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Limoeiro, ............ de ................

de 2021
Inglês | Márcia Caroline

Aluno(a): Nº Série: 9º Ano (EF) _____

1. (UNICAMP) TikTok, YouTube or Instagram does so because of unseen

institutions at work (for example, a public relations team
The first day of college I was a ball of nerves. I remember aiming to boost a celebrity’s profile).
walking into my first class and running to the first seat I
found, thinking everyone would be staring at me. But Fame can suddenly appear — and then just as suddenly be
nobody seemed to notice and then it hit me: The fact that taken away again, because the audience gets bored, the
nobody knew me meant nobody would judge, which, upon platform’s algorithms change or the cultural trend that a
reflection, was what I was scared of the most. I told myself breakout video has tapped into goes out of fashion.
to let go. All along the year, I forced myself into situations For a teenager, social media can seem like a summer
that were uncomfortable for me – for example, auditioning garden at dusk filled with fireflies: spots of lights suddenly
for a dance piece. Believe it or not, that performance was flare up and then die down, moving in an unpredictable,
a highlight of my freshman year. My advice: challenge capricious display.
yourself to try something new, something you couldn’t have
done in high school. – Ria Jagasia, Vanderbilt University, Is this a bad thing? We will not know for several years.
’18. Financial Times. 5 February 2020. Adaptado.
(Adaptado de education/edlife/ advice-for-new-students-from-those-
who-know-old-students.html?ref= edlife.)
No texto, a referência a um jardim de verão ao entardecer,
No primeiro dia de faculdade, Ria ficou muito nervosa repleto de vagalumes, sugere que, para os adolescentes, as
A) por não conhecer ninguém. mídias sociais
B) por achar que seria julgada pelos colegas. A) são fonte de pressão e tensão na família.
C) porque ninguém olhou para ela. B) favorecem a comunicação dos mais tímidos.
D) porque não sabia dançar. C) são pautadas por certa imprevisibilidade.
E) porque se achava pouco inteligente. D) garantem a funcionalidade de grupos.
E) promovem igualdade de expressão.
3. “Have you seen my rádio?”
I knew TikTok existed, I didn’t even fully understand what it “No, I haven’t seen it ___________.”
was until a few months ago. I also realized that something A) Where
radical, yet largely invisible, is happening on the internet — B) Nowhere
with implications we still don’t understand. C) Everywhere
D) Somewhere
When I was growing up, I took it for granted that the people E) Anywhere
who became famous enough to be listened to by a crowd
had worked hard for that accolade and generally operated
4. I never eat ______________ for breakfast.
with the support of an institution or an established industry.
A) Something
The idea that I, as a teenager in my bedroom, might B) Whatever
suddenly communicate with 100,000 people or more, would C) Nothing
have seemed bizarre. D) Anything
Today’s kids no longer see life in these hierarchical and E) Something
institutional terms. Yes, their physical worlds are often
constrained by parental controls, a lack of access to the 5. (FUVEST-SP) Choose another way of saying “There isn’t
outdoors and insane over-scheduling. anything really like that”.
But despite that (or, more accurately, in reaction to that), A) There is nothing really like that.
they see the internet as a constantly evolving frontier, where B) There aren’t many things really like that.
it is still possible for a bold and lucky pioneer to grab some C) There aren’t no things really like that.
land or find a voice. Please use the sharing tools found via D) There is anything hardly really like that.
the share button at the top or side of articles. Most voices on
E) There are a few things really like that.
the internet never travel beyond a relatively small network,
and much of the content that goes viral on platforms such as
6. De acordo com a ordem de colocação dos adjetivos com o
substantivo, marque a alternativa correta:
A) New and expensive bag.
B) White and expensive house.
C) New and exciting book.
D) Intelligent and young boy.
E) Old and tired man.

7. She was wearing a _________________ blouse which she

got from her grandparents for her birthday.
A) Small, old, cotton
B) Cotton, small, old
C) Small, cotton, old
D) Round, big, plastic
E) Plastic, big, round
8. You ought to talk about this. In the INTERROGATIVE
A) You ought not to talk about this.
B) Ought to you talk about this?
C) Ought you to talk about this?
D) Do you ought to talk about this?
E) Talk you ought to about this?

9. Which modal verbs are used when asking for permission?

A) Can – could – may.
B) Might – should – ought to.
C) Would – must – should.
D) Shall – will – might.
E) Must – could – may

10. He did _____________. He just slept all day long.

A) Everything
B) Nowhere
C) Anything
D) Somebody
E) Nothing

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