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1. Discuss in twenty (20) sentences the work behavior of women in senior and executive positions in
hospitality industry; and, the influence of gender diversity in the boardrooms and in financial the firm’s
financial performance.

 Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, women have made important gains in representation, and
especially in senior leadership. But the pandemic continues to take a toll. Women are now
significantly more burned out—and increasingly more so than men. In the past, many women have
struggled to find acceptance in the workplace because of societal expectations and stereotypes.
However, women have made enormous strides in several formerly male-dominated industries and
are excelling in leadership roles. While gender equality has made notable strides, female
entrepreneurs still face challenges, and women in leadership roles often encounter more scrutiny,
and are judged more harshly, than their male counterparts. In fact, women leaders often say they
must work twice as hard to earn the same respect as men. The path forward is clear. Companies
need to take bold steps to address burnout. They need to recognize and reward the women
leaders who are driving progress. And they need to do the deep cultural work required to create a
workplace where all women feel valued.

2. Explain in eighty (80) sentences the following:

 Future equality of Women in the post COVID-19 world. As we enter a third year of COVID-19 and
work toward a post-pandemic era, true recovery must be gender equal. As Covid-19 continues to
affect lives and livelihoods around the world, we can already see that the pandemic and its
economic fallout are having a regressive effect on gender equality. By our calculation, women’s
jobs are 1.8 times more vulnerable to this crisis than men’s jobs. Women make up 39 percent of
global employment but account for 54 percent of overall job losses. One reason for this greater
effect on women is that the virus is significantly increasing the burden of unpaid care, which is
disproportionately carried by women. This, among other factors, means that women’s employment
is dropping faster than average, even accounting for the fact that women and men work in different

 Help needed by women to succeed in business. Gender equality and inclusivity becoming policy.
For many of forward-thinking organizations, gender equality is becoming a matter of policy,
whether it’s committing to equal representation of women in the boardroom or hiring diversity
officers. Entrepreneurship as the path to leadership. For a growing number of women, the fastest
route to the c-suite is launching their own business. In the United States, the number women-
owned businesses have increased 74% over the past 20 years—1.5 times the national average.
Today’s start-up culture empowers women to be their own boss and pay their own salary, defining
how they want to work and making the balance of career and family life easier. Entrepreneurship
presents a path for women to close the pay gap and rise to leadership positions, on their own
terms. Strengthening credentials with a business degree. To stand out in a competitive job market,
many women hone the knowledge and expertise they need through a business degree. The
number of women enrolling in business school is steadily on the rise. Whether it’s undergraduate
study, an MBA, EMBA, or Masters degree, business school offers a valuable platform for women to
become subject-matter experts, practice leadership skills, and gain the confidence they need to
step into the boardroom.

 Women as career beginner in hospitality industry. The hospitality industry has been traditionally
male dominated partly because of the culture and nature of the industry, where job opportunities
are more versatile and require senior executives to be flexible with relocation options," said Rainy
Chan, general manager of the Peninsula Hong Kong. "For female hoteliers, they often face the
dilemma of having to make a choice between family and career, and most of the time, the former
always wins the power struggle. Breaking through the glass ceiling certainly isn’t unique to the
hospitality industry and the good news is that there has been significant progress. Compared to
twenty or thirty years ago, it is now much easier for women to obtain leadership roles and career
opportunities are more plentiful. Technological advances have also helped. It is becoming easier
for women to get into more senior management roles as the hospitality industry has become keenly
aware of women’s abilities to lead and there are examples for the younger female population which
makes up more than 50% of the workforce (particularly in the Asia Pacific)," says Hou.
"Additionally, as the hospitality sector is growing at a rapid pace, the industry has to consider both
male and female candidates equally for positions that traditionally have been dominated by men.

 Leadership style to support women in the company. Despite women’s capability and desire to lead,
their transcendence to leadership has not occurred. Inequality remains in terms of pay, career
advancement, and career satisfaction. Research not only quantifies the positive impact women
have on a company’s bottom line, but also points to women’s effective approach in business today.
Today’s difficult economic times requires improved risk-taking, long-term visioning, and less hyper-
competitiveness. Women’s leadership style is transformational as they tend to place higher value
on collaboration including working together effectively, sharing ideas and information, and
integrating the best ideas possible. - Economic impact - Women play a crucial role in keeping the
economy afloat. Women are amongst the most highly educated and have natural abilities to lead,
account for 52 percent of the population, nearly 50 percent of the workforce, and 83 percent of all
consumer purchasing decisions. - Productivity - Women not employed to their full potential
represent productivity gaps. Addressing this issue can help businesses to increase their
productivity and competitive

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