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International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)

Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020, pp. 238-245, Article ID: IJARET_11_02_024
Available online at
Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.9475 (Calculated by GISI)
ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Elena Yurievna Nikolskaya, Ekaterina Arturovna Blinova,
Vyacheslav Anatolievich Lepeshkin, Ivan Petrovich Kulgachev
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyannyi Lane,
36, Moscow, 117997, Russia

Irina Gennad'evna Shadskaja

Russian State Social University, Wilhelm Pieck Street, 4/1,
Moscow, 129226, Russia

The purpose of the article is to justify a strategy for the promotion of a tourism
product in the international market. It has been established that the Russian
Federation, as an independent subject of international economic activity, remains to
be insufficiently involved in international tourism processes. However, the particular
geographical location, favorable climate, unique natural and recreational resources
and a significant number of historical and cultural monuments create opportunities
for the intensive development of many types of tourism. A prerequisite for further
development of tourism following the trends of the international market of tourism
services is to attract advanced achievements of the most developed tourism industries
to the international legislative and regulatory framework of tourism. Besides, the
implementation of quality standards of tourism services, progressive technologies and
methods of professional development of tourism personnel and the practice of the
formation of organizational and economic mechanisms of the efficient functioning of
the tourism industry are effective. It has been determined that an urgent task in the
development of the tourism industry is the formation of a strategy to promote the
tourism product to international markets, which highlights the following stages: the
diagnosis of the external environment of the functioning of the tourism industry, the
identification of tourism regions and products, which are of high priority to promote,
the formation of a strategy to promote the tourism regions to international markets,
the implementation of measures to promote the tourism product.
Keywords: Advertising, Development, Efficiency, Mechanism, Region, Technology 238

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Strategy for the Promotion of a Tourism Product in the International Market

Cite this Article: Elena Yurievna Nikolskaya, Ekaterina Arturovna Blinova,

Vyacheslav Anatolievich Lepeshkin, Ivan Petrovich Kulgachev, Irina Gennad'evna
Shadskaja, Strategy for the Promotion of a Tourism Product in the International
Market, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology
(IJARET), 11 (2), 2020, pp 238-245.

In the second decade of the 21st century, due to the rapid growth of tourism as a sector,
despite the global crisis and a number of natural disasters and exacerbation of political
conflicts, its economic efficiency came to the first place in the world. It is not only a powerful
tool for economic development but also an effective factor in creating an image of a certain
territory, as well as promoting its history and modern achievements.
One of the prerequisites for building the tourism industry in the Russian Federation is the
promotion of its tourism product in international markets through the identification of priority
tourism regions and products, the formation of a strategy for the promotion of tourism region
products, its implementation on international markets and continuous monitoring of the
process, which will foster the dynamic development and increase the competitiveness of
Russian tourism agencies.

The study of issues related to the prospects of tourism development was reflected in the works
of E. Avdzhy [1], V.V. Aleksandrov [2], V.A. Bagiryan [3], D.N. Davydov [4], N.N.
Safarova [5], T.V. Samosenkova [6] and others. Analysis of the literature on the research
topic allows identifying contradictions that prove the necessity of justifying the strategy of
promoting a tourism product in the international market.
Scholars [7-9] note that the process of forming the Russian Federation as a full-fledged
participant of the international tourism market has already happened. In the future, the size of
the international tourism industry will be increased in the country. The development of the
tourism industry, which is increasingly integrating into the global tourism industry, is one of
the key areas of structural adjustment of the economy.
At the same time, the priority of the development of inbound tourism has a positive effect
on improving the life quality in the country, creating new job opportunities, replenishing of
state currency reserves and increasing its credibility in the international arena. At the moment,
an urgent task in the development of the Russian Federation tourism industry is the formation
of a program for promoting the Russian tourism product in international markets.

General Description. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study comprises the
abstract and logical methods, methods of induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis and
systematization – to justify the promotion of a tourism product in the international market, as
well as graphic methods – to study the level and trends of international tourism. The
information base of the article includes the statistical data of public authorities and legislative
and regulatory documents that govern the strategic aspects of tourism development [10-12].
Algorithm. During the research, it is planned to justify approaches to the development of a
strategy to promote a tourism product in the international market, to develop measures to
coordinate activities of the main participants of the tourism process and to justify the 239

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Elena Yurievna Nikolskaya, Ekaterina Arturovna Blinova, Vyacheslav Anatolievich Lepeshkin,
Ivan Petrovich Kulgachev, Irina Gennad'evna Shadskaja

provision for the formation of a strategy to ensure the development of tourism resources in the
context of globalization.
Technological Scheme. The research is planned to be carried out according to the following
scheme, where the strategy of promotion of a tourism product in the international market is
considered as a process arising from a set of various factors (Table 1).

