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“Description Of An Excursion”


Wawat Srinawati, M.Pd.

Arranged by 4th Group :

Ardiansyah Nurdiarto
Siti Maesaroh
Sri Maryani




First of all, let’s say Alhamdulillahirabbil’alaamiin to Allah SWT. because of His

blessing we could finish this paper as assignment of English For Tourism course. Sholawat and
Salam we send to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW. who has brought us from the darkness
to the brightness.

Thank to Allah SWT for helping us to finish this paper timely. And we would like to say
thank you to Mrs. Wawat Srinawati, M.Pd. as the lecturer that always teaches and give us

This papertitled ” Description Of An Excursion”. In completing this paper, we faced

many problems, but with the help of many people, all the problems could be passed. May Allah
SWT give the blessing for all parties. The author realizes that this paper still needs improvement
and has many deficiencies in the arrangement and explanation. We accept all forms of criticism
and reader suggestions for improving the paper. If there are many mistakes in this paper, we


A. Features of excursion tours. Types of excursions in tourism Basic concepts of

excursion tourism

The excursion is a method of expanding one's horizons. The purpose of attending this event is to
gain knowledge about a particular subject, place or event. Due to the breadth of the concept of
excursion activities, there are many types of excursions, into which they are subdivided
according to some characteristic features. The word "excursion" originated from Latin and means
a walk or a trip. This term means an individual walk or a trip to notable places of interest from a
scientific, educational or entertainment point of view. There are three elements involved in the
excursion: and the object (or subject) of the excursion.

B. History

The first excursions, according to many historians, include pilgrimage trips to holy places. Sports
excursions include the Olympics in Ancient Greece... But only at the beginning of the twentieth
century excursion activity became an independent direction. The development of transport
routes, tourism largely contributed to this. The upper classes were given the opportunity to travel
freely to different parts of the world, as well as send their children to study in other countries.
Simultaneously with travel, educational excursion activities with children began to be carried
out. Their main purpose was to familiarize students with environment, that is, they were different
kinds excursions to nature. At the same time, the active development of excursion activities was
born and led to the formation of various companies involved in organizing and conducting

C. Rules for choosing excursion tours

1. You need to determine the direction of your planned trip and find out which operators are
represented in this segment of the tourism industry.
2. Analyze price offers and here, both too cheap and expensive tours do not guarantee the
high quality of the services provided. The fact is that the activity of the so-called. fly-by-
night firms that actually have nothing to do with the tourism industry.
3. Before deciding on the choice of a travel agency, it is worth asking for reviews of
customers who have already been served by this company.

Thus, today excursion tours can diversify our life and bring many positive emotions, evoking
only pleasant memories. Among the many types of tourism, excursion tourism can be called the
most interesting and informative. The concept of an excursion, at one time had a completely
different meaning - a military raid, a runout. In our language, the concept of an excursion
appeared in the 18th-19th centuries and was already interpreted as a trip, a walk, i.e. collective
visit to some sights.

If you look a little into the history of tourism, then we can say that excursion tourism is
exactly as old as the whole of humanity. But as historical information shows, the excursion
business is more than 100 years old. The purpose of the excursions is not much different from
the modern ones. So, excursions to the Olympics were organized in Greece. Later, due to the
influence of religion, pilgrimage excursions to shrines appeared. In Russia, Peter I organized
grand tours for the nobility, the purpose of which was to raise the cultural level and raise the
level of education. But in those distant times, only wealthy people could afford to buy an
excursion tour. The first tourist office was opened in London in 1852, and the founder was
Thomas Cook. The first transatlantic flight took place in 1958.

The first information about excursion tourism in Russia appeared in the second half of the
18th century. The first organizer of the excursion activities was the Decembrist I. Yakushenko.
While in exile, he worked as a school for girls, who organized excursions and summer hikes for
them. The increased interest in excursions gave impetus to the organization of the first excursion
commissions, bureaus, committees. This interest fell on the 10th year of the twentieth century.
Such is short review development of excursion tourism. What has changed in modern tourism?
Of course, these are great opportunities - improvement transport links, financial opportunity, as
well as an improvement in the political situation (many states have canceled visa regime).
Everyone who is not indifferent to the history, culture of not only their own country, but also
wondering how people from other countries lived and live, by the way, excursion tourism and
everything connected with it is suitable. Why do most people prefer excursions over the
opportunity to lie on the warm sand and splash in overseas waters? There can be any number of
reasons. Some want to replenish the collection of souvenirs and photographs with their
participation, others to touch eternity, but some want to study countries according to their
gastronomic preferences. No matter how strange it may sound, it is precisely such goals that give
the right to classify excursions into types. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Modern excursion tourism is gaining momentum. But with all the popularity of such tourism,
it is worth noting one feature. After many states have canceled the visa regime and provide
affordable tours, our compatriots rushed to comprehend other worlds that they had previously
seen in the movies or in pictures. Some tourists manage to visit several countries at once in a
short period of time. On the one hand, this is good, but among lovers of antiquity there are those
who chase a large number of excursions, moreover, one trip. As a rule, such tourists come tired
of the abundance of information and the loads that fall upon them. The human brain is so
arranged that at some stage it simply stops receiving information, and each of us has a different
threshold of perception. There are some restrictions on excursions. It turns out that being
overweight (if you wear size 56 clothes) is also enemy number one in this matter. Too tall can
become a problem when traveling by bus (during a long trip, there is a problem where to put
your feet). A certain age is also a limitation for sightseeing trips - if you are deeply over seventy
or a small passenger is less than five years old.

And now is the time to talk about what excursions are. By the number of participants -
collective and individual. By age - children, adults, mixed. At the venue - in your own city, out
of town, in other cities, states. By time, excursions can be calculated for one or several days. By
the way of movement - transport and pedestrian.

D.Talking About Future Plants and Intentions

 Intentions

An intention is something that we would like to do in the future. These are general plans for the
future. When we are talking about an intention, we have not taken specific, concrete steps to
achieve the action. We are just talking about something that we hope to do in the future. When
we want to talk about our intentions in the future, we must use the future with going to. This is
the most correct way to talk about general plans for the future.

Correct: Someday, I'm going to learn how to dance!

Incorrect: Someday, I will learn how to dance!

We don't generally use the simple future with will to talk about intentions. The best way to talk
about intentions is with the future with going to.

 Arrangements

An arrangement is a specific plan that we have for the future. We have taken real steps to be
sure we achieve this plan. For example, we have called to reserve a table at a restaurant or we
have bought a plane ticket. When we are talking about arrangements, we use the present

Correct: I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. I made the appointment last

Incorrect: I will see my doctor tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. I made the appointment last

Because we have made an appointment with the doctor, this is an arrangement. We must use
the present progressive to talk about arrangements, not the simple future with will.

The difference between an intention and an arrangement is the amount of planning we have
done. If we only have a general idea of something we would like to do in the future, it is an
intention. In this case, we must use the future with going to. If we have specific plans,
reservations, or an appointment, we are talking about an arrangement. In this case, we must use
the present progressive.

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