Branch." University of Nairobi East

African Collection.

Robbins, Stephen P., and Coulter, Mary (2004). 'Management". Pearson Education South

Asia Pte. Ltd.

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