Table 1. Technological scheme of research approaches to the development of a strategy to promote a

tourism product on the international market.
Beginning of the research
Object of management: international tourism market
Assessment of the international tourism market
Strategy of promotion of tourism product in the
international market
End of the research

Practice shows that in the process of development of the promotion strategy of a tourism
product of the Russian regions it is necessary to implement diagnostics of the external
environment of the tourism industry functioning, which will allow revealing the factors,
which positively or negatively influence the prospects of the Russian tourism product in
international markets.
The analysis of the dynamics of foreign tourists' entry into the Russian Federation during
the last period demonstrates the dependence of volumes of tourist flows on certain factors –
most often, political situation and attitude to these events in the world. Thus, the rapid
increase in the number of foreigners coming to the Russian Federation is associated with
certain events in the country, which have caused interest both directly to the events and the
country itself.
In the group of international factors, first of all, it is worth highlighting the growth in the
volume of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, which is accompanied by an increase in
the number of relationships between Russian and foreign companies. This leads to an increase
in both inbound and outbound tourist flows for business purposes, which, in turn, increases
the potential demand of foreign citizens for tourism services of Russian tourist agencies. The
prospects of the Russian tourism product in the world market are positively affected by the
growing volume of the international tourism market.
While determining the most promising tourist destinations in the Russian Federation, one
should take into account current trends in the structure of the global tourism market.
Particularly, it is possible to predict the five most promising directions of tourism
development, which have prospects for dynamic development with an increase in the share of
total international trips and contribute to the satisfaction of individual cultural and cognitive
needs of tourists: cruises, ecological, adventure, cultural, educational and thematic tourism.
A significant obstacle to the development of inbound tourism in the Russian Federation is
the lack of high-level hotels and the high price of services. At the same time, the next step in
the strategy for promoting the Russian tourism product in the international market is to
identify those tourism regions and their products that have significant potential and can be
demanded in the world market.
The results of the research of the competitive positions of the Russian Federation in the
tourism services market show that the strengths of the recreational market are: comfortable 240

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Strategy for the Promotion of a Tourism Product in the International Market

climate for recreational activities; high degree of landscape diversity, combination of

vegetation of different zones and high degree of saturation with territorial effects; best
opportunities for recreational activities throughout the year; relatively high demand for
regional services, which is expressed in the largest number of recreants and sales of
recreational services.
Weaknesses that shake the competitive position of the Russian Federation are: notable
distance from the places where the demand for recreational services is formed; monotony of
recreational supply (with a significant diversity of services, recreational enterprises mainly
offer relaxation and excursions); limited additional services (both in terms of diversity of
types and the number of firms providing them).
The next step in the process of promotion strategy creation is to identify the main rivals of
tourism products (tourism regions) of the Russian Federation in the world market and assess their
strengths and weaknesses in a competition (in terms of a number of parameters – recreational,
historical and cultural potential, degree of development of tourism infrastructure, investment
attractiveness, advertising and information activity, environmental and criminogenic situation)
(Fig. 1).
It should be noted that competitive position improvement of the Russian Federation
tourism regions on the world market is impossible without creating a new recreational product
within the tourism cluster companies, which, in combination with the existing one, would
create all the conditions for the complete satisfaction of various needs of recreants, including
foreign tourists. New or improved services are positively perceived by customers and give
companies an advantage over competitors, which helps to reduce the intensity of price
competition. At the same time, the concept "new recreational product" in some cases must be
understood as "underused recreational product".

Formation of a tourism company’s mission in the international market

Assessment of the internal and external conditions for conducting tourism business in the
international market

Usage of a tourism company’s strengths and existing opportunities for doing business in the
international market

Setting tactical goals and developing tactical plans

Management system formation and development of management processes for the promotion of a
tourism product in the international market

Figure 1. Stages of forming a tourism product promotion strategy in the international market.
Almost all types of recreational activities can take place in the tourism region, but due to
the low awareness of potential recreators and the major focus of these activities on certain
target segments, most of them cannot get proper development. 241

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Elena Yurievna Nikolskaya, Ekaterina Arturovna Blinova, Vyacheslav Anatolievich Lepeshkin,
Ivan Petrovich Kulgachev, Irina Gennad'evna Shadskaja

