FIRST S & R - Midterm - GS36 - EDAD203 - Maria Ceryll Balabag

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No. 1
Term: _ ✓ Mid____Final

Name: Maria Ceryll D. Balabag Date: March 12, 2022


Topic/Topics: Theories and Techniques in the Planning and Implementation Process


The reporter discussed about the theories and techniques in planning and its
implementation process. Planning was defined as deciding in advance as to “what to
do, how to do it, when to do and who to do it.” It also includes the importance of
theories in the planning process. In addition, the types of planning was also
presented which include rationalism, mixed scanning, incrementalism and
developmental planning. Also, the significance of educational planning was
elaborated clearly in the discussion.

Based on the topic discussed about planning and implementation process, I
agree that planning involves the use of knowledge to cater societal problems. In the
education setting, I believe that one of the things that we need to consider when we
plan are the changes in the environment. Just like the scenario that the education
sector is experiencing currently, we are embracing the new mode of teaching-
learning, such as modular distance modality, online teaching or blended learning. It
takes creative minds to innovate something like this and that is one thing that
educational planners need to possess. Also, I can relate with the developmental type
of planning which focuses on greater stakeholder involvement. Schools do not exist
in isolation but they are involved with the community and stakeholders.

No. 2


Topic/Topics: A Retrospective on Educational Planning in Comparative Education

The reporter discussed about the Retrospective on Educational Planning
Comparative Education by Joseph P. Farrell as a contributor to the literature of
educational planning suggesting a new conception on planning that focuses less on
planning change but more on developing capacity to innovate. Also, the history of
planning was tackled and the different contributors as to how it evolved. The
purpose of educational planning was also discussed as a process to educational
development making it more effective and efficient in responding to the needs of the
students and the community.

I agree that in educational planning, to forecast is essential. A thorough
understanding with the changes in the environment, the preparations to make, the
needs of the students and teachers to be taken care of, the budget allocations and
other things that could affect the delivery of learning to the learners need to be
clearly defined from the very first stage of planning. Forecasting will greatly give the
planners an idea as to where to start and how to deal with the possible circumstance
that would interfere in the middle of the implementation of the programs and
No. 3


Topic/Topics: Meaning and Significance of Educational Planning

The topic tells about the meaning and significance of educational planning. It
was mentioned that educational planning aims to make education more effective
and efficient in attaining the needs and goals of the learners and school in the
community. Through planning, there is assurance for institution’s success and
provides us different choices. Also, this saves time, effort and money. In addition, the
history and development educational planning in the Philippines was also tackled.

Educational planning has brought significant results to the improvement and
enhancement of the education system in the Philippines. I agree that it ensures
success of institution as it allows the teaching force come up with well-informed
decisions. This allows the school to save human resources and funds as it targets
already the every detail of the things to be accomplished. Also, I learned that long
before there was a long range absence of goal setting in the Philippine Education
System. There was an absence of policy guidelines which would allow the system to
function at its best. Now, the teachers and learners are fortunate that our education
system is being resilient to any circumstances that may go in between and that
serves as one of the effects of having innovations applied through planning.

No. 4


Topic/Topics: Concept, Nature and Scope of Educational Planning

The concept of educational planning is a mental activity. In planning, there is
an analysis or lay outing of things to achieve our goals and objectives. As defined by
Hagman and Schwartz, planning selects among alternatives and allows us to explore
routes. Also, the nature and scope of educational planning includes, forecasting,
interpretation, goals and objectives, decision-making, operations optimization,
problem prevention, management change and complexity resolution. These
concepts will help us understand better the concept of educational planning.

Planning is a simple word but matters a lot in the attainment of our goals. I
agree that educational planning comprises everything. It includes the persons
responsible in attaining goals, the financing, the policies and the creativity of the
persons involved. I agree that planning is essential as it provides direction to the
education system where the fate of millions of learners is being protected. It allows
us to anticipate the future with the resources available at present. Also, I believe
that planning starts with all the relevant actresses coming together which refer to
the teachers, family, parents and other stakeholders.

No. 5


Topic/Topics: Purpose of Educational Planning

Planning as discussed provides significance and purpose as it gives
direction, reduces risks of uncertainty, overlapping and wasteful activities, promotes
innovative ideas, facilitates decision making, and establishes standards for

Planning serves as our guide in what to do and how to do things along the
way. Without planning, the things to be accomplished will have no direction. I agree
that planning gives us a clear picture of what needs to be done and achieved. We
need to plan things out to prepare ourselves for issues that may go in between. This
will also allow us to minimize if not to eliminate negative effects in accomplishing our

No. 6


Topic/Topics: The Concepts of Sector and Organization

There are traditional and emerging concepts of organization. One is the so-
called traditional monocratic, bureaucratic of which the decision flows from the
superordinate to subordinates. The positions are in pyramid of hierarchy. The second
one is the pluralistic, collegial concept of which gives importance to the sharing of
power and decision-making to some or all members of the organization.
 I can relate well with the concepts of sector and organization mentioned as
these can be observed in my workplace. There are instances where our school head
uses her authority in making decisions for the group, especially when the majority is
undecided with things. Also, there are times where she solicits suggestions from us
and allow us to share our thoughts. I can say that these two are essential and can be
applied depending on the scenario encountered by the organization. There are times
when the decision must be made by the head and the subordinates will just have to
follow and comply. On the other hand, there are also instances where a more open
communication and healthy feed backing are deemed necessary in order to arrive at
the right decision.

No. 7


Topic/Topics: Theories of Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior refers to how we interact within the group and is
crucial to make the organizations’ operations be effective. The theories related to
the organization include the classical theory, scientific management, administrative
theory by Henry Fayol. These serve as our guide to make us more effective in doing
our roles and responsibilities in the institution we belong.

Behavior matters in every aspects of our life most especially in the workplace
as we mingle with our colleagues, students, parents, and other stakeholders. I agree
that organizational behavior can either make or break the performance of an
organization. It can affect organizations’ productivity and efficiency. Theories related
to organizational behavior will guide teachers as instructional managers to our
students, on how to get our students become more engage with the lesson and how
to keep or sustain their motivation. Also, I admire the administrative theory of Henry
Fayol which gives emphasis on the division of work. I believe that work will be done
smoothly and effectively when all duties are distributed internally within the group.

No. 8


Topic/Topics: Process of Educational Planning

The process of educational planning is detailed, goal-oriented and systematic.
It also varies from one country to another du to some features of the school system,
the degree to which the educational plan forms the integral part of the economic
plan and the statistical services weakness or strength. The process of planning
includes, the identification of objectives or goals, developing the proposal plan,
approval and implementation, implementation where decision making occurs and
evaluation or feed backing.

I agree that planning is systematic and organized. In the school where I teach,
whenever we join in any academic activities, we made sure that everything is
planned carefully; committees were organized in order to divide the tasks which
made work smooth-sailing. The personnel involve will convene to share ideas and
see every detail of it. When everything are set clear, from the resources, person
involved, objectives and time frame, the implementation will then follow and feed
backing or evaluation occurs to know if the plan went well or if there are any
changes or adjustments to make.

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