The analysis of the experience of managing travel agencies, both alone and in cluster
entities, shows that companies that operate successfully in the tourism industry are guided by
two strategic methods, both individually and combined. These methods are: 1) the
development of the existing tourism product: the companies that choose this variant of
strategy most often retain a steady growth of tourism sales and offers; 2) expansion of the
geography of trips and sales through the development of new tourism destinations and
expansion of offers within the existing variety.
Thus, the main strategic direction of further development of tourism clusters is a constant
expansion of the tour services portfolio, the introduction of new products to the tourism
market and the expansion of the range of available tourism services. The final step in the
development of the strategy of promotion of the Russian tourism product on the international
tourism market is the implementation of a set of commercial and communicative measures to
provide information support of its entry in the world market.
The key role in this process should be given to representative offices of state tourism
organizations abroad. The establishment of such structures will increase the economic
efficiency of the tourism industry and foreign currency revenues to the state budget. Tourist
representation abroad is an effective system of promotion of the national tourism product in
the international market, advertising of tourist opportunities of the Russian Federation,
expansion of relations with tourist departments and companies of the host country, as well as
the establishment of direct contacts of Russian tourism companies with foreign partners.
The necessity to create a tourism representative structure is also due to the possibility to
attract more foreign tourists to the Russian Federation, to protect the rights and interests of
Russian tourism companies and tourists abroad and to attract foreign investment in the
tourism industry of the country.
It is worth noting that a very important tool to promote the Russian tourism product in the
international market is participation in specialized international tourism exhibitions. The
experience of participation in tourism exhibitions shows that they are one of the most
important elements of the marketing system of a tourism company. At the same time, several
tasks are solved at once: market analysis, advertising, establishment of personal contacts with
partners and clients; issues of service variety management or its correction, directions of
improvement of offer quality; issues of price formation, possible discounts on prices,
crediting of buyers, mutual settlements; search for new partners through sales channels.
The promotion of a tourism product both in the internal Russian and international markets
of tourism services is impossible without appropriate information and advertising support.
The main directions of information technologies development in the tourist sphere include
information infrastructure, databases, sites and portals of tourism profile on the Internet,
electronic marketing, advertising, automation of activity of tourist organizations and tourism
An important element of the management system of a tourism product promotion in the
international market is the organization of sales of services via the Internet. It should be noted
that this is a rather new channel of tourism services sales for Russian companies, which was
set up due to the active development and use of information technologies by tourism
At the same time, world experience shows that the tourism industry is one of the largest
consumers of telecommunication technologies, which owns one of the highest levels of
computer equipment in the business world. Partly, this is a result of the nature of the
information that is used in the travel industry. First, this information is very time-sensitive, as
different dates (events, schedules, etc.) change very often. Second, information about tourism 242

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Strategy for the Promotion of a Tourism Product in the International Market

products from different parts of the world must be accessible in time. Third, a tourism product
consists of a significant number of components, which also require fast delivery of
information to coordinate the supply at a sufficient level.
According to our research, the perspective direction of tourism development is its
development with the use of possibilities of the Internet. Tourism is developing rapidly: from
year to year the number of tourists is growing, companies are expanding their business and in
a competitive environment attracting new technologies for its development. With the spread
of Internet technologies in the Russian Federation, the number of tourism companies that have
their sites is increasing. Travel companies and portals occupy high positions in ratings and
specialized software for tourist organizations appears on the market, which is designed to
optimize their work and expand their opportunities.
Meanwhile, it is impossible to work effectively in a modern, highly competitive
international market, which is saturated with goods, without systematic and comprehensive
measures to create demand and stimulate sales. If the demand formation measures are related
to the goods introduced into the market, the system of sales stimulation is related to the
tourism products, about which the buyers already have some knowledge, due to the
introductive advertising and their own experience.
The main task, in this case, is to encourage the purchase of as many tourism products as
possible: to make regular purchases, to order large amounts of tourism products at once. Both
categories of events in international markets are planned and implemented within the
communication policy of tourism companies. Besides, direct advertisement, printed mass
media, printed advertisement, video advertisement, outdoor advertisement and motor vehicle
advertisement can be the channels of communication about tourism product.
However, the advertising message includes the contents of the appeal to the target
audience. When developing an advertising message in international tourism markets, the
following points must be taken into account: what information should be transmitted to the
audience (choice of message function); how to make a message (whether to draw clear
conclusions or leave ambiguities (choice of message structure)); in what order to transmit the
message (conclusions first, then information or vice versa (choice of order of message
Among the most accessible and effective tools of international communication policy,
especially when selling tourism products, are direct mail advertising. Unlike conventional
advertising that reaches out to anonymous consumers, direct advertising is always targeted. A
tourism agency creates a database of existing and potential consumers and communicates with
them while providing a feedback channel. The main success factors of direct advertising are
as follows: addressability, timeliness, description of the tourism product.

To sum up, it can be stated that the Russian Federation as an independent entity of
international economic activity remains insufficiently involved in international tourism
processes. However, the features of its geographical location, favorable climate, unique
natural and recreational resources and a significant number of historical and cultural
monuments create opportunities for intensive development of many types of tourism.
A prerequisite for further development of tourism following the trends of the international
market of tourism services is to attract advanced achievements of the most developed tourism
industries to the international legislative and regulatory framework of tourism. Besides, the
implementation of quality standards of tourism services, progressive technologies and
methods of professional development of tourism personnel and the practice of the formation 243

Electronic copy available at:

Elena Yurievna Nikolskaya, Ekaterina Arturovna Blinova, Vyacheslav Anatolievich Lepeshkin,
Ivan Petrovich Kulgachev, Irina Gennad'evna Shadskaja

of organizational and economic mechanisms of the efficient functioning of the tourism

industry are effective.
Therefore, an urgent task in the development of the tourism industry is the formation of a
strategy to promote the tourism product to international markets, which highlights the
following stages: the diagnosis of the external environment of the functioning of the tourism
industry, the identification of tourism regions and tourism products, which are of high priority
to promote, the formation of a strategy to promote the tourism regions to international
markets and the implementation of measures to promote the tourism product.

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